This is equivalent to 450plastic bags per person each year! Thats half of what you spend on bags in the supermarket! By not prescribing mandatory monetary rebates, supermarket operators would have the flexibility to come up with suitable incentives to encourage their customers to bring their own bags, which could be in the form of loyalty points, tokens, cash rebates, or discounts. Proposed implementation period Summary of proposed details for feedback. Respondents who disagreed felt that the requirement would be administratively challenging and add to costs. Some concerned citizens expressed that this move to charge consumers for plastic bags may disproportionately affect the poor. 8. In Hong Kong, plastic bag consumption was reduced by a whooping 90%. This could lead to disputes at check-out counters and longer queue times for customers. A 2018 study by the Singapore Environment Council also found that shoppers take 820 million disposable carrier bags from supermarkets alone a year, translating to an average of 146 bags per person. The additional expenses for using plastic bags in NTUC are an excellent example of how plastics can incur other costs. Imagine them dumping trash directly into our rubbish chutes. 10. Find articles like thisthere. Proposed Tracking and Public Disclosure of Information Number of Bags Issued, Amount of Charge Proceeds Collected, and Usage of Proceeds 4 To co-create solutions to reduce excessive consumption of disposables, the Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment (MSE) and the National Environment Agency (NEA) convened a Citizens Workgroup in September 2020, comprising 55 members of the public from diverse backgrounds. Singapore Womens Development White Paper, REACH x BaWangChaJi e-Listening Point on Gender Equality and Womens Development (7 - 11 March 2022), REACH e-Listening Point for EZ-Link Customers (21 24 Feb 2022), REACH e-Listening Point with foodpanda Riders (24 28 Feb 2022), REACH x Temasek LEAD programme Listening Point on COVID-19, Terms and Conditions on REACH Post Budget 2022 e-Listening Point (March), Job Competition and Security e-Listening Point, REACH Bus Transport Workers E-Listening Point, REACH Caregivers of Persons with Special Needs e-Listening Point, REACH e-Listening Point for EZ-Link Customers (12 - 15 Nov 2021), REACH e-Listening Point on the Performing Arts Sector, REACH SMS E-Listening Point on COVID-19 (24 July 2021 to 29 July 2021), REACH Social Media E-Listening Point Contest, REACH x Viu e-Listening Point on Gender Equality, REACH Youth Mental Well-being e-Listening Point, REACH Youth Mental Well-being e-Listening Point with Eurasian Association, REACH Youth Mental Well-being e-Listening Point with MENDAKI, REACH Youth Mental Well-being e-Listening Point with Parents, REACH Youth Mental Well-being e-Listening Point with SINDA, REACH e-Listening Point at Blocks 55 to 59 Lengkok Bahru on Covid-19, REACH e-Listening Point at rental flat blocks on Stirling Road & Mei Ling Street, Queenstown Town on Covid-19, REACH E-Listening Point Budget Feedback Exercise (17 23 February 2021), REACH e-Listening Point for Expats Well-Being in Singapore, REACH e-Listening Point with Overseas Singaporeans, REACH e-Listening Point with Taxi and Private-Hire Vehicles Drivers on Cost of Living, REACH Listening Point with Singapore Polytechnic Students on Youth Aspirations and Forward SG, REACH Listening Point with Tenants in Rental Flats on Housing and Cost of Living 28 May to 4 June 2022, REACH SMS E-LISTENING POINT ON COVID-19 (28 May 2021 to 3 June 2021), REACH SMS E-Listening Point on COVID-19 (30 April 2021 to 7 May 2021), Terms and Conditions of e-Listening Point Covid19 on Vaccination for expecting parents, REACH x LiHO Instagram Lucky Draw (2 to 28 Feb 2021), Terms and Conditions of Parents with Children under 12 Years Old e-Listening Point, Terms and Conditions of REACH e-Listening Point on Enhancing Online Safety, REACH Instagram Giveaway (3 to 13 December 2020), Terms and Conditions for Participation in the Feedback & Engagement Bus Tour, a life-cycle assessment study on carrier bags and food packaging in Singapores context, Bag charge not to be applied to online grocery shopping, Supermarket operators must track and publicly disclose the number of bags they issue, the amount of charge proceeds they collect, and how the charge proceeds are used. Find out how you can save on delivery charges when you shop online for groceries too!
