His PhD degree is from Technische Universitt Dresden. degrees from Tsinghua University in 1998 and 2001, respectively, China and his Ph.D. from NTU in 2006. He is known as a key expert in feed spacer design in water research, a critical component in most water desalination technologies. Visa Information | To provide vibrant platform for oral presentations, To Provide Networking opportunities with eminent scientists, To provide friendly environment to present ideas, To help to grow their skills, broaden their horizon, To strengthen inter-disciplinary integration, The work must be predominately that of the student, The topic must fit into scientific sessions of the conference, Each individual participant is allowed to submit only one paper, None of the authors should have senior position or faculty position, Best poster award will be given to the outstanding poster presentation, The prize consists of a certificate and $400, Best oral award will be given to the outstanding presentation. Note:we offer a 10% discount for each conference participant, For More Details:https://www.mdpi.com/journal/materials, 33 Market Point Dr,Greenville,SC 29607,USA, Email : In addition, he is Guest Editor for a special issue of the Journal of Composites Sciences. Dr. Omid has contributed to two PETRONAS Research Sdn Bhd industrial catalyst projects and worked on an international Airbus R&D project in NANOCAT. printing, Nano3D printing, printing materials, 4D printing etc. He directly joined the Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH, formerly Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, as project engineer and specialist for characterization of power beam welded metals.
His research interests include additive manufacturing, mechanics of materials, and modelling and design for sustainable materials. His research started with the development ofdesign methods and geometric modellingof 3D printable scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering. Join us as a Sponsor and avail the following benefits: Raise your brand awareness and create preference, Advertise your range of products and services, Build brand positioning through associative imagery, On behalf of the organizing committee, it is my pleasure to
He uses 3D printing technologies to rapidly prototype filtration components and modules, resulting in several patents and publications in highly reputable international journals. Also, he has hands-on experience and passed several pieces of training on handling different types of equipment which are being widely used for material synthesis, characterization and performance evaluation. He has participated in many international and national conferences and symposiums linked to Civil Engineering and new technologies (GIS, Remote Sensing, and Geosciences). Committee | She published several papers on these topics since the beginning of her thesis. He has supervised one Phd Scholar, eight post graduate dissertations and currently guiding four PhD research scholars at Chandigarh University. Besides, he is co-inventor of 4 patentsand lecturer in Master and Doctoral courses in national and foreign universities. Dr. Omid Akbarzadeh Pivehzhani is working with Nanotechnology and Catalysis Research Centre since 2016. Inst.
Oral Presentations consist of Plenary, Keynote and a series of Invited Talks with specific time durations. Copenhagen is the epitome of Scandi cool. since 2018. Numerical simulation of metal forming processes for the manufacturing industry such as metal casting for foundry processes, EB welding, Additive Manufacturing (AM) by metal deposition and Frictional Stir Welding (FSW). He has a teaching experience of over 23 years in various leading institutions. Dr. Karin Ratschbacher obtained her PhD from the Montanuniversity Leoben in Austria for inventing and upscaling an industrial process to recycle Molybdenum, Niobium, Rhenium and Tungsten alloys, used in sputter targets. The region has a dense collection of universities, hospitals and companies within Biotech, Medtech and Pharma with a focus on research and development. Dr. Ylmaz received his Ph.D Degree in 2018 from Gebze Technical University, Material Sceince and Engineering Department. 3D Printing allows easy fabrication of multifaceted shapes, many of which cannot be shaped by any other manufacturing method.
