On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your overall job performance during the last period of time (where 1 means worst performance and 10 means top performance). Therefore, contrary to the results of the present study, according to which the COVID-19 pandemic effects felt by employees did not affect their physical and mental well-being, the literature largely demonstrated that the COVID-19 pandemic negatively affected the well-being of employees in terms of workplace relationships and worklife balance [78]. In: Marcoulides G.A., editor. The structural model. However, the results of this study, according to which the COVID-19 pandemic effects felt by employees, does not affect their mental and physical well-being, can be considered unexpected, taking into account the studies identified in the literature, which have shown the opposite. The results showed that the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected their well-being. In order to achieve the purpose of the research, a survey was designed with a questionnaire as a research tool. Impact of COVID-19 on mental health and quality of life: Is there any effect? Hassan S.M., Ring A., Tahir N., Gabbay M. The impact of COVID-19 social distancing and isolation recommendations for Muslim communities in North West England. The Coronavirus and The Employees: A Study from the Point of Human Resource Management. Out of these, 67.44% were employed in a private sector organization in Romania and 32.56% worked in a public sector organization. navigating knoll Considering the mediating role of stress factors, the results of the study showed that health- and work-related stress levels mediated the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic effects felt by employees and their well-being, both mental and physical. Ripp J., Peccoralo L., Charney D. Attending to the Emotional Well-Being of the Health Care Workforce in a New York City Health System During the COVID-19 Pandemic. The outbreak of COVID-19 coronavirus and its impact on global mental health. and C.F.P. Starting from these aspects, the following research hypothesis can be formulated: The COVID-19 pandemic effects felt by employees affected their general work performance. kinesiology brock shaping This paper begins with the specification of the contextual framework and with the analysis of the specialized literature in order to develop the research hypotheses. productivity evaluating balance impact working china partners In emergencies such as COVID-19, people can react in different ways to stress, and high levels of stress can have serious effects on mental health [47].
First, as may be seen in Table 3 and Table 4, the AVE of each construct is greater than the squared correlation with all others constructs, while the HTMT ratios range between 0.334 and 0.742, therefore not exceeding Henseler et al.s [72] thresholds of 0.90 or 0.85. Mihalache M., Mihalache O.R. determinants social health dynamics cohort examining patient covid research clic ctsa event program International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/hrm.22082, https://www.hcp.med.harvard.edu/hpq/ftpdir/HPQ%20Employee%20Version%2081810.pdf. Shamsi M., Iakovleva T., Olsen E., Bagozzi R.P.
government site. and C.F.P. and transmitted securely. Specifically, performing work activities in an inefficient place can have a detrimental effect on the physical and mental well-being of employees, as well as on their overall work performance, leading to their decline [35,45]. Learn more Gao J., Zheng P., Jia Y., Chen H., Mao Y., Chen S., Wang Y., Fu H., Dai J.
All of these limitations may represent directions for future research. Mental Well-Being (MWB). Therefore, the more intensely employees feel threatened by COVID-19 effects, such as cessation of activity at work, salary decreases, technical unemployment, changes in their lifestyle as a result of changing interpersonal relationships imposed by isolation, physical distancing, or changing attitudes of people around them, the more they will be stressed by the fear of falling sick themselves or of someone they love falling sick, of losing their jobs, of distancing from those close to them, of working from home for a long time, or of going into technical unemployment, and, in turn, their mental and physical well-being will deteriorate. Moreover, Li et al. The hypotheses were operationalized through six constructs, namely, COVID-19 effects, Health-Related Stress Factors, Work-Related Stress Factors, Mental Well-Being, Physical Well-Being, and General Work Performance. 8600 Rockville Pike On the other hand, regarding the physical and mental condition of employees, the COVID-19 pandemic effects also influence their work performance.
Finally, the conclusions of this research are presented, highlighting the main implications and limitations of the research. Torales J., OHiggins M., Castaldelli-Maia J.M., Ventriglio A. Leadership competencies and the essential role of human resource development in times of crisis: A response to COVID-19 pandemic.
