Expedited Shipping Available - Shipping rates calculated at Checkout. None, whatsoever. Please note however, that you will also need protection in the event of a power outage. Should I buy the 507 or 510? There is a rubber gasket between the switch housing and pump housing that form a water-tight seal to protect the switch connections. The pump pumps up 1.5' then 25'to the 4" drain line. Your only option would be to either replace the pump with a different type of switch, possibly a tether or electronic switch or by rigging the switch on your M53 to stay on and then add another "piggyback" style switch. ", Designed for rapid heat dissipation and extended life, Offers years of reliable, trouble-free operation, Oil-filled and hermetically sealed to prevent overheating, Assures maximum protection for extended pump life, No screen to interfere with flowing debris, Entire unit is pressure tested after assembly. The pump runs due to the float switch being raised, but can't eject the water because of the airlock condition. I was planning to go about half way up the vertical pipe.
Thank you for your interest in Sump Pumps Direct. Is any maintenance required on the M53 pump? zoeller 115v effluent Thank you for your interest in Sump Pumps Direct. Would you recommend a 1/3 hp or 1/2? The "weep" hole as it is called should always be drilled in your discharge pipe to prevent an airlock. That answer would be based on how much water you feel you would need to pump during a power outage. The relief hole in the pump will help prevent any air lock within the pump. Yes, you can, but you need to purchase it direct from Zoeller. Can you raise the vertical float switch to accommodate a higher water level in the sump pump pit on this Zoeller submersible sump pump, if so, how? As with any question that I get on wiring pumps, I must refer you to the fact that all manufactures do state the following: Jim,
All Rights Reserved\"}","expertJSON":{"imageURL":"https:\/\/www.powerequipmentdirect.com\/images\/experts\/expert-main-10.png","href":"\/sump-pump-product-expert.php","title":"Contact Jim @ Sump Pumps Direct","expertName":"Jim","expertTitle":"Sump Pump Expert"},"bbbJSON":{"imageURL":"https:\/\/www.powerequipmentdirect.com\/images\/badge-bbb.png","imageAlt":"Better Business Bureau\u00ae","href":"http:\/\/www.bbb.org\/chicago\/business-reviews\/industrial-equipment-and-supplies\/power-equipment-direct-in-bolingbrook-il-57001088","title":"Sump Pumps Direct - A+ Rating - Better Business Bureau\u00ae"},"zipCode":null,"phoneNumber":"888-455-4682","loginToken":"bc937ff5da63b36ffbaeaf02c81b7fd5d7d9f37afcaec14869a97f2b9e909a98","iterable":"e4b27e68b9c84fbb940829a0a9ee29d7","newNav":true}. My pump keeps running, is it the switch or the pump? What kind of draw (startup and normal operation) should I include in my calculations for sizing the generator. When in doubt, you should contact a licensed electrician in your area. The house sits lower than both the street in front and back. My concern is that it will be going off even more often if I change to a submersible style pump because it sits lower in the pit. i have 1 zollerm53 if it stops iam done. Hi there, I'm planning on using this pump and a Jackel sump basin ( or something like that) to move water from a "lake" in my diveway, about 50' horizontally to a flower bed. One option you could look at to overcome this, would be to install the non-automatic version. The compressors on the icebox always require more amperage or power to start because of the extra torque needed. We are based in Bolingbrook, Illinois and only operate out of this single location. Note, in hurricane Irene my pump was going off every minute. Reducing it further will only create more backpressure on the pump which will reduce the pump life, not to mention the reduction in pumping capacity that you would realize. My Zoller pump has a threaded female connector on the body. I noticed that the zoeller 1/3hp pump takes 25 amps to start do I need a thirty amp circuit to run a zoeller pump? Sort of worried it might fail and flood the basement. A lot of homeowners will install 2 sump pumps in their sump basin for this type of situation. When using the formula of amps X volts = watts, you would need a minimum 1152 running watts and 3108 starting watts to operate your pump. I suggest that you drill a 1/8" or 3/16" hole in your PVC discharge pipe, approximately 4" above your pump's discharge port and well within the inside of the basin. Zoeller pumps are known to last but are also known for some switch problems. Your submission has been sent successfully. I can tell you that most average sized homes in an average water table area can usually get away with a 1/3HP or 1/2HP pump. A vertical float switch is a ball that floats above the water.
