Therefore, when a product s useful life is over, such metals are made available for recycling together with the copper. Learn how your comment data is processed. 23,900, 6 th Southern African Base Metals Conference 2011 AN INTRODUCTION TO THE RADOS XRF ORE SORTER RS Fickling Metanza Mineral Processors (Pty) Ltd 1. SRINIVASAN** 1 * Vice President, Mineral Enterprises Limited, Bangalore ** Managing Director, FerroGreen Technologies Pvt. Would you like to share any interesting developments or article ideas with us? Alvear Flores, Incremental Scale Up of ISASMELT TM : The Key to its Success (Montreal, Canada: The Metallurgical Society of CIM, 2011). Ihr Mastab ist ein qualitativ hochwertiger Journalismus mit allen Facetten einer modernen Berichterstattung. Compliance, Contents Introduction to waste treatment technologies 3 Section 1: The treatment of recyclable waste 4 Bulking facilities 5 Materials Reclamation Facility (MRF) 6 Reuse and recycling centres 8 Composting, CAT GAS SOLUTIONS 97 MW of Cat coal seam methane power in New South Wales, Australia SMARTER ENERGY SOLUTIONS From natural gas combined heat and power (CHP) for facilities to alternative biogas electric, Key Questions & Exercises Chem 115 POGIL Worksheet - Week 4 Moles & Stoichiometry Answers 1. Introduction A worldwide movement to control global warming is under way. 0000071388 00000 n
Case Study Example This case study example is presented to illustrate the ability of the ISASMELT TM process to treat a mixed or blended feed consisting of e-scrap and lowgrade copper scrap, producing a copper metal product and a discardable slag. Figure 1, taken from the recent publication of the Copper Development Association, The US Copper base Scrap Industry and its Byproducts-An Overview (13th Edition), 1 illustrates the trends in the net exports and consumption of copper in scrap in the United States for the period Through much of the 1980s, of the order of tons annually ( metric tonnes) was exported; this figure had jumped to more than tons annually ( metric tonnes) by *No.1 copper and No. Long-term planning and business security of the Grillo zinc sulfate plant the last remaining substantial plant of its kind in Europe.
1 Data source: U.S. Geological Survey. 002664 AN OFFER The ATON-HT SA co has developed technology to neutralize, and utilize hazardous wastes. G.R.F. 25 For reference, the electrical component for electrorefining (electricity for transport to market is assumed zero) is 442 kwh/tonne of cathode copper, and the corresponding fossil fuel component including transport to market is 4625 MJ/tonne of cathode copper. Mit dieser Initiative zeigen wir, wofr unsere Branche beim Klimaschutz steht: Erfolgreiche Bilanzen, konkrete Leistungen und Effizienz-Erfolge. The process concept is illustrated in Fig. 0000007449 00000 n
15,17 * Top Blown Rotary Converter complexity has required the development of specialized equipment and technology not only to pretreat and sort the materials but also to further smelt and refine. After sorting of the collected waste electronic and electrical material, and separation into subfractions, much of the copper and precious metalrich material produced are currently exported from the United States for treatment elsewhere. TREATMENT OF E-SCRAP AND COPPER SCRAP BY THE ISASMELT TM PROCESS Isasmelt TM Principle ISASMELT TM technology 15,18 20 is based on the use of a stationary, vertical furnace design that employs a top-submerged lance injection system to provide highly efficient smelting of the feed, which SULPHURIC ACID PLANT LEACHING & ELECTRO- WINNING SO 2 Process Gas SMELTER Cu bullion PLANT IN OLEN Ni, As PM- CONCENTRATION Matte Slag Precious metals H 2 SO 4 Cu Ag, Au, Pt, Pd, Rh, Ru, Ir Speiss residues PM-REFINERY Lead bullion SPECIAL METALS REFINERY LEAD BLAST FURNACE In, Se, Te Aggregate for concrete LEAD REFINERY Pb, Sn Sb, Bi Fig. Table IV. 0000005121 00000 n
The Growing Commodity Trading Market in Asia. Used copper from these applications was typically melted down in a coal-fired reverberatory furnace. 0000056503 00000 n
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Typical composition range of feed materials Element Cu Fe Sn Pb Zn Ni Range (wt.%) Note that the ISASMELT TM can also handle a wide range of gangue oxide levels in the feed (SiO 2, CaO, MgO, and Al 2 O 3 ), and a range of hydrocarbon contents and moisture levels.
