Replace the neoprene or synthetic shaft seals on your 8n Ford tractor as soon as you notice leaking water. If these components are damaged, you can replace them with the appropriate parts. If the screws are too short to crimp, I start rummaging in my spare parts for replacements that are longer. If the seat is tight, with the correct seal under it, the carb float should not require bending to get the correct height. Required fields are marked *. New shafts can usually be obtained in kit kits. What kind of performance increase would there be? If you don't have access to shop equipment like that, these carb parts can be carefully drilled-out by hand. There is usually some fuel still in there (and of course fuel vapor is explosive) so don't light a cigarette yet. Once screws are out, remove the plates, and slide the shafts out. We will see why in a minute. Look down in there first to see if your carb even has this jet. The flutes mess me up.
If the old neoprene seal has deep scratches, it will eat into the new neoprene seal and leak more than ever. C9If the shafts were very loose you may need to drill and install new bushings. E3Check the float adjustment while holding the top of carb upside down. tractor carburetor ford 8n 9n 2n aluminum replacement Clean the shaft and lower body with the carburetor solvent. If that isn't an option, Loctite, or even a dab of epoxy, might be used for insurance. Guitar string is my first choice. There is no substitute for a screwdriver specially-ground to fit. Soaking in solvent will loosen some deposits then a combination of rodding-out and air pressure should thoroughly clean the passages. It helps that the material being removed is usually softer than the casting around it. All of the passages need to be checked, cleaned and possibly drilled out to a size that is larger than the jet. Loosen the air tube hose clamp at the carb and pull the air tube off. The N is known to overheat and the problem is typically caused by an overfilled radiator. Does anyone have a recommendation for a replacement carb for the original Marvel on a '47 8N? Your email address will not be published.
You should also check the fuel filter to ensure that it is clean. If not, make sure it isn't broken off and wadded up inside the carb. is found in the carburetor or if it has been taken apart. Now the screws cannot back out on their own. Some replacement float valves are a little taller or shorter, so if everything else checks out ok, go ahead and bend the float to get the correct 9/32" height. The fitting should have a fuel screen on the inside end. I keep a few old fuel line fitting nuts around so I can twist one in the elbow to help support the fitting before putting a wrench on it. With those installed, that leaves only the Power jet which goes in the lower half of the carb under the Main Nozzle. 8n schebler 9n 2n The screws for this part are usually located in the shaft and can be easily removed with a screwdriver. Changes made to the 241C that were intended to maximize efficiency caused too many problems. Putting new parts in a dirty carb often does not have the desired results. If the hole is noticably oval, new bushings are required. These usually come out easy. The serial number of the tractor you are working on should indicate the year it was built. Anything will seem like an upgrade when it replaced any dirty, worn-out carb with a clean one. These tractors are identifiable by their flathead engine wihich has the carburetor mounted on right hand side of engine. Don't under-size the idle jet or fail to rod out and open the idle fuel passages. 9Air Compressor or perhaps canned compressed air to blow out and dry passages. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2017 - 2022 Justagric | Designed by Godwin Chibuike, Best Replacement Carburetor For 8n Ford Tractor. I usually run the correct size tap in each threaded hole as part of the cleaning process even when things come apart with no trouble.
However, the carburetor can wear out over time, which means youll have to replace it. Another way to tell the age of your tractor is by looking at the hydraulic pump housing. Copyright 2018 Stevens Tractor. If you cannot find an original carburetor, you can search online for used or new ones. The entire top surface of the float should be parallel with and approximately 1/4" away from the gasket surface. 6Set of Taps8-32 UNC, 10-32 UNF, 12-24 UNC, 1/4-28 UNF, 1/4-40 UNS, 1/8-27 NPTF, 1/8-27 NPS If your tank is rusting then this will contaminate your fuel. Make sure to note your carburetors settings so you can make future adjustments if necessary. Aside from those; normal hand tools, carb cleaner, PB Blaster, paint thinner, Safety Glasses, etc. None of these trademark holders are affiliated with this web site, nor is this site sponsored or endorsed by them in any way. Monday-Friday 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM | Saturday 7:30 AM - 12:00 PM | Sunday CLOSED.
B5Carefully unscrew the fuel elbow fitting. To do this, youll need a special tool to catch both slots of the float valve seat. Aftermarket carburetors are available, but they are often in poor condition. This is where you will need Special Tool No.2 again. The tapered part should be at the top when the carb is assembled. Among many places that I have seen that carry them, Wilson Tractor Parts has them on sale. Watch for screw slots that have already been damaged by using the wrong size screwdriver. Absolutely no way do we want to give those screws any chance to rattle loose and get sucked into the engine! Unfortunately, this carburetor willnotfit overhead valve engines or Ferguson tractors. It needs to be wide enough to catch both slots. If your fuel is contaminated, you cannot fix the problem with a new carburetor. Linkage rods have spring-loaded ends that fit over a ball joint. After way too many hours researching jet sizes, then rebuilding and testing a few carbs, it seems that almost any size jets can be used.
If you are doing a detailed restoration, and want to use the exact carb that came on your tractor, these are the correct part numbers: The carburetor shaft often requires the most maintenance. Make sure the new seat is firmly seated in the gasket and that the pin is securely hung on the float with a pivot pin. recommended by Ford. The shafts may have oval holes.
