So the Gs and Rs are the only part of that hand where you can use a joker. So, be sure that these dont catch you out. If building a consecutive run of 7, 8, 9 in 3 suits, also keep 5s in same suit as 8s. When a bot wins, take note of the winning hand, as it may be one that you have yet to commit to memory.. Or choose to stick with the consecutive run if you receive 4s in the second suit. There may be changes, and many frequently It also makes an appearance as pairs in the Singles & Pairs section, along with dragons. No. No. There are 66 hands listed on the card (1 fewer than last year). Look for the word "NEVER" (in all bold capital letters). No. 111 2 333 But, dont fret, as it has popped up in a slightly adjusted form in the Winds - Dragons section! Isn't there supposed to be a 2022 2022 2022 hand at the bottom right corner? RRRR Yes. Also: new this year: on the FRONT of the card, it says "JOKERS MAY NOT BE USED IN A 2022 GROUPING." 22 46 88 It's best to have at least one of the 2s in your hand, and ideally both, before aiming for this one!. This years "Big Hand" is extra challenging, since you will need three 2s of each suit, in addition to 3 soaps (not forgetting a pair of flowers!). Head over to where weve put together everything you need to get up-to-speed with the new card in record time! This is fewer than usual. This year, seven hands have been carried over from 2021. Can be 3333 and 3333 or 8888 and 8888 For an odd and even example. It's three singles. That's the usual way, but maybe the right pane of the card is more crowded and it fits better on this less crowded pane. This 2468 hand with dragons follows the 2-3-2-3-4 format (as opposed to 2-2-3-3-4 last year) and also allows the option of using three suits instead of one. (~_^), 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 (Consecutive Run #3). 2022/5 and ANL/3: If you're trying for the Big Hand and have your 2s but fall short on soaps, there are alternative options in the 2022 category, but also consider switching to this Any Like Number hand using 2s, soaps and jokers. Use the tips from this article and take your time recognizing patterns and choosing tiles to pass, without the pressure of a real game. If I call a discarded flower to make a flower pung, and I have a complete flower pung in the hand, can I expose both pungs at once? SP/1 and WD/7: These two hands complement each other very well. (It's also not a pung, quint, or sextet.) is the place to stretch your Mah Jongg muscles. Youll definitely be ready for anything once youre done. The symbols indicate that the two pairs have to be lower numbers than the quints.
CR/2 and ALN/1: Both use 2 pungs of flowers and kongs in different suits, so it would be relatively easy to switch between consecutive numbers and like numbers, depending on the tiles you receive. The section will be abbreviated by its initials (e.g. Uses kongs of North and South and single East and West (vs last year's pungs of North/South and pairs of East/West). (2468 #8). The new card has its challenges but is very playable, with good switchability between hands and sections (more on this later). 2-3-2-3-4 is found in 2468/5, 2468/7, CR/4, 13579/6 and even ALN/2 (with a bit of switching around). or Thankfully, the League chose to completely separate the pungs in each hand. For example: CR/6 (4-2-2-2-4), 13579/4 (FFF 4-1-1-1-4), WD/2 (FFF 4-3-4), WD/3 (FFFF 4-1-1-4) and WD/4 (4-2-1-1-2-4). The color-coding is never to be taken as standing for particular suits. 2468/1: This hand uses only 3 flowers (instead of 4 last year). Find us on Google Maps Why do you think there should be a space there? Again, due to the popularity of 2s (unless you have the pair at the beginning), it may be less risky to start this run at 3.. It says "Any 3 Suits" in the parenthetical, not that it really needs to. (Any 3 Suits) 33333 The League clearly intends those to be two pungs of flowers (not a sextet), since they are separated by a kong of numbers. 222 If you have bams and craks and greens, that's not 3 suits. 246 is three singles. There are no year hands outside of the 2022 section of the card. This section of the card is named ANY LIKE NUMBERS, remember. There are eight flowers in the deck, after all, and you can use jokers. However, considering the fact that the stars and the moon have to be aligned just right to accomplish this one, we do think that it is worthy of more than the allocated 85 points. As is the case every year, flowers are a prominent feature (~40% of all hands require 2 or more). 