Since I am away from my camper during the weekend I like to be notified if the temp falls to low. First establish an Easy Touch account then you will be able to connect to the Easy Touch via Bluetooth in order to configure the Wifi. The wiring is an exact match so electrically the installation is plug and play: To remove the Airxcel, push up slightly on the bottom while pulling out to separate it from the backing plate as shown in the video below. These are specific to the beta version of the Android app when I tested it back in March 2021: Update: As of 8/11/2021 I believe all of my comments below still apply. Within a week or so they had produced a new revision specifically for the 333. So for those of you with the 333 model, the first thing you should do is go to the settings (gear icon), then as shown in the photo below, tap the icon shown by the arrow. However, If they dont then I would have to drill new holes. So you could have one zone heating, another cooling and a third off. If you have any questions or comments, please direct them to so we can assist you quickly. The Micro-Aire is easy to install and much easier to use although the automatic functions (scheduling) are a bit non-intuitive as is the change from F to C on the read out. Im not sure that has a significant benefit but it may, time will tell. These are only updated when on Bluetooth since, as you said, you can be anywhere on WIFI. I like it! The photo below shows the Gas mode with the fans set to Off. The downside of this difference is when switching from Heating to Cooling you need to change the settings separately for each of the zones. Thanks for pointing out the discrepancy, you actually have the latest version of the Android app. Yes the capanility of remote access to HVAC is very useful! Utilizes sensors from your original system to read outdoor temperatures. DIY installation, drop-in replacement with a simple mounting template. I think what happened is after most of the beta testing was complete, MicroAir changed the versioning. Gas will have Off, Auto Low, Auto High, High and Low just like the original Airxcel. Its a huge improvement over the Airxcel, the display is bright, bold and colorful. One gets two buttons on screw heads after the conversion from Dometic to the Micro Air thermostat. In a recent blog, I read about two Airstream owners that replaced the ever-so-complex Dometic HVAC thermostat with a Micro-Air easy touch RV thermostat SY-389-X50, and made the claim that it was a much simpler setup than the Dometic. Also involved changes to the thermostat wiring which was a challenge. Honda ABS & VSA Dash Lights Stay On? MicroAir does not seem to be inclined to do any of that however. Note: please scroll down to the chart in additional product info to ensure you order the correct EasyTouch thermostat. MicroAir makes the Easy Touch thermostat specifically to replace the specialized units that are often used in RVs and boats. 3.5" touchscreen allows for easy temperature changing with just the touch of your finger! Now you will probably want to get WiFi set up, to do that first install the Easy Touch app from Google or Apple, search for Easy Touch RV. Hi Randy, I assume you mean from the tstat screen? I like the inside and outside temperature features. The Airxcel had Heat/Cool/Off so all zones had to be in one of those modes all at the same time, but the Easy Touch lets you chose the mode on a per zone basis. This model has extra fan controls that allow the fans to operate in the Gas heat modes. Easily one of the best upgrades I have made! Ex: if you have 2 thermostats, both will need to be replaced. It turns out that the Airxcel 9330-333 used on Entegras from circa 2015 (perhaps 2014) until the Vegatouch, are a unique version of the Airxcel thermostat. Hello JW, Thanks for the feedback. Outstanding article. Remember to switch your refrigerator to propane only and turn off your converter using the appropriate circuit breaker while running the AC! The little black squarish device is a gps antenna. As a matter of fact it does not show up in my phone system list of apps. Honda ABS & VSA Dash Lights Stay On? We picked up our GT27 late Nov 2022 and was less than impressed with the Dometic HVAC thermostat. MicroAir Easy Touch Thermostat Installation & Review. Took me a while to figure that one out. Checking and changing the climate in your RV has never been easier.This application works with the EasyTouch RV thermostat line of products that replace existing thermostats. If your problems persists I suggest giving MicroAir support a call, they are quite helpful and your best bet if there is some odd issue. I am thinking of getting a Micro-Air Thermostat 350 to replace my Dometic CCC2. Heres how it looks after the installation: By the way, in the photo above the clear box at the bottom with the orange wire is my eRVin system that lets me control all the lights and other things remotely. Reason is the input location of the wires are on opposite sides of the two units. Where did you get the 1.1.1 beta? Hello Kelly and thanks for the review. There is always room for improvement however and its fantastic that MicroAir is so open to making changes. I had Micro-Air install my Easy Start and they also put in my EasyTouch at the same time at