Your browser does not support JavaScript. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. The central role of hydration reactions in central metabolism is not surprising since the cytosol of organisms is aqueous and theactivity of water in organisms is generally very high. 1; Stewart et al. Modified by Ronia Kattoum (UA of Little Rock). Chemical Reviews, 113, 90169042. Turner, D.R., and Hunter, K.A. silicate ferrierite potassium (2003) Nanometer-scale measurements of iron oxidation states of cronstedtite from primitive meteorites. Geology, 29, 1023.10.1130/0091-7613(2001)029<1023:SOSSPI>2.0.CO;2Search in Google Scholar, Faccenda, M. (2014) Water in the slab: A trilogy. Elsevier. Karl, D.M., and Bossard, P. (1985) Measurement and significance of ATP and adenine nucleotide pool turnover in microbial cells and environmental samples. Hawkesworth, C.J., Gallagher, K., Herget, J.M., and McDermott, F. (1993) Mantle and slab contributions in arc magmas. With an accout for you can always see everything at a glance and you can configure your own website and individual newsletter. (1997) Explosive basaltic volcanism from Cerro Negro volcano: influence of volatiles on eruptive style. An additional outcome of note is that calcium carbonate precipitation exchanges Ca2+ for two H+ ions in carbonic acid, which may contribute to lowering the pH of the ocean. Giddy about geology? The first step is a dehydration reaction involving carbohydrates and the amine groups of proteins to form glycosylamine. Springer. (2007) The Maillard Reaction, p. 1214. When dissolved in water, the anhydrous compound will have a color similar to that of the original hydrate even if it had changed color going from the hydrate to the anhydrous compound. Jarrard, R.D. Categories: Concrete | Inorganic reactions. 1). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 102(48), 1733717341.10.1073/pnas.0506531102Search in Google Scholar The investigation of eclogite facies garnet (containing up to 130 ppm water) and omphacite (containing up to 3000 ppm water) that formed from hydrous phases by dehydration reactions showed that small amounts of water are retained in the subducted oceanic crust (Katayama et al. Alteration of mantle rocks (serpentinization, reaction 2) and mafic oceanic crust can lead to the formation of hydrous minerals such as serpentine, brucite, amphiboles, smectites, chlorites, epidotes. 320, pp. The ISME Journal, 9, 13331351.10.1038/ismej.2014.219Search in Google Scholar (2006) Nominally anhydrous minerals and Earths deep water cycle. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 100, 25, 1483414839. FEMS Microbiology Reviews, 27(23), 427447.10.1016/S0168-6445(03)00043-3Search in Google Scholar, Schulte, M., Blake, D., Hoehler, T., and McCollom, T.M. 2016, 2018). (2016) Understanding silicate hydration from quantitative analyses of hydrating tricalcium silicates. Schrenk, M.O., Brazelton, W.J., and Lang, S.Q (2013) Serpentinization, carbon, and deep life. Earth and Space Science, 5(8), 364370. Consequently, the addition of water across bonds (hydration) is generally more thermodynamically favored than elimination (dehydration or condensation). It is widely accepted that water plays a fundamental role in mantle convection and its surface expression, plate tectonics (Fig. PubMed, Smith, E.M., Shirey, S.B., Richardson, S.H., Nestola, F., Bullock, E.S., Wang, J., and Wang, W. (2018) Blue boron-bearing diamonds from Earths lower mantle. 2012; Gail and Trieloff 2017). In D.R. Special collection papers can be found online at
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2009): During serpentinization, hydration is not only important for the incorporation of water into the solid Earth, but also generates natural chemical energy sources such as H2 and affects carbon redox cycling, most notably the abiotic conversions of CO2 into hydrocarbons, reactions that have analogs in biochemistry (Schulte et al. Metabolic substrates as sugars, lipids, and amino acids enter the TCA cycle as acetyl-CoA and are oxidized to CO2. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 115, 10971109.10.1130/B25255.1Search in Google Scholar, King, H.E., Stimpfl, M., Deymier, P., Drake, M.J., Catlow, C.R.A. Astrobiology, 15(7), 587600.10.1089/ast.2014.1188Search in Google Scholar Thus, despite the dehydration being thermodynamically disfavored, the trade-off of higher energy hydration with lower energy dehydration allows the entire reaction to progress, a motif that is found in many biosynthetic reactions. PubMed Central, Hulshof, J., and Ponnamperuma, C. 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For such minerals, the hydration mechanism would include protonation of oxygen sites (hydroxyl, OH) associated with the vacant and partially vacant octahedral sites, [VMg(OH)2]x, Mg2+ substitution for Si4+ on the tetrahedral site, [MgSi(OH)2]x, tetrahedral silicon vacancies with a hydrogarnet type defect, [VSi(OH)4]x, and defects on tetrahedral edges, [Mg/Fe2+/Fe3Si+ (OH)2]x (see Thomas et al. Beyond the direct involvement of water as a solvent or reactant in biological reactions, water has also other indirect effects on biology and its existence. (2020) Magmatic carbon out-gassing and uptake of CO. Elkins-Tanton, L.T. (2007) Energy flow and the organization of life. (2017) Metal availability and the expanding network of microbial metabolisms in the Archaean eon. Sort out science fact from fiction with these questions. This paper highlights some fundamental aspects of hydration and dehydration reactions in the solid Earth, biology, and man-made materials, as well as their connections to carbon cycling on our planet. PubMed, Ulmer, P., Kaegi, R., and Mntener, O. King, H.E., Stimpfl, M., Deymier, P., Drake, M.J., Catlow, C.R.A. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 163, 361379. As an example, Scott and Oze (2018) discuss the possibility to produce fuel and concrete in situ on Mars through hydration and dehydration reaction including serpentinization of Martian rocks, and the processing of its byproducts. (2016) The role of microbial electron transfer in the coevolution of the biosphere and geosphere. Cambridge.Search in Google Scholar, OBrien, D.P., Izidoro, A., Jacobson, S.A., Raymond, S.N., and Rubie, D.C. (2018) The delivery of water during terrestrial planet formation. Annual Review of Earth and Planet Science, 21, 175204. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 62(9), 11111148.10.1130/0016-7606(1951)62[1111:GHOSW]2.0.CO;2Search in Google Scholar, Russell, M.J., and Martin, W. (2004) The rocky roots of the acetyl-CoA pathway. Springer.10.1007/0-306-48127-8_8Search in Google Scholar, Bricker T.M., Ghanotakis D.F.
