2020), as well as paper/cardboard (Duan et al. 1587 0 obj
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After imposing of curfew and lockdown, the number of daily SARS-CoV-2 confirmed cases reduced gradually. Of the participants, 70.1% claimed that they had not been educated on how e-waste poses a serious environmental problem, and 88.35% were willing to take part in managing waste after developing a proper understanding. bibliometric analysis The MSW management was affected directly by the routine human activities during the COVID-19 pandemic (Tripathi et al. Service in restaurants and cafes is limited to external requests. Periodical cleaning and disinfection of the compactor vehicles should be applied continually in Makkah, to minimize the suitable media for growth and multiplication of all pathogens through the uncleaned MSW compactors. Suspension of specific vehicles and operating compactor vehicles only during the pandemic may lower the potential of spread of infection by COVID-19 through the surveyed streets; it is also advised to increase the thickness of sediments used as a daily cover for the compacted MSW at the disposal sites (landfill). 0000003894 00000 n
The effects of temperature and relative humidity on the viability of the SARS coronavirus. There is a high potential risk of the COVID-19 spreading through the contaminated SW surfaces (Nghiem et al. The COVID-19 pandemic has posed a major environmental impact, having direct impacts on enhancing the air quality levels around the world due to minimizing the traffic activities during the lockdown, and on the operational tasks of MSW management (ISWA 2020). Before 2014). corrupt Changing the routine daily activities of the people during the COVID-19 crisis had direct impact on the MSW management (Tripathi et al. MSW management guidelines should be updated periodically, according to the nature and epidemiological pattern of the current and any another future pandemic. Mazzanti M, Zoboli R. Waste generation, waste disposal and policy effectiveness: evidence on decoupling from the European Union. 2020). Periodic cleaning of the streets and plastic and metallic containers, as well as wearing full PPE and abiding by other safety and health measures as precautionary means in the work environment for MSW pickers and handlers; adapting and modulating the frequency of collection of MSW according to specific needs, and raising the skills of workers, in terms of health precautions related to MSW management systems; providing disinfectants to the pickers and handlers of MSW throughout the operational time; developing an operational system and saving time gaps for MSW workers, in order to avoid direct contact between workers; and the suspension of MSW transfer stations of MSW, in order to minimize the potential of infection by COVID-19, Sorting, segregation, and storage of COVID-19 waste (PPE waste, disinfectant, and cleaning solutions), which must be separated from general quarantine sites; periodical medical investigations of the MSW pickers, drivers, and workers at disposal sites, in order to minimize the potential of infection by COVID-19. Our findings revealed that the pre-pandemic rates of classification for the collected fourteen solid waste samples, as average rates, were as follows: organic matters, 48%; plastics, 25%; paper and cardboard, 20%; metals, 4%; glass, 2%; textiles, 1%; and wood, 1%. Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as the waste compositional analysis, waste recycling and waste accumulation index, prevention activities, and awareness activities were used to measure the environmental performance level in an area, in the framework of waste strategy development (Loizia et al. Survival characteristics of airborne human coronavirus 229E. Municipal solid waste management during COVID-19 pandemic: effects and repercussions. hb```b``a`c` @1E#,~B5tRbGN%O*0 N!Z\,:bsn9$# Casanova LM, Jeon S, Rutala WA, Weber DJ, Sobsey MD. This disease is now known as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). All MSW samples weighed in a range of 412 Kg, based on waste management characterization guidance (EPA 2002). 0000014480 00000 n
