With hindsight, I might make it a bit bigger, or else rearrange the assembly method so that a side panel is glued or screwed on last. To get around this problem, many fans are stacked up so that air can be sucked through without significantly reducing the airflow rate. If I had to guesstimate the bill to buy and replicate this fume extractor, the total would be between $500-700 USD in raw materials alone. From there, you'll be taken to a form where you can give more information about your board. So, is it possible to combine the best of both worlds? Poor little guy :'(. I printed the housing in white and filter housing in red to make it a bit more aesthetically pleasing. This project cost around 5$ but works like a charm. Next, using the Jig Piece/Jig End as a spacer, glue the two Filter Stop A pieces, and one of the Filter Stop B pieces. This is why fume extraction is necessary when you solder on a regular basis; inhaling any kind of smoke can only be a detriment to your health! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I think they put something addictive into the flux so you'd buy more kits. Howchoo is reader-supported. You can save $5 when you sign up through the link below, and you can save another $5 when you check out by entering the coupon code PCBWayLab. The result was better than expected with about 5 minutes of sanding. Solder the red wire to the +V and black wire to the Ground. For the second part, see here: Building a Low Cost Solder Fume Extractor - Part 2, Im sure Ive created some really stinky projects, but this isnt one of them. Assembly of the enclosure was a bit tricky. How much of the smoke escapes through the back? Replaced the HDMI port on an Xbox One S. First attempt at Any tips to help soldering this 22 gauge wire to these Found this soldering iron. 2. My activated sponge was large enough so I needed to cut into the required part. Commercial solder fume extractors can cost upwards of $70. The soldering iron controller based on arduino that implements PID method to keep the temperature of the iron. The Howchoo team uses soldering irons all the time for projects like Gamepad Zero or our hacked Raspberry Pi keyboard. Once the review is done, all you have to do is add the PCBs to your cart, pay for them, and wait for them to arrive. The 3D printed filter box and plenum were the priciest parts, followed by the Hakko C1571 duct kit, the San Ace 9LG fan, laser cut acrylic panels, all fasteners, corner brackets and other metalwork, and the electrical components. It is compact enough that very little desk space is taken up; the box could be screwed to the underside of a desk and just the hose needs to be exposed. Very nice! It will look ugly, but it is very quickly sanded to a neater finish. If you'd like to solder your own fan circuit instead of using a USB fan, see the instructions on Instructables. The final design can be unscrewed from either end, for serviceability. Though I could connect batteries if needed. They included solder, and it had the best smelling flux. The downside is also obvious; its a huge box that takes up lots of floor space. It is an easy-to-make project because it uses very thin wood that is easy to cut! Soldering is an essential practice in any makers repertoire. The filtering capability is in three parts; filter A is closest to the hose and is a basic thin sheet that filters large particles, followed by filter B which is a HEPA filter for small particles, followed by filter C which is a carbon filtercarbon filter for removing some gasses. An Avnet Company 2022 Premier Farnell Limited. First assemble the four Egress Plug A/B pieces into a frame and gluing it, one joint at a time. Whats the best practice for soldering these types of Can anyone visually see anything wrong with this GPU PCB? The one I used (known as a Festool 27mm hose, on ebay it can be searched as, The filtering capability is in three parts; filter A is closest to the hose and is a basic, The enclosure is designed for an exact fit around the. Making a DIY Soldering Fume Extractor with Lighting, ControlEverything.com 4-CHANNEL RELAY CONTROLLER FOR I2C, Home Automation with Arduino Uno and SmartEdge Agile, Soldering Iron Controller for Hakko 907 v.2. Filters A and B are quite dense whereas Filter C is like a very aerated sponge and you can see through it. This project is intended to greatly reduce the amount of fumes in the soldering iron vicinity, and the hope is that the particles are being captured in the filters and not being recirculated in the room, although I cannot currently confirm this. The DC socket is a usual 2.1mm barrel connector socket for power. After the last project that sucked, I hope this is the last one to do so for a while : ). Google Drive fan controller rev 2 gerbers, BOM, schematic, firmware. Only the filter box and plenum are 3D printed parts. If you don't have a 3D printer, read on and I'll share some ways you can get your model printed. While the laser cut panels and 3D printed bits were on order, I began with fabbing up the first revision of the controller. The Jig Piece results in the Filter Stop A/B pieces being exactly 39mm off the ingress side edge of the Side A/B pieces. Are you a passionate writer? If you need a good soldering iron, then we've