their headquarters in Allentown NJ. Micro-Air ASY-351-X01 EasyTouch RV 351 Touchscreen Thermostat With Bluetooth - Black. Works with up to 4 units that are equipped for A/C, heat pump, furnace, or heat strip. A wide range of applications are available including Dometic, Coleman and others. The on going notification that the app running is very annoying., Oditly - Checklists, Inspections and Audits. Airstream is a registered trademark of Airstream Inc. All rights reserved. It is very weird because I can use it from across the country via my wireless network with no issues but if local to the thermostat it demands BT and will not even allow the option of wifi connection. Built with, Coleman Mach 8330A5221 Carrier A/C Control Conversion Kit, Coleman Mach 9330C755 Heat-Ready Air Conditioner Cool Control Kit, Coleman Mach 9203-5261 Replacement Shroud For 4900 And 9000 Series, Camco 45262 Black Vinyl A/C Cover For Coleman Mach I, II & III - 28.5" x 42" x 12", Coleman Mach 8330-752 Cool-Only Control Package, Lasalle Bristol 410TSDC36BNOKCY Ceiling Fan With Wall SwitchOak/Cherry - 36", Coleman Mach 1472-1091 Replacement RV Air Conditioner Blower Wheel, Coleman Mach 47233-4551 Electric Heat Kit/Strip For Heat-Ready Ceiling Assembly - 6K BTU. Fridge Fixer - Brilliant Design Keeps RV Residential Fridge Doors Closed! 15 minutes later a Micro-Air was installed in mine and SO happy with it. Can you switch zones ok via the smartphone app? This post describes replacing the Airxcel 9330-333 thermostat on our 2017 Entegra Aspire with the Easy Touch. However this can not be done on a per zone basis, all zones will have the same settings. A Bird, A Bike, A Bog, Billys, Buc-ees And A Shot Of Serenity. Airstream trademark used under license to Social Knowledge LLC. Can you provide a link to the thermostat? Or one chose a large backing plate. Built-in automatic backup feature saves your thermostat's control settings. WiFi and Bluetooth enabled and programmable by the time of day. As of 8/11/2021 the Android app (in the Play Store) is version and the firmware on the thermostat itself is version is 2 weeks later we were having Ronnie Dennis lift her & install soft-starts. This website is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Airstream, Inc. or any of its affiliates. There is an Auto mode that will automatically switch between heating and cooling which I was looking forward to. One of the best features for me is the access from anywhere via an app on my phone (WiFi). Update 8/2021: circa May 2021 the Android app versioning has changed, so the Android app version referenced above is no longer valid. EasyTouch features a new color touch screen, fully select-able modes, scheduling and away features and remote access. You can see the Room temp and Set temp at the same time! All of that aside, the app and device are working as advertised. The app requests that Bluetooth be enabled when you use it. Overall Dimensions: 3" H x 3.9" W x 1.06" depth. Also I set my phone on do not disturb at night. Stay well! You can set a maximum high temp and a minimum low temp. If the Android app in the Google Play Store shows version 24 it will not work properly. Very intuitive, unlike the Dometic. Splendide Washer/Dryer Door Latch/Lock Bypass. The Coleman/Airxcel thermostat on our 2017 Entegra is a very basic unit, is cumbersome to use (think 1980s technology) and lacks features common today like programmability and access via the cloud. The correct app will be version 1.1.1 or higher. Only certain things that I have set can make my phone audible let me know. Skip to the Operation section. I like the clever mounting pins that come with a built in plastic spacer, no measuring needed! Showed me the Micro-Air in his Airstream. Your email address will not be published. Mine did not have one: Before unplugging the cables, it might be a good idea to shut off power using the salesman switch. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. As far as running your AC you can use the standard Honda EU 2000 generator as well as the Companion. There is also an Away mode which allows setting a range which could possibly take the place of the Auto mode.
We recently switched our 13.5K and 15K Dometic air conditioners for two 15K Coleman units. Id like to see it gateway with RV-C and/or home automation technologies so it could be further customized and integrated. Learn how your comment data is processed. Please enable JavaScript on your browser to best view this site.
My Android app is currently also and the Thermostat firmware just updated to, Outstanding article Rob! Review: Jackery Explorer 2000 Pro - Portable Power Go RVing In Virginia: Bethpage Camp-Resort & G How To Stay Cool In Your RV This Fourth Of July, RV Routing and Campground Data, Even When Offline, Visit Sun Retreats Cape May In New Jersey. This is so the app can update things like the location for accurate weather and time zones as you travel. Yeah, the icons are small and I find I need to tap with a fingernail in the corner where you switch zones to get them to react. Now I am at peace with my thermostat! First, mark the locations for the pins, then drill 1/8 holes in the panel and screw the pins in place. Automatically detects system sources such as furnace, heat strip, and cooling.