The Aurubis A.G. ISASMELT TM plant (Fig. Song-Yi Kim * / and, 2nd India-Japan Energy Forum Practical Examples of Heat Regenerative System at Steelmaking Works On Monday 4 February 2008 in Delhi Nisshin Steel Co., Ltd. Yukio Tomita 1 Structure of the Regenerative, CEFC financing first for major Western Australian waste-to-gas project Up to $50 million CEFC co-finance to convert municipal, commercial and industrial waste into energy using world-leading Australian, REFERENCES American Coal Ash Association (ACAA), 2006. Trans. The self-cleaning effect of the oscillating rotary filter drum is additionally enhanced by a backflushing system. Partington, Pyrometallurgy 1, 615 (2010). S. Nikolic, J.S. Some Euro 17 million of the total will be spent on waste gas purification plant and other environmental protection measures, according to NA. Taylor, C.G. 21-28, (2008) J. S. Shiau and S. H. Liu 21 Effect of Magnesium Oxide Content on Final Slag Fluidity of Blast Furnace JIA-SHYAN SHIAU and SHIH-HSIEN LIU Steel and. Process Technology. All in all, the future is looking bright for Aurubis: with the increase of digitalisation andthe use of renewable energies, the company expects steady growth in its operations. for a clean city. 5, 2014 DOI: /s 2014 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society ISASMELT TM for the Recycling of E-Scrap and Copper in the U.S. Case Study Example of a New Compact Recycling Plant GERARDO R.F. Die Rohstoffstrategien von Bundesregierung und EU zur Ressourcenschonung und zur Sicherung der Rohstoffversorgung der europischen Industrie fut in wesentlichen Teilen auf Metallrecycling. Downturn for fragile non-ferrous markets, Ocean Cleanup recovered a space shuttle weight in plastics. Au, Pt, Process Technology Advanced bioethanol production and renewable energy generation from ligno-cellulosic materials, biomass waste and residues The INEOS Bio process technology produces carbon-neutral bioethanol. Equivalent wt.% in original WEEE material: % Balance Tonnes Equivalent wt.% in e-scrap: 81.6%, typically mostly SiO2, Al2O3, some Fe and Al metals and plastics Estimated contained value (rounded) of above smelter grade e-scrap at typical current prices USD/tonne $4600 It is noted that the term WEEE in the EU generally includes all waste electronic and electrical materials, whereas in the United States, the amounts of waste electronic and electrical materials are often counted separately but sometimes used interchangeably. Introduction IWR is an integrated system, realised by different Italian companies, manufacturers, Resources 2014, 3, 152-179; doi:10.3390/resources3010152 Review OPEN ACCESS resources ISSN 2079-9276 Metal Extraction Processes for Electronic Waste and Existing Industrial, Our Environmental Protection Plan RECYCLING CAPABILITIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS WHO WE ARE Since day one, East Penn has made safe recycling an everyday practice. Once a small local company, Aurubis has grown into a worldwide group with about 6,500 employees. The article includes the description of a case study example of a regional, compact ISASMELT TM plant in the United States treating a blend of e-scrap and copper scrap, having a total feed capacity of t/year of feed. Coal Combustion Product (CCP) Production American Coal Ash Association, Method to take into account material recycling and end of life in LCA LCA Forum Lausanne, 22 November 2007 Dr J.-S. Thomas ArcelorMittal Research C. Broadbent IISI Overview Steel recycling IISI and Steel, Did You Know? The cooled gases are then cleaned of dust in the hot electrostatic precipitator or in a bag house (with additional gas cooling). 0000072435 00000 n