got you covered. The most common types of fume extractors are no more than an AC muffin fan with a piece of activated charcoal stuck on one side or the other. I wanted to design a leg that could be easy to use and also the height could be easily changed. How to make a DIY Rocket Launcher using Arduino - Design the circuit, make a rocket ignitor and control the launcher from your phone. To simplify building the controller, LCD screen is implemented. The square is used to ensure the frame has perfect 90 degree angles. It didnt occur to me at the time. We're hiring! Improved version of the soldering iron controller for Hakko 907 iron. In the setup function, we are going to declare the pin mode, which is essentially going to tell the Arduino whether the pins are input pins or output pins. Once you have the outline, repeat the outline until it cuts the sponge completely. I am super impressed. Remove the filter and fans, and glue on the final remaining side piece (Side B). Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. By using standard sized fans intended for electronics/PC use, cost can be saved if you already have some handy. Building a Low Cost Solder Fume Extractor Part 1, Im sure Ive created some really stinky projects, but this isnt one of them. No adhesives or acrylic cement is used to adjoin the panels; the box is held together with fasteners alone. Cost could be saved by using a non-anti-static hose. With a sharp pencil you can mark (for cutting and sanding operations) to sub-millimetre accuracy, and then during assembly, by looking at the gap between the square and the workpiece, it is possible to get an extremely precise 90 degree alignment. I remember that solder and miss it. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. Good soldering practices are an extensive subject, but a few key components are essential in almost every technique. It was an extremely tight squeeze, but everything did fit in. Ive given it the nose test, with the stinkiest flux that I own; provided the iron is close to the end of the hose, the smoke gets sucked up and I smell nothing until the iron is moved away. After the firmware on Rev 2 had reached a satisfactory state, I opted to finish the internal wiring and button up the entire assembly. A few lengths of square section wood (preferably hardwood) dowel is also needed; I used 12x12mm section. Glue the second Side A piece into position (dont glue to the Ingress Plug), Remove the Ingress Plug assembly which was just clamped into position, Glue the Jig Piece long edge to the Jig End. I chose to position them centered, 80mm apart. All of the fasteners and corner brackets are off the shelf items from McMaster Carr. It can be used as-is, or shortened. This is not a quick and low effort project; it is intended to a durable and high performance solution for effectively removing solder smoke while meeting all of the design goals as stated in the beginning of the article. The Aux connector is a mini DIN socket; it will be used for extending the functionality at a later date! Now time to test the fume extractor. Fortunately, the tolerances on the laser cut and 3D printed parts are very tight. Why cant we have a machine that actually filters smoke, but isnt a huge metal box that rolls around on the floor? I wanted to design a leg that could be easy to use and also the height could be easily changed. With a knife or small jigsaw, the centre can be cut out. For the housing, we're going to use an excellent design created by rdmmkr on Thingiverse. Part 2 will cover the rest of this project. Rosin is a serious occupational health hazard. A really elegant solution was found by luck; there is a stepped vacuum hose adaptor available from Clas Ohlson. The filter will be held in place firmly when the end plate, the Ingress Plate, is screwed on. Next, drill small (3mm approx.) Remove the rubber feet and grilles that came with the fan. I came up with this design as final. Sandpaper can be wrapped around any convenient cylinder (I used a small round paint can) and then the wood can be sanded against it. A place for solderers from around the world, to gather, help one another, and hang out. Let's get started coding right away. I seriously think you are on to something. The ones I ordered came with five filters, meaning you get a total of 20 filters after cutting. You may notice that your room still reeks of solder smoke, no matter how aggressively the fan sucks up solder fumes off of the work at hand. By the way, speaking of this, I got this grill out of an old PC cabinet. I am super impressed. Glue the final Fan Support B pieces (trim them first slightly to have some room for wiring), and the remaining Filter Stop B piece. You can turn them on by turning on pin 9 and pin 10 of Arduino. I have a cheap desktop fume filter extractor on my bench (it has a particle filter of sorts) as I couldn't justify the cost or the space taken up by, Wooow that was fast !! replacement capacity is significantly larger. The design was created such that the filters and the fans are removable for servicing by unscrewing the respective end plates of the tube. At this point the Fan Internal Surround can be glued on two edges and fitted into the assembly. For those who love hobby electronics, burning