He received d Ph.D. from the University of Missouri Columbia in 2015. He has published many ISI papers; book chapters and has two approved and granted patents. He also awarded a PhD in the field of Mechanical Engineering & 3D Printing technology at the University of Portsmouth (UK). Dr. Andrei Sleptchenko is an Associate Professor at the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Khalifa University and a member of the Khalifa University Research Center on Digital Supply Operations Management. Materials is a peer-reviewed, open access journal of materials science and engineering published semimonthly online by MDPI. He is the Advisory Board Member of ASEM Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems, He is currently serving as Guest Editor of Coatings since 2018 and served as Guest Editor of Advanced Composites Letters. Prof Li has recently been recognised as Australias top researcher in metallurgy in 2020 again. Her thesis described the biofabrication of autologous 3D scaffolds prepared using platelet and leukocytes-rich plasma, hyaluronic acid and mesenchymal stem cells derived from human adipose tissue (hMSCs) aiming applications in bone and cartilageregeneration. He is also a recipient of a number of awards and recognitions for his outstanding contributions in field. He received several honors and awards such as the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Award of the German ResearchFoundation, an ERC-Advanced Grant and a Proof-of-Concept Grant of the European Research Council, the ISMANAMSenior Scientist Award, the Hsun Lee Lecture Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,the DGM Georg-Sachs-Prize, theTHERMEC 2021 Distinguished Award and the IAAM Advanced Materials Award etc. Dr. Marco Curtoreceived a BSc (Biomedical engineering), MSc (Biomechanics) degree from the University of Bologna, Cesena. in 3 CNRS Labs. He has published over 50 technical papers in referred scientific journals in this research area. degree in mechanical engineering from Yldz Technical University in 2012. Member of the Spanish Society for Numerical Methods in Engineering (SEMNI) since 1999. He has co-authored 5 books, 3 book chapters. Carolin Krner, born 1967 in Nuremberg, studied physics at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) from 1986-1991. degree in mechanical engineering from Istanbul Technical University in 2016. His areas of interests are Fabric formation, Fabric design, Technical textiles, Textile science, Textile chemical processing and nano textile finishes. in 1989, M.Sc.
During study (1990) were visiting scholar in the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. Dr.Khaled Mohamed Khedher is currently Assistant Professorin Civil Engineering Department, in College of Engineering at King Khalid Universitysince 2018. He has more than 12 years of experience in research and teaching at graduate and post graduate level. Its time to meet again! His primary research interests are Decision Support, Operations Research, Digitalization of Maintenance Logistics, Business Data Analytics. 1991 Present - Leading Researcher, Head of Laboratory, Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Russian Academy of Sciences. Metal. Thereby we think the concept of a safe face
Dr. Shirizly is highly involved in AEAI (The Association of Engineers, Architects and Graduates in Technological Sciences in Israel) in the Laser forming technology group, the Welding group and active as the chief technologist in the Additive Manufacturing branch. It is a great pleasure to announce that The Scientistt will host the Global Summit on 3D Printing & Additive Manufacturing (3DPrinting-2022) will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark during June 13-15, 2022. Manuel Belmonte received his Ph.D. degree (1995) in Chemistry from University Autnoma of Madrid, Spain, developing ceramic matrix composites with improved tribological and mechanical properties at the Institute of Ceramics and Glass (ICV-CSIC), Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).
Civil Engineer and MCs in Structural Analysis (Politcnico di Milano,1994) Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos (Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya - UPC, 2004) D. degree as Dr. Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos (UPC, 1999) Position: Tenured Professor of Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis (Dep. He was awarded as a Distinguished Life Member in American Ceramic Society,and a Honorary Fellow in European Ceramic Society. and M. Eng. He is in close collaboration with other departments, government agencies and universities around the world. He has authored/co-authored 1,000 publications (including ~800 collected in the ISI Web of Science), delivered many invited plenary/keynote presentations at various international conferences, and graduated 40 postdoc fellows and 100 PhD students. He has years of experience as technology consultant with industries including Semiconductor, Photonics, Medical Engineering, Additive Manufacturing and Data Science. then National Cheng Kung Univ., Taiwan since Feb. 2010 as a Visiting Distinguished Chair Prof. He got the Faculty Award of Mindu International Bank for Outstanding Achievement in Research (Individual), given by Xiamen University, in 2020. Since 15+ years, he was involved in European Technology Policy and continuously served as Austrian Delegate and Management Committee member in European actions, including COST-European Cooperation in Science and Technology, interdisciplinary domains, Materials, Physical and Nano-science, and ICTs. Participating in the conference only without neither presentation nor paper publication. Bergmann, she received her doctorate in 1997 with a thesis on the Interaction of ultra-short pulse lasers with metals. He is Programme Director of Marine and Offshore in Singapore Centre for 3D Printing. at 1967 and D. Sc. A wide-ranging scientific program consisting of plenary lectures, keynote lectures, Invited lectures, parallel sessions, as well as poster sessions for young scientists covering all topics in 3D Printing & Additive Manufacturing will be scheduled. In the past years, he has received more than AUD16 million research funds, published more than 280 papers in top international journals, which have been cited over 8800 time, corresponding too his H-index of 55. and Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 1985 and 1989. His publications have been cited more than 500 times. After retired at 2008, Professor Emeritus, Visiting/Guest Profs. Singer and habilitated in 2007 with a thesis on Integral foam molding of light metals.
3d printing / additive manufacturing conferences 2022