Rebekah, Zoeller basically builds 2 models, the 1/3HP model. The M53 is the most popular 1/3 HP Zoeller pump, so it would probably be safe to say that's the model. zoeller fnpt ferguson wanting to buy a battery backup system for the M 53 . The "D" series was manufactured between 7/92 and current. How far will this pump move the water? You can reach them at (800) 928-7867. The water is only on one side of the basement and never comes up on the other. Please review all product specs prior to purchase. Based on your description, it sounds like the M53 is ALMOST taking care of the situation, but not quite. You might try to brace and/or pad any area of the discharge pipe that may be coming in direct contact with any walls, ceilings or joists to try to reduce the vibration that is being caused by the sudden reversal of the water flow once that pump switches off and that check valve slams shut. I would like to buy a generator to run that sump pump plus my icebox which takes 6.5 amps/115 volts. every hour for maybe 5 seconds max. Product Video Disclaimer: "PED is not responsible for any variances from the product in this video and the item you purchase. Do you still need to drill an air relief hole in your pipe if this pump has an air relief hole? All is operating well - Leading up to a question, I think I am getting some water hammer. Is there a big difference between the M53 and M98 when it comes to noise and cycle rate? The pump starts smooth but when it switches off it rattles the pipes. In most cases, if your pump keeps running, it is most likely a switch problem. What can one expect for your model M53 C to last in terms of years? That would tell you exactly what size generator you would need to run both appliances at the same time. It leaves dirt all across our front yard and underneath our house, both of which are concrete. What locations in Anchorge sells your product. Even with this air relief hole in the pump, it's still highly recommended that you drill a "weep" hole in your discharge pipe. Would this pump be suitable for a 12' x 12' basement? Water will be discharged from the weep hole when your pump is operating. 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The 6.5 amps you mention are the running amps. Jim, how can I prevent water and sand from settling below my beach house? How To Pick The Perfect Pedestal Sump Pump. The normal life of a sump pump is about 7-10 years, though I have heard of some going 10-20 years and more. The the pump works fine. IF you have more water than sand, that M53 will handle it. I would suggest increasing the discharge piping from 1-1/4" to 1-1/2" or even 2". Zoeller Complete Cover Assembly & Switch Kit For M53 Sump Pump, Cast Iron Switch Case, Motor & Pump Housing. Chances are that the switch has failed and needs to be replaced, which is a common occurrence. I think only only one model m53 can be ordered through Sears. Regarding the noise concern, there should not be any difference as long as the pump is installed properly. Once you can obtain that number, multiply it by the voltage (120), add 3108 (the starting watts for the M53 pump) and add 20% to the total. I'd prefer to bypass the switch altogether but not if the compartment can't be sealed properly. All the terminals are corroded so it's been running like this for some time. Is the switch stuck? When using generators, you should never load them up any more that 80% of their capacity at any time, so you might consider a generator with about a 4000 watt starting watt capacity. The Zoeller M53 is and has been a great pump for many years! Unlike Born, raised, and built in the U.S.A., Goulds Water Technology is an American m You'll hardly think about your sump pump until it's too late. I think older. Thanks. You would really need to know the starting amp rating for your ice box to get an accurate number to size your generator. The starting amps for the M53 are 25.9. Thereby cycling only maybe only every two hours. The only maintenance that is required is what all manufacturers recommend. There is usually a brass tag mounted on the top side of the pump between the the power cord relief and the float switch arm that will give you the model number and date code in addition to the voltage and amps. Please give our experts up to two business days to respond. I'm replacing my Zoeller M72 Model with M53. Without knowing more specifics like the water table, area of the country you live in, actual square footage of your basement, etc., it really is difficult to answer. You want to pay very close attention to these requirements as they will insure a longer pump life. If you must reduce the piping, I don't recommend that you go any