*On smooth plastic you should wipe it off before it becomes too sticky. and maintaining the beauty of your Lexus. This high purity percentage ensures having the most transparent glass coating over the surface, high levels of water repellency and long lasting paint protection from dirt, road salt, ice, snow, and other environmental contamination. Pour a small amount (1-2 drops) of DLUX onto the suede cloth and apply. Apply in a criss-cross pattern across the treated surface. Shake well. carpro
Average usefor 4 wheels and all plastic trim = 10ml. Contact Us -
Goes on very smooth, darkens the trim slightly, seems to protect well. 901 Mountain Ave, Unit 3, Springfield, NJ 07081. DLUX Long Life Trim Coat was engineered specifically for coating plastics as well as rubber and metal. This results in a thinner coat that doesnt last as long but on some smooth plastics there is not an easy way to apply it evenly. DLUX contains more than 50% pure silica.
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When applying it is VERY important to work one area in even as you go. In my experience Dlux leads the entire market when it comes to exterior plastic trim protection and it darkens the trim without leaving any unwanted slick greasy residue. Clean the surface to remove any oils and wait until the surface is dry. DLUX will also coat plastic and rubber while restoring faded pieces and providing a low-gloss, like-new factory finish. Advertising -
Let dry. Recommended working temperatures: 50F to 90F, Vendor Marketplace and Member Classifieds, Lexus Audio, Video, Security & Electronics. Start in one corner and work out! Complete cure with NO rain takes about 24 hours. The CarPro Cquartz DLUX Plastic and Wheel Coating is a semi-permanent coating that will protect and restore your automotive pieces. If wet during first 24 hours wipe off water before it dries on surface as a precaution. Allow to cure 1-3 hours without water being introduced to surface. After 3 days you are free to wash with all your regular car washes. carpro gliss Additionally it is HIGHLY resistant to extreme temperatures making it the perfect companion for protecting wheels. After a minute you should not be going back over an area that was applied. Directly to your inbox. Let cure 1 - 10 minutes at 30 - 10 degrees C (86 - 50 degrees F), respectively. Cookie Policy -
Product Review: CarPro DLUX Plastic and Wheel Coating.
carpro coating carpro On Textured trim do not wipe it off, just be sure you apply evenly as mentioned.
Use a clean auto detailing cloth or suede microfiber to wipe it off gently, in a circle motion, until no streaks are left behind.
Protect your wheels and restore your rubber and plastic with the CarPro Cquartz DLUX Plastic and Wheel Coating! DLUX will also coat plastic and rubber while restoring faded pieces and providing a low-gloss, like-new factory finish. affinesse Clean the surface well, free from all oils.
Excellent UV protection on all exterior substrates.
), Scrub surfacewith an all purpose cleaner and microfiber towel, Rinse while agitating with microfiber towel to remove all residue from APC, Wipe surface with Carpro Eraser, wipe dry, and then allow plastic to evaporate 20 minutes before applying.
Really like it on the wheels. Promotions, new products and sales. choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Protect your wheels and restore your rubber and plastic with the CarPro Cquartz DLUX Plastic and Wheel Coating! Check out the application instructions below and make sure you clean the surface thoroughly before applying. Used this on some fairly intricate wheels, which had me a bit nervous. Super easy to clean now! affinesse glacier Do not drive the car during this time. affinesse
Make sure the surface is cool and dry.
