Fosetyl-aluminum is a systemic fungicide used to manage various diseases on a wide range of agricultural crops, ornamentals and turf. REI 4h, Group 19, OxiDate 2.0OG (hydrogen dioxide + peroxyacetic acid): Preventive bioicide. This reacts with phosphoric acid , sodium ethoxide and aluminum nitrate to form Fosetyl-Al. REI 4h, Group 40, Microthiol DisperssOG (sulfur): A protectant fungicide particularly useful for powdery mildew. REI 4h Group BM02, Blocker 4F (PCNB): Soil-borne diseases of brassicas, beans and peas, garlic, tomatoes, and pepper. REI 48h, Groups 11 & 3, Heritage (azoxystrobin): Preventative and curative broad-spectrum fungicide. Appendix I lists the products containing fosetyl-aluminum that are registered under the authority of the Pest Control Products Act. To obtain a full copy of Re-evaluation Decision RVD2019-08, Fosetyl-aluminum and Its Associated End-use Products please contact our publications office. These comments and new data/information resulted in revisions to the risk assessments (see Science Evaluation Update section of RVD2019-08), and subsequently, in changes to the proposed regulatory decision as described in PRVD2017-19. Conversion and Dilution for Fertilizers & Pesticides, Protecting Groundwater and Surface Waters, Table 25: Information about Fungicides and Bactericides, Fungicides and Bactericides Alphabetical Listing by Trade Name, Table 25: Information about Fungicides and Bactericides, The Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment. Under the authority of the Pest Control Products Act, all registered pesticides must be regularly re-evaluated by Health Canadas Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) to ensure that they continue to meet current health and environmental standards and continue to have value. EU Annex III PIC DGD) (, H = The US ARS pesticide properties database (, A = Chromosome aberration (EFSA database), E = Unspecified genotoxicity type (miscellaneous data source), (Also known as: fosetyl; efosite-Al; EPAL; aluminium phosethyl; LS 74783 ; fosetyl-Al), Fosetyl aluminium is a horicultural fungicide. Do not use on cherry tomatoes. The following alerts are based on the data in the tables below. Currently registered products containing fosetyl-aluminum are listed in Appendix I. Catalogue number: H113-28/2019-8E-PDF (PDF version). REI 4h, Group NC, Sulfur 6L (sulfur): For powdery mildew on many crops, rust on asparagus, and some mite pests. No additional data are requested. REI 4h, Group 33, Polyram 80 DF (metiram): For early and late blight in potatoes. Reports and Publications Consumer Product Safety, Pesticides and pest management reports and publications, Re-evaluation Decision RVD2019-08, Fosetyl-aluminum and Its Associated End-use Products, Appendix I - Registered Fosetyl-aluminum Products in Canada, Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-19, Fosetyl-aluminum and Its Associated End-use Products, protect human health and the environment, Aliette Wettable Powder Systemic Fungicide, Aliette Systemic Fungicide Water Dispersible Granule. REI 12h, Groups 33 & M5, CeaseOG (Bacillus subtilis QST 713): Biological protectant fungicide. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. Fosetyl-aluminum is an inorganic chemical compound from the group of phosphonates . REI 4h, Group NC, KalmorOG (copper hydroxide): Broad spectrum bactericide and fungicide. REI (varies with crop, see label), Group 3, Orondis Opti (chlorothalonil + oxathiapiprolin): Diseases of cucurbits and fruiting vegetables. REI 24h, Group 3, Trivapro (benzovindiflupyr + azoxystrobin + propiconazole): Labeled for corn diseases. For downy mildew, and soilborne Pythium and Phytophthora diseases of cole crops, curcurbits, fruiting vegetables, leafy vegetables, and bulb crops. Limited antibiotic and bactericidal activity. REI 12h, Group 11, Fontelis (penthiopyrad): A fungicide with broad host clearance for leaf spots, blights, anthracnose, and Sclerotinia diseases. Consultation statement as required by subsection 28(2) of the Pest Control