2020). The people who were obliged to quarantine had a private room and bathroom available, such that no one had contact with them, and their waste was placed in sealed bags and sterilized before leaving the room, in order to avoid the spread of infection (MoH 2020). So that, PPE waste represents threats to human health and may facilitate the spread of the disease via different routes of exposure. Experimentally, SARS-CoV-2 could survive for more than 2 days on inoculated stainless steel, plastic, ceramics, glass, wood, surgical masks, paper, cotton, and latex gloves (Liu et al. This led to fear regarding the possible spread of infection through MSW collection, transportation, and disposal systems. The mismanagement of municipal solid waste during the COVID-19 pandemic may lead to many environmental and health problems, especially in the outdoor environment, such as viral environmental contamination and facilitating disease transmission. The MSW should be collected on a fastfrequent periodical basis, due to the dominant humid and hot weather conditions in Makkah (Khan and Alghafari. The pandemic-stage components of MSW were compared to those in pre-pandemic conditions. Implementing additional health precautionary measures in several residential districts in Jeddah, by preventing entry to or exit from them and curfew in them over a 24-h period, Starting the travel procedures for Umrah performers who are late to leave from King Abdulaziz international Airport in Jeddah. MSW generated from quarantine sites should be sorted, segregated, and stored separately from the general medical waste at the point of generation. 2021a). Concerning the PPE from the commercial food centers of Makkah, some practices were indicated, during COVID-19, related to MSW management and focused on providing specific bins for collecting used face masks, gloves, and disinfectant containers, in order to make sure they were not mixed with the generated MSW (Figure (Figure77). 0 I^ `@Qt`!n@,tK@AgkB|4_12^hh{4,\ ah,(pA#QA)j&
" The current research paper discussed the global hierarchy system of MSW management according to the priorities (reduce, reuse, recycle, recover, and disposal) and recommendations of all the related agencies (ISWA 2020; OSHA 2020). Available online: Kampf G, Todt D, Pfaender S, Steinmann E. Persistence of coronaviruses on inanimate surfaces and their inactivation with biocidal agents. 0000001667 00000 n
Effects of air temperature and relative humidity on coronavirus survival on surfaces. endstream
First Edition April. Available online: Duan SM, Zhao XS, Wen RF, Huang JJ, Pi GH, Zhang SX, Han J, Bi SL, Ruan L, Dong XP, SARS Research Team Stability of SARS coronavirus in human specimens and environment and its sensitivity to heating and UV irradiation. Bin for collecting used PPE from commercial food centers in Makkah. 2015; Kampf et al. During the COVID-19 lockdown, a field characterization study was conducted using a total of eight samples, with a weight ranging between 22 and 47 Kg, for a group of households distributed in the central districts in Makkah, in order to assess the rates of main MSW components; this indicated the average rates of classification as follows: organic matters, 57%; plastics, 31%; paper and cardboard, 9%; metals, 1%; glass, 1%; and wood, 1% (see Figure Figure22). 2020). Preventing congregational prayers in mosques, except for the Two Holy Mosques, Suspending prayer and being in the two holy mosques, especially on Fridays. Electronic waste (e-waste) management is currently a priority, especially in economically developing nations, because improper waste disposal leads to economic loss and negative impacts on environment and public health. Copyright 2022 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. The present study identified the critical points of the potential of infection in the MSW system during the COVID-19 pandemic in Makkah. Finally, the practices of MSW management during the COVID-19 pandemic in Makkah were suggested. A specific guidance plan for MSW management during the COVID-19 pandemic was developed for handlers, pickers, collection, transportation, transfer stations, and MSW disposal. Klemes et al. Loizia P, Voukkali I, Chatziparaskeva G, Pedreo JN, Zorpas AA. Traditional MSW collection procedure in Makkah. This research was funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research at Umm Al-Qura University, grant number 20-ENG-4-13-0001. The authors would like to express their great thanks to the Deanship of Scientific Research at Umm Al-Qura University for supporting this research work by Grant Code: (20-ENG-4-13-0001). 0000005569 00000 n
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Such a guidance plan may play a great role in controlling the pandemic. Smart Waste Report European Union (2020) COVID-19 and municipal waste management 2020. 0000004118 00000 n
