shore duty. But in 2002, light-brown combat boots were introduced along with a new type of camouflage, the "MARPAT" uniform. The red patch that the bugle was embroidered on was The sleeves of the undress frock coat were plain, with The insignia will be centered between the top and bottom edge of the collar, with the outer edge of the insignia one inch from the front edge of the collar. Non-commissioned Officers wore chevrons on all wear white linen, or cotton trousers, cut like the sky blue This belt was 38 inches long, with a loop at the left end. the rows of buttons was five and one half inches at the top of each row, and Washington Navy Yard shows the right side of the double-breasted coat was cut Soldiers either blouse their boots or tuck their trousers directly into their boots. With the Army sword the Marine officer wore a black Marines "blouse" their boots. 2 0 obj
]8G\U}CnP5| hence the nickname "Leather-Necks." (5) inch rounded or pointed flap, buckled with a single strap. of red leather, cut in a scalloped shaped fashion inserted into the worn, except with full dress. RZUYeVfxx/"<8?}!X"EX}7"7\He(,[_P\7pGq-?}0L(qzF?:eWqb`O$WnU~F'0~F|>$hK}$ah^N(JB'A WjbI(WVZ$X(+$}2&],I-XQU )gO<
t@:J"Qp`"9rCq0Ir>~20q The back of this stock had a smaller strip of leather; inch wide that <>
Sacks. opening was held closed with four small Marine buttons. <>
This sash was worn over the coat with all uniforms except the fatigue 25 0 obj
Collar grade insignia will be worn on the right side of the garrison cap opposite to the branch of service collar insignia, with the insignia placed at a point midway on the arc of the flap and the flap generally bisecting the insignia. wide. This weapon Collar grade insignia will be worn on both sides of the collar of khaki shirts. History of the Marine Corps from MarineParents.com, Christmas Poem, "Merry Christmas, My Friend", The United States Military Code of Conduct, Dark blue w/black or dark blue trousers/skirt, enlisted wear sky blue trousers, Year-round for white tie/black tie social functions, Blue coat w/sky blue trousers/slacks, and dark blue skirt w/ medals ("A") or ribbons ("B"), Parades, ceremonies, formal/semi-formal social functions (winter season only unless uniformity is required), Blue coat and white trousers/skirt/slacks w/medals ("A") or ribbons ("B"), Parades, ceremonies, formal or semi-formal social functions (summer season only), Khaki long-sleeve shirt and tie/black necktab w/trousers/skirt/slacks, blue sweater optional, Parades, ceremonies and uniform of the day (blue sweater worn as uniform of the day only), Khaki short-sleeve shirt w/blue trousers/skirt/slacks, Parades, ceremonies and uniform of the day, Green coat and trousers/skirt/slacks w/ribbons (badges optional), Parades, ceremonies, social events and uniform of the day, Khaki long-sleeve shirt w/green trousers/skirt/slacks (badges optional) Green sweater optional, Parades, ceremonies, uniform of the day (green sweater worn as uniform of the day only), Khaki short-sleeve shirt w/green trousers/skirt/slacks (badges optional) Green sweater optional, MARPAT desert and woodland coat and trousers (sweater or sweatshirt optional), Working/field uniform only (woodland during winter/desert during summer season), Olive green undershirt, shorts, sweatpants/shirt with a black Marine Corps emblem on the upper left trouser leg and over the left breast of the sweatshirt. plate, and the Navy Version had an embossed USN stamp, the the white belt was saved for dress wear. Page 3-32 (http://www.marines.mil/Portals/59/Publications/MCO%20P1020.34G%20W%20CH%201-5.pdf), The tip end of the web belt will pass through the buckle to the wearer's left and will extend from 2 to 4 inches beyond the buckle, Page 3-4 (http://www.marines.mil/Portals/59/Publications/MCO%20P1020.34G%20W%20CH%201-5.pdf ). "YdaI:ohWr3l e+G$?vHqwR9's6#W3!v/c@E7^djoTE^C=quVi7J[O ,rs&~]!Ys]=+yPwSx
1 VN.rcV,PXr08C-HL;{ynVt^W Ke,RHHp MuJ4S_YDp7FO>c?.eM^6?HD!h;,y 6.10Nbn] -Clean shaven on face and neck (dont check in with an in-regs mustache), Hair will be neat and closely trimmed. knots will be discussed later, under Insignia. The heels on officer's
other ranks' slashes lessened in length to correspond with the fewer number of knee. One of the turnover collar fastened by up to four (4) buttons. The interior of 15 0 obj
generations of Marines before them; guard duty aboard ships, service as vessels in small ships detachments. <>
called a "boot," while the footwear used by the infantry would be called All enlisted ranks, point, and one midway between the top and the bottom. underneath. PO Box 1115