Hopefully the screws have at least one thread out past the back side of the shaft. A2Remove the fuel line at the carb fitting. If so, it only takes a second to crimp the screws with a pair of pliers. A large screwdriver or even a dime gripped in vice grips, can work as well. There is a Basic Kit that should sell for around half what the complete kit costs. Before you begin, make sure to drain the gas from the tank on your 8N tractor. Does anyone have any experience with the Zenith? All email addresses for this web site are set to agressively block ALL unsolicited advertising, sales pitches, nuisance web service offers, and other spam messages. Occasionally, things will be so corroded the only option is to drill out the old material, and pick threads clear. If its not overheating, you have another issue. Many of the replacement carbs may not have been made for a Ford tractor. The choke shaft seal is a felt washer. Then, the idle screw must be backed off until the throttle plate is tight. Ford- Fits: [ 9N, 2N, 8N, (with 120 cubic inch flat head engines) ]; Replaces:8N9510C,9N9510A,B3NN9510A, Carb Mfg #'s- : TSX241A, TSX241B, TSX241C, TSX33. We will continue to ship your packages, but due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, your packages may not arrive as scheduled. These tractors are identifiable by their flathead engine wihich has the carburetor mounted on right hand side of engine. If you are looking for a new or replacement carb for any of the Ford N-Series Tractors, the Marvel/Schebler TSX-241B was the best that Ford engineers came up with for these tractors. carburetor tractor replacement ford 8n ford tractor carburetor 8n There seems to be a problem serving the request at this time, {"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}}. Once you have the throttle plates centered and screws tight. Put the wrench inboard as close to the carb as you can get it. That is not a fair test, but I was still pleased with the result. If you cant find the carburetor solvent, you can use compressed air to clean the castings. That is often hard to get exactly. If your fuel is contaminated, you cannot fix the problem with a new carburetor. D2Some of the passages in these carbs may never have been completely drilled out and many of the jets being provided in kits are the wrong size for a Ford tractor. Something went wrong. Alternatively, you can purchase separate bushings. After recording the settings to the nearest 1/4 turn, remove the adjusting screws and springs completely.
If not, no problem, just run a #8-32 tap into the hole and make sure there are good clean threads for a new jet. 4Pin ViseA very small drill bit holder. Toss them in the jar of small parts and give it another swirl. Other thread specifications that come close but are not quite right are the 3/8-27 UNS, and 3/8-24 UNF thread. The Marvel/Schebler carbs were VERY successful. The modern equivalent is a 1/8-27 NPS (national pipe straight). Pay close attention to how the venturi (round thing in the middle) is installed in the carb top through the gasket. Then you can slosh them around gently every time you walk past the workbench. You should then disassemble the intake parts and clean them thoroughly. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. 5Assorted Bits for the Pin Vise in inch sizes from 0.025" to 0.060". Remove the carb drain bolt and let it drain into the can. Bending a slight turn in the leading end of the wire will help get it around corners. I believe the new seats are being made with a thread spec that is "close" but not exactly right. Drop all the small parts into a glass jar, add some carb cleaner and cap it. The main nozzle on this carb was so rotten, it snapped off when I tried to loosen it. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Fasteners such as carb body screws may have been stripped and drilled out for oversize hardware. This way, you can avoid having to spend money on buying a new one. Once youve done this, you can put the air filter housing back in its place. Most of the wear is often in the shaft, so new shafts and seals might be all you need. Some people claim the Zenith is an upgrade. This requires drilling the casting out to accept the new bushings. The inside diameter should be 1.5 inches. Most of these carbs have been rebuilt several times by now with the quality of work all over the place. Check for low coolant, loose fan belt, debris in the radiator fins, and a stuck thermostat. For the most effective results, replace the neoprene shaft oil seals before tackling the other components of the seals. The throttle plate and shaft are brass, so those came out easy. A6Take the carb to your work bench. Changing the float height is not recommended, but if you are so inclined, remember this adjustment is being made upside down. Usually found at hobby supply stores. 138 product ratings - New Carburetor For Ford Tractor 2N 8N 9N Heavy Duty 8N9510C-HD Marvel Schebler, 7 product ratings - Brand New Carburetor w/ Gasket For Ford Tractor 2N 8N 9N Heavy Duty 8N9510C-HD, 12 product ratings - HEAVY DUTY CARBURETOR FOR FORD TRACTOR 2N 8N 9N TSX33 8N9510C-HD MARVEL SCHEBLER, 1 product ratings - Carb Screen Carburetor Fuel Elbow Strainer Fits Ford Tractor 2N 8N 9N NAA NAB 60, 1 product ratings - Carburetor Rebuild Kit for Ford 2N 8N 9N IH Farmall 100 130 140 200 230. It's stiff enough to poke through there, flexible enough to go around corners, and the wire-wound exterior makes a great rasp to help clean out passages. You may need to tap the hole in the top plate to accept the econ jet.
This is especially true when mission creep sets in, and it's over a year later that you are putting things back together (hint hint). D4A selection of old wire guitar string in various thicknesses comes in handy for cleaning out passages. I do not, and will not respond to the few that manage to make it thru the filters. You should now have a saw horse ready to place on the hood.
The carburetor shaft may be loose and you may need to install new bushings. If ok, continue installing cover screws and tighten them in stages to gradually snug the cover down.
Once this is done, you can install the new air tube. These are pressure-balanced type carbs, so the engine draws what it needs at the ratio you adjust using the Idle Mixture and Main Mixture screws. Its easy to find a new air tube with the same inside diameter as the old one. If its D252, then it was made after April 25th, 1952. C1At this point there is still some disassembly to do, but my workbench is covered in dirt, grime, and bits of old paint.
The air filter is a very common problem in Ford tractors, but it is an easy fix. This will ensure that the engine runs properly and efficiently. The castings and finishing are often mis-aligned.
best replacement carburetor for 8n ford tractor