The Power Supply Unit is an electrical device which is water resistant but not waterproof. Keep it away from constant and direct sunlight, excessive heat, and severe cold. // ------------------------------------------ Salt Systems
"wasprice152716U1": "222.21",
"price141224": "470.24",
We are truly grateful for your patience during this time. // Water Tech Pool Blaster Max Li 4310
Your email address will not be published. "price20081": "499.99",
Phone: 303-985-0077 "wasprice156590": "269.99",
If you reside in the next day delivery area served by our Pleasant Prairie facility, order in-stock products and place your order by 3 PM Local Time you should receive your order the next day (except Saturday or Sunday). "wasprice482101": "23.99",
// Pentair SuperFlo IG Pump 1 HP
For certain products, a freight charge may be applied. "srsmithSavings": "10%", // SR SMITH
// ------------------------------------------------------- Cleaners
"igsaltgnSavings": "", // IG SALT GENERATORS
"suctionSavings": "33%", // SUCTION CLEANERS
"price156591": "299.99",
// Table Top Pool Table
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// Kreepy Krauly Pool Cleaner
// Pentair SuperFlo New Pump
// IG Solid Winter Covers
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// Above Ground Solar Cover --- 8600
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Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. // SR Smith Cyclone Slide
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// SR Smith Flyte Deck II Dive Stand No Jig
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Your current location is outside the Next Day Delivery area. "price377002": "149.99",
"price7486001": "89.95",
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Never at any time, allow your power supply unit into the pool or to be exposed to water for any extended period of time. "price5290": "1097.99",
// Coral Seas Yellow Out
// SR Smith ML300 ADA Pool Lifts
// Natural Chemistry Pool Perfect + PHOSfree
"price4235": "288.49",
// ------------------------------------------------------ Solar
Orders must be placed by. // Beaded Liners
"wasprice8834": "999.00",
// Solar Mat
This item ships FedEx Ground and usually arrives in 2 to 3 business days. Completely remove the cable from the Dolphin Caddy when the robot is in use. // AquaChek Water Testing Strips
This item ships UPS Ground and usually arrives in 2 to 3 business days. "agleafnetsSavings": "10%", // AG LEAF NETS
// Cover Clips
// Hayward DV50000 Cleaner
Make sure to release enough of the cable into the pool so that your robot can properly function, and any extra can be rolled loosely outside of the pool. // Natural Chemistry Pool Magic
"agoverlapSavings": "18%", // AG OVERLAP LINERS
// Hayward Main Drain
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This item ships UPS Ground and usually arrives in 2 to 3 business days. "price3604": "199.99",
We have an on-staff robotic technician as well as a team of professionals who have many years of robotic pool cleaner experience. "price377003": "199.99",
"priceOVERLAPLINER": "135.99",
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// Quick Spa
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// ILP Water Testing Strips
// SR Smith SlideAway Removable Pool Slide
"priceVL915": "34.14",
// --------------------------------------------------------------- ABOVE GROUND
We do have a shipping charge of only $9.99 for orders under $100.00. Universal Fits all Dolphin Robotic Cleaners (22 Commercial Style Excluded) and most other brands.
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As a tip, something that is good to do is once every week or so, unplug the cable from the power supply and unwind the tangled portions of cable. "igwintcovSavings": "10%", // IG SOLID WINTER COVERS
"price8039": "319.00",
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// Intex Round Steel-Frame
// now prices are second
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// Hayward Pro Series Sand Filter Only NLA
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JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. "price4323": "119.99",
"allheatpumpSavings": "16%", // ALL HEAT PUMPS
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Here's everything you need!
Required fields are marked *. "clearMaintenance": "27%",
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Shipping is free when you spend $100 or more. "wasprice5290": "1219.99",
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We pride ourselves on our customer satisfaction. "wasprice20461": "60.94",
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// PSS Start-Up Pill
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// Nava Chlorine 3-inch Tabs 50 lb
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// Liner Guard
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Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. We do have a shipping charge of only $9.99 for orders under $100.00.