1111 333 5555 DDD 30 points seems a little low, considering the difficulty. Every number tile could potentially be used as a single on this year's card, so there are NO safe number tiles. No. Frankly, with all those 2s in various suits, several of the 2022 category hands could easily be transformed into an ALN hand, if required (be sure to save flowers and dragons just in case!). The S&P consecutive run hand is made of just numbers this year (no flowers). 1122 2222 2022/4: Similar to its counterpart from last year, but this time the pungs are East/West and the pairs are North/South. That's the League's way of saying that the 2022 can be from any suit, and the pungs of twos have to be made from the other two suits. At first glance, due to the color format of the hand, it could be assumed that it would need to be in dots, but it is not the case, For some reason the zeros are presented in red, though this color does not signify anything in particular (e.g. This year, the League has included hands with 2 pungs of flowers. 11 333 5555 777 99 -or- So, youll have 21 days to immerse yourself in all the fantastic tools on our website, and take your card learning to a whole new level! can the numbers be 1111 and 3333 for odds? If I make this hand without jokers, can I earn double? Can I use a joker in a 2022 since the tiles are bunched together like a kong? If you wish, you can deal yourself the same tiles once again and see if you can improve on your count.
You may still have options if you make an exposure error, but some combinations are definitely going to allow your hand to be called dead (e.g. Download the 2019 Winning Recipes 1st Place Jane Brusselback Holiday[], Walk With Us! (Consecutive Run #8). No. The 13579 category contains only matching dragon hands.
Start with our level 1 bots and work your way up to more advanced levels as you gain confidence. For example can you have 111 2 333 444 5 6666 GGGG 999 0000? In 2022, these combinations have both been teamed with a consecutive run of 3 numbers. Obviously, when these are exploded out into all the possibilities for each individual hand, there are literally hundreds of variations! 1111 Well, it's that time of the year again: time to Spring-clean the house, time to start planting the garden and time to learn the new Mah Jongg card! It says right up top that 1 color means any 1 suit. Although the game stays the same, the block conventions and tile combinations change. (Any Dragon, Any Wind, Any No.) if you were to expose 2 pungs of dragons - which is only valid in a concealed hand). It seems the National Mah Jongg League has been listening to players and created a bunch of brand new hands in addition to recycling some of the old ones. 111 DD Once again, all concealed hands are located at the end of each section (which is preferable to them being scattered throughout sections, as has occurred some years)., Exposures that will give your hand away or cause your hand to be called dead, Switching strategies (so you can increase your flexibility and have a hand to fall back on, should your primary option not pan out). Do I have to use just ones and twos? Read the parenthetical. Spaces on the card have no significance whatsoever. Read the parenthetical: "These Nos. David Warner, the Jewish actor who played antisemites and other villains, passes at 80, I was up onstage with Bob Dylan at Newport the night he went electric, Jewish filmmakers get rare interview with Carlos the Jackal, The Jewish creator of The Monkees, dies at 89. I don't know why. R or G dragon This hand is also the closest to last years 369/6 hand (FF 4-4-4), but with one extra flower and a pung in the middle (FFF 4-3-4). Is this really any like number? 369/3: This hand compares to last year's 369/5 (with 2 pairs, 2 pungs and a kong of opposite dragons), but this year the pairs are 3s and 9s, with 2 pungs of 6s in 2 suits.. This saves the confusions that existed in prior years, when the proximity of the pungs caused some players to believe they were a sextet and, therefore, needed to be exposed together. Can I use other even numbers besides twos and eights in this hand?