Local Customer Info & Pickup Instructions, Cquartz UK 3.0 30ml Kit | CarPro Ceramic Coating, CarPro Ceramic Coating Kit | Cquartz UK 3.0 DLUX and Reload, Cquartz UK 3.0 Paint and DLUX Wheel Ceramic Coating Combo | 30ml CarPro, GYEON Q2 Trim 30ml - Ceramic Quartz Trim Coating Kit, IGL Ecocoat Trim 30ml Kit | Ceramic Coating Kit for Trim and Plastic, Cquartz UK 3.0 50ml Kit | CarPro Ceramic Coating, Gtechniq Crystal Serum Light & EXOv4 Ceramic Coating Combo 30ml, Gtechniq Crystal Serum Light & EXOv4 Ceramic Coating Combo 50ml, Gtechniq C5 Wheel Armour 30ml | Ceramic Coating for Wheels, Gtechniq Crystal Serum Light - CSL Ceramic Paint Coating 50ml, CarPro Reset 1 Liter | Intensive Car Shampoo Formulated for Coatings 1000ml, Gyeon Q2 Leather Coat 120ml | Easy To Use Leather Coating 4oz, Gtechniq Crystal Serum Light 30ml | CSL Ceramic Paint Coating Kit, GYEON Q2 Tire 400ml - SIO2 Quartz Tire Coating. 8v affinesse Apply nice and even as you go. CQuartz DLUX forms an incredible bond with the surface it lasts for up to one year!
The CarPro Cquartz DLUX Plastic and Wheel Coating is a semi-permanent coating that will protect and restore your automotive pieces.
Pour a few drops on the suede wrapped applicator. Discussions on washing, waxing, polishing, detailing, cleaning
Wet the applicator with a strip of DLUX and spread evenly across a small area at a time. On rims (metal, chrome, clear coat, etc) let cure 1 minute at 90F up to 8 minutes at 50F and usea CarPro 2 Face Microfiber to wipe it off in a circle motion until clear. Archive -
affinesse Traditional products wash off in a matter of weeks or months but CQ Dlux has been tested all over the world and continues to protect for month after month! affinesse 8v Terms of Service -
This product is a fantastic value. Lasts several years, goes on thick and a great film build, but also easy to use. Do Not Sell My Personal Information -, By logging into your account, you agree to our, Car with Cquartz finest applied months ago: how to remove new swirls, The following errors occurred with your submission. Privacy Statement -
The product spread nicely and after buffing off, I had no problems, wheels look fantastic and shed water like crazy.
(Do not apply to hot surfaces or in direct sun. affinesse mk6 CQuartz DLUX forms an incredible bond with the surface it lasts for up to one year! Versatility: Plastics, Wheels, and rubber surfaces. Will help restore faded rubber and plastic trim pieces, Comes with an applicator sponge and 4 suede microfiber cloths, Make sure the surface is cool and dry (do not work on hot surface.). - Product Review: CarPro DLUX Plastic and Wheel Coating by Zach McGovern, - Product Review: CarPro DLUX Plastic and Wheel Coating by Kevin George, Read all customer reviews of CarPro DLUX Plastic and Wheel Coating. Made from quality high-grade organic silane, contains more than 50% pure silica! CQuartz DLUX 30ml | Ceramic Coating Kit For Wheels and Trim. Do not try to spread too thin but be sure to work it to an even coat in the first minute before moving to the next overlapping area. Get Exclusive Sales, Coupons, Detailing Articles & More. glacier affinesse It can be used on almost any wheel finish including clear coated, chrome, aluminum, and plastic. affinesse mk6
Feel free to contact us here with any questions! / Do not take on a huge area at once. Any water marks created by rain must be wiped off during first 24 hours. affinesse CQuartz Dlux is the most advanced plastic restoration coating available today! Wrap the blue sponge with a suede cloth. Get the latest updates on new products and upcoming sales, Very simple to apply on textured plastics. Unlike other trim products CQ Dlux restores and protects plastic for two years or longer utilizing a unique nano composition which allows it to chemically bond to the pores of plastics! affinesse I use it after I restore headlights, to restore plastics, protect new plastics, wheels, calipers, powder coated metals. affinesse 8v detailed DLUX takes 1 - 3 hours to cure. The water repellency improves with more cure time.
Check out the application instructions below and make sure you clean the surface thoroughly before applying. This high purity percentage ensures having the most transparent glass coating over the surface, high levels of water repellency and long lasting paint protection from dirt, road salt, ice, snow, and other environmental contamination. Semi-permanent coating that will protect and restore your automotive pieces for up to one year! DLUX contains more than 50% pure silica. affinesse 8v affinesse
carpro dlux instructions