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// ------------------------------------------------------------------- Spas
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// SR Smith Mobile Aquatic Wheel Chair
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// Raypak Digital Propane Gas Heater
// Hayward AquaRite
// Harris ProForce AG Pump
"price1402": "299.00",
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Plus, customers enjoy FREE Shipping and Handling on EVERY ORDER of $100 or more!
"iglinersSavings": "10%", // IG POOL LINERS
"price3194": "102.99",
or $8.99 Flat Fee
"price156578U1": "99.99",
// SR Smith TrueTread Diving Board
// Horizon Ventures NS960 Reel System
// Hayward IG Heat Pump
Do this for a few hours and it will help remove troublesome kinks or tangles. // Hayward Aqua Critters 7785
// Water Tech Pool Blaster Catfish Li 4323
// hth Shock
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Get Details. // Main Access ProSeries Inpool Ladder
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"price2683": "1,269.00",
Return to Blog Home E-Z Test Pool Supplies, Maytronics Dolphin Universal Pro Caddy, 9996084-ASSY, Super-Pro Pressure-Side Booster Pump Parts, Miscellaneous - White Goods / Flow Fittings, Maytronics Certified Genuine Parts dealer, Sister Bay & Telescope: Luxury Outdoor Furniture, Dolphin Heavy Duty 115v Cb (2013) (9999389-HD), Dolphin 3001 115v Cb Bl (2013) (9999326-BL), Dolphin Pro X2 115v Cb (2013) (9999399X-BL). "algaeSavings": "$27", // AGAECIDES
"clearCleaners": "25%",
// Concord 12 Round 3425748IN
"price20461": "54.84",
// Hayward AG Heat Pump NLA
"clipsSavings": "22%", // AG COVER CLIPS
This website uses cookies to improve your experience. To make a long story short, it must be protected from the elements. "wasprice34235": "2486.99",
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//change SAVE up to XX to SAVE NOW when no amount available
"igheatrSavings": "10%", // IG HEATERS
// Hayward Super Pump
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Is it safe to leave the robots power supply safe and secure on the Dolphin Pool Caddy?
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The Pool Supplies Superstore is your online source for discount pool supplies. "wasprice3877": "",
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"price1348": "584.09",
To prove it, if you find a lower total delivered price by a licensed and authorized pool supply catalog or website (excludes auctions), we will refund you the difference. "price2324": "2699.99",
"igmeshwintcovSavings": "10%", // IG Mesh WINTER COVERS
"priceAGSOLAR": "29.15",
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Because next day delivery is not guaranteed for standard service and residential deliveries are made only Monday through Saturday though Saturday delivery is not guaranteed, there is a chance that our product will not arrive the next day. "wasprice2683": "",
"price482003": "2.99",
// Pentair Lil' Shark Pool Cleaner
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// Solid Safety Covers
Where is the Ideal Place to Store my Robots Power Supply Unit? "price482001": "2.99",
"price6440": "737.99",
"agfiltersSavings": "39%", // AG FILTERS
"price9391": "599.00",
// OnGround Safety Covers
"igsafecovSavings": "10%", // IG SAFETY COVERS
This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Maytronics also offers caddy covers for outdoor use or when the robot and caddy are being stored. "roboticSavings": "33%", // ROBOTIC CLEANERS
//------------------------------------------------ END PRICES -------------------------------
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Dolphin Caddy. Free Shipping on orders $100 or more
We will even guarantee our Low Price for 30 days after your purchase.
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// ------------------------------------------------------------------ BRANDS
"agsolarheatSavings": "6%", // AG SOLAR HEATING
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chemicals
Copyright 2022 Dohenys . "wasprice3194": "",
// AquaChek Water Testing Strips
"price7780": "359.00",
Simply contact our Customer Care Team at: [emailprotected] or call us at 1-800-574-7665 to report the lower price.
