Comes with round vial test block and 1/2oz. Poolmaster #5 Indicator Solution - 1/2 fl oz, Leisure Time Spa / Hot Tub Test Strips 4-Way Free Biguanide.
Your review*document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a92f46023f7e2e0db786ab4dd74d5f06" );document.getElementById("d760974836").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Your email address will not be published. FAILURE TO CHECK BEFORE YOU BUY COULD RESULT IN A CANCELLED ORDER. hbbd`b`bb`ab`n& @@ *_
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For use in maintaining your pool/spas proper water chemistry, the 2-Way Kit tests for two chemical factors: Chlorine and pH. Headquartered in Sacramento, California, we manufacture, market, sell and distribute products worldwide to wholesalers, retailers and specialty market segments.
Q Reagents are stored in a sturdy blue case and include PoolMaster liquid reagents Number 1 Chlorine/Bromine Indicator, Number 2 pH Indicator, and Number 3 Acid Demand/Alkalinity in one ounce bottles, and Number 4 Chlorine Neutralizer and Number 5 Total Alkalinity in 1/2 ounce bottles.
Note: The #1 solution is sealed to comply with transportation regulations.
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Find a retailer near you! Your review*document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "afdd02c742f84a3a48c868c456b95040" );document.getElementById("d760974836").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. No other solutions in this kit require sealed caps.
Poolmaster, Inc. is a manufacturer of aftermarket pool and spa products.
q Comes with clear-view round block, DPD tablets and 1/2oz. THANK YOU! Maintenance, Tests, Kits, Water, Treatment, Treatments, Basic, Solution. Dual (2-Way) DPD Test Kit Quick Reference, DPD tablets test for Free Chlorine levels and Phenol Red tests for pH, Phenol Red is for use with 2 or 3-Way Test Kits Only not to be used with 5-Way Test Kits.
$.' hb```a``| $0 Poolmasters Essential Collection consists of the essential must-have products for customary pool and spa maintenance constructed with durable materials designed to keep your pool sparkling. PLEASE CHECK THE ITEM DESCRIPTION BEFORE CHECKING OUT UNSHIPPABLE ITEMS ARE MARKED ACCORDINGLY. Poolmaster, Inc. is a manufacturer of aftermarket pool and spa products.
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Includes round vial test block with matching color caps to solutions and color chart, OTO tests for chlorine levels and Phenol Red tests for pH, Phenol Red is for use with 2 or 3-Way Test Kits Only not to be used with 5-Way Test Kits. solutions of Phenol Red and OTO with color chart included. Your email address will not be published. Your email address will not be published.
The PoolMaster 5-Way Pool Test Kit is used in residential pools for testing basic elements including pH, Free/Combined Chlorine, Bromine, Acid Demand, and Total Alkalinity.
Chlorine residual should be between 1.0 and 3.0 ppm.
It includes 1 ounce and .5 ounce liquid reagents. Your email address will not be published.
Interested in this product? A large difference between the two readings (more than 0.2 ppm) indicates a need for super chlorination.
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We offer products across six distinct product lines Backyard & Dcor, Games & Toys, Floats, Inflatables, Maintenance and Swim & Dive Gear. Other test instructions included in kit on place-card and in booklet. ",#(7),01444'9=82. The ideal level of pH should be between 7.4 and 7.6. 4.
For use in maintaining your pool/spas proper water chemistry the 2-Way DPD Kit tests for two chemical factors: Chlorine and pH. For Combined Chlorine Reading, wait 1 to 2 minutes and compare again to determine the combined chlorine ppm level. Be the first to review 2-Way Test Kits DPD. Required fields are marked *.
Tests for Free/Combined Chlorine, Bromine, Acid Demand, pH and Total Alkalinity, Reagents: PoolMaster Reagents #1, #2, #3, #4, and #5, Detailed Instruction Booklet included in kit, Instructions for the PoolMaster 5-Way Test Kit (Chlorine Test. solution of Phenol Red.
For Free Chlorine Reading, within 2-3 seconds, compare color with chlorine standards on comparator to determine the Free Chlorine ppm. Required fields are marked *.
Proper and frequent testing of pool and spa water is your first line of defense in protecting your family and your pool or spa.
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It does this by using a color comparator and a drop test to visually determine current levels of pH, chlorine, etc.
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We offer products across six distinct product lines Backyard & Dcor, Games & Toys, Floats, Inflatables, Maintenance and Swim & Dive Gear. /Im0 Do 7 0 obj
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Headquartered in Sacramento, California, we manufacture, market, sell and distribute products worldwide to wholesalers, retailers and specialty market segments. Maintenance, Tests, Kits, Water, Treatment, Treatments, Basic. Poolmasters Essential Collection consists of the essential must-have products for customary pool and spa maintenance constructed with durable materials designed to keep your pool sparkling.
poolmaster 2-way test kit instructions