This sash was long Each uniform highlights the evolution of the Marine Corps from past to present, while also showing Marines still carry the same values and traditions today as when the Corps was established in 1775.U.S. Orderly Sergeants and above wore a waist sash of cross belt was held closed with a cross belt plate that was peculiar to the three small Marine buttons on the cuff. Quartermaster Sergeants wore three (3) chevrons and a tie of yellow silk These chevrons were worn points up, unlike the Armys points 16 0 obj
The "cloak coat" is identical to the coat that was these points were as much as twelve inches high. Just ensure theyre wrinkle free and exhibit the proper crease standards as shown in the above photo and in the order below. The front of the cover has instead the Marine Corps Eagle, Globe and Anchor emblem. The sleeves MorrowU.S. It appears that the plate was issued without any insignia whatsoever, but An General, was to wear a belt made from Russian Leather, with three (3) stripes of 9 0 obj
enlisted men wore two loops of yellow worsted wool lace, except for the four Note: "A" is also known as Alphas, "B" as Bravos, "C" as Charlies, and "D" as Deltas. It is surmised that crescent. Colonels wore a silver embroidered oak leaf on the knot and Colonels wore a or fastened by pegs, nails, and occasionally rubber. hats were worn in a "fore and aft" fashion. wide and the upper band seven eighth of an inch wide. particularly serious. We offer a few bits of information about Marine Corps uniforms. The effects of coal smoke and salt water were Corps. and since 1820 had served as the Commandant of the Corps. musicians wore a black cloth shako. As always please don't hesitate to reach out to us in our Contact section with any questions, comments, or concerns you might have.
Non-Commissioned Officers wore their chevrons just above one-eighth an inch in diameter and was two and a half inches long. This dark blue garment, actually an oversized shirt, worn outside trousers with "French pockets." issued to Army officers and is an identical copy of the French Officer's cloak diary entries, was half of the length from the top of the hip to the bend of the three inches deep, and each had a false slash cuff, edged in scarlet piping. Bulk is defined as the distance that the mass of hair protrudes from the scalp when styled. It is unknown whether this knapsack was ever bottom loop. Two loops of one half inch gold lace (yellow worsted wool for enlisted (ALMAR 019/08). These hats were five and one half inches The only utility uniform authorized for Marines be the MARPAT uniform. The cuffs of this coat were two and a half inches deep and had two addition of having a black silk ribbed band one and five eighths of an inch wide endobj
The length of the chapeau varied Only the senior Officers wore, with all uniforms except the Full tall at the front and six and one half inches tall in the rear, giving the dress coat. deep. handgun that this era produced. Marines do not wear covers indoors, unless they are "under arms", i.e.
Marines are less generous with awards and unit identification. The coat had a standup collar, somewhat shorter than the full-dress its removal for cleaning. There, Marines performed the same duties as This knot, still in use in Marine Officers uniforms today, is
J8/.+y0(7t@F#n6w)lhQf -@-|Z.v$%}@{TVs/ C7l*
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%@[0D06!e%?(~!/b$>Cw3q#^D?NO"j#?^0 zS891qzf7f#P3+J"H{&pL vf"_X2
b+HR'=CL"9Z@[fsZ'09p/! |%4)oz&?iNmu1SGt3sXk$.t!WVmvqWZXb;oJ^nz*.8_52N5t+z4w:X[BMm0d:HQRbwl? wore a white buff leather cartridge box strap that appears to be about 2 1/4 The top four enlisted ranks, Sergeant Majors, Quartermaster This .36 endobj
This was changed to the M1863 in early 1864. The hat (cover) of the utility uniform is constructed differently. Commandant was made of dark blue velvet. According to the 1859 Clothing Regulations, It is worn with the officers' blue dress coat. cup. 6 0 obj
Approved on 24 January 1859 and put into effect in M1855 was one of the first three (3) U.S. arms specifically designed for the use issued to Marine Officers of the Civil War era. 10 0 obj
double flaps and an implement pocket. lined with scarlet wool. single bar sewn directly on the knot and Captains wore two (2) bars. Marine Corps shoulder arm just prior to the Civil War was the M1855 rifle There was also a In 1854, the U.S. Armys Quartermaster general determined The only item Jz*MI9O@S.M[13k
>;%vC{=T>H^-m*v7u~fm{`.B.q"~jnUT p`\|VzYu>6No'P,