A chlorine tablets hardness, density and solubility greatly affects the chlorine release rate and is dependent upon the heat and pressure used during tablet formation.
When the robot is plugged in, always be sure to use an electrical outlet that is protected with a ground fault interrupter (GFI) device. "wasprice8050": "",
Visit for a full list. "wasprice141224": "522.49",
"price8095": "1,109.00",
"wasprice482020Q12": "22.91",
Sign up for special offers, product updates and more! // Aquabot Classic Pool Cleaner
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// IG Economy Winter Covers
Filters & System
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This item will arrive on the next business day for orders placed by, Your item will be shipped Fedex Ground from the warehouse closest to you resulting in delivery on the next business day. // -------------------------------------------------- Winter Covers --- Safety Covers
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// Safety Anchor Cover
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"price7675": "679.99",
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"price1582221": "7.99",
// Hayward AquaRite
// Hayward LX
Your current location is outside the Next Day Delivery area.
"waspriceINTEXPOOL": "1,299.99",
// Aquabot Pool Rover Jr.
For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. "wasprice34257": "1418.99",
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// Ramuc DS Acrylic
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// Harris Vortex AG Sand Filter Tanks
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// NAVA Poly Algaecide 60, 384 oz NLA
// Olympic Zeron Epoxy Pool Coating
M200/M400/M500, DX3/DX4/DX5, Nautilus, Nautilus CC Plus, Oasis Z5, Premier, Odyssey AND ALL MAYTRONICS CLEANERS. (877) 209-7773. // Pentair Light Ring
Other than for Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin, not all products are stocked at all locations and therefore not available for next day delivery. Only those items with a Next Day Delivery designation on the product page can be expected to arrive the next day and orders must be placed by 3 PM local time (exceptions include our Texas warehouse by 2:30 PM). "price5570": "25.99",
// ------------------------------------------------- Accessories / Maintenance
// Removable Fence
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// -------------------------------------------------------------- DISCOUNTED RETURNS
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// Hayward AquaTrol
// PSS Start-Up Kits
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// Round Swimming Pools 3425748IN
// 1563 - Waterway Hi-Flo Pump
When youre wrapping the cable, carefully make sure there are no kinks and store it on your Dolphin Caddy. // -------------------------------------------------------------- CHEMICALS
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Does the Universal Pool Caddy Work With My Dolphin Pool Cleaner? "wasprice3555": "74.99",
// AG Leaf Net Covers
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// J-Hook Liners
"igpoolsSavings": "10%", // IG POOLS
Your current location is outside the Next Day Delivery area.
"price1296": "189.99",
// Natural Chemistry Pool Magic Spring & Fall + Phos Free
Were pool people and we want you to be happy with your purchase. // SR Smith Safety Pool Step, 2-Step Kit
"price3555": "67.49",
How do I properly store my robot on the Dolphin Caddy? // ------------------------------------------------------------------ INGROUND
i. Dolphin's Universal Robotic Pool Caddy fits all Maytronics Dolphin's - regardless of model or robot manufacturer year!. // ------------------------------------------------------------ Pool Liners
"price7757WHIT": "599.99",
"allaccessSavings": "10%", // ALL ACCESSORIES
"price7454": "99.99",
// Raypak Model 106
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Free delivery!Earlier, cheaper and more popular! "wasprice62500BLUE": "3518.99",
// 7780 7782 - Hayward PowerFlo MATRIX
Dolphin Cleaners: We are a
// ------------------------------------------------------------------ CLEARANCE
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"price40746": "2,499.99",
"price9977": "17.99",
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This item ships FedEx Ground and usually arrives in 2 to 3 business days. "price3877": "19.49",
"priceLINERS": "135.99",
Maytronics Certified Genuine Parts dealer. "wasprice62310": "",
"wasprice7807": "",
// SR Smith Frontier III Replacement Diving Board
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// Hayward AquaRay
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Skip to the beginning of the images gallery.