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When developing the policy proposal for the plastic bag charge at supermarkets, NEA consulted over 1,000 stakeholders and studied the experiences of other countries. The NEA crafted the guidelines announced on Thursday after consultation with over 1,000 stakeholders on various platforms and through focus group discussions, as well as looking at case studies from abroad. Some respondents preferred a per-transaction model and cited reasons such as reducing the cost impact on those making large purchases and the impracticality of bringing many reusable bags when shopping. The move to charge for plastic bags has proven to be successful in many other countries. Eco-Business took to the streetsand to the supermarketto get a feel for Singaporeans sentiments on plastic bags. NEA is proposing for the mandatory plastic bag charge at supermarkets to take effect by the first half of 2023. Thank you. Eco-Business asks two hospitality executives , Climate-linked strife now ravishing Mali, Venezuela and Syria could play out in vulnerable countries such as Indonesia, India, , In his first state of the nation address, Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos, Jr said the government will prioritise , Coastal forests trap huge volumes of greenhouse gases and protect people from flood risks. Singaporeans use a whopping 2.5 billion plastic bags each year. Between 2005 and 2015, it stagnated at 20% despite more than 15 years of the National Recycling Programme. However, it may not be financially sustainable for supermarkets and retailers. 27. globalindustrial It contributes to the wasting of nonrenewable oil resources and generation of carbon dioxide emissions from incineration, Littering of bags also harms animals and humans by becoming a breeding grounds for mosquitoes, and posing harm to the marine lives when the bags ends up in the sea. 16. From trash bags to gloves, there are just so many uses for plastic bags! Singaporean households and businesses threw away about 200,000 tonnes of disposables in both 2019 and 2020, enough to fill 400 Olympic-sized pools, the NEA said. However, Zero Waste SG has addressed some of these arguments in their position paper. SINGAPORE Singapore on Thursday, January 27, recommended supermarkets start charging for disposable carrier bags, a move aimed at slashing carbon emissions in a tiny nation that produces enough annual waste to fill hundreds of Olympic-sized swimming pools. After three months, NEA and MSE then collectively agreed to develop an appropriate charging model for disposable carrier bags at supermarkets in Singapore. NEA also agrees that the issue of packaging for online grocery purchases extends beyond disposable carrier bags. 202120748H. One of the Workgroup's key recommendations is a charge for disposable carrier bags at supermarkets. bubble wrap). Of this, about two-thirds were disposable bags. Thats why the government is implementing a mandatory charge of at least $0.05 for each plastic bag used from mid-2023 onwards. 9 NEA seeks your views on the proposal for supermarket operators to stipulate a minimum charge for each disposable carrier bag provided (i.e., charge per bag) at supermarkets. 14. In 2015, it was found that the amount of plastic waste generated in 2015 was 824,600 tonnes and only 7% was recycled. Sometimes, the hawker centre stalls you frequent charge an additional 20 cents for the containers and/or bags when you order takeout. Some noted that transparency was important and sharing the information would build trust with the public and help to change consumer behaviour. This would cover major supermarkets such as NTUC FairPrice, Cold Storage, Giant, Sheng Siong, and Prime. Bag charges in Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, Taiwan, and the Netherlands reduced the consumption of disposable bags by about 60 to 90 per cent. 7 In response to the Citizens Workgroups recommendation, the Government proposes to make it a legal requirement by the first half of 2023 for large supermarket operators to charge for disposable carrier bags issued at their checkout counters, regardless of the type of material used for the bag. Bags without handles, such as those used to bag loose quantities of fresh or raw food (e.g. Get unlimited access to all stories at $0.99/month for the first 3 months. NEA seeks your views on the proposal for supermarket operators to be required to track and publicly disclose information on the number of bags they issue, the amount of charge proceeds they collect, and how they use the charge proceeds. The minimum charge would be reviewed after assessing the effectiveness of the 5c charge in reducing the number of disposable carrier bags consumed. Zero Waste SG has calculated that if a typical household takes 520 bags a year from the supermarkets and reuse them for bagging waste, and if there is a 10 cents charge on each plastic bag, it would cost a household $52 a year. Suggestions to Require Supermarket Operators to Provide Bring-Your-Own-Bag Incentives The intent of the charge is to encourage consumers to adopt sustainable habits and bring our own bags when shopping at supermarkets and other stores. Many objected to this plastic bag charge arguing that education alone is sufficient; this move will negatively impact the lower income residents in Singapore and thatSingaporeans require plastic bags to storetheir waste. 20. The respondents who were of the view that a bag charge should be applied to online grocery shopping felt that doing so would send a consistent message, while noting that online grocery purchases have been increasing, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. NEA has noted the views on the charge amount. MCI (P) 031/10/2021, MCI (P) 032/10/2021. There are also practical issues to consider for reusable packaging like returnable crates, such as potentially longer delivery times and ensuring that the crates are returned by customers. Whether to apply bag the charge to online purchases Supermarket operators with annual revenue above a stipulated threshold, Whether to apply charge to online purchases, In-store purchases at supermarket outlets covered; online grocery shopping not covered, Supermarket operators must track and publicly disclose the number of bags they issue, the amount of charge proceeds they collect, and how they use the charge proceeds. If youre interested in environmental issues, do check out my other piece onTimely to get hawkers, schools to use less disposable plastic items. 11.