themselves on soldering irons, and figuring out how the world works. Software engineer, designer, tinkerer, and beer enthusiast living in Tampa, Florida. So basically i am a crazy person, who loves to think the most odd way ever possible,who makes what he thinks and also let other also make those . This means that gaps around the edges of the panels are minimal, and I did not have to grind or drill any new holes to get the fastener holes lined up. Today, I'll show you how to build your own for about $20. I designed the whole model in Autodesk Fusion 360. I shortened it. Soldering needs to be done in a well-ventilated environment or a Fume Extractor should be used. Change the information about your board on the PCB specification screen. Once the prints are ready, it's time to assemble everything. :). When we solder, we are around lead. The photo here shows most of the main assembly complete; at this stage the insides are visible, before the final side is glued on top. Better to glue them. The one I used (known as a Festool 27mm hose, on ebay it can be searched as Festool 452384 Suction hose D 27 antistatic - D 27 MW-AS) is a spare part intended for workshop dust extractors for machine tools. Note youll need a dust protection mask and eyewear to work well on this project. So, when soldering, it is very important to have enough light and a fume extractor to get rid of the smoke. For this project, we'll be using an amazing 3D-printable model designed by rdmmkr on Thingiverse (thanks, rdmmkr!) Since there is lots of symmetry many of the pieces are needed in quantities of 2. When you buy a tool or material through one of our Amazon links, we earn a small commission as an Amazon Associate. The Best Soldering Irons: Read This Before You Invest (2022). The hose is an anti-static one, to prevent static electricity build-up from particles in the air. Breathing in lead is bad. Sure, the fan might pull fumes away initially, but that scrawny piece of activated charcoal doesnt do much in terms of actually removing the smoke particles from the air. 3. All Rights Reserved. I opted to do this since this is the very first physical manifestation of this project, and did not want to scrap the entire thing if I needed to make a change. Pretty good response time to iosc 's request. To order a PCB from PCBWay, go to the PCBWay website and fill out the instant order form with the board's basic information. element14 is the first online community specifically for engineers. Repeated exposure can cause respiratory and skin sensitization, causing and aggravating asthma. Ideally, I wanted a fume extractor with the following qualities: So what do you do when nothing on the market meets your demands? Use two small screws to secure it in place. Start by tracing the outline of the fan. When assembling it, one important step is to ensure that the Fan Ingress Surround is air-tight when glued to the sides. The photo here shows the fans being tested for fit; they are taped up together and they they should easily slide in from the egress side. This is exactly the size you'll need. The photo below shows how this will work; there are four retainer pieces called Filter Retainer A/B, and they will not be glued, they will just be inserted into position and then the dowel assembly and the end plate will push against the retainer pieces to keep them in position. We are taking the analog readings from the two pots, and within the loop function, we are mapping those readings to a value that falls somewhere in the range of 0 to 255. The enclosure is designed for an exact fit around the HEPA filter because that is the largest component. Also, soldering parts onto the circuit board is hard on your eyes, and doing it in low light can eventually damage your eyesight permanently. Change). In particular the ones that filter the fumes. With my new and improving skills in the realm of embedded design, I opted to take my fan controller to the next level. Then factor in all the sweat equity for designing, physically assembling the prototype, and developing firmware. (LogOut/ I cut the cabinet with a dremel and then spray painted it. To my amaze, this fume extractor is monstrously sucking the fumes and, due to the activated carbon filter, everything is getting trapped in the filter. In this video, we'll make a soldering fume extractor out of an old PC fan and a 12V LED strip that can be used to change the light. A square is mandatory for this project, because some accuracy is needed for the cut pieces. If you prefer a higher CFM fan, you can find one on Amazon, though you may need to bump up to a 12V fan to get a really high CFM. A really elegant solution was found by luck; there is a, Open Source Hardware requires membership for participation - click to join. If you like this project, share this with your friends and also like my Facebook page. In order to use the compare capture modules (CCP) for both generating PWM to control the fan and counting the period of the fan tachometer input, I needed to alter the pinout of the fan connector. Therefore, breathing in solder fumes is very, very bad. The Aux connector is a mini DIN socket; it will be used for extending the functionality at a later date! Note: This is part 1 of a two-part project.
