How has no one else caught this??? Multi-Area Pads are versatile and can also be used to treat wrinkles in the under eye and brow areas. Have you ever tried the Mary Kay eye gel patches? }); Before we begin, let me be clear this post is not sponsored in anyway. I only got a few uses out of each one before they pretty much had no adhesive left. I have shared some information on my instagram stories about these, and everyone has wanted a full review! I didnt use it everyday, but every other day. I would love to see you analyze these. Im curious how they stick to your body. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; I have tried these myself and find they do work to smooth fine lines but I wonder about the long term effects of these patches. It was interesting. Anyway. I didnt see any difference in wrinkle reduction. Take 10% off your order use code: 10OFF FREE U.S. shipping on orders over $30. You dont say how long this effect lasts. I am in my early thirties and I have a crease across the middle of my forehead that Id love to get rid of. So, the chemistry is there. The patches are wide enough to cover the entire outside area of the eye. Hope it helps! I guess that is why I continue to use the brand SiO for this type of product. All day? i want your new book, i feel sure that i paid for the first one. I never once had any patient to show an allergic reaction. Then there is medical grade silicone sheets used for scarring that stick quite well. The pads hydrate the skin, improve the collagen and flatten wrinkles. After taking them off my under eye area, I have to admit I was SHOCKED. It seems incredible wasteful to throw away the patches after 15 or so uses, not to mention expensive. The patches are supposed to be washed also correct? amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; if so which soap is recommended? You can position them how you would like. I am not sure where they deliver to. From what I understood its the seal that makes you sweat and get hot? 2022 MJH Life Sciences and Dermatology Times and Multimedia Medical, LLC. However much of what we do to prompt our skin to produce new collagen as we get older such as using acids, retinoids, laser etc actually works in an opposite fashion to the silicone patches? I think these silicone patches have some great benefits both short term and long term. All rights reserved. I am unclear about the adhesive. A hyaluronic acid serum is good too. So technically could saranwrap wrapped around the neck work as a cheap at home DIY thats just as effective? Im 68 with pretty good skin, except for nose- mouth frown lines and scar on my neck. With prolonged use, the pads provide Elecro Static Energy which starts a wound healing response and starts collagen production in the area. You may have heard of silicone patches, but many are curious do silicone patches really work for wrinkles?? If you try them out, let me know what you think! This company probably has no idea I exist. Sounds like the eye patches worked quite well. It allows skin to breathe.. You might reach out to this brand to see if they have any long term studies to share! I am sure you can try out anything youd like to see if you enjoy using them, then maybe upgrade to this brand which is a little pricier, but better quality. Can one have a contact sensitivity to the adhesive? Would Saran wrap wrapped around the neck work the same? , Hi Linda! I feel like they work better too because the adhesive is really good. It is suggested that somehow these patches stimulate the production of collagen by improving circulation to the skin. A new trend in skincare is using silicone patches on your wrinkles to make them disappear. At the same time, collagen production is activated and becomes normalized.After several hours of wear, silicone gel sheets encourage a plump, hydrated, and rejuvenated skin to appear. Alexis, That sounds awesome, but Im struggling to find this item on Amazon would you be able to post a link? You should have seen the mark up, my hospitals slapped on this miracle stuff! Filed Under: DIY Skin Care Tagged With: silicon patches, silicone patches, wrinkles. Are there patches that avoid under eye but still get to the lines? I have not tried this brand before. Similar to the benefits of using silicone to treat scars, the product hydrates wrinkles, refines collagen structure and flattens out lines through prolonged use, according to the press release. As far as medical grade, it is the adhesive that makes these more potent. They are medical grade and way cheaper. Hi Shirley! I have purchased them from Amazon and though it is a expensive item, they last forever. Be sure to follow my instagram for more products I share on stories! Thanks for replying but I was hoping you could elaborate on how using the silcone patches actually helps with collagen production as medical studies suggest that silicone patch use reduces collagen production? If you did, would you recommend them more than Sio patches? Using lotions can interfere with the adhesive quality of the pads and can also cause rashes and reactions. thank you for all the information . Compression keeps the skin flat as moisture is brought to the surface skin layers (dermis) from deeper layers of the skin. Is it a different silicone? In order to answer the ever present question about using silicone