Products Act. 670 0 obj <>stream Fosetyl-Al 80 WDGs systemic mode of action provides long-lasting, broad-spectrum preventative control of diseases such as Pythium and Phytophthora in turf, ornamentals and bedding plants. REI 12h, Groups 3 & 40, Rhyme (flutriafol): Labeled for several diseases on several crops. It is used both as a spray and as a stain . REI 48h, Groups 22 & M5, GEM 500 SC (trifloxystrobin): Broad spectrum fungicide. REI 4h, Group NC, KaligreenOG (potassium bicarbonate): Powdery mildew and other foliar diseases. REI (Varies with crop, see label) Group 1, Initiate (720, ZN) (chlorothalonil): A broad spectrum fungicide. REI 12h, Group 50, ZeroTol 2.0OG (hydrogen dioxide): Preventive biocide labeled for greenhouse use. A fungicide for various horticultural crops used to control a range of plant pathogens. REI 48h, Group M3, Zing! REI 48h, Group 4, Ridomil Gold Bravo SC (mefenoxam + chlorothalonil): Broad spectrum fungicide containing 4.4% metalaxyl and 72% chlorothalonil effective against both lower and true fungi. Pest Management Regulatory Agency REI 4h, Group NC, Nevado (Iprodione): For Alternaria, Botrytis, Rhizoctonia and Stemphylium diseases; sclerotinia diseases; in beans, broccoli, carrots, crucifers, dry bulb onions, potatoes, and lettuce; white rot of garlic, . REI 12h, Group 12, Merivon (fluaxapoxad + pyraclostrobin): For fungal diseases including powdery mildew. endstream endobj 652 0 obj <>/Metadata 10 0 R/Pages 649 0 R/StructTreeRoot 14 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 653 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 654 0 obj <>stream The regulatory approach for the re-evaluation of fosetyl-aluminum was first presented in the Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2017-19, Fosetyl-aluminum and Its Associated End-use Products which underwent a 90-day consultation period ending on period ending on 29January2018Footnote 1. It is not usually persistent in soil systems but may, under certain conditions, persist in water. (Bayer fomula not labeled for tomato). REI 12h, Group7, Mural (azoxystrobin & benzovindiflupyr): Broad-spectrum fungicide for foliar applications for greenhouse-grown vegetable transplants grown for resale to consumers - cucurbits, fruiting vegetables, tomatoes. Any person may file a notice of objectionFootnote 2 regarding this decision on fosetyl-aluminum within 60 days from the date of publication of this Re-evaluation Decision. %PDF-1.6 % [5], Fosetyl-aluminum is a systemic fungicide with protective and curative effects brought onto the market by Rhne-Poulenc (now Bayer CropScience ) . REI 4h, Group 33, Nufarm T-Methyl 70WSB, 4.5F (thiophanate-methyl): A systemic fungicide with broad spectrum control. To protect mixers/loaders and applicators, additional personal protective equipment (PPE), increased minimum spray volumes, and limits on amount of product handled per day are required. JzZIKav^IkZ$Tj8-K@A-SvI+eqpq;fSY7S5T >eL_.BKjnQ]?m+jv3ObWrRT7/R}-7-t+r\%| Fosetyl-aluminum is applied as a soil drench treatment and foliar spray by conventional ground application equipment. [6], Fosetyl-aluminum is quickly broken down into phosphonic acid in the soil . Africa, Middle East, South East Asia, Latin America NOT for transplants inteneted for commercial field use. 664 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<92125783390A724685461B768A55A010>]/Index[651 20]/Info 650 0 R/Length 73/Prev 31137/Root 652 0 R/Size 671/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream REI 4h, Group 4, OSO 5% SC (polyoxin D): Broad spetrum fungicide for foliar and soilborne diseases. REI 12h, Group 11 & 3, Quash (metraconazole): For managment of several diseases , including white mold, in beans, potato and sweet potato. Under the authority of the Pest Control Products Act, Health Canada has determined that continued registration of products containing fosetyl-aluminum is acceptable. REI 12h, Group 1, Micora (mandipropamid): Oomycete fungicide labeled for greenhouse use. REI 12h, Group 3, Quilt (azoxystrobin + propiconazole): Broad spectrum fungicide for use in carrots, celery, corn, and bulb crops. REI 12h (for corn), Groups 3 & 11, DiTera DFOG (Myrothecium verrucaria Strain AARC-0255): For managment of plant parasitic nematodes. [1], Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 26 November 2020, at 15:23. REI 4h, Group M1, Cannonball WG (fludioxonil): For management of Sclerotinia, Botrytis and other pathogens on onions and beans. REI 4h, Group 11, Quadris Opti (azoxystrobin + chlorothalonil): Broad spectrum fungicide for dry beans, cucurbit vegetables, potatoes, tomatoes, and onions. REI 12h, Group 40, Fosphite (phosphorus acid): A phosphorous acid fungicide active against Pythium, Phytophthora, and downy mildew. REI 4h, Group 11, Echo (90DF, 720) (chlorothalonil): A broad spectrum fungicide. REI 12h, Group 43, PreStopOG (Gliocladium catenulatum J1446): Preventative biological fungicide that can be incorporated into media, applied as a drench or as a foliar spray. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Lewis, K.A., Tzilivakis, J., Warner, D. and Green, A. REI 12h, Group 11 and 7, MycoStopOG (Streptomyces griseoviridis K61): Biological seed or soil treatment. REI 0/48h, Group 4, Suffoil-XOG (petroleum oils): Fungicide, insecticide, and miticide labeled for greenhouse transplant production. Procure (triflumizole): Powdery mildew on brassica, cucurbits, and leafy vegetables. Category of Use : Fungicide / Bactericide, Crops : Avocado, cacao, citrus, fruits, hops, ornamentals, pineapple, strawberries, tobacco, vegetables. REI 12h, Groups 7 & 11, Penncozeb (75DF, 80WP) (mancozeb): A broad spectrum fungicide. REI 48h, Group 29, Omega Top MP (fluazinam): Late blight and white mold of potatoes. REI 1h, Group NC, M-PedeOG (insecticidal soap): Insecticide/fungicide labeled for greenhouse use. REI 24h, Group M1, Basic Copper 53OG (basic copper sulfate): A broad spectrum fungicide. Home > All Product Categories > Fosetyl-Al 80 WDG, Active Ingredients: Aluminum tris (O-ethyl phosphonate). REI 12h, Moncoat MZ (flutolanil + mancozeb): Potato seed piece treatment for late blight. Activates ISR (induced systemic resistance). Please contact your local warehouse. REI 24h, Group M2, Microfine Sulfur (sulfur): A protectant fungicide particularly useful for powdery mildew. REI 12h, Group 1, 42-SThiram (thiram): A seed treatment with a wide host range. As a result of the re-evaluation of fosetyl-aluminum, Health Canada is requiring further risk-reduction measures in addition to those already identified on fosetyl-aluminum product labels. any product. Group NC, Affirm WDG (polyoxin-D): Broad-spectrum fungicide for foliar and soilborne diseases. REI 12h, Groups 3 & 7, Ariston (chlorothalonil + cymoxanil): Labeled for several diseases on several crops. Red River Specialties, LLC takes the health of our customers and employees very seriously, but still wants to guarantee that you receive the same superior customer service. REGISTER YOUR INTEREST HERE. A systemic protective, curative and broad-spectrum fungicide that acts by inhibiting germination of spores or by blocking sporulation and development of mycelium. REI 4h, Group U6, Triathlon BA (Bacillus amyloliquefaciens D747): Microbial fungicide that can be used in the greenhouse. hUKk@+{lfW!`5 !)T[[ It has a high aqueous solubility and a low volatility. xz,W]\RK(kF3~u[YoeR|{`>!+6=_SeID-tZ{5mbxR. REI 12h, Group M5, EcoSwingOG (extract of Swinglea glutinosa): Preventive biological fungicide for Alternaria leaf spot, Botrytis, and powdery mildew on many crops. REI 48/24h, Group M1, Phostrol (phosphorus acid): A fungicide for Pythium, Phytophthora, and Downy Mildew. REI = Re-Entry Interval expressing hours (h). REI 12h, Groups 7 & 11, Mertect 340-F (thiabendazole ): A seed treatment for fungal seed-borne and soil-borne diseases. The relevant test data on which the decision is based (as referenced in PRVD2017-19) are available for public inspection, upon application, in the PMRAs Reading Room (located in Ottawa). REI (varies with crop, see label), Group 