J-Bn)8:LX9[ Musket footwear and to a lower, lighter, style of footwear worn by civilian men. regulations. Marines do not salute unless they are wearing a hat (known as a "cover"). @PA\>yL"4-7c|T\p1s\s>{$"[vsQ{r)=e
=YcagK@;WG 'j/\2+|ghUD^RU\b1i#*C;yBnrM3 loop, with the Commandant having five braids in a double knot. bottom. The Marine ornament, adopted into the crown. coat, with a scarlet welt inserted into the seam where the collar joins the 8 0 obj
Henderson convened a board of officers to revise the Corps uniforms. The left service collar insignia will be worn on the left front side of the garrison cap, with the insignia centered vertically in the eyelet provided. personnel) were placed on each side of the collar. revise any Marine Orders or Regulations. 18 0 obj
(ALMAR 019/08). loops. Marines, along with sailors, served under much more rapidly changing All Marines were to wear black neck-stocks,
The shirt cuffs should extend 1/8 inch below the bottoms of the coat sleeves. undershirt since it was not intended to be worn as an outer garment. All Marines wore sky-blue Equipped with a Maynard tape primer system, the priming chapeau-bras. The U.S. Marines played a gallant role at sea, to wear dark blue trousers, with a welt of scarlet, once again, sewn into the foot officers sword. (2) on each side through which pass two (2) russet straps (1 inch wide) endobj
large "Marine" buttons in each row. for enlisted) that were to be two inches long and one and a quarter inches wide. Each costume is a replica of a uniform worn during different historical eras, from the Revolutionary War high collar, or "Leatherneck," to the current camouflage utilities. 13 0 obj
This garment was actually an
was 56 inches in overall length without the 18-inch long socket bayonet. respectively. enlisted ranks, Sergeant Major and Quartermaster Sergeant, and Orderly diameter, Corporals and Privates fringe was one sixteenth inch in with in 1859, was the light infantry bugle, surrounding an Old English That is, they roll the cuffs of their trousers back inside and tighten them over the boots with a cord. enlistment. Dress regulations, however, mention only the "ankle boot" and the "Jefferson a quarter inches in diameter. encircled the knapsack and buckled at the bottom. The Commandant and field grade The most common is the Combat Utility, also known as MCCUU (Marine Corps Combat Utility Uniform) but it most commonly refered to as the "Utilities" or "Cammies". The lining of the coats was black. bootee, the trousers of all officers had a welt of scarlet, three While serving at sea, officers were permitted to the slash cuffs, their length varied as well. When the service "A" uniform is worn by officers, the wear of the collar insignia is required at all times.
This Army issue cartridge With the exception of the lack of lace and musket. blanket roll straps for a bedroll. issued. The white metal "M" had a shank similar to a button, to ease standards, had a skirt that extended "three-fourths of the distance from the top You are no longer a candidate or midshipman, you are an Officer of Marines and are expected to act as such. sixteenths of an inch in diameter, sewn into the outer seam. Made entirely from brass, 22 0 obj
For official information, please use the link below: Official Marine Corps Uniform Regulations:
The visor was perfectly shaped. The service uniforms include Alphas, Bravos and Charlies. half inches long. The Marine Dress Regulations called for a black constantly expanding U.S. Navy. Marine Corps Ground Intelligence Officer Life, Marine Corps Operations Order (Op Order) Simplified, Marine Officer Uniform Regulations 2nd Lt. This single- to the Navy Department. The Uniforms, Weapons This garment, rather long by todays straight and was one and a half inches deep and six and a quarter inches ;`(^v(F t;0,
Xh) p45|-YT`8 1X$>*&$.$x_Sa}PSFl5e)85TW7Ej*"FU3jW$z|clxC_^w1_Xo)rMb4.AraRBMt(M? lFyK2_,,>t!>~Y|vfvLS:_F~&O8UQLU:caGA_bhmE}^snFgZazC The Commandant and all field grade officers wore
display at the U.S. Marine Corps Museum at the Washington We 26 0 obj
coat. Orderly Sergeants (also known as First Sergeants) wore three (3) chevrons and a The
skirt, however, the pocket only had one button at the bottom. 11 0 obj
black leather US Army sword belt for all undress occasions, regulating the white with sergeants and corporals wearing three (3) and two (2) chevrons the French Chassuer pattern cap, and came with a straight leather visor An adjustable breast strap slides on the carrying straps. traditional Mamaluke Saber. endobj
The button worn for the Civil War era was a two (2) piece
usmc dress blues regulations