These can produce high static pressures relative to this type of fan. Can a pulse jet baghouse operate under positive pressure? Transportation to storage However, I suspect that the valves are not completely closed I incorrect??? Otherwise, it will not only increase the resistance of the dust collector, but even adhere to the dust. Your email address will not be published. Verify accuracy of instruments and calibrate. The air enters into the side of the fan and then turns 90 and is accelerated and thrown out of the fan by means of centrifugal force. This system uses a much lower voltage than the High Voltage type (a 13,000-15,000 volt DC supply with intermediate supply of 7,500 compared to 40,000 to 70,000). 7. Which cause the excess cake dust to fall off into hopper at the bottom of the Baghouse where it can be collected. Spot check for bag leaks. Within the category of Packed Bed Scrubbers there are three different variations on the implementation of this filtering mechanism they are: Cross-flow scrubbers are designed to minimize height for low-profile applications. Phone: (702) 848-3990. shaker, reverse, and pulse-jet)that are commonly used in most industrial processing and manufacturing applications. The main concerns with this system are that the piping can over time suffer from excessive wear from abrasive compounds. The surface of the filter bag is dusted so that the dust collector does not work properly. We usually leave that up to each plant for finding the best methods. Ensure that scrubber is installed vertically. A few brief points are good to keep in mind during the installation process that can cause your real world values to change from the original design specifications: Elbows and bends near the fans discharge will increase the systems resistance thereby lowering your fans performance These sites are then fitted to allow loading of the material into enclosed trucks or rail cars below. Both Types can also be constructed in explosion and dust ignition proof models to protect against accidental ignition of dust particles. = 13,000 2,436 This system while able to transport great amounts of material has the downside of only being able to do so in a horizontal direction. Allow exhaust fan to operate for a few minutes after process shutdown until cyclone is empty. Reverse Air An understanding of the term Air to Cloth Ratio is vital to understand the mechanics of any Baghouse system regardless of the exact type used. A cleaning system designed to remove collected particles from the Electrode collection plates All of this can be done while the system is operating normally. Mechanical Shaker Reverse Jet (Or Pulse Jet). Afterward the Gas stream exits the collector through the outlet port and returns back into the system. The fan blows air over the motor enclosure to provide additional cooling for the motor. This design is used for high pressure, high speed and low volume applications. Despite this draw back, the simple design remains a noted advantage, leading to this system being widely used in the mineral processing industry. 5. In many cases where the collected material is of value, it can be returned to the product stream and reused. 5. 2. Axial-flow fans. The following factors need to be considered when choosing which motor meets your needs: Horsepower and RPMs Vane Axial. Interception: Finer particles while not directly coming in contact with the droplets, do however brush up against the side of them causing them to be absorbed into the liquid. Inspect fans for corrosion and material buildup. plz help me if i get sketches / videos of bagfilter system especially air purging system. The Gas stream, as in the Mechanical Shaker design enters into the Baghouse and passes through the filter bags from the bottom leading to the dust collecting again on the interior of the filter bags, thereafter leaving through the outlet port at the top. After being filtered the Gas Stream is then sent through a mist eliminator (demister pads) to remove the excess moisture from the Gas stream. The main advantage of this Baghouse is that it does not require a shutdown of any kind to run a cleaning cycle. Check ductwork for leakage and excessive flexing, Line or replace as necessary. They benefit from having the potential to be one of the most efficient (up to 99% of very fine particles) and cost effective dust collection systems you can choose. The very fine water droplets attach to the dust particles and form a slurry, which then falls to the bottom of the collector. These fans are highly sensitive to particulate buildup and are used for high airflow, low pressure applications. Air Conveyers are used mainly for dry dust applications. Whether any corrosive materials are going to be handled and what protective coatings may be needed The method of contact between the liquid is done in four main ways: Inertial impaction takes place when the Gas stream is forced to flow around the droplets in its path. The five principal types of industrial dust collectors that will be discussed in this article are: Cyclone Collectors (Inertial separators) 1. In this system the Gas stream passes through a larger fan that is constantly kept wet with the cleaning liquid. I am a process engineer