Note: as of 3/3/2021 the iOS app is released, but the Android App is still in development. So glad I did. In the photo above the area circled in red will toggle between NORMAL and 333 COMPATIBLE. I love the idea of the app but it does not function without Bluetooth. The Easy Touch version 355 is the correct model to replace the 9330-333 Airxcel thermostat. - Brad. If your system does not have an outdoor temperature, then no temperature will be shown.
Replaces exactly what you have installed inside your coach. It took multiple efforts to get it to control one particular a/c unit. That Dometic was SO FRUSTRATING!!! You can read all about eRVin here. First though, look underneath at the bottom to make sure there is no screw holding the two parts together. Entegra owners with the 333 model need it to be set as shown. Unfortunately, it also has a proprietary Multi-Zone means of communicating with the three Air Conditioning units on our motorhome roof, so there is no off the shelf modern thermostat that can take its place. All Rights Reserved. Works with all BTUs and all Coleman or Dometic rooftop A/C units. I have been working with them in regard to testing the Android version and the app has progressed significantly over the past few weeks. Fortunately MicroAir is very easy to work with and accommodating. Would love to have a history feature that displays when either furnace or AC was on so that I know that the thermostat is operating properly in the away mode. We got new Easy Starts with bluetooth capability but had to replace the MicroAir thermostat that cured all the A/C issues on our Classic for the Coleman compatible model. Im having problems changing to zone 2 Any ideas. Note: my wiring wanted to slip back into the hole so be careful it doesnt get away from you. We bought it at the last International Rally its a great product and a no-brainer install. After unplugging the Airxcel electrically, remove the backing plate. Smartphone app allows you to control your RV's A/C from remotely anywhere via WiFi. - Easy Fault Reset Procedure.
Replaces the following thermostats: Dometic CT, Dometic SZLCD. The exact process will vary with changes to the app version, so for now I will defer to the procedure in the Easy Touch manual. Here are a few observations about things Id like to see improved over time. Easy Fault Reset Procedure. After an extensive wifi connection process, this app is working well. JAVASCRIPT IS DISABLED. First thing I noticed is the Easy Touch is significantly smaller than the Airxcel. Terrific bunch and support is terrific. Also- changing from C to F and back is as simple as touching the temp readout itself. The standard Easy Touch did not support those modes properly. This needs to be fixed!!! Panama City Beach, FL - St. Andrews State Park Review, 2021+ Jeep Grand Cherokee L Baseplate/Air Force One Installation, Galveston Gallivanting Part II - Moody Gardens, Dunnellon, FL - Rainbow Springs State Park Review. Not a big deal but it adds a little inconvenience. It sounds like a pretty easy install just take off the old thermostat, connect the wires but the holes/screws has me hesitant. Most of the rest of the screen too for that matter. Still, this is more useful IMO than the current behavior of Auto mode. Dont really know what you mean by wire ins diagram that is better. This will add fan controls to the heating modes. I do like starting the furnace in the morning from the comfort of my bed/iPhone! The current Android Play store app is still Related to the above two points, Auto and Away, as far as I can tell so far, switch only between heat pump cooling and heat pump heating. Although this app will notify you I can not add it to my allowed list so it will come through. There is no setting to allow Gas as the heat mode. Please contact us at for more. That is until now! I ordered an Easy Touch 355 for my 2018 Entegra Aspire. Displays actual and setpoint temperatures on the screen. EasyTouch may be controlled via Bluetooth on your smartphone if within range. Developers can show information here about how their app collects and uses your data. Arwinder & Susan, hope all is well! Do you have a wire ins diagram that is better. If the Micro-Air holes line up exactly with the Dometic, then I dont see a problem. Will be placing an order for this soon for our 2016 Anthem. What Does An RV Propane Gas Leak Smell Like? New Life For Old GelCoat - An Inexpensive Solution That Really Works! Required fields are marked *. He checked out the thermostat and could not get it working correctly either. The app works real good. Something I am perhaps too skitterish about - maybe unnecessarily so. Fortunately the Easy Touch was just barely big enough to cover the cutout in the panel where the Airxcel was located.
The Micro-Air ASY-351-X01 EasyTouch Thermostat replaces a Dometic CT or SZLCD thermostat allowing you to adjust the temperature inside your RV with an easy touchscreen or by remote access from your smartphone via Bluetooth or WiFi. How To Keep Your Dog Cool While RVing This Summer, Furnaces, Heaters, Fireplaces & Air Conditioning, Electrical - Systems, Generators, Batteries & Solar, Airstream Restoration, Repair & Parts Forums,, Micro-Air EasyTouch RV 352 Touchscreen Thermostat With Bluetooth - Black, Adding a thermostat to a Dometic Air Conditioner, Airstream Trailer & Motorhome Owners Community, Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 1.
micro air thermostat install