The idea is that the filters are removable simply by unscrewing the Ingress Plate. You can probably save a few bucks by soldering your own fan circuit, but the one I'm using is quite powerful and is only about $11. So, the Arduino Nano is basically the brain of this project, but you can use any Arduino board. As an Amazon Associate, we may earn a small affiliate commission at no cost to you when you buy through our links. Connect the fan to a USB power supply (this is the one I used). In this tutorial, I will share what I used for so many years. I don't have any good quality photos but here is a low-quality one. After all the four nuts are fixed, take the sponge that we had cut in Step 1 and push it between the bolts and press so there are no gaps left.
The entire unit is powered from an external 12V mains to DC converter. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. There is not a lot of wasted space between the fan and the power supply. Anyway, for occasional home use, I think it could be worthwhile assembling such a device for maintaining your health while working. You can grab the design files if you would like to have a go at building the Rev 2 board as seen here, or designing your own 16F1788 based PCB for any fan control needs. Fan suction will hold the tape in place tightly. Hopefully you get a kick out of it! I'm very interested by your project but it seems like you never released part 2 - am I right ? Put the leg in the desired height mount hole and fix it with the M4 nuts and bolts. It is available as 3-ply. The design intent is focused on keeping the box as compact as possible. This is the code that will be uploaded to our Arduino when we complete the process. is a company that makes printed circuit boards (PCBs). I am sorry about that, I had intended to do a part 2, but got diverted : ), Building a Low Cost Solder Fume Extractor - Part 2, 1. This project will mark my first venture into PIC territory! It will involve painting the wood enclosure, and adding in the wiring, final assembly and then testing it out!
The dimensions in the project leave very little space for the electronic connectors/components. Flux is a chemical used to clean the metal surfaces that you are applying solder to. holes just inside the circle. Pressure builds up (in this case a reduced pressure between the filters and the fan, since the fan is sucking through the filters and not blowing) to the point that the fan works so hard that air flow is greatly diminished. A pipe or an outlet, to which this fan can be attached, can be used to ensure that the vapors do not remain contained within the room. It's an incredible software to do designing, 123D and SketchUp were good, but Fusion 360 changed the way of designing. I havent used it for a long time yet but the three times I used it for a quick connection it worked really well, I still noticed a bit of a smell but nowhere near without it. As the old adage goes, you get what you pay for. The entire project is more an exercise in woodwork than in much electronics to be honest. Then, close the two halves of the main housing around the fan, ensuring that the fan is oriented correctlyto suck in air from the front and push the air out the back. My design began around a fan and power supply combination I already had in my parts bin. Most of my parts are salvaged, I highly encourage people to salvage and recycle but if someone wants I have all the item listed below. To do this, we are going to output PWM signals with values that were generated from the lines that came before them. My thanks to Jaakko, the designer of the DIY Weller station, for his support in helping me to solve fundamental firmware challenges I had when getting started. You can then turn the fan on and off using the controls on the fan's USB cable. The enclosure is based on 4mm thick poplar plywood. Not only it can be used for soldering, it can also be used for 3D Printing ABS, as its fumes are also toxic in nature. By using a fume extractor, you and those around you will be safe from fumes that could be dangerous. But fume extractors are really expensive, like 70$, which beginners like to skip because of the price. One of the Side A pieces can have all the holes for the connectors, LED and power switch. The Ingress Plate needs to connect to the hose. and fill out the instant order form with the board's basic information. For maximum effectiveness, place the extractor close to where you're soldering. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The Earth connection is made with a 4mm banana socket. In a more professional setting (and where labor laws are actually observed), solder fume extractors are large boxes positioned on the floor, with ducts running up to the operators work area. However, I have only recently (almost two decades later), learned how to solder properly. Take the grill and glue the DC jack and the switch on it. (EDIT: Here is Part 2: Building a Low Cost Solder Fume Extractor - Part 2 ), I built quite a few Heathkit products back in the day. The filters should take out the toxins, but is the smell reduced as well? Pretty good response time to iosc 's request. Connect with your peers and get expert answers to your questions. Epoxy resin glue will be used to secure the hose adaptor to the Ingress Plate (but first paint the wood; see Part 2). I also added some heat shrink tube for protection. Just to explain the diagram, it is constructed like a tube, with an air ingress side and an egress side. That being said, the time and effort spent on this project should pay dividends for all the soldering I have planned across various future projects! The flux itself is not activated until you apply heat, whereupon the flux will remove oxidation on the metal surfaces to be joined, allowing molten solder in the vicinity to attach to (a process known as wetting) the metal surfaces being connected. Apply some gentle pressure so it fixes properly. It will drop into the tube from the left side until it hits the Filter Stop A/B pieces. I was thinking the very same thing! I used a syringe to apply a small amount of neutral cure Dow 737 silicone around the edges to get an airtight seal. PCBWay is a company that makes printed circuit boards (PCBs). To do this, find the centre of the the wood and then draw a circle of 115.5mm diameter using a compass. Firstly prepare the filter. After the, It basically consists of a hose, some filters and, The hose is an anti-static one, to prevent static electricity build-up from particles in the air. Soft foam material could help, or just glue them together. Filters A and B are vacuum cleaner spare parts therefore they will not be as good as the filters used in commercial solder fume extractors. Static pressure is also decent at 2.63 inches of water, meaning that it should be able to pull air through a respectable filter. Every electronics DIY-er needs a good soldering iron. Filter C, the charcoal filter, is an item that can be purchased as a spare for a low-cost basic single-filter solder fume extractor, so it should at least be as good as that product. Links to everything you'll need is in the parts list above. Next, draw lines on the Side A/B pieces, where approximately the Fan Support Blocks are desired. As an experiment I decided to see if it was possible to build one. With such easy precision, it will all fit together well, not much harder than flat-pack furniture (I long for the day IKEA sell flat-pack soldering fume extractors). We've put together a guide to help you find the best soldering iron for your next project. When you have all the parts and the PCB, you can solder them together. If I ever need to open the box up for servicing, the top panel is the designated service entrance, as you can just barely squeeze your hand in from this direction to undo any connectors or nuts. The power supply is a Mean-Well RSP-150-12, which is a quality 12 volt AC-DC supply with plenty of overhead for the 62 watt rated fan. The project is designed around the idea that a lot of electronics that is thrown out contains fans; examples include desktop PCs and servers. Now the Ingress End Plate and Egress End Plate can be screwed to the main assembly! Check out the link below if you want to make your own PCBs for your project. In a desire to reduce solder fume gasses and particles inhalation, this project seeks to filter it all out using parts such as vacuum cleaner filters and PC fans. And subscribe to my YouTube channel.