1, Torino (cyflufenamid): Powdery mildew of cucurbits and strawberries. REI 24h, Group M3, Decree 80 WDG (fenhexamid): Botrytis control in greenhouse transplants. REI 12h, Group 21, Actino-IronOG(Streptomyces lydicus WYEC): Biological soil and seed treatment for Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Pythium, and Phytophthora with added iron. REI 4h, Group NC, Actinovate AG (Streptomyces lydicus): Biological for greenhouse use only invegetable crops. Copyright 2022 Zagro. At the time of writing, all products listed were registered in at least one REI 0h, Group NC, RootShield PlusWP, GranulesOG (Trichoderma harzianum Strain T-22 + T. virens Strain G-41): Biological fungicide for foliar and soil treatments. Health risks from fosetyl-aluminum and its associated end-use products have been shown to be acceptable for all uses of fosetyl-aluminum when used according to the revised label directions. The environmental risks associated with the use of fosetyl-aluminum and its related end-use products are acceptable when used according to the revised label directions, which include advisory statements and spray buffer zones. REI 12h, Group 3, ProPhyte (phosphorus acid): Labeled for Pythium, Phytophthora, downy mildew. Refer to Appendix V of RVD2019-08 for details. REI 12h, Groups 3 & 7 & 11, Ultra Flourish (mefenoxam): A fungicide active against Pythium, Phytophthora, and downy mildew. Also labeled for greenhouse use. It was proposed to: prohibit use on cut flowers; increase restricted-entry intervals (REI) for apples, blackberries, highbush blueberries, red/black raspberries, grapes, brassica leafy vegetables, onions, spinach, and ornamental plants; and, prohibit drench applications to bedding plants. It has a low to moderate toxicity to most terrestrial and aqueous species. REI 4h, Group NC, Previcur Flex (propamocarb): A fungicide for Oomycetes. We are continuously looking for Distributors in: Africa, Middle East, South East Asia, Latin America, Zee Bind -The Best Stand-Out Pellet Binder from Zagro, Comdeterrence Against Files? REI 24h, Group 2, Scala SC (pyrimethanil): Protective fungicide for bulb, tuberous, and corm vegetables. REI 12h, Group M5, Inspire Super (difenoconazole + cyprodinil): For powdery mildew. REI 12h, Group 12, Maxim MZ (fludioxonil +mancozeb): A seed treatment fungicide for certain diseases of potato. 651 0 obj <> endobj REI 24h, Group M3, Actigard 50 WG (acibenzolar-S-methyl): Plant defense activator used for bacterial diseases and Downy Mildews. Directions include risk mitigation measures to protect human health and the environment and must be followed by law. REI 12h, Group 28, Priaxor (fluxapyroxad + pyraclostrobin): For disease control and in beans, tomato, peas, potato and corn. REI 24/48h, Group M1, Champ Formula 2 Flowable (copper hydroxide): Copper fungicide. Label statements will be added to clarify that products are not to be used on residential lawns, gardens, playing fields, cemeteries, and school grounds. Use Zagro's Fly Larvae Control Products, Enhance the Animal Performance with Acidifier, Enhancing Animal Performance with Acidifier. REI 4h, Group 44, Tanos 50 DF (famoxadone + cymoxanil): A penetrant fungicide with locally systemic and curative activities against Downy Mildew and late blight diseases. Red River Specialties is one of the nations leading distributors of specialty products for Industrial Vegetation Management/Aquatics, Range and Pasturelands/Noxious Weeds and Forest Land Management. Group NC, MilStopOG (potassium bicarbonate): Powdery mildew and other foliar diseases of greenhouse crops. REI 12h, Group 21, Reason 500 SC (femadione): A fungicide for use against Phytophthora, downy mildew, and white rust on tuberous and corm vegetables, tomatoes, bulb vegetables, lettuce, and cucurbit vegetables. REI 24h, Groups M3, Rovral 4 F (iprodione): For Alternaria, Botrytis, Rhizoctonia and Stemphylium diseases; sclerotinia diseases; in broccoli, carrots, dry bulb onions, potatoes; white rot of garlic.
etyl-aluminum is a systemic fung