pads for wrinkles, we did a little bit of research and came up with 5 specifics on using SilcSkin silicone pads for wrinkles. There are few products I use daily for optimum anti-aging: hyaluronic acid, retinoids, collagen, and these patches. The pads hydrate the skin, improve the collagen and flatten wrinkles. Laser treatments and skin peels are often effective, but they usually require multiple treatments, which can get costly, and they've been known to leave skin red and irritated afterward.Silicone gel sheets provide a happy balance between price, invasiveness, and overall effectiveness.Wrinkles may think they're settling in for a long stay, but nobody said you have to endure these unwelcome intruders forever. You can check on Amazon and see if one of those brands deliver, I applied them as directed and removed them as directed. In regards to SiO verses some of the other cheaper brands I have tried, the silicone is the same. I have tried several brands on Amazon including this one and this one. This silicone has the same effect. You getting paid to make the statements that youre making ? Collagen production is the key to combating wrinkles. I looked them up, and it looks like they are more expensive than the SiO brand. I tried the Sio patches from Amazon, after 2 days use they arent sticking! Hi, I was wondering if those patches work for older woman? I bought them and giving them a try, I also like to use Frownies so will see which of them I will like more. She has photos on her website of how horrible older skin looks after years of this kind of treatment. I havent tried this particular brand, I will have to check them out. It has a different texture and wont adhere the same as these do, so I am not sure how well it could draw out would be interesting to see if they worked though!! Wouldnt silicone patches used for scars work as well? They help with wrinkles, but are made of a different material. The technology is so exact, it does make them more expensive. I can see that the application of silicone patches would encourage new collagen to form in healthier, more organised fashion similar to young collagen formation. Learn how your comment data is processed. Live like the pros. The directions are listed on the package in more detail, but they recommend using it after you have washed your face and skin is dry. I was curious too, so I decided to research a little chemistry behind it, then try it out! Check out My understanding, from a biochemist who has her own natural skincare brand, is that anything that is stretching the skin or even plumping it out so that you minimize or dont see wrinkles, will in the long term cause harm and damage to your skin. Frownies actually pull the skin too. You place them in the desired area then allow them to remain in place overnight. Couldnt you just use the silicon sold for insertion into bras for this same idea? Hello! Some, such as injections and surgery, are not only invasive, but they're typically quite expensive, too. They state their patches last 15 times because the adhesive wears off. These help support this website. I believe it is made in England which may be why it remains so expensive. In this paper ( it says It increases hydration of stratum corneum and thereby facilitates regulation of fibroblast production and reduction in collagen production. The manufacturer claims you can use these at all ages even aging skin. Check out this polymer chemistry description for more details on the science between the two. I would be interested to see this. I would think that the pulling on the delicate eye skin may harm it love to get your input. Im just sharing my experience using them and this is my fav brand. Unfortunately, I havent tried the brands listed on this page so I cant say for sure how well they work, Your email address will not be published. I think this is why this particular brand works so well, but also a little more pricey. There are products that reduce the *appearance* of fine wrinkles by irritating the skin which plumps it by causing low grade swelling. With optimal oxygen flow and hydration, this micro-climate provides a unique environment that's conducive to the skin's healing process. Most of the ones developed for scars are meant for a one time use, so just keep that in mind. My favorite thing about sharing skincare posts with you is getting to share the chemistry behind why it does or doesnt work! Dont fall for the expensive SIO brand theres alternatives out there I wouldnt spend that kind of money Youre simply endorsing SIO. No harsh chemicals are actually on the pads. I appreciate hearing your opinions on the patches. Thanks so much! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Ive been trying to decide what brand to purchase. amzn_assoc_title = "My Amazon Picks"; Please note, comments need to be approved before they are published. No, the chemistry is not there. Chemistry Secrets for Healthy Living, Beauty, Gardening & Cleaning. The science is there, but I always have to test things out to see if they really work before I share it with my readers. Linda Weaver. amzn_assoc_asins = "B084P9W4L3,B084PBBYS6,B084Q3PX1R,B081TKJRQX"; It also wouldnt create the same environment on your skin compared to these silcone based products. amzn_assoc_linkid = "24257192b1cf02951d752a04990d3cb5"; All of there patches are good for 15 uses (although you can really stretch this number), so I used them 15 times each. You can now purchase these from Amazon. Its possible to be sensitive to them, but unlikely because there arent any chemicals in them. How can I get silicon patch in Nairobi Kenya? Ill keep looking. However, the pads can be used during the daytime as well. These patches are basically a sticky, rubbery texture. It results into softer and flatter scar. I love this stuff and still keep some in my bathroom cabinet. My forehead area has a few lines, but I didnt notice much of a difference on that area. I am a retired Occupational Therapist. The pads are to be worn on clean dry skin with absolutely no product or lotions underneath. I shared this post almost three years ago (2018), and it continues to get a lot of traffic. No air can get to the area with the silicone pads, so it draws moisture to the surface of skin and stays there. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; RELATED: Evidence Skincare offers complementary skin surveys. I posted this article exactly one year ago. He reads my posts to check on the science for me. If I cut up my muffin cups, do you think they would work? is it best to use while I sleep? Perhaps using these patches in combination with the above treatments would both prompt new collagen production and the use of the patches would allow for the optimal structure of that new collagen? I buy these from Amazon, so I am sharing my Amazon link with you. The results arent as much, but I have seen improvement trying these again for a few weeks. Well, wish me luck! Did you have any product on your skin? The environment created by the patch on the skin increases the blood flow to that particular area. Is it a different type of silicone? There are many brand options, but these work best for me. For instance, with Frownies, you need to wait about 30 minutes after washing your face and moisturizing to get them to stick. I was hoping for some information I could trust. The forehead patches werent quit as strong in my opinion, but I think that is due to thicker skin compared to delicate skin around eyes. Night sweats, hot flashes and perspiration can interfere with the adhesive quality of the pads as well. The only thing you need to be cautious about is to not pull and stretch them as you remove them. Mine last 15-18 uses. Through the application of silicone scar sheets and silicone gel sheets, your skin's blemishes should begin to fade away, leaving healthy, elastic skin in their wake. I would definitely contact the manufacturer about that. I have tried them along with a few other knock off brands on amazon. For wrinkles around your mouth, you will see longer lasting results after about two weeks of wearing the pads. But again, just sharing my experience using them. Just thinking. Just the silicon adhesive which is kind of like tape. SIO mouth patches-can patches just be rinsed in warm water OR must it be washes with hand soap? Does it lose its ability to stick as you use the patches (use #1 vs use #14). They are also made of 100% medical grade silicone but you can reuse them up to 1 year. Have you seen those silicone pads for wrinkles? Ever wonder how they work? Ever wonder IF they work? If you have and if you do youre not alone. We have posted images of us using silicone pads for wrinkles on our social media platforms and the first question people ask, is. Hope this helps! I actually met some of their companys reps at Hand Symposiums and none of them knew the chemistry behind why these worked or about the adhesive! Silicone on the skin creates the perfect environment for moisture. In addition do you use these patches along side acids, retinoids etc? I hope you enjoy them! Based on your review and a chat with Sios customer service, I have clicked through and placed an order to give this product a try. Yes, they can work too. Silicone scar pads were not cheap but some of the pads for wrinkles on Amazon, Walmart etc are less expensive than the brand you review.Grateful for advice. It has a slightly different texture and ingredient list, so it wont work the same for wrinklesbut they are great for scars! I am sure they will work similar! The SilcSkin line of silicone pads also includes solutions for the neck, chest and hands. How do I use it? !, Want more testimonials? These are products need to be used on a clean dry face. Required fields are marked *. I continue to get questions about my results, so I wanted to update this blog post for you. And yeah, I was wondering if the Amazon one actually was medical grade silicone and thats why I wrote the ingredients down . Do your own research and always reach out to manufacturer. While mouth lines can be pesky and appear prematurely due to everyday activities such as drinking out of a straw or bottle, one company is aiming to combat those wrinkles and fine lines by introducing a product specifically tailored for the mouth area. The Best Way To Clean Dirty Keurigs, Nespresso, Or Other Single Serve Coffee Machines, Weird Scientific Kitchen Tips To Make Holiday Baking Easier,,, Baseboard Cleaning Hacks That Save Time and Money, Water Resistant Tinted SPF 30 Moisturizer Thats Also Skincare. Linking with Met Monday and these link parties! Long term, they will definitely work to boost collagen. If youre looking to carry