Environmental groups have been calling for a charge on disposable bags for years. Supermarket operators will be strongly encouraged to channel the charge proceeds to environmental or social causes and consider initiatives to support lower-income families. Many respondents preferred that the charge be implemented by the first half of 2023. In fact, some went as far as to comment, People need plastic bags to contain their rubbish the streets of Singapore would be full of rubbish if you do not give them out for free, it will be a disaster., Most dwellers use plastic bags to recycle as trash bag. For example, FairPrice has been charging shoppers 20 cents per transaction for plastic bags at selected outlets since November 2019. Getting a reusable container, which can be as cheap as $5, would be a better alternative, and it doesnt cost as much as using disposable containers for a year! Some companies are trying to change Singapores predilection for plastic by encouraging customers to BYOB: Bring Your Own Bag. Want to do your part for the environment? All rights reserved. Unlocking potential of clean energy technologies with better regulation. Climate change is pushing more countries closer to war: report, Philippine president Marcos: 'Renewable energy is top of climate agenda', 24 hours with mangrove specialist Daniel Friess. However, such a per-transaction model may encourage shoppers to take more bags than they need. Other Issues and Suggestions Raised To me, it is not right that we should not let our children and future generations pay for these environmental costs so that we can enjoy our free plastic bags. Readers keen to provide feedback on the guidelines can do so from Thursday to Feb 17 at this website. SINGAPORE The National Environment Agency (NEA) on Thursday (27 January) invited the public to share their views on a proposal for supermarkets to impose a minimum 5 to 10 cents charge for each plastic bag taken at check-out counters. Add your comment to start the conversation. According to National Environment Agency, plastic bag usage is extremely high in Singapore. Singapores household recycling rate also pales in comparison to global standards. Summary of Feedback and NEAs Responses Some shops have already been charging consumers forplastic bags. Respondents brought up other suggestions, such as providing space at supermarket check-out counters for shoppers to pack groceries into their own bags; self-checkout counters without disposable carrier bags; providing used cardboard boxes for shoppers to carry groceries; and allowing the public to suggest good causes or initiatives that supermarkets could channel the proceeds towards. Mr Nate Tjoeng, 39, an events planner, saidthe chargemaynot be enough to reduce waste. This was my concern as well initially. In addition, supermarket operators here that had implemented rebates for customers who brought their own bags and spent a minimum amount per transaction, had discontinued the rebate scheme citing its limited effectiveness in reducing disposable carrier bag usage. Incentives can change attitudes. The per-bag charging model is also adopted by most, if not all, other countries or cities in the world that charge for disposable bags. A total of 4,621 responses were received. But what about expenses for disposable plastics we have been incurring without realising? Keeping the minimum charge low will help moderate the cost impact. A per-transaction charge could encourage overconsumption as it is a flat fee regardless of the number of bags used. Assuming you go to the supermarket once every two weeks and buy about four bags of groceries when you do. But too many of them arent good for the environment. Plastic bags take up to 500 years to decompose. 12 NEA seeks your views on the proposal to subject supermarket operators with annual revenue that is above a stipulated threshold to the requirements of charging for bags at their outlets . In response to green activists calls, governments and businesses have replied that education and incentives are preferred methods to deal with this problem. In 2019 and 2020, households and trade premises in Singapore threw away about 200,000 tonnes of disposables each year, with disposable bags making up about two-thirds of this. The group proposed that retailers charge their customers 10 cents and 5 cents for large and smaller plastic bags respectively. 