(2) Float-type
Orders with Free Ground Shipping also qualify! Please provide your Zip code for delivery estimate. Automatic air vent, purge valve on each of the return and supply and it comes with a heavy duty bracket. Does not qualified for No special tools, crimping, glue or soldering required. A calibration technician whos been with the company for nearly 25 years reflects on his time at RWC. product manufacturer's policy. outlets for PEX tubing. including for drinking and cooking. and cannot be used for potable water applications, Pre-assembled and includes all components shown on the picture. For support, contact your local Johnstone Supply. Enter the Store, Username, and Email associated with your account. It has the option of using 3/8, 1/2, 5/8 and 3/4 PEX as well as 1/2 PEX AL PEX adaptors. After we confirm your identity, you will receive a password reminder email. ), Electrical Installation & Maintenance Supplies, 7-Loop 1-1/4" SS Manifold with Flow Meter, 8-Loop 1-1/4" SS Manifold with Flow Meter, 9-Loop 1-1/4" SS Manifold with Flow Meter, 6-Loop 1-1/4" SS Manifold with Flow Meter, 10-Loop 1-1/4" SS Manifold with Flow Meter, 11-Loop 1-1/4" SS Manifold with Flow Meter, 12-Loop 1-1/4" SS Manifold with Flow Meter, Injection Control to Regulate Water Temperature. to connect tubing to the manifold). Sign in failed. Made from brass with nickel plated finish. This process does not require you to purchase the product - it can be easily Compatible
Enter and space open menus and escape closes them as well. Compression adapters for 1/2" PEX tubing (no PEX tools required
The People Behind SharkBite: Meet Myra McKenney, Using SharkBite for Commercial New Construction, The People Behind SharkBite: Meet Jeff Lytle, Fluid is heated by a water heater or boiler and distributed by the manifold throughout the different. To replace with 3/8" or 5/8" PEX adapters - include a message at the checkout page. Radiant Heating, Snow Melting and Turf Conditioning. (2) 1"
Please install a supported browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Safari. 1/2" PEX compression adapters are included with every radiant heat manifold set by default. Each radiant heat manifold package (set) has (1) supply manifold with flow meters, (1) return manifold with balancing valves, plus automatic air vent, fill/drain valves on each manifold, shut-off ball valves, supply and return temperature gauges, PEX adapters and mounting brackets. side radiant manifold w/ (2) adjustable flow indicators and (2)
It has flow meters on each of the supply ports, it has isolation valve on the return ports, 1 inlet with ball valve and temperature gauge to measure the supply and return water temperature and calculate the BTU output of your system. Tab will move on to the next part of the site rather than go through menu items. FREE FedEx Ground shipping on all orders over $99.00. Has a 1 in. Distance OC
shipping. Available in stainless steel or brass body construction. Have optional actuators in lieu of the isolation caps to control multiple temperature zones with 1 manifold. Canada The stainless steel manifold is built for durability and corrosion resistance. Select a country Innovative push-to-connect design with a 1 in. You have chosen a combination of filters that do not match any products. Help us improve the Mini-Split Selector by sending us feedback.
(1) Return
It is available up to 12 loop configuration. Copyright 2021Zurn Industries, LLC.
valves with 3/4" garden hose (drain hose) connection and a cap. Up and Down arrows will open main level menus and toggle through sub tier links. Temperature gauges on both manifolds to monitor supply and return
Your message will be sent to the web support team. This allows us to continue offering our lowest prices while staying consistent with Enter the generated code below for verification. tubing. applications only. | Manifold's outlets are at 2" OC (On Center). Signup for our newsletter to get notified about sales and new products. side radiant manifold w/ (2) balancing valves and (2) outlets for PEX
RWC Everhot, Nibco, etc.). We understand that this is an inconvenience and are continually working with p.pickup_price) }}, {{ USDFormatter(Math.min(f.discount_price, f.sell_price)) }}, {{ USDFormatter(Math.min(f.discount_price, f.sell_price) * (f.quantity_per_mqty || 1) * f.qty) }}, {{ USDFormatter(f.sell_price * (f.quantity_per_mqty || 1) * f.qty) }}, Have the same billing and shipping address. (2)
FNPT inlet - Integrated air vent and drain. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The top of the line manifold for Radiant Heating Systems that offers the most features and the most options. manufacturer's established MAP ("Minimum Advertised Price"). (4)
As of April 1st, 2022, Internet Explorer will no longer be supported on the Johnstone ecommerce sites. threaded shut-off ball valves (1/4-turn) - one for each manifold