23, No. A minimum amount of freshwater makeup and demineralized water makeup is required for the plant and waste heat boiler, respectively. Ltd. Bangalore, China Energy efficiency report Objective: 16% reduction in primary energy intensity by 215 Overview 211-211 (%/year) Primary intensity (EU=1) 222 -- -2.8% ++ CO 2 intensity (EU=1) 294 -- -2.5% + CO 2, Pol. Oxygen from the lance air (oxygen-enriched air) reacts with any metallic iron and aluminum contained in the feed, as well as with any added fuel, generating the reaction heat while forming metal oxides (slag), metallic copper, and an off-gas stream. In Lnen werden kupferhaltige Sekundrrohstoffe umweltschonend und energiesparend recycelt. Neben Kupfer werden Edelmetalle, Nickel, Zinn, Blei und Zink als Begleitprodukte gewonnen. Rankin, Minerals, Metals and Sustainability: Meeting Future Material Needs (The Netherlands: CRC Press, 2011). Hence, there is an overall energy saving of approximately 13 U.S. gallons of oil per tonne of copper scrap if the copper scrap material were to be treated in a plant in the United States rather than exported across the Pacific. 8). Celebrating global innovators: Lets hear it for the newcomers! 7. TOXIC METALS FROM NON-FERROUS METAL MELTING (Adopted December 15, 1994) For the purpose of this rule, the following definitions shall apply: Introduction to Waste Treatment Technologies. 2086 The Reduction of Resource Input, UTILISATION OF NON-FERROUS SCRAP Every year in New Zealand significant quantities of scrap metal are produced both as industrial off-cuts and when metal products wear out. 7. Major U.S. copper fabricating plants Plant Aurubis AG Cambridge-Lee Reading tube Cerro Tube CMC Howell Metal Hussey Copper Mueller copper tube products Olin Brass Revere Copper Products SDI La Farga Rod Plant Location Buffalo, NY, USA Reading, PA, USA Mexico, MO, USA New Market, CT, USA Leetsdale, PA, USA Wynne, AK, USA East Alton, IL, USA Rome, NY, USA New Haven, IN, USA Figs. History Overview of the Cement Manufacturing Process Brief Overview of Kiln Operations Why Burn Wastes? Alvear Flores, P.S. Anderson, and Y. Choi (Littleton, CO: SME, 2008), pp W.J. Installation in the fresh water tank - patented. However, large quantities of separated e-scrap are presently exported from the United States for treatment. Offering a wide range of products and services for copper-related companies and applications, Aurubis is a standout among the industry thanks to its in-house cathode production, which translates into highly reliable supply, and the largest product range of copper rods and shapes with regard to diameter, coil sizes, alloys and materials not to mention its status as the number one copper recycling company in the world. 0000072716 00000 n
Recycling takes place under benchmark environmental and technical standards. During this process a zinc-containing filter dust occurs that also consists of other valuable metals like copper, tin and lead. Recycling takes place under benchmark environmental and technical standards. The DYNA water recovery system is an easy functioning system, which works with two filter stages: Thanks to this two-stage recovery system (500 microns), it is even possible to work in muddy canals, Powerful VPC vacuum pumps with ATEX explosion protection, Patented innovation from Dietmar Kaiser AG, 1st level: a partition intercepts all large particles, so that the recovery can not clog filters, 2nd level: a DYNA rotating filter assumes the fine filtration of water for HPT High Pressure Pump, Filter with continuous rotation and special self-cleaning design. Runs to refill with jetting water are dispensed with, fuel and water consumption reduced. At the Aurubis plant in Lnen (Germany), the company uses the Kayser-Recycling-System (KRS)to produce copper. Ich kann meine Einwilligung gegenber der DETAIL Business Information GmbH jederzeit widerrufen. Thanks are given to Xstrata Technology for permission to publish this article. Mackey, and C. Daz, Pyrometallurgy 1, 649 (2010). Integrated System for treatment and recycling of Municipal Solid Waste, Metal Extraction Processes for Electronic Waste and Existing Industrial Routes: A Review and Australian Perspective, Our Environmental Protection Plan RECYCLING CAPABILITIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS. The reported quantities of copper, gold, and silver in this amount of e-scrap material are summarized in Table I. As a consequence, the KDU can safely run dry and is unaffected by dirty water. In the scope of the new strategy, Aurubis will also focus on processing concentrates that are even more complex in the future, and will thus be able to expand the volume of recovered metals, such as selenium and nickel. 25.