2222 Usually, this is a fairly easy hand, but bear in mind that due to 2s being in high demand this year, it may be a struggle to get that pair of 2s. No reason to do it. can I pick up discard 2, 4 or 6 to make mahjongg? No. And can I call for exposure? Do the dragons have to be greens and reds? Why isn't there a space between the 4 and the 6? 3333 (Any Run) Those red zeroes confuse me. This means that, as long as you can account for four of them (in the discards, exposures and your own hand), you can safely discard any of the tiles listed above towards the end of the game, without a significant risk of another player calling Mah Jongg. Then if your other pung is 6 craks, you match that up with a pair of reds, and finish the hand with a kong of 6 bams. Read the card: zeroes are suitless. It contains the word "any." Read the section name. FF
On this hand, when you see this wording using three "anys," the number and the dragon can be different suits. FF
A great way to practice making hand decisions quickly (especially once you've memorized the card with the help of the Make a Hand exercise, outlined above).. Turnabout is fair play. Can I claim a discarded tile to expose a 2022? The card's color-coding is explained on the back of the card. 999 It's a 3-color hand, and it even says 3 suits, so you have to use 3 suits. Could I use a pair of, for instance, threes and a pair of sevens? Now uses flowers instead of dragons and has a 3-suit version. An even number, an odd number, any number. 2022 is shaping up to be an exciting year! (i.e. No. 11 22 333 444 5555 See FAQ 19-E3. Only) "Any" always means "any." It's best to have at least one of the 2s in your hand, and ideally both, before aiming for this one!. Read Three pairs bunched together do not make a sextet. They offer good swapability, depending on tiles received and how lucky you are with jokers. 777 99 (Any 1 or 3 Suits) The first pair can be any number from 1 to 7.
246 888 These two hands complement each other very well.
Also, as jokers can only be used in melds of 3 or more identical tiles, they could never be used in any of the groupings being discussed here. Like Work through the Charleston, with optional hand suggestions. "Any 3 Suits" means the same thing as three colors on the card. Yes, of course the dragons have to be "opposing," since the hand is 3 colors. NEWS is not a kong, same as a 2022 is not a kong (as explained above). If the dragons were not "opposing," then you'd only have 2 suits. Or do you put all 6 down at one time? No, those aren't like numbers. with increasing numbers of tiles as you move through the hand) are seen in Q/2, CR/1, and even CR/7 (if you were to mentally move the flowers to the right). Obviously, theres a very slim chance that an opponent could be utilizing a plethora of jokers, so theres always some risk! These tips will aid the smooth transition from last year's hands to their corresponding hands this year. WD/2: Follows a 3-4-3-4 pattern, which is the standard pattern from last year (this year 3-3-4-4 is the dominant pattern). No. (Consec #2). You can use any one wind (not only Norths.) However, unlike previous years, there are fewer hands that require a pair of flowers (14 vs 19 last year). It does not say 'these nos only' in parenthesis so could I make 3333 555 7777 DDD? follows the same convention as last year, FF 2022 2022 2022. What does "any pairs of like odd nos. This is an excellent tool to check your decision-making skills (you can hide and unhide the suggestions at any time). 3333 6666 The terms "pung" and "kong" and "quint" and "sextet" are also defined on the back of the card. Hand patterns will be shown by the number of tiles in each meld (we find this format visually easier to follow). If I'm holding a 2 and a 6, can I call a 4 to expose a 246? The League publishes a new card of valid hands every year. The pattern of numbers is ascending (2-2-3-4) instead of a bell-curve (2-3-3-2). No. It doesn't need to. CR/3b and 13579/2: This one is a little more complicated to explain, but goes like this: Q/4 and CR/3a: Both contain flowers and consecutive numbers in the same suit. NEWS is four single tiles. A much deeper dive into the permutations would be required in order to provide any meaningful data on the distribution of hands and tiles, which is outside of the scope of this particular article (but, being the Mah Jongg nerds that we are, we plan to do this exercise at some point!). However, there are still a few areas where further clarification would be helpful and we highlight these below: The League has also added a note, at the top of the card, clarifying that jokers may not be used in a 2022 grouping. Perhaps you conclude that they do not belong to any hand, in which case you would be in a good position to call that particular hand dead, were it a real game. 8888 (Any 3 Suits) (13579 #1). Can I use a joker in a 246? Hands are 25 or 30 points, unless you go for Quints or Singles & Pairs. Does the 2022 have to be in bams, since it's green?