trying to cope with a sticky dust situation (both metaphorically and realistic wise). Other feed hoppers are feed with dry material for various purposes. i m having a final year project bout bagfilters. Acceptable levels of noise caused by the fan Inspect orifice plates. Check accuracy of indicating equipment. Use motor current readings to detect flow decreases. Cleaning is accomplished by vibrating the electrodes either continuously, or at a timed interval, causing the captured dust to fall off into a hopper below. All electrostatic Precipitators have four main components: A Power supply to provide the system with electricity Generally four different options are available for the final disposal of the collected material: This type of system is widely used to collect fumes and particles generated by welding, grinding or burning operations. The cleaning of this type of Baghouse is done by a shaking of the top horizontal bar that the filter bags are attached to. They are well suited for treating high temperature and high humidity Gas streams. i shall be very thanked, what type of the machine can use to remove the dust from the filter bags of the precipitator. The majority of Single State Precipitators in use today are of the plate variety. RA = Reverse Air After the Airstream has been cleaned, the dust that has been collected must be disposed of in a proper way to ensure that recontamination is avoided. The Gas stream enters the Baghouse at the bottom and is forced through the outside to the inside of the filter bags after which the Gas stream exits the compartment from the outlet port at the top. When the Gas stream enters the collector it is rapidly redirected when it comes in contact with the water surface. How to Choose the Correct Baghouse Filter, Have low collection efficiency for respirable particulates, Can be used as precleaners to remove coarser particulates and reduce load on more efficient dust collectors, Suffer decreased efficiency if gas viscosity or gas density increases, Can be designed to remove a specific size range of particles, Have drastically reduced efficiency due to reduction in airflow rate, Are more efficient than single-cyclone separators, Are prone to plugging due to smaller diameter tubes, Have low pressure drop when used as a precleaner, Improper gas distribution may result in dirty gas bypassing several tubes, For a given gas volume, occupy more space than single-cyclone separators, High concentrations of heavy, hard, sharp-edged particles. Limitations in space Several high power Direct Current Discharge Electrodes are places inside the collector. Liquid is introduced at the top of the collector allowing the dust particles to stick to the wet walls of the collector when they are thrown off by the vortex. Packed Bed Scrubbers consist of a bed of packing media, which is then sprayed with water. Required fields are marked *. Check multiclone interior for erosion, wear, corrosion, and improper gas and dust distribution. Wet Scrubbers are ideal: For the collection of explosive material Inspect bags thoroughly. Record the valve positions as a future baseline. However the larger particles continue to be carried by inertial force in a straight path coming in direct contact with the liquid. Dust is collected and deposited into a hopper, which then can be removed later for cleaning. Wet scrubbers have the advantage of low start up costs and low space requirements. Baghouses (Fabric collectors) Wet scrubbers | Dominick DalSanto is an Author & Environmental Technologies Expert, specializing in Dust Collection Systems. The dryer you can get the air the better. In a settling pond the captured particles are separated by means of the process of decantation. Record all system pressure drops under clean conditions. Centrifugal Collectors. What exactly is the underlaying problem you are trying to solve? Certain types of fittings such as elbows, mitered elbows and square ducts, can cause a nonuniform airflow which in turn will again lower performance Clean Coal Technology Why We Need It & When Will We Have It? Check scrubber pressure drop. Check gas saturation, liquid flows, liquid levels, fan pressure drop, duct pressure drops, and scrubber pressure drop. The packing media allows for a very wide distribution of the water, which in turn allows the Gas stream to have the maximum contact with the water during its passage though the collector. PJ = Pulse Jet. Removal of collected matter from dry systems can also result in secondary causes of dust pollution and contamination. The gas temperature during operation needs to be higher than the dew point temperature. This article has been designed to educate customers by giving a brief overview of all the Dust Collection Systems available today. The dirty water collects at the bottom of the tank and the clean air (mist) exits from the top of the collector. Similar to a Baghouse, the Gas stream is forced through the outside of the cartridge to the inside where it then exits back into the system. Check screw conveyor for wear or abrasion. The particles are trapped in the liquid and are then by means of centrifugal force thrown off the spinning fan blades unto the sides of the collector where they eventually settle