When the PCs kill it, they get a unique item in the loot. Frost Fall: The area is covered in a chilling frost. Fabricate BulletsM: Converts 1 pound of metal into ammunition. | Dungeon World SRD These include the spell name and a brief and incomplete description of the spell. This +3 buckler grants its wielder an additional +3 bonus to AC against melee attacks. | 5th Edition SRD Edit: A number of golems/constructs can get short duration haste if hit with electricity damage, but you'd need a way for them to cast it on themselves (it doesn't allow SR as a self-only spell). Named Bullet, Greater: As named bullet, but deals 2 points of damage per caster level. A Note on Alchemists: Dispensing communal formulae to creatures requires that the alchemist have the infusion discovery. Jury-Rig: Removes the broken condition from the targeted object. How does bonus damage from the 'Intense Spells' class ability relate to the 'Fire Shield' spell? What is the source for C.S. Why does OpenGL use counterclockwise order to determine a triangle's front face by default? This +5 tower shield grants its wielder a +4 competence bonus to AC against touch attacks. This +4 buckler grants its wielder an additional +3 bonus to AC against ranged attacks. Weapon Concepts Lineage 2 Concept Art | Create your own roleplaying game books w/ RPG Bard: www.rpgbard.com | Pathfinder PFRPG Dungeons and Dragons ADND DND OGL d20 OSR OSRIC Warhammer 40000 40k Fantasy Roleplay WFRP Star Wars Exalted World of Darkness Dragon Age Iron Kingdoms Fate Core System Savage Worlds Shadowrun Dungeon Crawl Classics DCC Call of Cthulhu CoC Basic Role Playing BRP Traveller Battletech The One Ring TOR. | 4 Color SRD. Force spells affect incorporeal creatures normally (as if they were corporeal creatures). On Social Media: Roll20 is a Registered Trademark of The Orr Group, LLC. Magic Siege Engine: Siege engine gains +1 on targeting and damage rolls. Check out our other SRD sites! If so, how did it go? This bonus applies against incorporeal touch attacks. Ant Haul, Communal: As ant haul, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. Available for: all MECs except Pathfinder, Available for: all soldiers and MECs except Medic, https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=Abilities_List_(Long_War)&oldid=108035. Discovery Torch: Touched object emanates bright light, granting Perception and Sense Motive bonuses. Compel Hostility: Compels opponents to attack you instead of your allies. Locate Weakness: You roll damage twice when you roll damage for a critical hit and take the best damage. Targeted Bomb Admixture: Empowers bombs you throw to deal more damage to a single creature. This spell is not that great. Magic Siege Engine: Siege gains +1 on targeting and damage rolls. Both its AC and saving throw bonuses increase by 2 against spells, abilities and attacks by good or lawful outsiders. Healing Thief: You siphon half of all magical healing that the targeted creature receives. Whiteline's 4WD range now boasts a growing range of heavy duty suspension solutions to enhance your 4WD both on and off road. Find Quarry: You can sense whether a particular creature is within 20 miles of your location. Whenever the wielder of this +3 spiked holy heavy shield uses it for a shield bash, it behaves like a holy weapon, dealing an extra 2d6 points of holy damage to the opponent. Since it does damage to you as well, you need to shock at least two enemies to even make a positive you-to-them damage ratio. Ablative BarrierF: Surrounds the target with layers of force. Hostile Levitation: Levitates the targeted creature up off the ground. Dark Aura All enemies in a 30 feet area have a -2 penalty to Initiative, all companions gain a +2 profane bonus to attack of opportunities and critical hit confirmation. Touch Injection: You can deliver an infusion, elixir, poison, or potion as a touch attack. | d20HeroSRD Bullet Shield: You gain a +4 deflection bonus to AC against firearm attacks. Brow Gasher: Slashing weapon deals bleed damage to an opponent's head. Whenever the wielder receives a critical hit, they are healed for the amount of HP equal to the number of their Hit Dice. If you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the lightning damage is increased by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st. It is a poor mix of Shield and Shocking Grasp. Protection from Good, Communal: As protection from good, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. Jolting Portent: You inflict a vengeful fate on a creature, dealing electricity damage each time it attacks or casts a spell. Whenever the wielder of this shield is critically hit, a joyful rapture spell is activated as if it was cast by 12th level cleric. Mind Blank, Communal: As mind blank, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. @rainzax,