Ryan Turell wasnt selected in the NBA Draft. No. Those are singles and pairs - they are not exposable groupings, and jokers cannot be used. (Quints #1). No.
We predict that this will be the most played hand on the 2022 card! Make a note of the tiles you were dealt at the beginning and, when you get to the end of the Charleston, count how many tiles you have towards Mah Jongg. Oh, and then there's the parenthetical right there: it says "Any 2 Dragons". There is also a one-suit version. This is a lot quicker and much more convenient than using a physical set and the system even tracks how well you're doing, automatically. Read the parenthetical. Surely so that it doesn't have to be listed twice, like Personally, we welcome this variety as it provides a refreshing change from old, stale patterns and provides a little more challenge to keep our brain cells active! ", FFF Dragons are suited, as explained on the back of the card. nos." FF Do I have to use Reds for the dragon kong? Additionally, Soap, East and West appear as singles, so these are also unsafe.The following tiles do not appear as singles in any hand:. Both contain flowers and consecutive numbers in the same suit. (S&P #2). No. Follows 3-3-4-4 this year, instead of 3-4-3-4 in 2021. : Be extra careful with this hand; like many others, it has 2 pungs and 2 kongs, but the order is 4-3-4-3 (instead of the 3-3-4-4 or 3-4-3-4 patterns found elsewhere). Youll need an extra dose of luck to achieve this one! Is there a penalty if I do expose two pungs at once? Heres whats next for the Yeshiva University star. If you're trying for the Big Hand and have your 2s but fall short on soaps, there are alternative options in the 2022 category, but also consider switching to this Any Like Number hand using 2s, soaps and jokers. 8888 It is now in the "NN E W SS" format, with like-numbers and no flowers. FFFF 44 666 It states any 3 suits, but doesn't use the word "different." In such cases, you have to consider the parenthetical as being the final word. Additionally, ALN/1 and ALN/2 could also be options depending on what comes your way! with a mix of flowers and opposite dragons, or, if you have winds. 1111 (Any 3 Suits) There is no space between the 1122. Or choose to stick with the consecutive run if you receive 4s in the second suit. Bell curve patterns (2-3-4-3-2) popular in previous years are rarer this year: 2022/4, 13579/1, 369/3. 2022/3: Requires "only" 9 twos, but you will need to have 3 natural twos of a given suit to make the 2022 part of the hand. 13579/3: Follows 3-3-4-4 this year, instead of 3-4-3-4 in 2021. That's clearly illegal, since there is no sextet on the 2022 card.
That means that your two same-number pairs cannot be in the same suit as your 11 33 55 77 99. * At the bottom of this page, you can link to old cards going back to 2001. 1111 NN E W SS 1111 (any odd) and every year. Do I have to use Soaps and Norths and One Dots? This site is not associated with the National Mah Jongg League. As mentioned previously, 2s are going to be in high demand this year. Does that all-green 2022 mean I can use a green dragon as zero? PLEASE read FAQ 19-E (and the back of the card). Read the parenthetical. Every number tile could potentially be used as a single on this year's card, so, . 2468/3a and 2468/3b: As this hand is offered in 2 or 3 suits, save all relevant tiles, giving yourself the flexibility to switch between options as necessary. It's just the odd numbers, I get that, but how about if I make it 11 3333 555 77 999 for example? Lots of overlap here! They're not marked G and R, so they're any dragons. Thankfully, jokers can be used in each meld. S&P/4: The S&P consecutive run hand is made of just numbers this year (no flowers). Is the hand to be played exactly as shown, with different like numbers or i.e. Frequently Asked Question 19-BY and
Not so this year.
Similar to the same hand from last year (2468/5), with only 2 suits instead of 3. Why on earth would you want to do that? 13579/1: This hand usually follows the same pattern as CR/1.
american mahjong card 2022