at the bottom enabling them to be collected. A number of different materials such as silica or metal ore are quite abrasive and can cause erosion through prolonged contact with the Collector. Great web site. Orifice Scrubbers work in a very similar way to inertial separators but with one important difference, Orifice Scrubbers use a water surface to capture the dust particles. Continue operation of dust-removal conveyor and cleaning of bags for 10 to 20 minutes to ensure good removal of collected dust. Tube Axial Backward Curved Bladed Fans contain blades that are positioned away from the fans rotation direction. In addition this type of collector is also able to handle vapor collection, containing adhesive, sticky, radioactive, and extremely toxic compounds. Fabric Collectors (commonly known as a Baghouse) are among the most widely used dust collection systems. They are also used in hooded and ducted welding machines and welding booths. An Ionizing section to negatively charge the incoming particles The water hitting the extremely high speed air causes it to instantly atomize. Inlet and outlet valves are placed at the inlet and outlet of each dust collector. At least once a month, measure airflow by conducting a pitot traverse across inlet to determine quantity and distribution of airflow. Inspect housing for corrosion. The sudden larger area for the airstream to pass through causes the air stream to slow down, which in turns causes the larger particles to settle to the bottom of the chamber. Check bleed flow. In a belt driven system one must check the motor sheave and fan sheave are properly aligned and that proper belt tension is present. Photos or sketches for the systems described would bemore convincig. I would recommend you look around on LinkedIn for a group that focused on ESP technology, and ask there. They are highly valuable for use in high temperature Gas streams (boiler exhaust gas on power plants) because of their ability to adjust to the expansion and contraction of metal parts in the system. In this system the contaminated air enters at the bottom of the cylindrically shaped scrubber and rises through a mist of water sprayed from nozzles at the top. Water vapor or steam can blind certain types of Filter Media. Have low capital costs and small space requirements, Have high operating and maintenance costs, Require corrosion-resistant materials if used with acidic gases, Are able to collect gases as well as particulates (especially sticky particulates), Require a precleaner for heavy dust loadings, Cause water pollution; require further water treatment, Are susceptible to erosion at high velocities. However a brief overview of the most common types will enable you to understand the basic operational procedures present in all of them. 1. Adequate size to handle pressure and volume requirements with minimum horsepower usage The size and distinct shape of some types of dust render certain collection methods useless. As the Gas stream passes through the plates it is ionized by the Discharge Electrodes and then immediately deposited unto the collection plates. Line high-efficiency cyclone with refractor or erosion-resistant material. In this design the packed media is laid as sheets perpendicular to the Gas stream. Fan static pressure Inspect and lubricate appropriate items. Check insulation dampers and place scrubber in series with primary operation. Allow vessels to fill with liquid through normal level controls. When using a wet collection system often times a settling pond is needed. Heres a brief overview on the pros and cons of each to help guide you in identifying the right option for your work environment. In such a system, a very large baghouse is split into multiple compartments internally. Is there a reason why? They benefit from low initial cost, direct return of captured material to the main material flow, and very low space requirements. Install bin-level indicator in collection hopper. They also require large initial investments of capital and have higher operating costs. Supposedly, to clean one of the collectors, its respective valves are completely closed to shut off the flow of air through the collector being cleaned. Learn how your comment data is processed. Check fan and pump bearings every 8 hours for oil level, oil color, oil temperature, and vibration. Venturi Scrubbers make use of the Venturi effect to accelerate the Gas stream to speeds of 12,000 to 36,000 ft/min. The now ionized particles travel pass the next set of electrodes (the collection section) that carry a positive charge. The fan is driven by means of a drive shaft that extends out from the center hub of the fan. Diffusion occurs when a fine mist is created from the liquid being used. Electrostatic Precipitators use electrostatic forces to collect dust from the Gas stream. A standard 6 bag has a 5-7/8 diameter Close inspection doors, connections, and cyclone discharge. Also the short nature of the cleaning cycle also leads to a reduction in the recirculation and redeposit of dust. 2. The environment in which the motor will have to operate (humidity, temperature, open flames or corrosive elements As the Gas stream flows through the tube it is first ionized by the