during a Program, Share Program information (including lesson plans, curriculum program, etc.) Occasionally, staff will take students to a location on and off campus to visit a local venue. Important Note to Participants and Custodial Parents and Legal Guardians: By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you confirm that you understand and agree to the full content of the above. During the normal course of our business, we may sell or purchase assets. We may use the information we collect from and about you and/or your student for any of the following purposes: V. How We Share Information
Housing staff are not authorized to dispense medications. Certificates/vouchers are valid until the specified expiration date, without exception. Other than during the session, Staff is not permitted to communicate privately with, give out personal contact info to, or become social media friends with students. Physical Condition and Insurance. Before you provide additional information to third party providers, we encourage you to review their privacy policies and information collection practices.3. All certificates/vouchers are non-refundable, non-transferable, and not redeemable for cash.
Students may place collect and credit card calls from their room phone (if available) and receive long distance calls. I have read this document, and I am signing it freely. This privacy statement applies only to information collected through iD Sites & Services and not to information collected offline. The Releasees are not liable for any special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with any aspect of participation in the Activity. By agreeing to these terms and conditions I give permission for my child to participate in all activities of iD Tech (the Event) held on Harvard Universitys campus. No matter your interest, there are a number of ways to compete. I give my permission for my child to be on the campus of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) as part of the iD Tech Camp on the dates for which I registered. We may also collect geolocation information from your device so we can customize your experience on our iD Sites & Services. Contacting Instructor
Some features of our iD Sites & Services permit a child user to enter comments, such as forums and chat rooms, through which the child could provide personal information that would be visible to other users. You may also send an email or letter to the following email or call the number provided to ask for a copy, correct, or ask us to delete your personal Information. These sites are not affiliated with iD Tech and offer their own individual social networking services. If Stanford incurs any of these types of expenses, Participant agrees to reimburse Stanford. All tuition credits must be used in the year in which they are earned, can be used to offset Program tuition and other fees incurred, but do not entitle you to any form of payment. Information We May Ask You To Provide
Check out iD Tech held at UCSB for more course and date options. SHOULD ANY PART OF THIS CONTRACT BE FOUND INVALID OR NOT ENFORCEABLE BY A COURT OF LAW, THEN THE REMAINING PORTION SHALL CONTINUE TO BE VALID AND IN FORCE.XIV. Lessons are only available for subjects set out by iD Tech. I Agree that iD Tech has the right to refuse service. This Release is made on the undersigned date by and between the undersigned (or if a child under 18 years of age, on behalf of the child by the child's parent or legal guardian) and the Town of Westlake/Westlake Academy. iD Tech reserves the right to deny the refund to anyone based on its inability to verify test scores, or to match the student identified in the score announcement to a student that took an AP preparatory lesson.
Call 1-888-709-8324 or +1 408-871-3700 (international), We'll email you with any updates about this location.View all locations, Monday through Friday
Sessions must be pre purchased, and must be scheduled no later than October 15, of the camp season it was purchased. The University assumes no responsibility for a stored vehicle on University property. Code of Conduct
This Assumption of Risk, Release of Claims, Indemnification, and Hold Harmless and Agreement supersedes any earlier written or oral understandings or agreements between the parties. You also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time where iD Tech relied on your consent to process your personal information. Important Note to Participants and Custodial Parents and Legal Guardians. Such links do not imply any endorsement of material on our part and we expressly disclaim all liability with regard to your access to such sites. For a description on how social media services and other third party platforms, plug-ins, integrations, or applications handle your information, please refer to their respective privacy policies and terms of use, which may permit you to modify your privacy settings. To provide the services which you requested or purchased; To provide you with better services, including conducting audits and data analysis; Providing information to our University partners; and. THE SITE, SERVICES, INTERNALDRIVE, INC., CONTENT AND MEMBER SUBMISSIONS ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. I understand this release does not apply to injuries caused by intentional or grossly negligent conduct on the part of the Releasees. Refunds will not be given if a session is canceled for failure of the student or the parent to abide by the code of conduct. Promotions and Discounts
You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold iD Tech, its officers, directors, employees, and agents, harmless from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs, arising out of or in any way connected with: (i) your access to or use of social networking sites, their services, iD Tech Content and Member Submissions; (ii) your violation of these Terms of Use; (iii) your violation of any third-party right, including, without limitation, any intellectual property right, publicity, confidentiality, property, or privacy right; or (iv) any claim that one of your Member Submissions caused damage to a third party or infringed or violated any third-party intellectual property right, publicity, confidentiality, property, or privacy right. Bullying, taunting or threatening behavior toward other students is a violation of our conduct policy. Privacy Statement Changes
ACCORDINGLY, SOME OF THE ABOVE EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.XXII. The parties to this Agreement are the student attending an iD Tech Program at Stanford University (Participant), Participant's parents or legal guardian, if Participant is under 18, (all referred to hereafter jointly and severally as "Participant") and the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University its officers, trustees, faculty, agents, representatives, volunteers, students and employees (collectively referred to hereafter as "Stanford) for iD Tech programs held at Stanford University (Event) (Stanford and Event are collectively referred to hereafter as Released Parties). I am the parent or legal guardian of the Participant. I am responsible for scheduling the session via the link sent out via email or by contacting 1-888-709-8324. ucsb idtech I hereby certify and agree that my child/student has my approval to participate in the iD Tech program (hereinafter "the Activity") to be held at Vanderbilt University in Nashville. Summer Program Permission Slip / Rules & Regulations. Release, Indemnification, and Hold Harmless Agreement. Therefore, students may interact and/or room with a student that is within this age range including 18 or 19 years old. I grant UT Dallas and its employees full authority to take whatever action they may consider to be warranted under any circumstances regarding the protection of my childs health and safety. Sign up for emails here: Education:
No refunds, credits, or make-up classes will be provided if a session is missed due to a delinquent payment. You have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal information.