smaller than 1-1/4". Unfortunately, I would not have the answer to that question. I currently have a 1/3HP pedestal pump discharging through a 1-1/4" pipe. IF that M53 had difficulty with demand at any time however, then I would suggest increasing to the 1/2HP model M98. I installed according to directions. Any suggestions? That really depends on the pump. 8 in. Two questions: 1) the current set up uses 1 inch PVC discharge pipes - up about 8 feet and then horizontal for another 15 feet until exiting the house. The weight of the fluid on the topside of the check valve keeps it closed. HELP!! Is the Zoeller m53 availiable with a longer cord? I have cleaned the pump, well and float. Since M53 have a built in air relief hole do I need to drill a hole into my PVC pipe? That being said, all pumps should last a good 5-7 years or more providing they are installed properly. Thank you. This pump is approx 7 years old, seems to work fine , do I need to consider replacing and with what. Under normal operating conditions, it is NOT uncommon for the pump and switch housing to be completely submerged. I purchased a super-sump 1/3 hp Zoellar cast iron pump last July. I have never replaced it. Thank you for your interest in Sump Pumps Direct. It's always recommended that you drill a weep hole in your PVC discharge pipe with a bottom suction pump. I cut a trench 2' wide X 1.5' deep into the concrete running the width of the house,45' and placed the M53 sump pump at the end. One of the advantages to pedestal pumps is that you have the ability to adjust the float switch to allow the pump to evacuate more water out of your pit per cycle, thereby reducing the number of cycles per hour. When it gets water in the pit again, the airlock condition shows up. If you are doing a typical basement, I have a Zoeller sub pump 1198 horizontal install, I would like to buy another pump,where this one is quite old. It has been running well, but now it will not come on. Would this pump work, and also be one that can handle the sand that comes in mixed with water? I don't want it to have to run more often then it does now. I have a M53-D Zoeller pump that is about 10yrs old.I was told by my home builder that it was rated to pump vertical up to 10ft.is this true?I have miss placed my owners manual and now the switch is bad so that the pump runs constant till it over heats,is that do to pumping vertical for 10yrs out of my basement for a washer?By the way it has been a great pump and will never own anything but a Zoeller for the rest of my time.Thank you. Get expert advice and be the first to hear about new products and special promotions. Could you please tell me what I would need to purchase. I am thinking of buying the Zoeller M53 - 1/3 HP Cast Iron Submersible Sump Pump w/ Vertical Float Switch. If that should happen, it's usually easier to have it serviced at a local authorized Zoeller service center or replace the pump. for safty, You are describing a fairly common application. Pump warranties vary from 1 year to 5 years depending on the pump and the manufacturer. below underside of concrete floor when the float activates. Thank you,
I have a Zoeller M53 in a basement sump 24 in. Some are more efficient than others. There is no info on tag that is attached the plug wire. That said, I have heard of them lasting 10, 15 and 25+ years in some cases.
The 2" discharge WOULD require an adapter for either pump discharge, but should help. For example, the 1/3HP Basement Watchdog model. The beach house we purchased sits on stilts with all concrete drive-thru underneath. My pit is 15" across by 24" deep. When it rains, my pit fills up very quickly and the pump goes every 2-3 minutes. Located in NW Ohio and water table is fairly high. No head, actually probably a foot or two lower. The problem is often noticed after the initial use when the pit has had time to dry out during a dry spell. The "D" designation is for the period of time in the past, that it was manufactured. Installing an underground sump pump to drain water coming under the house. WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm - www.P65Warnings.ca.gov. But I was wondering does this need more than a 15 amp outlet, due to start up amps? The M53 runs at 9.6 amps and requires 25.9 amps to start. While the Zoeller pumps are one of the better pumps out there, they are not very efficient. I want to replace it and was looking at this pump because my existing one is old and noisy. These accessories are required to properly setup/install this product. That's a tough question to answer. You don't want to just install a 3/4HP or 1HP pump just for the sake of it.
m53 sump pump zoeller specification