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The inverse reactions, the dehydration of L-malate to fumarate and the hydration-dehydration of isocitrate to citrate, feature on the reductive version of the TCA cycle (rTCA), involved in the fixation of CO2 into biomass in anaerobic chemolithoautotrophic organisms (Fuchs 2011). Nature Communications, 7, 10952. doi:10.1038/ncomms10952. Astrobiology, 60, 364376.10.1089/ast.2006.6.364Search in Google Scholar, Scott, A.N., and Oze, C. (2018) Constructing Mars: Concrete and energy production from serpentinization Products. Stevenson, A., Cray, J.A., Williams, J.P., Santos, R., Sahay, R., Neuenkirchen, N., McClure, C.D., Grant, I.,R., Houghton, J.D.R., Quinn, J.P., and others. Hydration and dehydration reactions feature prominently in modern chemistry and are essential steps in the construction of our cities and production of numerous compounds, including various aldehydes, alcohols, and precursors of polymers. Hydration and dehydration reactions are indeed pervasive in several key reactions in the central metabolism. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 115, 10971109. Hydration/dehydration reactions are common on Earth, because it is a liquid water-rich planet, and are intrinsic to the geo-and biochemical processes that have shaped Earths evolution, habitability, and biosphere (Rubey 1951). Thus, in many cases where a thermodynamically unfavorable dehydration reaction is required, biology uses some form of chemical activation to drive it. 2012; OBrien et al. Edmonds, M., Tutolo, B., Iacovino, K., and Moussallam, Y. Thus, the pH of the ocean is buffered by marine carbonates, but if the pH drops too abruptly, not only will new carbonate precipitation be inhibited but existing carbonate-based ecosystems, such as nanoplankton and coral reefs, may begin to dissolve (Kump et al. 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A broader understanding of the role of hydration and dehydration reaction in controlling planetary process, habitability, and the emergence and evolution of biochemistry will certainly lead to more profound insight regarding the coevolution of the geosphere and biosphere. The cycle starts with the condensation through a hydration reaction of the acetyl group from acetyl-CoA to oxaloacetate to form citrate, which is promptly dehydrated and re-hydrated to isocitrate thanks to the action of the aconitate hydratase. Campbell, I.H., and Taylor, S.R. Driven by a proton gradient, the ATP-synthase enzyme creates ATP squeezing ADP and phosphate together, causing a dehydration reaction. In S.D. European Biophysics Journal, 46(3), 203224. For example, silicate weathering removes H2O and CO2 from the atmosphere-hydrosphere system and sequesters these volatiles in solid rock. The diversity of Maillard reaction products obtained is responsible for the flavor in a large number of food and beverages including beer, wine, and grilled meat. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 4, 150.10.1029/2002GC000392Search in Google Scholar, Jelen, B.I., Giovannelli, D., and Falkowski, P.G. 2003; Vitale Brovarone and Beyssac 2014; Hyndman and Peacock 2003; Wada et al. Moore, E.K., Jelen, B.I., Giovannelli, D., Raanan, H., and Falkowski, P.G. As a result, water (hydrogen) increases the tendency of NAMs to creep, either by increasing the concentration of point-defects (i.e., cation vacancies) that, at high temperatures typical of the external portions of subducting slabs, enhances rates of species diffusion (diffusion creep) and dislocation climb (power-law creep), or, at low temperatures typical of slab cores, by reducing the Peierls stress/barrier to kink migration and thus enhancing dislocation glide (exponential-creep) (Karato 2006; Kohlstedt 2006).
hydrated minerals examples