Although the present case study example considers a compact plant handling t/year of blended e-scrap plus low-grade copper scrap feed in the United States, larger plants can also be built. In combination with a flow-optimised, symmetrical piping arrangement, this results in significantly reduced fuel consumption. At the same time, NIMBY syndrome is becoming stronger day by day. 22. The ISASMELT TM process concept for the processing of e- scrap and copper scrap. Denn Kupfer bleibt Kupfer und kann beliebig oft ohne Qualittsverlust recycelt werden. sagt der Bereichsleiter Recycling der Aurubis AG, Volker Pawlitzki. 0000071460 00000 n
In the present situation, several operating conditions are therefore possible depending on the specific makeup of the feed. Within the sewer cleaning and industrial disposal sector, KAISER has become synonymous with innovative technological solutions. This situation has in some cases prompted government regulations affecting disposal, exports, and the like. Today, the company processes complex metal concentrates, copper scrap and metal-bearing recycling materials into metals of the highest quality, and can without a doubt be regarded as a forerunner in the industry. Valuable metal resources are returned to the cycle. Copper flows in the United States for the years (in 1000s tonnes of contained copper) 5 Category a Primary refined copper Cu scrap imports (as t of Cu) Refined Cu imports Cu produced from secondary Cu b Copper exports as scrap (as t of Cu) c Apparent total Cu supply d,e Apparent consumption of refined Cu Sources: U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. International Trade Commission, and Copper Development Association. The ability of the ISA- SMELT TM technology to scale up or down 20 would enable smaller lower cost regional plants to be economically built initially, thereby simplifying the scrap collection and transportation systems. 8. 66, No. When it comes to continuous operation in sewers featuring a high fat content and extreme soiling, there is no other system on the market that can match the performance of the KAISER ROTOMAX system with backflushing. This slag can be granulated and may be sold as iron-silicate sand, or it can be appropriately stockpiled or shipped to a designated storage area. d From CDA Annual Data 2012, Copper Supply and Consumption e Based on sum of rows 1 to 4 minus row 5. It does not constitute or form part. To ensure its position at the forefront of the industry, Aurubis will pursue ongoing improvement to proactively tackle the possible challenges of international competition. While the headquarters, together with the companys largest production site, still exist in Hamburg, Aurubis has extended its operation to 22 countries in Europe, Asia and North America. 3. 5 It is noted that this breakdown by type is only approximate for the purposes of illustration of recent trends; the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission break down copper scrap into a greater number of categories than shown in Fig. The proposed plant has facilities to receive and handle a range of different feed types according to both physical properties and chemical composition. A multi-stage filter system is not needed if the KDU is used. 9 ISASMELT TM for the Recycling of E-Scrap and Copper in the U.S. Case Study Example of a New Compact Recycling Plant 831 metal content of the slag warrants it, this slag can be transferred to a small rotary furnace for reduction to a Pb-Sn alloy that can be collected and then sold. 26. Rebecca Brosnan Head of Asia Commodities 22 April 2015, CLASS TEST GRADE 11. When producing zinc sulfate from KRS oxide, a residue remains that contains copper, tin and lead in an enriched form. The core elements of KAISER vehicles, such as the high-pressure jetting pump, vacuum pump and recycling system, represent technologies in their own right and are all part of an optimally tuned design approach. A pound of coal supplies enough electricity to power ten 100-watt light bulbs for about an hour. 0000011404 00000 n
Dsseldorf s public utilities company known as Stadtwerke Dsseldorf operates a waste to energy plant (WtE) that has been, Optimizing DRI production using natural gas The MIDREX Process - The world s most reliable CONTENTS 2 MIDREX NG - NATURAL GAS-BASED IRONMAKING 3 THE MIDREX REFORMER 5 BENEFITS OF THE MIDREX REFORMER 6, SUSTAINABLE BATTERY-RECYCLING. Bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden und erhalten Sie einmal wchentlich den RECYCLING magazin Newsletter. Our strength is our strong metallurgical expertise, which we use throughout our whole value chain, saysJo Rogiers, Senior Vice President Technology as well as Managing Director of Aurubis Belgium. 0000071683 00000 n