Does magic armor grant an enhancement bonus to its armor bonus, or directly to your AC? Shop the Open Gaming Store! Phantom Chariot: Conjures a quasi-real heavy chariot pulled by four horses. Effortless Armor: Armor you wear no longer slows your speed. (Not administered by or affiliated with Paizo Publishing in any way), Press J to jump to the feed. how about +2 shield bonus to AC and 'Damage Shield 1 Electricity' (which means it inflicts 1 electrical damage upon anyone who successfully attacks you - as Starbuck_II suggested) that has a 'charge' of up to 2 (damage) points per level up to 1 hour per level, whichever expires first. This +3 tower shield grants its wielder DR 2/-. Litany of Warding: You gain two additional attacks of opportunity for 1 round. The extra 10 minute duration can go to one of the four targets or it is wasted. Life Conduit, Greater: You transfer 3d6 hit points to your eidolon as a swift action. Litany of Weakness: Single target is fatigued for 1 round. Adoration: You gain a bonus on Diplomacy checks and performance combat checks. Named Bullet, Greater: As named bullet, but deals 2 points of damage for every caster level. Combining and halving these effects seems a sound solution. What I am unclear about, since the shield enhancement bonus should be a different type than shield, it should be added to your AC regardless of if its the shield or shield spell being used for AC, correct? Deadeye's Lore: Gain a +4 bonus on Survival and move full speed while tracking. Our way of saying thanks! See Alignment: Pick an alignment; in your sight, creatures and items with that alignment emit a ghostly radiance. Recent Changes Additionally for a standard action the wearer can use Light Nova ability, it deals damage to the wearer equal to 25% of her HP and heals everyone by 40 hp and deals 20 damage to all enemies. If the wearer is of neutral alignment, the wearer can use both of abilities. This is a +5 spiked shield, this shield also has a +5 enchant bonus to attacks and damage made by it. Subscribe to the Open Gaming Network and get everything ad-free! Whenever you use shield bash, the enemy has to pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 20) or become vulnerable to cold damage, taking 50% more damage than normal, until the end of battle. Chain of Perdition: Creates a floating chain of force. What are some creative uses for this spell? Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic, Daemon, Ceustodaemon (Guardian Daemon) from the. Litany of Sight: You can see invisible creatures and objects within 30 feet of you. Furthermore, unless the communal spell's description indicates otherwise, no target can receive a duration increment smaller than the smallest increment of duration listed in the spell description. Pellet Blast M: Creates an explosion of conjured metal pellets. A successful saving throw negates the blindness and halves the damage. Are questions about rule intent on-topic? Designed by QeRetail, Whiteline Rear Shock Absorber Stone Guard Kit - Nissan Pathfinder R50 1995-2005, Whiteline Rear Shock Absorber Bushing Kit - Nissan Pathfinder WD21 1986-1995, Whiteline OEM Replacement Design Rear Trailing Arm Upper Bushing Kit - Nissan Pathfinder WD21 1986-1, Whiteline Rear Panhard Rod Bushing Kit - Nissan Pathfinder R50 1995-2005, Whiteline 20mm Front and 18mm Rear Sway Bar Vehicle Kit - Nissan Patrol GU Y61 Wagon 1997-2016, Whiteline Front Sway Bar Link Bushing Kit - Toyota Land Cruiser 105 Series 1998-2007, Whiteline Rear Sway Bar Link Lower Bushing Kit - Toyota Land Cruiser 105 Series 1998-2007, Whiteline Rear Sway Bar Link Upper Bushing Kit - Toyota Land Cruiser 105 Series 1998-2007, Whiteline Rear Trailing Arm Upper Bushing Kit - Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 120 Series 2003-2009, Whiteline 25.4mm Front Sway Bar Mount Bushing Kit - Mitsubishi Challenger PB, PC 2007-2015, Whiteline 1 Piece Bushing Design Rear Shock Absorber Lower Bushing Kit - Toyota Land Cruiser 80 Seri, Whiteline 1.5" 75mm Rear Lowering Block Kit - Ford Courier PC, PD 4WD 1987-1999. Caster Level: A spell's power often depends on caster level, which is defined as the caster's class level for the purposes of casting a particular spell. Longshot: Grants a +10 foot bonus to the range increment for any ranged weapon fired. It only takes a minute to sign up. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy.
