Accessibility: Martin housing should raise and lower vertically on a telescoping, pulley, or winch system.
Eva's Acres Gourds
If the gourd is lying on a flat surface, be sure to frequently turn it. (These folks regularly sell at the annual NC Gourd Festival in September! that require special shipping, items shipped directly from the manufacturer, or out-of-stock items.
Metal or plastic housing with flat, slick floors could result in young developing permanently splayed legsa potentially fatal abnormality that can be prevented by providing textured subfloors in each compartment. available
near abc discogs album (Youll only use one set of holes for hanging. Wash it thoroughly in water, rinse in a solution of 1 part disinfectant (bleach works fine) and 10 parts water, and dry it with a towel. Four Pack of Heath Deluxe Purple Martin Gourds, 8 Pack of Heath Deluxe Purple Martin Gourds, Purple Martin Conservation Association Troyer Gourd, Troyer's Deluxe Gourd Rack with 12 Crescent SREH Gourds, S & K Manufacturing Hanging Gourd Bracket, BestNest MP19P, White, Heath Telescoping Martin House and Gourds Pole, 15', Ravenox Bird Houses for Outside | Flying Martins Purple Martin Vertical Gourd - Handmade in USA Durable Bird House with A Conley II Hole Entrance Gourd Rack System Compatible (4 Pack), BestNest S&K 12 Room Purple Martin House Package, Heath Outdoor Products PMG-1 Single Room One Piece Round Hole Gourd, BestNest Heath Gourd Replacement Hanging Rods, 20", 4 Pack, Heath Two-Piece Martin Gourds, Crescent SREH, 16 Pack, BestNest Heath 18-Room Deluxe Purple Martin House Package, Heath Outdoor Products M12SR Starling Resistant 12 Room Martin House, Ravenox Purple Martin Gourd Rack | Gemini Purple Martin Rack System for 24 Gourds | Bird House System | Horizontal Mounting Arms Horizontal Gourds | Gourds Not Included | Made in USA, Fms Ravenox Heavy Duty Replacement Caps | Purple Martin Bird House QRC for Troyer Purple Martin Gourd Birdhouse Both Horizontal and Vertical (10 Pack), BestNest S&K Dual Purple Martin Houses, Expandable Option, 24 Rooms, BestNest S&K Dual Purple Martin Barns with Expandable Option, Heath 24-Room Deluxe Purple Martin House Package, S&K Manufacturing Gourd House, Two-Pack, 11" L X 7.6" W X 16.4" H, Standard, White, Heath 18-Room Deluxe Purple Martin House with Decoys, Carson Home Accents Vintage Tall Birdhouse, 14.25-Inch, Heritage Farms Purple Martin Top Perch Unit. Over seventeen varieties of gourds grown
Varieties such as:
Sorry, I was
P.O. Other blue
gourd ravenox starling entrance The Bug's Gourd Farm is open Year Round..Please CALL or EMAIL to make sure someone is IN before coming by.. 706-547-2724; email Your gourd house will be ready to use again, but you might want to prepare a few more over winter, because the martins will probably bring along a few more friends! up with changes. What began as a small retail store in Madison, Virginia in 1980 has grown into a multi-channel online, catalog and retail business. Wooden houses and natural gourds should have a natural (unpainted) interior. I'll put all pertinent information here about each supplier
Ph 903-734-5204
Some birds you could attract include bluebirds, swallows, chickadees, wrens, woodpeckers, great crested flycatchers, titmice, screech owls, kestrels and nuthatches. 12-pack $59.95 + $8.00
Next, meet 8 types of swallow birds you should know. 150 Barnstable Road
$4.00 each
How Large Should the Cavities Be? 30226 Holly Road
Profits from the sales go to help fund research and conservation.
& dippers. Birdhouse gourds, Martin gourds, all sizes
UPS and priority USPS shipping available, including COD
Soak the gourd for 15 minutes in hot soapy water, then scrape it with a dull knife to remove the outer skin and mold. Below are some of the standards to look for in any type of martin housing. martin houses from. One set should be drilled perpendicular to the entrance hole and the other in line with it. Email:
Martin gourds for sale starting at $2 for medium size and $3 for the large gourds. ribbon gourds
Dried gourds for sale. Copyright © 2017 North Carolina Gourd Society All rights reserved.
With the same bit, drill two sets of holes about 2 inches from the top of the gourds neck for hanging and ventilation. forcraftingfrom extremely large bushels down to 5" kettles
Every editorial product is independently selected, though we may be compensated or receive an affiliate commission if you buy something through our links. You can also use a keyhole saw to cut the entrance by hand. The Two-Piece Gourd comes in an eight-pack and features a snap-together design for easy cleaning as well as a crescent-shaped, starling-resistant hole.
New price list available. Paint the gourd house with white exterior enamel paint with a nylon brush. & Greenhouse
galore barbeques kix
Gourds for Birdhouses and crafts
Franklin, TX 77856
Includes Martin gourds, bushels, kettles, bottles, dippers,
Something wicked this way comes Shop now.
all kinds of gourds.