Discharge Electrode in the center, and then the charged particles are attracted to the inside of the positively charged tube. This collector has a relatively low efficiency compared to other kinds of Wet Scrubbers. I need to know why it goes from moist to dry conditions. Operate damper valves. The three main different designs of Axial Flow Fans are: Propeller Axial Flow Fans have blades that are mounted unto a center drive shaft. A digital sequential timer is attached to the one of the filter bags inside the Baghouse. Vane Axial Fans are nearly identical to Tube Axial Fans. This fan type is most often employed in medium speed, high pressure, and medium airflow applications. Semiannually. This causes wear and tear on the fan, which is a very expensive piece of equipment. Im afraid I am not sure exactly what you are describing. What Kind Of Dust Collector Is Right For Me? Types of Dust Certain types of Collectors have a great deal of physical contact between the particles and the Collector itself. How would you configure a desiccant dryer and tank for the air supply to a baghouse? In a Pulse Jet Baghouse, the baghouse filter bags are individually overlaid on a metal cage, which is then attached to a cell plate at the top of the compartment. Allow more dust buildup on bags by cleaning less frequently. Within this category there are two main types of systems in use: Single Cyclone systems In a Reverse Air Baghouse, filter bags are connected to a cell plate on the bottom of the Baghouse and are suspended from an adjustable hanger frame on top. Copyright 2021 | Website designed by. Check fan inlet and outlet pressure. Bag filter has become the most widely used dust removal device.The pulse bag filter is the most important type of bag filter. Propeller Fans is the most simple fan design. While this type of collect can be used in applications where particle sizes are large and only a rough air filtration is desired, the main usage for this type of collector is as a precleaner, to remove larger particles and debris and avoid overloading and damaging more efficient dust collectors. Wet Scrubbers are further categorized by pressure drop (in inches water gauge) as follows: Low-energy scrubbers (0.5 to 2.5) Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Finally, enabled by the continuous cleaning feature of the design, this kind of collection system has a higher Air to Cloth Ratio so the space requirements are much lower than in other systems. Low Voltage Dual State Precipitators (Penny type) Once the dust has been removed from the collector, it must be transported to a storage area where is can be given any final treatments needed before it is disposed of. The advantages and disadvantages of bag filter dust collector, The bag filter has high dust removal efficiency, can remove fine dust particles, has strong adaptability to the change of treatment gas volume, and can capture a large range of dust particle size, and is most suitable for processing fine particles with recovery value. A Multiple Cyclone Collector works in the same manner as the Single Cyclone variety albeit with several small dynamiter cyclones instead of just one. Observe damper valves for proper seating. 2. ft of cloth in the Baghouse. Electrostatic Forces: An increased attraction can occur between the dust particles and the filter media when an electrostatic charge is found on the dust particles. = 18.46 SF of cloth per bag x 132 bags An Electric Motor is what supplies the power necessary to operate the fan (Blower) in the Dust Collection System. it has simple structure and easy operation. Forward Curved Bladed Fans have blades that are curved in the direction of the rotation of the fan. Inspect screw-conveyor bearings for lubrication. Power supply needs such as voltage, single or three phase AC and frequency Some examples of instances where this type of collector might be useful are dust-producing operations, such as bins and silos or remote belt-conveyor transfer points. 1. Once the cake dust has formed, it further impedes the passage of dust through the filters in four different ways: Inertial Collection: The incoming Gas stream strikes the filter media, which is located perpendicular to the Gas flow before changing direction causing the dust particles to remain on the filter. Collectors can be arranged to unload their collected matter either in a continuous mode or at a predetermined time interval. Backward Curved Blades Interception: Particles that do not cross the fluid streamlines come in contact with fibers because of the fiber size. They also can be placed on the Inlet port, which can perform the same function, as well as redirect how the Gas stream enters into the fan. Check duct for dust buildup. However because maintenance requires removing the Precipitator Frames and the manual cleaning of the cleaning assemblies which are quite delicate, this type of Precipitator requires a great amount more care and caution to be used when performing maintenance. Assure that dust is being removed from system. When pump cavitation noise is heard, turn off pump and pump gland water. Disposal Methods Differences in disposal methods betweens different locations. This type of collector is rarely used as the