Herbs are finding their way into many ornamental operations to help growers document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Syngenta. To contact an expert in your area, visit https://extension.msu.edu/experts, or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464). Revus is highly active against foliar oomycete pathogens. PPE required for Applicators, Mixers or Loaders: Segovis fungicide sets a higher standard for Phytophthora spp. Revus Top can be applied anytime during the growing season; however, for juice grapes, the best fit would be from bloom onwards, when multiple diseases need to be controlled. ultra syngenta fungicides fungicide seed URL www.actahort.org Hosted by KU Leuven ISHS REVUS Is a World Class Late Blight and Downy Mildew Fungicide for Potato, Tomato, Grapes, Fruits and Vegetable Growers. For both powdery and downy mildew, use the shorter interval under high disease pressure. No more than two sequential applications should be made before alternating with another fungicide with a different mode of action. Revus Is a New Generation Contact Fungicide Specialist in Controlling Downy Mildew in Grapes. We recommend that you do not rely solely on the information presented and that you always read labels, warnings, and directions before using or consuming a product. The systemic and curative properties are mostly due to fungistatic effects, which prevent sporulation. Buying a product here is a just a matter of few clicks. Through translaminar movement within the leaf, Revus Top is able to provide disease control on both upper and lower leaf surfaces. REVUS contains mandipropamid for the control of late blight in potatoes and downy mildew in a range of vegetable crops. Examples of effective rotation partners are Ridomil Gold (MZ or Copper), Presidio, Gavel, Ranman, ProPhyt, Phostrol, and the EBDCs. var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? pageTracker._trackPageview(); Article sharing - repository deposits - copyright questions. For additional details and clean up of spills, contact the manufacturer or the provincial regulatory agency. Enables growers to immediately protect plants and keep protecting them for an extended period of time, Shorter REI helps growers improve time efficiency versus the industry-standard 12-hour REI, May be used as a spray to control downy mildew diseases and foliar and stem blights caused by. Purchasing anything on Agrosiaa is an absolutely easy and safe process. A large proportion of mandipropamid is absorbed into the waxy layer of plant surfaces after application assuring excellent rainfastness as soon as the spray liquid has dried. This fungicide is sold as a suspension concentrate and has two active ingredients: mandipropamid and difenoconazole. In efficacy trials in New York and Virginia, Revus Top has had outstanding performance against powdery and downy mildew. Protect against a wide sprectrum of diseases caused by downy mildew and Phytophthora spp. Upon application, Revus Top rapidly bonds to the waxy layer of the leaf, providing rainfastness as soon as spray droplets have dried. Actual Product may vary depending on stock available with the vendor. Our efficient team makes sure that your order is delivered seamlessly at your doorstep. (Downy mildew was more severe than normal in Concord in this location in 2009.) var mydate = new Date(); var year = mydate.getYear(); if (year < 1000) year += 1900; document.write(year); Syngenta|Site Map|User Agreement|Online Privacy Policy|Cookies Policy. For downy mildew control, a 10-14 day interval should be used. The supplemental label must be in the possession of the user at the time of fungicide application. This article was published by Michigan State University Extension. Easy record keeping, mixing calculations, labels and more in the palm of your hand. Subdue Maxx fungicide offers superior disease control with the flexibility to apply at any time, helping to enhance productivity and potential for increased profit. For full list of herbs see label.
Available Chemical Compounds As Active Ingredients, Concentration Of Avl Chemical Compounds As Actv Ingredients, Potato, Tomato, Grapes, Fruits And Vegetable, Revus Consistently Helps Produce Quality Vegetables, Hops And Grapes By Defending Against Downy Mildew And Late Blight, And Offering Suppression Of Phytophthora Blight, Chawalibhaji / Cow Pea Leaves / Chauli Ka Patta, Lal Maathachi Bhaji / Red Amarnath Leaves / Lal Bhaji, Rajgira / Shravani Maath / Red Amarnath Leaves / Chaulai / Lal Sagh, Timely Prevention of Disease Establishment & Development Within Plant, It Has Unique Trans laminar Action Which Helps Longer Duration of Control, Reliable, Consistent Disease Control Under Adverse Conditions. Editors note: This article is from the archives of the MSU Crop Advisory Team Alerts. "https://ssl." Prevent eating, drinking, tobacco use, and cosmetic application in areas where there is a potential for exposure to the material. However, it is toxic to aquatic organisms. Herbs are finding their way into many ornamental operations to help growers diversify their product offerings. Apply using a medium quality spray using a spray pressure of 2-3 bar. Poorly draining soils and soils with shallow water tables are more prone to produce such runoff. The restricted entry interval is 12 hours. All other crops 200-600 l/ha. All the products on Agrosiaa are cost effective. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration status. Important: Always read and follow label instructions.
Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. To have a digest of information delivered straight to your email inbox, visit https://extension.msu.edu/newsletters. All other brand names used on this website are Trademarks of other manufacturers in which proprietary rights may exist. Login or Register for the Latest GreenCast Updates.
For more information, visit https://extension.msu.edu. Always refer to product labels and accompanying leaflets for complete product details and directions for use. Revus Top has a low risk to beneficial insects. Storage above ambient temperatures, especially of large volumes, should be discussed with a safety specialist. pageTracker._initData(); Sound erosion control practices will reduce this products potential to reach surface water.
"); and downy mildew control. Syngenta Revus Contact Fungicide - 160 Ml | Mandipropamid 23.4% Sc, Specifications for Syngenta Revus Contact Fungicide - 160 Ml | Mandipropamid 23.4% Sc. Syngenta's fungicide portfolio is labeled to control the widest range of ornamental diseases. Green leaf protection to boost late season sugar, Potato trials prove a hit for 3D ninety leaf coverage, Hybrid barley helps growers respond to fertiliser costs, The Laureate Syngenta Malting Barley Excellence Story, Syngenta group Because We all have to Eat. Mandipropamid is a new chemical compound in the class of carboxylic acid amides (Fungicide Resistance Action Committtee [FRAC] group 40) with strong activity against downy mildew of grapes. The difenoconazole component belongs to the sterol inhibitor class (FRAC group 3) and has activity against powdery mildew, black rot and anthracnose. Check out the MSU Agricultural Operations Program! Download the comprehensive guide to our full product portfolio. syngenta fungicides FOR USE IN MANUFACTURING STORAGEStore the material in a cool, well-ventilated, secure area out of reach of children and domestic animals. Runoff of this product will be reduced by avoiding applications when rainfall is forecasted to occur within 48 hours. >
^ ` W X Y Z [ \ ] c d e f i _ bjbj - 5\5\v A $ $ f2 |2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 T $7 4 z ? Revus is a contact fungicide with strong fungicidal activity against foliar oomycetes pathogens and is recommended for the control of diseases like downy mildew infecting grapes and late blight in potato. var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3112662-2"); A large proportion of mandipropamid is absorbed into the waxy layer of plant surfaces after application assuring excellent rainfastness as soon as the spray liquid has dried. Revus Top is not as strong as Pristine against Phomopsis, although in this trial the difference was not statistically significant. Ference continues to be the trusted source for ABW control. The 4-H Name and Emblem have special protections from Congress, protected by code 18 USC 707. Offering variety to our customers is our forte. Check the label of any pesticide referenced to ensure your use is included. There are no hidden or extra charges on the MRP. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader (free software to read PDF files). : "http://www. Depends on pest incidence or severity of disease. DIRECTIONS FOR USE To be used only in the manufacture of a pesticide that is registered under the PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS ACT. In a small plot efficacy trial in cv. May 25, 2010. We comply with the Federal Trade Commission 1998 Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). fitogest anticrittogamico Revus Top has preventative, systemic and curative properties. Protected and outdoor crops of lettuce, lamb's lettuce, endives (including frisee and escarole), chicory (radicchio), rocket, purslane and herbs. Half fill the sprayer with water, add the REVUS then top up the tank whilst maintaining agitation. Making an on-time delivery is our strength. syngenta continua evoluzione Concord in Fennville, Michigan in 2009, Revus Top provided excellent disease control (statistically similar to Pristine) as part of a spray program including Dithane and Ziram against black rot, powdery mildew and downy mildew (Table 1). This information is for educational purposes only. Every product available on Agrosiaa is authenticated and tested by our team of experts. Offers powerful control of most foliar oomycete pathogens found in ornamentals grown in greenhouses and nurseries as well as in certain vegetable plants grown for resale. Revus is the new standard in thecontrol of downy mildew in ornamental crops. Micora fungicide brings the speed and power of mandipropamid to the ornamental market to deliver outstanding protection against a wide spectrum of diseases caused by downy mildew fungi and Phytophthora spp.
