Extra ports. very good article. Its not as quick as using the coupler, but it is not too bad. If your duct is too small, you wont move adequate air volume to remove fine dust, but if it is too large, you wont get sufficient air speed to remove anything. If you have chosen a dust collector with enough suction for your shop configuration, then the simplest approach with PVC is to run 6 pipe wherever it is feasible, and 4 pipe wherever you find it necessary. How do you attach the flex inside the coupling? The HVAC piping in most home centers is 30 gauge or thinner, so it is not a good choice for dust collection. Any guidance would be appreciated. The real danger is having a spark occur at the same time. With metal ducting there are additional sizes available, and you can make more gradual steps down to potentially squeeze a bit more performance out of your system, but if you have appropriately sized your dust collector, you will be able to derive adequate air flow using 6 and 4 pipes. Thanks Machining Services |, Company Information & History |
Add up the CFM requirements for all dust posts on your machines. I know now though I used too much flex hose thats for sure! Your advice on tees and y pieces is wrong, the ones you say to pick are more turbulent and add more static to the system over the ones say to not pick. It would collect some of the heavier debris but would not do much to collect the fine dust that causes health problems. In most cases, flanged ducting is throw away. Dust Collection Design & Installation |
Continue to the second machine. And if you were using a four inch line a low cost take off is the plastic end caps found in rolls of carpet at your builders supply. To maximize your air flow, focus most of your design efforts around 6 pipe, sometimes 4 when you need to, but nothing smaller than that for stationary tools. We are here to meet your needs. In the second picture in the article, the green PVC is actually the bell coupler at the end of the pipe. Step Three: Figure out the Total CFM Required For Your Whole System. Size matters in dust collection. I would relocate to shorten the lengths if possible. Thanks for the feedback. Either buy one used from someone who has recently upgraded (there are lots of them out there in my area) or buy one that has enough power to collect from a ducting system if you decide to add that later. grounded woodworking machine and dust collector. O is for Open. If it is still tight you can warm up the flex tube a bit with a heat gun. Specific choices that help promote gentle dust paths include: Minimize the flex pipe. A properly installed system will not only be cost effective, but energy efficient. I just keep going back and forth what to do off the main. This will generally be referred to as Sewer and Drain, sometimes referred to as ASTM d-3034 or ASTM D-2729. While I liked your piece overall I know from handling PVC daily that in generates enough static you shouldnt ignore the risk. If you are going to run 6 then it wont be wise to use the 4 ports on the DC. No more problems, expensive downtime or delays. Our phone lines are open from 9am-5pm central time, Monday through Friday. Shapers |
I have a Clearview cyclone can I run the dust container off the bottom at a 45 degree to a barrel outside the wall, I would think so, but I would suggest contacting the folks at Clear Vue with this question to be sure. If using PVC, why not cement them together? Gonna give it a try in a day or two. Buying local might provide savings due to the high shipping costs of large pipes. Heres an option: https://www.homedepot.com/p/7-in-to-6-in-Round-Reducer-R7X6/100117561. Would 2 PVC piping work when connected to a 12 gal shop vac? Without going on too long here, see the directions from Shop Fox above. Then apply a band clamp to compress the PVC so that it will easily slip down into the flex tube. They sell plastic hangers for the ABS pipe that is convenient to hang my pipe, instead of attaching the plumber straps. And Ive been searching for awhile. After much research about metal vs. occurs, you made this an easy decision for me. For instance, if the machine has a CFM of 395, 4" ducting will be required. Air Handling Systems is proud to support the following industrial trade shows. If I have three separate lines, Id need a 6-4 reducer going into each of the three ports on the collector. Hello. Paul-WWGOA. My suggestion is to use only metal duct, make sure the dust collector will provide 4,500 Fpm (feet per minute) velocity in the duct and only capture wood dust with your dust collector. I looked thru your pics and text and dont see anywhere where you have 6 flex over PVC pipe, only inside PVC fittings. But if I didnt have good access to PVC pipe and fittings, I would be comfortable going with metal as well. Heres a link to sign up for our Premium Membership to access the full benefits of the site: https://www.wwgoa.com/?add-to-cart-multi=1&products=1195090&skipcart=1&coupon=c20716&vscid=c20716&skipcart=1336083/?nabc=0&SubscriberKeyHash={{SubKeyHash}}. If you choose metal, you should use 26 gauge or thicker so it doesnt have the potential to collapse under suction pressure. You must also confirm that the dust collector, is continuously grounded through the electrical circuit to, If you connect the dust collector to more than one, machine by way of a non-conducting branching duct, system and blast gates, the system must still be grounded, as mentioned above. Watch the next newsletter for specifics on how I optimized dust collection at various tools in my shop. Im not an expert on the volatility of wood dust and the practical likelihood that it will explode when exposed to electrostatic discharge, but I just havent seen evidence to suggest that it is likely under normal conditions in small shop dust collection systems. Where do you recommend I down size to the 4 line? Geez, my machine tool teacher would call that an Interference Fit. I have not finalized tool locations so I am flexible on arrangements and laying out a collection system. Thanks Paul-Woodworkers Guild of America. I live in the country and can exhaust my dust directly outside without the catch bag restriction. only requires a simple disconnect process. Ummm, any suggestions on getting the flex into the coupling? To prevent static charge and shocks I lined the PVC and fittings with a strip of aluminum foil duct tape with the ends wrapped around the pipe ends and fitting ends so that continuity is maintained from the machine all the way to the dust collector which is electrically grounded. Flexible hose ducting - Flexible hoses are made of rubber or plastic material and have a metal grounding helix that must be grounded at each end to prevent static electricity buildup and dangerous sparks. As to your question, you can probably guess what I would suggest which is a bigger DC and a ducting system. Paul. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter in your email and password to create a FREE account, http://home.comcast.net/~rodec/woodworking/articles/DC_myths.html, http://www.pexsupply.com/PVC-Fittings-470000, http://benchmark.20m.com/articles/BlastGate/blastgatebuilding.html, http://local.wordpress/articles/product-reviews/stepping-up-to-better-dust-collection/, https://www.homedepot.com/p/7-in-to-6-in-Round-Reducer-R7X6/100117561, https://www.wwgoa.com/?add-to-cart-multi=1&products=1195090&skipcart=1&coupon=c20716&vscid=c20716&skipcart=1336083/?nabc=0&SubscriberKeyHash=, Woodworking Blog Posts, Articles & Videos to Build Your Skills. I have used PVC for 15 years at least with no problem. However, plastic flex-hose and plastic duct, are an insulator, and dust particles moving against the, walls of the plastic duct create a static electrical build. Once it is started hopefully it will slide the rest of the way in without a problem. Because of its smooth rigid interior and all-metal construction, hard fixed ducting reduces the risk of static electricity buildup and decreases static pressure over long runs. Remember we will handle any size order, from one fitting to an entire system. Privacy Policy |
Where can I find all of yours. Hi, I read your article on dust collection and have a couple questions, 1-I will be using 6 pvc. very helpful! But I have a 2 questions; 1) If your DC intake port is roughly positioned in the middle of your wall, which way would be better to run your lines. Use metal pipe with whatever fittings you choose to afford and make sure to ground it in at least one place. If you use PVC, particularly 6 where there is so much overlap at the joints, you shouldnt need to seal most of your joints. Not quite done yet but what a difference hen you get big pipes and a powerful blower. What are the limitations of your workshop or space? The thinner and lighter the PVC, the easier to work with. Thanks Another way to do the quick disconnect is to use the bell connection at the end of the PVC pipe, rather than the coupler. Regular old metal plumbers strap provides an effective and economical means of securing ducts to your walls and ceiling. Whether you need an entire system or just a few dust collection components, we offer some of the most competitive dust collection system prices in the market to fit your budget. You answered several questions I had about setting up a dust collection system in my shop. http://home.comcast.net/~rodec/woodworking/articles/DC_myths.html The sharp point and threads of the screw inside the ductwork will tend to catch and hold onto small pieces of wood chips that can build up over time. Step Four: On Your Drawing, Sketch Out The Position of Your Main Duct Line. You are probably better off going with 4. I love it! Wont make any difference with air. I like these much better than commercially available quick disconnect systems, plus I have not seen commercially available quick disconnects for 6 ducting. Any recommendations on layout of tools to minimize cost? Its like having ABS in your car, you might not know how many times it saves you. 2) if you do run your trunk line (main line) on the ceiling or in the middle should you include a slight angle on the run like you would a sewage drain? I have done a lot of research on this recently, and I must warn you is is VERY IMPORTANT to ground your pipes and system. You can add a blast gate so you are ready to go, or simply place a cap on the pipe which is a bit cheaper. Once again, many thanks for the informative discussion. The more info about dust collection I can get the better However, if the machine can be isolated with a blast gate, you will not need to add the two air volumes. I had a smaller (in length) 4 flexible tube dust collecting system in a previous workshop and, although I did not install an earthing wire, I could feel the hairs on my arms move when I was close to the ducting. If you go that route, Id suggest upgrading the filter to something in the 1 micron range. They open all the way and dont have any buildup like gate valves (even to good metal ones). On metal you will likely need to seal the joints to minimize leaking. So I wrapped a ground wire around the dust collector a couple times and grounded it. I dont need to do all that piping and nothing is in the way! If your system leaks, you are literally wasting money. Great article. My question should I take advantage and use the largest duct I can find for the main then branch off of it with smaller ones? Also the store I work for stocks some 26 gauge duct work, 4 inch and 6 inch ys still have to be ordered in but if customers ordered enough of these they might become an in stock item. I would be interested in seeing your shop made blast gates if you are willing to post a photo of them in the Forum area. Tenoners |
This is on OSHAs hot list for a good reason. I combined a cyclone with a bag style dust collector and placed both in the room next to my shop to keep the noise level down. hose for now, but will be able to plumb in drops in the future if I move to a larger shop. Id be concerned about velocity dropping too low and having dust settling in the line. I currently have a 4 H.P.
It would be better if it was on the inside, but this is not always practical. You need to keep the air velocity up or dust will settle in the pipe and build up over time, which is the risk of oversizing the pipe. For short runs I think it will be fine, but for long runs you might not have the power to maintain 4000 fpm necessary to pull the finest dust. 10% leakage on a 50,000 CFM system will lose enough air to add five to six machines. The things that increase static pressure in dust collection include smaller ducts, longer distances, bends in the pipe and flexible tubing, so we will focus our efforts in minimizing those things that materially increase static pressure in our systems.
industrial dust collection pipe