primary dust collector due to its large space requirements, and low efficiency. His articles have been published not only on , but also on other industry related blogs and sites. A fan that operates at a single or fixed speed and has a fixed blade setting will only have one possible rating. The three types of Inertial Separators are: Settling Chambers Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Check compressed-air lines, including line filters and dryers. This step is crucial in order for a proper fan system to be selected. The plates are then cleaned by vibrating the plates causing the debris to fall into a hopper or collection bin below. Causing the dust particles to be removed from the Gas stream. The large amount of different Wet Scrubbers in use makes it impossible to comment on every single design in this article. This type is well suited for the collection of fine particles such as in the mineral processing industry. 2. Again certain factors to consider in the use of a settling pond are that the water holding area can only be decanted in the warmer, dryer part of the year, and in most instances two settling ponds are needed to operate efficiently. Brownian movement: By means of diffusion, there is an increased chance of contact between the filter and the dust particles due to their molecular motion. Placed on the Outlet port of a fan, they are used to impose a flow resistance to control the Gas stream. In general, the process outlet is dry. Check drive belts for wear and tension. Some of the feed is introduced to the granulator via Front-end loader straight after a curing belt, obviously the moisture content is match higher at this stage (not a stage per say, rather a different feed). Tubular Precipitators operate in the same manner as Plate Precipitators however in a different configuration. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Treatment necessary before final disposal. The most basic design is that of a Gravity Spray Tower Scrubber. For example Gas temperatures above 180 F (82C) will destroy many types of filter media (Filter Bags) used in Fabric Collectors (Baghouses). For vane-type demisters, spray the center and periphery intermittently to clean components. Often this process is done while the collector is still operating. 3. Check stack (if cyclone is only collector). For chevron-type demisters, spray the water from above to clean the buildup. Other sticky compounds can attach themselves to the interior surfaces of the collector and cause blockages. If you have some drawings or a fully description I can probably help you more. Use fan current to indicate gas flow. They usually employ either a Mechanical Shaker, or a Pulse Jet system for cleaning. High Inlet versus Low Inlet Baghouse Design, Constantly cleanedso there isminimaldust build up in the dust collector, Cannot be used when there is humidity of high moisture content present, Cannot handle high temperatures (unless you use special, Units are typically compartmentalized into sections which allows them to be cleaned without shutting off theentire baghouse, Not space efficient (takes up a large area). Different Baghouse Styles: Advantages and Disadvantages. There are three main baghouses styles (e.g. Clean electrical equipment, including contacts, transformer insulation, and cooling fans. Before we dig into the differences between some of the baghouse styles, you need to consider your dust propertiesandair-to-cloth ratio. This design uses a tubular shaped collection device with the Discharge Electrodes placed in the middle of the tube. When it comes to all things ESP (electrostatic precipitators for our readers) we are not the best people to ask, since we are Baghouse experts. As the particles pass through the mist they make contact with the surfaces of the droplets by means of the Brownian effect, or diffusion. This is accomplished by means of a Mist Eliminator (Demister Pads). With nearly a decade of hands-on working experience in the industry, Dominicks knowledge of the industry goes beyond a mere classroom education. Then when its time to clean one the inlet and outlet to that compartment closes and thus isolates it from the pull of the fan. Start fans and pumps to check their rotation. Install temporary strainers in pump suction line and begin liquid recycle. However several areas of concern in this type of system are that they tend to have a noted lack of easy access for maintenance purposes, the castings and bearings can wear out easily when used with abrasive materials with air leaks being the end result. Electrostatic precipitators If flow is significantly less than desired, block off rows of cyclone to maintain the necessary flow per cyclone. A Mechanical Shaker is a design where the filter bags are suspended from the top of the Baghouse by horizontal beams and fastened to a cell plate on the bottom. However this is not practical in all applications. Inspect dust discharge hopper to assure dust is removed. Commonly, a special fan is used that will shred the paper scraps into smaller pieces/dust and then send it on to the dust collector. 