Revus is highly active against foliar Oomycete pathogens. Do not store food, beverages or tobacco products in the storage area. Issued in furtherance of MSU Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Provides long-lasting protection against the most challenging ornamental diseases. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer, committed to achieving excellence through a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that encourages all people to reach their full potential. We assure you absolute quality and authenticity. It has been created considering the needs of our urban and rural customers. It is also sold separately as the product Revus. Annemiek Schilder, Michigan State University Extension, Department of Plant Pathology -
Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. This product has a potential for run-off into ground and surface water for several months or more after application. Quentin Tyler, Director, MSU Extension, East Lansing, MI 48824. Product images shown are for illustration purpose only. Maximize your purchasing power and save time with our easy-to-use calculators. A new fungicide, Revus Top (Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc.), recently received a supplemental label for use in grapes. Our platform is easy to use and it takes only few clicks to make a purchase. Detailed information and use recommendations for Micora fungicide. In the event of a Toxic or Transport Emergency in the UK please telephone 01484538444 at any time. revus syngenta scudi due agronotizie A spreading/penetrating type adjuvant such as a non-ionic surfactant, crop oil concentrate, or blend is recommended at the manufacturers recommended rates. document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); DISPOSAL Canadian manufacturers should dispose of unwanted active ingredients and containers in accordance with municipal or provincial regulations. Actual product packaging and materials may contain more and different information than what is shown on our website. Fueled by a new mode of action, Segovis is a critical part of a rotation program to help manage disease resistance on a wide range of plants, trees and shrubs. The pre-harvest interval is 14 days.
x XG l H H H ,M T V Az Cz Cz Cz Cz Cz Cz $ ~ . Percent of leaf area or cluster area infected. One of those herbs is basil, a favorite among growers and consumers as it is well-suited for patio containers or garden transplants. Mandipropamid is also. Mandipropamid is also highly active against spore germination, inhibits mycelia growth during the incubation period and uptake into the leaf tissue assures good translaminar activity. Subdue GR fungicide provides superior protection as a granular formulation for broadcast and soil incorporation treatments. Syngenta Revus (Mandipropamid 23.4 %) 160 ml, Revus is a unique contact and translaminar fungicide used for management of Downy Mildew and Late blight especially on Fruits and Vegetables, Compatibility with commonly used pesticides. Review our vast portfolio of insecticides, fungicides and herbicides available for nurseries. Its strong activity and systemic properties provide long-lasting control when applied as a drench or foliar spray at low use rates. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned. A fast and powerful fungicide for the control of ornamental diseases. We offer the most extensive range of agricultural products. Potatoes 200 l/ha. Stay up-to-date on the latest industry news, product and technical updates, GreenTrust 365 program offers and more. Turfgrass Disease Identification Guide for Golf, Emergencies: 1-800-888-8372 (24 hours; 7 days), Customer Center: 1-866-SYNGENT(A) (1-866-796-4368), LOK + FLO technology provides immediate contact protection and long-lasting disease control by locking to the leaf surface and slowly flowing into the leaf over an extended period of time. mz syngenta mancozeb fungicidi Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status.
Do not apply more than 28 fl oz/acre (= four applications) of Revus Top per season. Thorough coverage is necessary to provide good disease control. The pre-mix of two active ingredients ensures ease of use and broad-spectrum activity. Micora fungicide delivers outstanding protection and strong control against diseases caused by downy mildew fungi and Phytophthora spp. The information offered here is for reference only and depends exclusively on soil type and climatic conditions. The application rate of Revus Top is 7 oz per acre, which translates to a cost of approximately $15 per acre. However, Revus Top does not have very strong activity against Phomopsis; therefore this disease is not listed on the label. 1998 Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. For powdery mildew control, Revus Top can be applied on a 10-21 day interval, and effective rotation partners are Pristine, Quintec, and Flint.
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