Some PPE waste is discarded into the environment rather than going to incinerators and landfills. Back to normal life in all regions and cities of the KSA as before the curfew period, except for Makkah, with full compliance with preventive health instructions and social distancing, Gradually moving back to the normal management system of MSW. Such PPE may carry the causative virus and act as a source of infection. Peer review under responsibility of Ain Shams University. Plastic waste associated with the COVID-19 pandemic: crisis or opportunity? Ijaz MK, Brunner AH, Sattar SA, Nair RC, Johnson-Lussenburg CM. Warnes SL, Little ZR, Keevil CW. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Handling the disinfectants and cleaning solutions as contaminated MSW. The findings of the current study revealed that the hierarchical system of MSW was modified under the pandemic conditions, where organic and plastic components were increased, and paper/cardboard and glass components were decreased as well as the high potential risk of COVID-19 during MSW handling collection, transportation, and disposal. This culminated in the enactment of the national environment strategy, formalized by the national plan to confront natural disasters, and the establishment of the Saudi Health Council, in order to ensure better health and to reduce the rates of diseases, disability, pandemics, and death, in addition to coordination and integration between health authorities and others to ensure a distinguished public health level. 611 0 obj
In addition, the paper presents a practical e-waste management approaches and concepts; like Value-Belief Norm and Extended Producer Responsibility might be implemented and used in tomorrow's Saudi. Learn more These implemented actions and curfew lead to a direct/indirect impact on the status of MSW, regarding the generation rates, characterization, and disposal of MSW as described in Table Table1,1, wherein the generated MSW from commercial centers, schools, universities, wedding halls, hotels, visitors housing, restaurants, and cafes was decreased, in addition to decreasing of the generation of plastic cups and water bottles from mosques. MSW characterization in Makkah was discussed before and during the COVID-19 lockdown on a daily basis and sorted in situ households and ended with the proposed MSW guidance plans. The potential of infection by the virus through MSW calls for the development of alternative and specific guidance plans, as well as for the updating of policies and guidelines for municipal solid waste management (MSWM), considering MSW workers, handling, collection, transportation, and disposal of the MSW mixed with PPE (e.g., gloves and face masks) during the COVID-19 pandemic and future pandemics, to ensure the safe management of MSW and to minimize the related infection risks. COVID-19 may further spread through municipal solid waste (MSW), if it is collected, handled, transported, or disposed in an improper way. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the major priorities for MSW management were (1) ensuring the proper management of SW facilities (i.e., treatment and disposal facilities); (2) strict adjustments to recycling facilities, in order to prevent the potential of infections and cross-contamination; and (3) confirming that the medical waste from quarantine hospitals and centers is treated and managed in a safe manner (ISWA 2020), where it is managed as medical wastes. An official website of the United States government. Box 6287, Makkah, 21955 Saudi Arabia, 3Geophysics Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt, 4Infectious Diseases, Department of Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Assiut University, Assiut, 71526 Egypt. For commercial centers handling mixed waste (masks, gloves, tissues, and disposable cloths collected with MSW), the bins must have a pedal, two or more sealed bags should be used, and recyclables and biowaste should be combined with mixed waste. 0000004870 00000 n
On June 21, curfews were lifted through a three-phase program enacted throughout the country, except Makkah city (MoM 2020). 0000004224 00000 n
The suspension of specific vehicles and operating compactor vehicles only, Increasing the thickness of sediments that are used as a daily cover for the compacted MSW at the disposal sites (landfill). Media Reports, 2020. <> In addition to the establishment of the Saudi Patient Safety Center (SPSC), which contributed to increasing the percentage of hospitals that achieved the American average for measured patient safety culture from 30% in 2018 to 60% in 2019, the Kingdom topped the list of Arab countries, in terms of the Global Health Security Index, in 2019 and was ranked 47th globally. Abdulaziz I. Almulhim is an assistant professor in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University in Saudi Arabia. 2003) and latex gloves and gowns (Lai et al. The use of personal protective equipment (PPE) during the COVID-19 pandemic was increased drastically. Strategy development in the framework of waste management. 0000065113 00000 n