SilcSkin silicone pads in your skin care business, you will get the best support. SilcSkin will list you on their website as an authorized retailer. You can search for a SilcSkin authorized retailer by City, State and Country. Here is a post that goes into detail. Thank you . Would love to try the technology but not loving the price. He said I was just thinking about silicon lol yes, I definitely like to know and appreciate my readers so much! Contact the manufacturer of this product. I saw a lot of advertisement and they say it is very thick medical grade silicone. How did no one else catch that? Perspectives on Advanced Basal Cell Carcinoma, Innovations in the Treatment of Atopic Dermatitis, Perspectives on Generalized Pustular Psoriasis, Examinations of Dupilumab Efficacy Across Various Patient Types and Anatomic Areas in the Management of Atopic Dermatitis, Society of Dermatology Nurse Practitioners, Evidence Skincare offers complementary skin surveys. As such the cosmetic community began to look to silicone gel sheets to alleviate wrinkles in non-medical scenarios.How Do Silicone Gel Sheets Work?The secret of silicone gel sheets lies in the way they're constructed. They are definitely different and do more of a pulling versus a plumping, but they are still a good thing to add. Do you apply your retinol before using this product at night? This atomic structure allows the silicone polymer to perform two main duties:1. I wonder if there is a DIY version? Example: Yes, I would like to receive emails from lipgloss + aftershave. It would be hard to mimic this medical grade type of silicone. I definitely recommend the under eye ones! Also, the cheaper brands and the silicone patches made for scarring didnt have as strong of an adhesive, so I didnt get the same results. I also studied their conclusions which state it is an acceptable and good treatment for scaring. Hi Alexis. The plumpness under the eye didnt last all day. The cheaper ones I have used from Amazon dont have good adhesive, so just after a few uses they lose their stickiness. 2022 MJH Life Sciences , Dermatology Times and Multimedia Medical, LLC. Thanks ; ), OMG yes this is correct. More information about Multi-Area Pads and other anti-aging products from Silcskin can be found here. Hi Im excited to start using this product, however, I already have puffiness under my eyes but I have crows feet, etc. Is there a way to make the effect last longer during the day? If I have photos to take or something important, I always wear them the night before because they plump my eyes so well. I wasnt able to find anything in particular for them, Hi Alexis like the reader above, I am concerned about long term use of the patches, but for different reasons. They can be moved towards the outer portion of the eyes. You can also get them on Amazon prime which I love! These cheaper brands or off-brands dont have as strong of an adhesive. Thank you very much Alexis! I explain in detail how long my results lasted and talk about them IG stories. It is the adhesive that is different. This is just my experience using them. Let me know! So, I did! For days? This stuff even works on scars that are years old. I know that my grandmother used Frownies for decades and it didnt have a long term impact for her. I use these patches myself and they have helped remove my fine lines and wrinkles like nothing else so I know they work but I guess I am just worried about long term use of something that may be inhibiting collagen production? schminkles smoothing wrinkles neck kit itvsn What I like to do is rotate them. I tried using the forehead patches again more frequently. The only thing I didnt like as much about Rejuvelines patches is the adhesive wasnt as strong, so I didnt get as much use out of them as this brand. It is a very simple method for fighting wrinkles. aid: '5360048.33d55d8' Ill be fixing this now. Scar tissue is covered by fragile and delicate skin, which is often crepe-like and dehydrated. I would be interested in your comments on this. Chemistry Cachet is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Instead, I try to share things readers want to see or things I truly enjoy. Join our email list for exclusive offers and the latest news. Using lotions can interfere with the adhesive quality of the pads and can also cause rashes and reactions. Im so stuck in chemistry land, I was thinking element silicon while editing. Blumbody is a little more affordable since you get double for the price of one SiO essentially. Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). Because of this, I lack consistency in using the Frownies. Lay them sticky side up to dry and the adhesive works again! I look forward to your results and thank you for all the amazing things you post they are very helpful in so many ways. This causes the softening of lines and wrinkles giving your skin a more youthful and supple appearance. Its really more of a spelling error than anything. The first several weeks I tried them, the plumpness faded throughout the day. Exclusive recipes and tips straight to your inbox each month! I stick with this brand because it has worked for me. I have had many readers email me and say they enjoyed using the forehead patches! I will perhaps write to Sio and ask them about this!

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