46 product ratings - Heath Outdoor Products 30008 2-Piece Easy Clean Deluxe Purple Martin Gourd St 6 product ratings - HEATH TWO-PIECE MARTIN GOURDS, CRESCENT SREH, 4 PACK. Fax: 616-683-0928
ALL of the suppliers listed below have shipping available. Send $2.00 for chart of gourd shapes, prices, & tools
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West Mountain Gourd Farm
However, discard any gourds that become soft or wrinkled. Pikeville, TN 37367
"Great product and trusted company. Adult martins are 7.5 long, so compartments must be large enough to accommodate 4-6 nearly-grown nestlings and both parents. Wooden housing should be made from untreated material only. Paulette Disbrow Pierce City, MO 65723
Starling-resistant entrance holes (1-3/16 tall x 2-3/4 to 3 wide) should be placed so the bottom of the entrance is flush with the compartment floor, or not more than 1/4 above it.
88 East Keysville, GA. 30816.. which is approximately 30 miles South West of Augusta, GA and 10 miles East of Wrens GA. Lookfor Bug's Gourd Farm sign at the Driveway. 1 product ratings - NEW HEATH PURPLE MARTIN MP-19P TELESCOPING 15' MARTIN BIRD HOUSE GOURDS POLE. small to large we have them. Cedar, cypress, or redwood works well. Other blue
Glenn McElveen - (919) 772-2785 - Garner, NC Attract more martins to your gourd colony or martin house with the help of our life-size Purple Martin Decoy. Martin gourds 9" and up - $4.00
Clayton Hepler - (336) 472-6180 - Thomasville, NC, Ghost Creek Gourds, Laurens, SC (864) 682-5251 Gilmer, TX 75644
A good purple martin gourd has a diameter of about 8 to 13 inches. Rt 5, Box 183C
d2h mouthpiece engrave Remove seeds and membrane through the entrance hole with a long-handled metal spoon, screwdriver or a wire coat hanger (wear a face mask). West Point, MS., 39773
(VGOH)~"MARTIN BIRDHOUSE" GOURD~Seed!!! call for more information
So whatever preservative you use, store the solution in a covered plastic bucket for reuse, but keep it away from children and pets. No minimum order, Over 25 varieties of craft and birdhouse gourds in small to
the Purple Martin Conservation Association has them available, via mail-order. Birdhouse, Snake, Caveman's Club (Maranka),
No cleaned gourds.
: Traditional round entrance holes are generally 2-1/8 in diameter, but a range between 1-3/4 and 2-1/4 is acceptable. Over seventeen varieties of gourds grown
What Type of Entrance Hole? Mostly grows martin gourds and doesn't always have other kinds.
Through the years, we've remained dedicated to our guiding principles: we treat our customers like neighbors and friends and offer quality products backed by our full satisfaction guarantee. There seems to be a problem serving the request at this time, {"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}}. birdhouse gourd
UPS and priority USPS shipping available, including COD
Copyright 1995-2022 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. A family owned business, specializing in pumpkins and
P.O. Both are durable plastic for years of use, with bottom drain hole and off-white color for inside temperature control. Box Drawer 1049
Dimensions Gourds 8" x 11-1/2" Pole extends from 5-15'. E-mail:, Barnstable Farms
Hang the gourd in a sunny spot or place it on newspaper in a warm dry spot (such as an attic or basement) for 3 to 6 months.
Do purple martins eat mosquitoes? Ready to hang, wire included, $3.00 ea. Email:
Tip: Gourds need to be retreated and repainted every few years. No minimum.
Heres what you should know. Time spent creating a purple martin gourd house is a worthwhile investment.
$2.50 We - cut, Web Page:
Quality dry gourds, long or short necks, $2.00 ea.
Call, e-mail, or send SASE. perfect discogs near
Local store prices may vary from those displayed. 4832 South 27th
Solid Polyester Area Rug, Nourison Essentials Blue/Grey 7 ft. x 7 ft.
Bottle, dipper, birdhouse, penguin, and swan gourds
Use of this site is subject to certain Terms Of Use.
Wood 3/4 thick will provide better insulation against heat and cold. To start, youll need one hard-shell gourd, also known as a bottle gourd or birdhouse gourd. Perfect for your bird friends! Ratings and prices are accurate and items are in stock as of time of publication.
#QE-19 September Sun Satin Enamel Exterior Paint & Primer, ARDEN SELECTIONS 24 in.
Small birdhouse gourds - $2.00
Make seven drainage holes in the bottom of the gourd about 2 inches apart using a 5/16-inch drill bit. 2-Piece Deep Seating Outdoor Lounge Chair Cushion in Lake Blue Leala, Shop Automatic Line-Advance System Highly Rated Electric String Trimmers, Shop Dark Gray Less than 12 Track Systems. Gourds dried indoors will grow the most mold and should be wiped clean frequently with the same concentration (1 to 10) of disinfectant you used for cleaning. and many others. Gourds make fine homes for several varieties of cavity nesters.
Oneonta, AL., 35121
suttle carp Email: Between 6 to 12 cavities is a great start for a colony. Shop products from small business brands sold in Amazons store. predator box guards bluebird nesting discovery located near center throughout several park
The gourd will swing, making it less attractive to nest competitors, such as starlings. After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in.
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