The results indicated that the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected employees performance and also their well-being. A closed-ended question was also included at the beginning of the questionnaire, in which respondents agreed to participate in this research. For the purpose of data collection, a structured questionnaire was used. At the same time, employees who worked from home to meet the requirements of social distancing reported a decrease in physical and mental well-being due to decreased physical activity, increased consumption of unhealthy food, and lack of communication with colleagues [35,40,42,43]. The health of a population depends to a large extent on the socio-economic context, labour markets, welfare systems, public policies, and demographic characteristics of that country, which indicates that there are strong reasons to believe that possible changes in these key factors can also be reflected in the mental well-being of that population [10]. Nicola M., Alsafi Z., Sohrabi C., Kerwan A., Al-Jabir A., Iosifidis C., Agha M., Agha R. The socio-economic implications of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19): A review. The results showed that the COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted the performance of companies in almost all the countries analyzed, but a stronger effect was observed among firms in developing countries. [(accessed on 16 October 2020)]; Kessler R.C., Barber C., Beck A., Berglund P., Cleary P., McKenas D., Pronk N., Simon G., Stang P., Ustun T.B., et al. The hypotheses that studied the mediating role of stress levels related to health and work on the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic effects felt by employees and their mental and physical well-being, and also on the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic effects felt by employees and their general work performance, cannot be compared with other studies because no papers have been identified in the literature to focus on these mediation relationships. The results of this study may lead to an awareness among employees that the COVID-19 pandemic is an external factor that affects not only the economy and organizations as a whole but also the well-being of employees and their performance at work. Moreover, among employees, increased use of these devices and excessive time spent in front of screens has been negatively correlated with sleep duration and associated with an increase in depressive symptoms, anxiety, headaches, fatigue, and eye symptoms, which shows that these effects of the pandemic have also unbalanced the mental health and physical well-being of employees [39,41]. Opatha H.H.D.N.P. In addition, to a large extent, research that has analyzed the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on performance has taken into account organizational performance, not overall employee work performance. brock goodman talk libby theresa cancelled lunch accounting ernst professor present central florida friday university march young visit Accessibility The site is secure. Negatively and directly or indirectly, all employees in all organizations have been affected by COVID-19, are being affected or will be affected by this pandemic; there are no employees working in any organization that is immune to coronavirus [2]. In this regard, there might be a change of perceptions of COVID-19 at the end of 2020 compared to the beginning of 2021 which could affect the findings, since the study measures individual perceptions. Henseler J., Sarstedt M. Goodness-of-fit indices for partial least squares path modeling. To validate the first three research hypotheses, the relevance and significance of path coefficients of the direct relationships of C19E effects were evaluated. A number of work-related stress factors, also felt during the pandemic, such as job uncertainty and the threat of unemployment at work, were directly linked to an unexpectedly low level of performance [56]. Moreover, overall performance is extremely comprehensive and thus it is not possible to know exactly which components of work performance are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Studies highlights that the level of employees physical and mental well-being has tended to decrease during the pandemic, a tendency that may have been caused by emotions like anxiety, fear, or stress, as well as new working conditions imposed as a result of the pandemic [32]. Shutters S.T. At the same time, the effects of a pandemic, such as social isolation, financial problems, and the infection of a family member or friend, lead to an increase in general stress levels [19,21]. This construct aimed to assess the extent to which employees felt a number of threats/effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
and C.F.P. Given the fact that potential respondents could be employed in any organization in Romania, overall work performance was assessed by means of one item adopted from the WHO Health and Work Performance Questionnaire (HPQ) [, COVID-19, mental well-being, physical well-being, pandemic effects, work performance, stress factors. and A.A.O. 434438. and S.C.. On the other hand, Health-Related Stress Factors do not have such a mediating effect and hypothesis 6a could not be confirmed by the empirical results. Wong A.K.F., Kim S., Kim J., Han H. How the COVID-19 pandemic affected hotel Employee stress: Employee perceptions of occupational stressors and their consequences. Ince F. The Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Workforce in Turkey. As Ariawaty [1] considers, employees are the engine that drives the activities of organizations to achieve goals, and the better they are, the better the performance of that organization, which will ensure success in achieving organizational goals. Two items were included in this category: fear of becoming infected with coronavirus and fear of infecting others. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of COVID-19 pandemic effects on employees health and mental well-being, as well as on their working performance. De-la-Calle-Durn M.-C., Rodrguez-Snchez J.-L. As for the questions included in the questionnaire, these were closed questions. topessaywriter subjunctive breathe hrm linguistics okr strategieumsetzung toolbox mygreektutor macbeth florencia viadana Starting from the above, the following hypothesis can be formulated: Health- and work-related stress levels mediate the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic effects felt by employees and their general work performance. aar Pfefferbaum B., North C.S. investments competitors shortage slows lags far Although there are studies that have analyzed the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on employee mental well-being and on employee performance, no work has been identified which studies how the COVID-19 pandemic affects employees physical health. Therefore, some studies, e.g., [9], suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic effects should be controlled by support provided at work, as organizational support perceived by employees is associated with positive changes in the well-being of employees at work. Kawugana A., Mohammed M.R.
In addition to behavioral changes and the physical and mental condition of employees, the effects of the pandemic, such as social distancing and working from home, also require adjustment of the workplace. To achieve these results, from the initial physical well-being scale, two items (PWB8 and PWB9) were excluded due to their low factor loading. In this way, the collected data was automatically centralized in a database which allowed the data to be processed using statistical methods and software. Physical Well-Being (PWB).
To what extent did you feel the following during the COVID-19 pandemic? The new PMC design is here! Besides the direct effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the indirect effects mediated by Health- and Work-Related Stress Factors were investigated by computing the bias-corrected confidence intervals of indirect effects through a bootstrapping procedure with 5000 sub-samples (Table 6). Kessler R.C., Ames M., Hymel P.A., Loeppke R., McKenas D.K., Richling D.E., Stang P.E., Ustun T.B.
cra executive sacrosegtam brains In this study, structural equation modeling was employed to represent the proposed relationships and to test the research hypothesis. How workplace support for the COVID-19 pandemic and personality traits affect changes in employees affective commitment to the organization and job-related well-being.
research paper on impact of covid-19 on employees