3. While these are an effective filtration system one should note that they tend to be ineffective against fine particles as these tend to be redirected off of the water surface by the high surface tension. Unit Fabric Collectors are very similar to their bigger relatives used in a Central Collection System. Install large-diameter roughing cyclone upstream of high-efficiency, small-diameter cyclone. To facilitate compliance with health and air emission standards. 4. Unit #5105 The Gas stream enters into the Scrubber through a Venturi shaped inlet where it is sprayed with water. Sufficient power supply for cold starts The baghouse solution is my preferred solution. As with Settling Chambers this type of collector is best used as a precleaner for another more efficient collector further in the collection system. Low Voltage Dual Stage Precipitators contain several grounded plates about one inch from each other with another intermediate plate that also contains a charge. Las Vegas, NV 89108 If combustion process is used, allow hot, dry air to pass through cyclone for a few minutes after process shutdown to avoid condensation. In this system, a cleaning cycle starts with injecting clean air into the Collector in the reverse direction of the normal flow. Multiple Cyclone systems. These systems use a scrubbing liquid (usually water) to filter out finer dust particles. When the Gas stream enters at the bottom of the Baghouse it is then forced up through the inside of the tubular filter bags, thereafter passing unto the airflow outlet at the top. Great care must be taken by the operators of this system to ensure that no leakage occurs which would result in an environmental hazard caused by water pollution. Verify proper operation of dampers and inspect for leakage. Observe control panel indicators. Tubular Precipitators are widely used in the mineral processing industry. Over time a layer of cake dust is built up on the surface of the filter bags. To the point, what are the possibilities for dry treatment for the so-called moist (sticky) dust, considering dry applications? Without considering the specific of the process. Check and repair wear zones in scrubbers, valves, piping, and ductwork. The bag filter has a high investment cost, and the temperature allowed is low (high temperature and easy to burn). Check gaskets, valves, and other openings for leakage. The positively charged plates attract the negatively charged particles causing them to collect on the plates. Which remove the liquid and dust mixture from the Gas stream and send it to a collector. Depending on the particular desired application is there are a number of different designs available to choose from with a capacity of 200 to 2,000 ft3/min. Have collection efficiencies in excess of 99% for all particulates, including sub-micron-sized particles, Do not respond well to process changes such as changes in gas temperature, gas pressure, gas flow rate, gaseous or chemical composition, dust loading, particulate size distribution, or electrical conductivity of the dust, Have lower pressure drop and therefore lower operating costs, Have a risk of explosion when gas stream contains combustibles, Can operate at high temperatures (up to 1200 F) and in colder climates, Can remove acids and tars (sticky dust) as well as corrosive materials, Require large space for high efficiency, and even larger space for dust with low or high resistivity characteristics, Allow increase in collection efficiency by increasing precipitator size, Require special precautions to protect personnel from exposure to high-voltage, Require highly skilled maintenance personnel, Forward curved impeller installed backwards, Change fan rotation by reversing two of the three leads on the motor, Impeller not centered with inlet collar(s), Make impeller and inlet collar(s) concentric, Increase fan speed by installing smaller diameter pulley, Elbows or other obstructions restricting airflow, Install straight length of ductwork, at least 4 to 6 duct diameters long, where possible, Increase fan speed to overcome this pressure loss, Remove obstruction or redesign ductwork near fan outlet, Projections, dampers, or other obstructions near fan outlet, Actual system more restrictive (more resistant to flow) than expected, Decrease systems resistance by redesigning ductwork, Open or adjust all dampers according to the design, Backward inclined impeller installed backwards (high horsepower), Install impeller as recommended by manufacturer, Redesign ductwork or add restrictions to increase resistance, System has less resistance to flow than expected, Reduce fan speed to obtain desired flow rate, Gas Density lower than anticipated (due to high temperature gases or high altitudes), Calculate gas flow rate at desired operating conditions by applying appropriate correction factors for high temperature or altitude conditions, Fan inlet and/or outlet conditions not same as tested, Backward inclined impeller installed backwards, Calculated horsepower requirements based on light gas (e.g., high temperature or high altitude) but actual gas is heavy (eg.,cold startup), Install outlet damper, which will open gradually until fan comes to its operating speed, Fan not operating at efficient point of rating, Motor too small and overload protector has broken circuit.
se can produce high static press