ys] R,->GM. Human coronavirus 229E remains infectious on common touch surface materials. 0000056154 00000 n
Dr Almulhim obtained a Master's degree from the University of Colorado Denver, USA in 2015, and he obtained a Bachelors degree from Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University (formerly Dammam University). 0000028921 00000 n
MDS (Ministere De La Sante) (2020) Direction DE LEpideniologie Et De Lute Contre Les Malladies; Royaume Du Maroc; Epidmie du COVID-19 au Maroc. MSW may play a great role in the spread of COVID-19 in the outdoor environment, as the disease can be transmitted through contaminated surfaces and hands. Biryukov J, Boydston JA, Dunning RA, Yeager JJ, Wood S, Reese AL, Ferris A, Miller D, Weaver W, Zeitouni NE, Phillips A, Freeburger D, Hooper I, Ratnesar-Shumate S, Yolitz J, Krause M, Williams G, Dawson DG, Herzog A, Dabisch P, Wahl V, Hevey MC, Altamura LA. It can stay for up to 7 days on surgical mask surfaces at 22C and 65% RH (Chin et al. 2020), which indicated that COVID-19 could remain on different surfaces for different periods of time, summarized as follows: 3 h in aerosols, 72 h on plastics, 48 h on steel surfaces, 4 h on copper, and 24 h on cardboard. hbbd```b``n X$D2= ;lC
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COVID-19, Guidance plan, Municipal solid waste, Makkah, Saudi Arabia. The reduce concept cannot be applied during the pandemic due to the increase in organic waste as a direct result of people working and studying at their homes. On-demand MSW services for the specific sites of gardens and bulky waste, Periodic cleaning of the streets and plastic and metallic containers, The pickers and handlers of MSW during COVID-19 and future pandemics should wear full PPE and take other safety and health measures as precautionary means in their work environment as displayed and ordered in Figure, Modulating the frequency of collection of MSW, according to specific needs, Online training for MSW personnel, in order to increase the skills related to health precautions related to MSW management systems, Providing disinfectants to the pickers and handlers of MSW throughout the operational time, Developing an operational system and designing time gaps for MSW workers, in order to avoid direct contact between workers, Periodical medical investigations of MSW pickers, drivers, and workers at disposal sites.
0000002179 00000 n
Available online: Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Centre (2021) COVID-19 dashboard by the Centre for Systems Science and Engineering. Previous studies have suggested that other coronaviruses, such as SARS-CoV, can survive on non-porous surfaces for up to 910 days (Casanova et al. In indoor environmental conditions (at room temperature, 24C), SARS-CoV-2 may persist for hours to days on different kinds of contaminated surfaces (stainless steel, plastic, or nitrile glove). The elements that can affect the management of MSW during COVID-19 and future pandemics can be summarized as follows: the pickers of MSW (i.e., MSW handlers), plastic bins, metallic containers, specific vehicles, transfer stations, compactor vehicles, and disposal (see Figure Figure8).8). In the western region of Saudi Arabia (Makkah and Madinah cities), it was indicated that almost all SARS-CoV-2 infection occurs among the households within the indoor environment (Habeebullah et al. Kulkarni NB, Anantharama V. Repercussions of COVID-19 pandemic on municipal solid waste management: challenges and opportunities. The first SARS-CoV-2 infected case was confirmed by the Saudi Ministry of Health on 2 March 2020. It has been revealed that SARS-CoV-2 can survive on various kinds of surfaces, for 2 h up to 9 days, such as plastic, steel, PVC, aluminum, metal, wood, ceramic, Teflon, and glass (Kampf et al. Liu Y, Li T, Deng Y, Liu S, Zhang D, Li H, Wang X, Jia L, Han J, Bei Z, Zhou Y, Li L, Li J. Until the 20th of June 2021, the number of the global confirmed cases was 178,268,289 and the number of global deaths was 3,861,485, while on the local level, the number of infected cases in Saudi Arabia was 474,191 with 7,677 deaths (Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Centre 2021). The generated MSW from quarantine sites (homes, hotels), except that which is medical waste-related (e.g., safety face masks, gloves, and other disposable items), should be treated as normal MSW after the necessary measures are taken (e.g., double-bagging, tying properly, and 2/3 of capacity). 69 0 obj
SARS-CoV-2 can persist on plastic and metal surfaces for 72 h at 2123C and 40% RH (van Doremalen et al.
0), as well as paper/cardboard (