personally contact instructors outside of session, without permission from iD Tech as set forth below; abide by the rules and regulations of the instructor and iD Tech; attend session in an appropriate, private setting; adhere to the terms of use of any sites used, including following the specified age policies; and. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. The skills I honed at iD Tech ledme to become an engineer at Amazon then Airbnb.". You should check your privacy settings on these third party services to understand and change the information sent to us through these services. In consideration for being allowed to participate in this Activity and/or use of the Premises or Facility, on behalf of myself and my next of kin, heirs and representatives, I release from all liability and promise not to sue the State of California, the Trustees of the California State University, California State University San Marcos, and their employees, officers, directors, volunteers and agents (collectively University) and the California State University San Marcos Corporation (CSUSM Corporation), Associated Students, Inc., California State University San Marcos Foundation, University Village Apartments, The QUAD, Urban Villages San Marcos (UVSM), Capstone On-Campus Management (COCM) and their employees, officers, directors, volunteers and agents (collectively Auxiliary Organizations) from any and all claims, including claims of the Universitys or Auxiliary Organizations negligence, resulting in any physical or psychological injury (including paralysis and death), illness, damages, or economic or emotional loss I may suffer because of my participation in this Activity, including travel to, from and during the Activity. The undersigned acknowledges that by signing this Release, he/she has read and understands this Release, that he/she has signed this Release of his/her own free will and not under duress or coercion, and that he/she has the authority to execute this Release. Further, the Town assumes no liability of any kind and is not responsible for the actions of other individuals or participants at its facilities.
SOME STATES OR JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF CERTAIN WARRANTIES. Please ensure that there is at least two weeks of delivery time between add on/equipment purchase and the date of the first class/lesson that incorporates the equipment or add on. I agree to release, hold harmless, and indemnify Fairleigh Dickinson University, its trustees, officers, agents, and employees from any and all claims and liability arising out of the Activity. Missed classes will be forfeited and cannot be made up or refunded. Students who endanger themselves or others, or who continue to commit violations after having been warned, will be sent home. Service Providers
kingsmen Email: privacy@iDTech.com
This might involve going to another building on campus, a campus facility tour, a trip to a park, an outing to a local mall, or going to a movie theater. Saturday, 8am-5pm Pacific Time
All lessons must be scheduled within one year of purchase. Please read the following Terms and Conditions carefully, as well as the Terms and Conditions of the sites in which iD Tech has created a forum ("Group"). You agree that you and your participant will not use the social networking sites to offer, display, distribute, transmit, route, provide connections to, or store any material that infringes copyrighted works, trademarks, or service marks or otherwise violates or promotes the violation of the intellectual property rights of any third party. Disrupt, bully, intimidate, or harass others, Use inappropriate language (for example, students cannot use curse words, racial, gendered, homophobic/transphobic, stereotypical, or culturally insensitive words, even if done in a joking manner), View, display, or post any inappropriate material (including sexual content, material depicting inappropriate violence, racism, bullying, etc.) Participant gives permission for Stanford or its representative to provide immediate and reasonable emergency care should it be required. The parent/guardian will be notified and asked to pick up the student immediately. However, iD Tech reserves the right to allow parents to share their lesson link with one other student. lashing The program may decide to pass along damage expenses to the student. You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold internalDrive Inc. /iD Tech, its officers, directors, employees, and agents, harmless from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs, arising out of or in any way connected with your students participation in an iD Tech Program.XI. riders scherr INTERNALDRIVE, INC., AND ITS SUPPLIERS EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE SITE, SERVICES, INTERNALDRIVE, INC., CONTENT AND MEMBER SUBMISSIONS, WHETHER THE PROVISION OF SERVICES OR YOUR SUBMISSION OF A MEMBER SUBMISSION WILL PRODUCE ANY LEVEL OF PROFIT OR BUSINESS FOR YOU OR LEAD TO ECONOMIC BENEFIT, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF QUALITY, AVAILABILITY, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. No other representations concerning the legal effect of this document have been made to me. We use these technologies to keep track of how you are using our iD Sites & Services and to remember certain pieces of general information. Special Accommodations
A Silicon Valley family company with 23 years of experience. tours events oaks thousand newbury must park 23rd 30th works camarillo sharon rosenthal macaronikid april before sign A $25 returned check fee will be assessed for any checks returned or card transactions that are not honored. In case of an emergency and if I cannot be reached I, the undersigned parent or guardian of the above named child, do hereby consent to any x-ray, anesthetic, medical, or surgical diagnosis or treatment and hospital care deemed advisable and rendered by any licensed physician or surgeon. cappella vocalists kavli If sufficient notice is not provided, then the session is treated as a no-show, and the lesson will be deducted from your lesson balance. I agree to hold the University and the Auxiliary Organizations harmless from any and all claims, including attorneys fees or damage to my personal property that may occur as a result of my participation in this Activity, including travel to, from and during the Activity.
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