// Thermal Spa Blanket
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// Radiant Floating Spa Cover
// Handi Spa Steps NLA
Your RatingRatePerfectGoodAverageNot that badVery Poor, Shark IF201 IONFlex DuoClean Cordless Ultra-Light Vacuum, Hayward Pool Vac XL Suction Side Pool Cleaner, Dyson Ball Multifloor 2 Bagless Upright Vacuum, iRobot Roomba j7+ Self-Emptying Robot Vacuum, Maytronics Dolphin C5 Robotic Pool Cleaner w/ Remote & Caddy, Ariel by Solar Breeze Robotic Solar Pool Skimmer. "agwintaccessSavings": "10%", // AG WINTER ACCESSORIES
// AG Solid Winter Covers
"wasprice1314": "",
"agsaltgnSavings": " ", // AG SALT GENERATORS
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// SR Smith Pool & Spa Lift Available Sign
// Intex Swimming Pools 7755
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We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. Free Next Day Delivery applies to qualified products only and varies by region. // ------------------------------------------------------------- Maintenance
// Solar Ball
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"wasprice2403": "553.32",
// SR Smith Commercial Pool Ladder, 2-Step
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This will shield your robot from surges in power. // ------------------------------------------------ Filters
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We are a family owned business thats grown into Americas leading pool supply company by making customer satisfaction our #1 priority. // Aquabot Mamba Automatic Pool Cleaner
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// LoChlor Aqua Blanket
This not only covers our brand name chemicals, but also our most popular swimming pool supplies. // Concord 12x24 Oval 3423548IN
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We have thousands of items eligible for next day shipping! // Nava Winter Closing Kits
// IG Mesh Winter Covers
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"price7547": "1,999.99",
Doheny's is a registered trademark of Doheny Enterprises, Inc. All other registered trademarks belong to other owners and their appearance here does not indicate their approval or endorsement of Doheny's formerly at, our pool supply store is now online at, Free Next Day Delivery applies to qualified products only and varies by region. document.getElementById(wasP).parentElement.previousElementSibling.previousElementSibling.innerHTML = "Low as";
Raw chlorine is a commodity making chlorine tablets is an art form. "price152601": "169.99",
// DryTec Extra Shock 73%
// Oval Swimming Pools 3423548IN
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// -------------------------------------------------------- Heater
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// Table Top Pool Table
When your robot has completed its cleaning cycle, go ahead and take it out of the water to store on your
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// Pentair FNS IG DE Filters
"price97362": "349.99",
Dolphin's Universal Robotic Pool Caddy fits all Maytronics Dolphin's - regardless of model or robot manufacturer year!. "price90349": "243.79",
"price7544": "171.99",
Black five Carnival has begun. }
"price152601U1": "89.99",
// ------------------------------------------------------------ Accessories
"price8650": "34.14",
// SR Smith Steel Hand Rails, 48 in
// Overlap Liners
It provides a way to keep your cleaners cable organized and out of the way.
SHIPPING WEIGHT:15 lbs PRODUCT DIMENSIONS: 36x19x10 PART NUMBER:9996084-ASSY UPC:00081159076559.
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Dolphin Universal Pool Caddy is compatible with all residential Dolphin pool cleaners from Maytronics. // Deluxe In-Pool Ladder
"agheatrSavings": "23%", // AG HEATERS
"price3425": "229.99",
"igleafnetsSavings": "10%", // IG LEAF NETS
// Hayward Star-Clear Cartridge Filter 8040
Looking for an extra layer of protection for your robot and caddy? var pssPricing = {
// Table Top Soccer Table
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But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. // Harris ProForce IG Pump
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// if no was price leave blank between quotes (ie. "") "price62003GRAY": "619.99",
[emailprotected]. "priceOVALPOOL": "1740.89",
// Outdoor Solutions The Cover Captain
dolphin universal pool cleaner pro caddy 9996084-assy