I made a similar build, but used one of these, and a DC adapter instead of batteries. This project sucks! The diagram here shows the measurements I used. To do this, simply use a bit of electrical tape or hot glue. There are a lot of pieces that need to be cut, so it is important to label each cut piece so it doesnt get confusing. In a really good way! It's fun to make our own PCB for our project, but there are a few things we need to watch out for as we solder the parts on. Filter C is closest to the ingress/air inlet of the fan. When combined with such dense filters fans have to work harder to force air through. Being that this my first time using PIC, I knew the learning curve was going to steep! Flux generates the visible fumes seen during soldering. Test that the four fans (taped together) comfortably but snugly fit into the assembly up to the Fan Internal Surround (see photo below). Place a filter into the cartridge and slide it into place. The cheapest micro soldering station in the world, using a cheap USB soldering iron. Beware this fan works in one direction only, so you need to solder it in the right way. You whip open your favorite CAD program and get to work on a new design! These fans can be used for this project. how to get your 3D model printed without owning a printer, The removable filter cartridge front half. Connect the black wire from the jack to the negative terminal of the fan. It came in convenient 300x210mm sized sheets as a pack of 10. and the sides were already very square, which makes accurate marking and cutting easier. While the result does not compare with high-end commercial extractors, it is better than nothing, and I feel it is slightly better than the low-cost desktop fume extractors which only remove some gasses and do nothing about the smoke particles. Finally, use the four included fan screws to secure the fan and its grill to the housing. Make sure the Fan Ingress Surround is also air-tight against the fans! Glue the Ingress Plug to the Ingress End Plate. They specialize in PCB prototyping, low-volume production, and clean PCB assembly. Soldering is awesome, right? The Egress Frame A/B pieces are used to provide some thickness for attaching the Egress End Plate (not shown on the diagram). Once the review is done, all you have to do is add the PCBs to your cart, pay for them, and wait for them to arrive. PVA (wood) glue was used. With hindsight it could also be possible to use a bathroom fan or other fan intended for connecting to ducting within a building. I used four fans. Some other key points about this project is that it uses reasonably cheap particle filters (intended for vacuum cleaners) and a fume filter as used in commercial solder fume extractors. Here, I'd like to point out that pins 9 and 10 are PWM pins, which means we can send PWM signals to the MOSFETs. From there, you'll be taken to a form where you can give more information about your board. With an Arduino, a PC fan, and an LED strip, you can make a simple fume extractor that will keep you safe from the fumes from soldering. Leg stuck in hole in pcb, cant melt out using everything Amazon Fire Stick 4K - redirect Micro USB help. Using MPLAB X IDE 5.40 and Microchips free XC8 compiler, I spent many hours with the Rev 1 board to get various bits working; multiplexing the common anode display, rotary encoder software debouncing, learning about PIC ISRs, using the compare-capture (CCP) modules to generate PWM and use hardware timers this project presented a healthy number of challenges for a first go at 8 bit PICs. The front panel holds together the front part of the housing and provides a spot for a small rocker switch (in case you decided to build your own fan circuit). :). The ingress side is on the left side of the diagram. I didnt see any smoke coming from the back, but it couldve been dispersed by the fan to make it harder to see. Take out the power supply and turn on the fume extractor. To begin, we will be declaring some variables and then assigning them to the pins that will be often used throughout the course of this project. The fan is a San Ace 9LG1412P5G001, which is a 140x51mm axial fan with a max airflow of 318 CFM. Most filters come in a large size, so you need to cut it into the desired size. And here you can see an LM 741 comparator IC, which can be used to power any other devices you want. A site dedicated to projects I do for fun. Check out our guide on the best soldering irons for different tasks. Since the fans are smaller than the tube, they are centred inside the tube using the Fan Support A/B pieces. Also, breathing in the fumes can cause long-term health problems, such as stomach problems, problems with memory and concentration, muscle and joint pain, and so on. This was because I has not initially considered that the fan power would need to be ramped up.
soldering fume extractor diy