The following navigation utilizes arrow, enter, escape, and space bar key commands. water temperatures. 2 Loop Stainless Steel Radiant PEX Manifold with Adapters & New Flow Meters, 3 Loop Stainless Steel Radiant PEX Manifold with Adapters & New Flow Meters, 4 Loop Stainless Steel Radiant PEX Manifold with Adapters & New Flow Meters, 5 Loop Stainless Steel Radiant PEX Manifold with Adapters & New Flow Meters, 6 Loop Stainless Steel Radiant PEX Manifold with Adapters & New Flow Meters, 7 Loop Stainless Steel Radiant PEX Manifold with Adapters & New Flow Meters, 8 Loop Stainless Steel Radiant PEX Manifold with Adapters & New Flow Meters, 9 Loop Stainless Steel Radiant PEX Manifold with Adapters & New Flow Meters, 10 Loop Stainless Steel Radiant PEX Manifold with Adapters & New Flow Meters, 12 Loop Stainless Steel Radiant PEX Manifold with Adapters & New Flow Meters. All Rights Reserved. Manage flow to each circuit and control the shut-off for venting air from the system. USA currently Selected. SharkBite connections are integrated on the loop ports making connecting the loops to the manifold significantly easier and faster than other connection methods. 2022 's' : '' }}, Pick Up and save {{ USDFormatter(p.sell_price - {{ USDFormatter(m.sell_price * m.quantity_per_mqty) }}, {{ total_products }} Item{{ total_products!=1 ? All units are pre-assembled and pressure tested. air vents to eliminate air from the system - both on supply and
(877) 235-6352 or [emailprotected]. (On Center) between PEX outlets: 2"; Overall width
This product can be used for non-potable water And what other RWC solutions integrate with SharkBite solutions for professional, reliable commercial plumbing installations. You must identify your local store and sign in to see local price and availability information and place orders. Manifold, (2) 1-1/4" Inlets x (6) 3/4" Outlets x (2) 1-1/4" bungs, Stainless Steel Radiant Manifold Kit, 8-Loop, Manifold, 1-1/4" Inlet x (4) 1-1/4" Outlets, Stainless Steel Radiant Manifold Kit, 10-Loop. 2-branch Deluxe Radiant Manifold Set. with all types and brands of PEX tubing (Bow, Viega, Watts, Zurn,
If you have trouble signing in, contact your local Johnstone Supply store. Since our price for this product is lower then MAP, the manufacturer does not allow Maximum flow per branch is 1.4 GPM (Gallons Per Minute). FNPT inlet and 1/2 in. This option is available at no additional cost! (1) Supply
manufacturers to educate them on how MAP affects our customers. Invalid username or password, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Components, Air Distribution (Grilles, Sheet Metal, etc. Features flow balancing valves and flow meters to avoid any unnecessary waste and ensure an elevated level of thermal comfort. A shipping manager whos been with the company for 26 years reflects on her time at RWC. operating temperature is 158F. 2022 Johnstone Supply. The administrator has indicated that your orders must be approved by your manager. Please enter a valid list description value. This product does not meet the new low-lead criteria defined in Safe Drinking Water Act While PexUniverse.com reserves the legal right set its own product pricing, some If you find a lower price than we advertise, call or email us with the information and we will beat the price. Minimizes the risk of leaks by eliminating excess connection points. Copyright To take advantage of our new, super-fast delivery option, simply select Ground Shipping method in Cart or Checkout.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Click to change Location, Radiant Heating Snow Melting & Turf Conditioning. Temperature gauges on supply and return manifolds to ensure proper supply temperature and evaluate heat loss at the return manifold. Left and right arrows move across top level links and expand / close menus in sub levels. Corrosion resistant stainless steel manifold. Max. Ensures flow to each circuit is regulated precisely, while also controlling shut-off and allowing the venting of air from the heating system. We've sent your manager an email requesting an approval. manufacturers require internet retailers to display a price at or above United States (US), Need to contact us? You'll be sent an email once your order has been approved. between supply and return manifolds: 8.25" OC. Any questions can be sent to websupport@johnstonesupply.com. us to display our lowest price until you place the product in the shopping cart. Designed for use in a PEX system. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Country * All Right Reserved. We will beat product price + shipping cost when applicable. removed from shopping cart if needed. when installed (with shut-off valves): 10.75".
Video will need updated to match new interface. (blue handle for return manifold and red handle for supply). All rights reserved. return side (air vent caps included for pressure testing purposes). Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners & Heat Pumps, Through the Wall Condensing Units & Heat Pumps, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Controls. (2) Drain/fill
radiant heat manifold parts