The same criteria could be applied to the proposed ISASMELT study case to expand the plant throughput in the future if market conditions allow for it. Top Performance for flexible applications. Umicore ISASMELT TM plant as part of the Umicore Precious Metals Recycling System. The centrepiece of the ROTOMAX water recycling system is an oscillating rotary filter drum. Warner (Warrendale, PA: TMS, 2009), pp P.S. The information in Table II and Fig. Example of collection and processing chain for used household electrical goods and appliances and electronic products. 25,26 ** **Note: The energy data given here for mining (0.5% Cu ore), milling and flotation, and electrorefining are based on the data of Marsden, 26 whereas the data for smelting the produced concentrates are based on the data of Coursol et al. Das ist eine Initiative 11 fhrender Unternehmen der Nichteisen-Metallindustrie. 5 and 6) for example shows emissions of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) to be extremely low. Sustainable energy products Simulation based design for recycling Markus A. Reuter (Prof. Dr. Dr. hc) Director: Technology Management, Outotec Oyj Aalto University (Finland), Central South University (China), 1 EXTRACTION OF METALS Occurrence ores of some metals are very common (iron, aluminium) others occur only in limited quantities in selected areas ores need to be purified before being reduced to the metal. Highlights of last lecture. E-SCRAP AND COPPER RECYCLING: SUPPLY AND TRENDS Background to Copper Recycling Since the earliest times, a certain proportion of metals has always been recycled after use, in part because of the relative ease of production from scrap metal, essentially requiring only melting and refining. Coal Combustion Product (CCP) Production and Use Survey. Die sehr komplexen Sekundrrohstoffe enthalten neben Kupfer andere wertvolle Metallfraktionen, von denen viele durch neueste Technologie in der Lner Anlage zurck gewonnen werden knnen. 2. This article describes new opportunities for the U.S. recycling industry to yield full value from collected, sorted, and separated waste metals, in particular, e-scrap and lower grade copper scrap by the use of ISASMELT TM technology. 0000072544 00000 n
Chemists are concerned with mass relationships in chemical reactions, usually run on a macroscopic scale (grams, kilograms, etc.). Cramer 1, J. Davourie 1, D. McGough 2 and M. Ali 1 1 Hatch Ltd., 2800 Speakman Drive, Plenary session Producing more with less: Efficiency in Power Generation ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN POWER PLANTS Frans van Aart, Wim Kok, Pierre Ploumen KEMA Power Generation & Sustainables ENERGY EFFICIENCY, Aluminium Task Force Action Plan Contents Introduction3 Sector Review3 Objectives7 Projects and Activities11 Appendix A: Individual Project Plans12 2 Introduction The six countries of the, 1332 CHAPTER 18 Sample Questions Couple E 0 Couple E 0 Br 2 (l) + 2e 2Br (aq) +1.06 V AuCl 4 + 3e Au + 4Cl +1.00 V Ag + + e Ag +0.80 V Hg 2+ 2 + 2e 2 Hg +0.79 V Fe 3+ (aq) + e Fe 2+ (aq) +0.77 V Cu 2+, INCINERATION IN JAPAN DR. CHIAKI IZUMIKAWA Regulations in the environmental field are becoming severe and severe. The consumption of copper in the United States now approaches some 2 million tonnes per year. 0000013184 00000 n
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Method to take into account material recycling and end of life in LCA. 0000001316 00000 n
In addition to efficient recycling, being in itself a manifestation of green thinking, Aurubis also implements high environmental standards in its everyday work. The atomic weight of carbon is 12.0107 u, so a mole of carbon has a mass of 12.0107 g. Why doesn t a mole of, Assessing the Management of Lead in Scrap Metal and Electric Arc Furnace Dust Final Report EPA530-R-09-004 April 2009 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Resource Conservation and Recovery With, What is Cement? (Note: Data are given as tonnes of material, not as tonnes of contained copper). 0000004846 00000 n
Overall plant liquid effluents and gaseous emissions are therefore extremely low. metric tonnes/year Value of recycled electronics (US $ billions) Year Fig. About ESWET 2. A. Kvithyld, C. Meskers, R. Kirchain, G. Krumdick, B. Mishra, M. Reuter, C. Wang, M. Schlesinger, G. Gaustad, D. Lados, and J. Spangenberger (Warrendale, PA: TMS, 2013), p F. Vanbellen and M. Chintinne, The Precious Art of Metals Recycling, Advanced Processing of Metals and Materials, ed. Valuable metal resources are not dumped but returned to the cycle. J. Environ. 1 and 3 is the fact that a considerable quantity of lower grade copper scrap is currently exported from the United States for treatment elsewhere. A typical processing chain for used household and consumer goods is illustrated in Fig Collection is the first critical step in this process. Das Multi-Metal-Recycling bei Aurubis ist angefangen vom Elektronikschrott bis hin zu industriellen Reststoffen als umweltschonendes und energiesparendes Recycling ein wesentlicher Nachweis von Nachhaltigkeit in der Wertschpfung. sagt Dr. Franz-Josef Westhoff, Werksleiter am Standort Lnen. ZVU Engineering a.s., Member of ZVU Group, WASTE HEAT BOILERS Page 2, WASTE STREAM 2Y51 Analytical Services Process Facilities - North Labs, PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD RECYCLING IN AUSTRALIA, Storage and treatment of cathode ray tubes (CRTs) and display equipment containing CRTs, Coal Properties, Sampling & Ash Characteristics by Rod Hatt Coal Combustion, Inc. Versailles, KY 859-873-0188, RECOVERY AND ENERGY SAVINGS OF ALUMINUM CAN BEVERAGE CONSUMED IN GENERAL AND VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOLS, Chem 115 POGIL Worksheet - Week 4 Moles & Stoichiometry.
refore, when a product s useful