Subscribe to the Open Gaming Network and get everything ad-free! Copyright 1995-2022 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Wopuld you perfer if it gave +2 Shield AC and dealt 1 shock damage (no save) everytime someone attacked you in melee (non-reach weapon)? Hostile Juxtaposition, Greater: You may target one creature for every four of your caster levels. Even with this spell, a wizard can still be easy to hit, but the threat of electrocution may make enemies think twice. Endure Elements, Communal: As endure elements, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. When you divide the duration, you must divide it as evenly as possible among the targets. ", After "1d6 points of electrical damage," add "per caster level (maximum 5d6),". Bowstaff: A shortbow may double as a club, or a longbow as a quarterstaff. Once per day the wielder can choose to assign Light or Dark aura for this shield. This +5 light shield grants its wearer a +15 competence bonus on Lore (Nature) skill checks and a +3 competence bonus to AC against unarmed and natural attacks. This +4 heavy shield grants its wielder immunity to cold and a +1 bonus to AC against Medium and smaller creatures. All rights reserved. Open Game License v 1.0a, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Reference Document, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors: Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Pellet BlastM: Creates an explosion of conjured metal pellets. So an 8 base damage weapon adds +6 to the base damage, so Suppression + Mayhem deals 2 + 6 = 8 damage against robotic enemies with HEAT.
Something went wrong. Water Walk, Communal: As water walk, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. Weaken Powder: Targeted firearm's ammunition halves the firearm's range and imposes a 2 penalty on damage rolls. Mage Armor, for instance is first level but lasts an hour per CL. Protection from Law, Communal: As protection from law, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched.
| Here Be Monsters Perhaps you can add a mechanism where each time the shock element goes off, the spell loses 1 minute of remaining duration (or whatever unit of duration you have it gain per caster level). Frightful Aspect: You take on a terrifying, Large-sized form of yourself and emit an aura that causes creatures to become shaken or frightened. 13x21 Economy Buckler Medium Size Foam ARM by GORGTHEBLACKSMITH, ArtStation - The Technomancer - Weapons Designs, Alexandre Chaudret, ArtStation - The electric shock shield, Chungwei Yu. Privacy Policy | About Us | Advertise With US, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order: Save Game Location, Shenmue 3 Skill Books List Effect & Location, How to Get Mist Breathing in Demon fall Location & Requirements, Fallout 76 Toxic Valley Power Armor Locations, Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous: Important Books Locations & Benefits, Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Unique Armors and Locations, Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Unique Weapons and Locations, Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Unique Accessories: Necklaces and Rings, Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Unique Items and Locations, All Restored Crusader Relics in Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous, Pathfinder Kingmaker: Armor List (Stats & Effects), Mr. The Hypertext d20 SRD is owned by BoLS Interactive LLC. Whenever the wielder of this +4 buckler becomes a target of a spell that deals elemental damage (even if such effect was prevented by spell or elemental resistance), he gains immunity to the corresponding element for 1 round. Rules: Distracting the opponent using flashy clothes? The desperate evasion dare lets you recover 1 grit if you succeed 2 reflex saves while at 0 grit (and gives you 2 rolls for reflex saves and evasion). The only good time to activate the shock is when your wizard is surrounded. Is it possible for a logic system to contradict itself? Animal Aspect: You gain some of the beneficial qualities of an animal. The shield wouldn't be dismissed and have it do 1d6 for every 2 caster levels up to 5d6. Telekinetic Charge: Launches an ally through the air. I'm still not convinced that this is worth the 2 AC difference and I'd have to already be dipping into a spellcasting class for a different reason to even consider it (or get a wand, since you want to succeed the save). Pilfering Hand: You may seize an object or manipulate it from afar. The disk provides a +2 shield bonus to AC. This +5 tower shield grants its wielder DR 15/-. This +5 spiked light shield grants its wearer a +2 insight bonus on attack and damage rolls against living enemies. Please do not add alien species if only leaders could have the ability. Normally when you use the shield spell, it tends to have a better bonus than the shield you are using so it replaces the shield bonus. Stoneskin, CommunalM: As stoneskin, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. Sun Metal: Weapon touched bursts into flames. Walk through Space: You can spend a move action to teleport 30 feet or to stand while prone without provoking attacks of opportunity. What is the difference Between Active Acoustics Monitoring (AAM) and Passive Acoustics Monitoring (PAM)? Tongues, Communal: As tongues, but you may divide the duration among creatures touched. This +5 light wooden shield grants its wielder immunity to being paralyzed and the ability to cast shout, greater spell three times per day as a 7th level wizard. If at the end of your turn, you do not occupy the same square as the spell effect, the shield detonates, dealing 1d6 points of electrical damage to all creatures within a 5-foot burst. This is reiterated in the definition of enhancement bonus (same page): enhancement bonuses to armor or natural armor effectively increase the armor or natural armor's bonus to AC.
shock shield pathfinder