17 After the consultation closes on 17 February 2022, we will publish a summary of the feedback received and our responses on this website, when ready. According to Zero Wast SG, about 30-70% of plastics waste disposed in Singapore are single-use plastic disposables such as plastic takeaway containers and cups, plastic utensils, plastic bags, and plastic bottles. A 2018 study by the Singapore Environment Council found shoppers take home 820 million disposable bags from supermarkets each year, an average of 146 bags per person. 4. The disposable bag charge will not remove access to disposable bags. This article is now fully available for you, Please verify your e-mail to read this subscriber-only article in full. If youre interested to read more about this topic, Zero Waste SG has released a Position Paper on the reduction of single-use plastic disposables in Singaporeand a recommendation paper on this topic. For a start, NEA proposed to make it a requirement for supermarket operators with an annual turnover of more than $100 million to implement a disposable carrier bag charge. The public consultation closed on 17 February 2022. In Hong Kong, the Netherlands, and Taiwan, a plastic bag charge resulted in about 80%, 70%, and 60% decrease respectively in the number of plastic bags given out. I do hope that after reading up more on this issue, more Singapore will be inspired to reduce waste consumption by bringing their own bags, not take plastic cutlery when dabaoing home or back to their office. During lunch time, many office workers would often ask for double bags even when it was not necessary; use plastic disposable cups even when they did not dabao and bring back disposable cutlery even when their pantry had cutlery for their use. This includes: Households would still be able to use those free plastic bags for bagging waste as well. Those who suggested a larger amount felt that this would create more awareness and engender a rapid and greater change in behaviour. Quoting her: Its not just about to charge or not to charge (for)plastic bags. Bags used for carrying food without packaging, Bags used for carrying frozen or chilled food, Bags used for carrying food in non-airtight or unsealed packaging. The reusable bag is worth less than two and a half months worth of plastic bags, and you can continue to keep using it afterwards. Background Weaning Singaporeans off their addiction to plastic bags is no easy task. 7. Similarly, another Initiative by the National University of Singapores Students Against Violation of the Earth (NUS SAVE) club to implement a 10-cent plastic bag tax since 2010, have resulted in much success. 2 In 2019 and 2020, households and trade premises in Singapore threw away about 200,000 tonnes of disposables annually, which is enough to fill up about 400 Olympic-sized swimming pools. Assuming you use at least three plastic bags per supermarket visit, you will spend an estimated 10 cents on plastic bags. The charge will not apply for online purchases. Mandating a switch to disposable carrier bags made of non-plastic materials would also not change behaviour and reduce the consumption of disposable carrier bags. The question remains: has Singapore been swayed by these initiatives? "Inflation is making it difficult for people, especially in rural areas, to save more and allocate to gold," Somasundaram PR, regional chief executive officer of WGC's Indian operations, told Reuters. 28. Proposed charging amount Spanish prosecutors said Friday they would seek a prison sentence of more than eight years against global music superstar Shakira, after she rejected a plea deal on accusations of tax evasion. while there has been an 86% reduction in plastic bag use on the NUS campus. One estimate suggests that Singaporeans consume 13 plastic bags a day. Supermarket operators with an annual turnover of less than S$100 million and other retailers can voluntarily charge for bags, just as many retailers are already doing. Auntie, can you give me one extra plastic bag?. NEA seeks your views on the proposal that the mandatory disposable carrier bag charge at supermarkets takes effect by the first half of 2023. Other respondents suggested a hybrid model whereby bags would be charged after a certain number were given out for free, to minimise the cost impact. A few felt that 510c would not present sufficient deterrence especially among higher income shoppers. Receive our weekly REACH Bytes e-newsletter and be updated on the latest REACH events and public consultations. Thats 25 bags every second. For a start, it will not be mandatory to charge for disposable carrier bags at other types of retail stores other than the large supermarkets.
plastic bags singapore