The U.S. Mint began producing the coins in 2006, marking the first time the Mint ever created a 24 karat gold coin (.9999 fine). Donec fringilla lacus eu pretium rutrum. Proin ut dui a urna efficitur varius. 2022 VGL Comex | Servios de Comrcio Exterior Ltda, Temos muito orgulho em anunciar que recebemos o Selo de Referncia Nacional e Qualidade Empresarial 2018, da ANCEC Agencia. Donec non nibh in dui sagittis finibus. Stay up-to-date with our latest promotions, discounts, sales, and special offers. A small number of these proof coins achieves a perfect score of Proof 70 from one of the main grading services (PGCS or NGC). But always pay through paypal. The coins deep-mirrored surfaces framing frosted images of Frasers Indian and Buffalo are fabulous! Generally, Fraser's Indian Head nickel design is regarded as among the best designs of any U.S. coins. The US Mint was created by Congress in 1792 and became part of the Department of the Treasury in 1873. Dont waitreserve this 2022-W $50 American Buffalo One-Ounce Gold Proof for your collection today! Ed Moy Signature Series Gold American Buffalo Proof 70 are available as single coins, 4-coin sets, and even a full Date Run featuring one of each Gold American Buffalo minted since 2006. AMS MAKES NO WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS, OR PROMISES AS TO ITS PRODUCTS EXCEPT THOSE SET FORTH IN ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS, AND NO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS ARE MADE. Inscriptions are UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, E PLURIBUS UNUM, IN GOD WE TRUST, $50, 1 OZ., and .9999 FINE GOLD.. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. 2013-W 1 oz Reverse Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (100th An 2013-W 1 oz Reverse Proof Gold Buffalo PR-70 PCGS (Moy), 2013-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PR-70 PCGS (FirstStrike), 2013-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PR-70 PCGS, 2013-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (ANA Releases). Cras aliquet congue ullamcorper. Great experience always with APMEX. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Buscamos alcanar a satisfao de nossos clientes durante todo o ciclo do nosso servio, antes, durante e aps a execuo. Fast service. This is how Fraser envisioned his coin. The design was given new life when it was used on the American Buffalo One Ounce Gold Proof Coin in 2006, the first 24-karat gold proof coin ever struck by the United States Mint. CCPA Do Not Sell My Information (California Residents Only). After a raised mound of dirt below the animal on the reverse was reduced, the Type 2 variation continued to be minted for the rest of 1913 and every year until 1938, except for 1922, 1932, and 1933 when no nickels were struck. gold buffalo coin copy usa With their beautiful finish, flawless condition and rarity, they are preferred by both collectors and investors. Assessoria para processos de Exportao e Importao, com o objetivo de encontrar e apresentar solues em funo da necessidade de cada cliente, dentro desse complexo e gil mercado internacional. Website is easy to use. Maecenas sodales tortor ac ligula ultrices dictum et quis urna. Information on this website is intended for educational purposes only and is not to be used as investment advice or a recommendation to buy, sell, or trade any asset that requires a licensed broker. The American Buffalo One Ounce Gold Proof Coin is priced according to the range in which it appears on the Mints Pricing of Numismatic Gold, Commemorative Gold, Platinum, and Palladium Products table. Ato de separar em lotes menores e distribuir uma parcela ou a totalidade de uma carga previamente consolidada. simple check out. The Mint launched the American Buffalo Coin Program in 2006. Luis Viana, 13223 - So Cristvo. All purchases are expressly conditioned upon your acceptance of our Terms and Conditions; to decline, return your purchase pursuant to our Return Policy, Please. Love your app, super fast and easy, and you have earned my trust over many years and many orders, easy shopping, safe delivery and great customer service, 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo (Random Year, Capsule Only), Random Year 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo (w/Box & COA), 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PR-69 PCGS (Random Year). Whether you're new to Precious Metals, or just new to APMEX, we're glad you are here. Thanks. I trust APMEX. Thanks. This legendary design remained in use on the nickel for 25 years. The Gold American Buffalo coin owes its existence to the Presidential $1 Coin Act of 2005. All content and images are owned by USGB and may not be reproduced without written authorization. didn't have to make an account through my bank. Planejamento da operao de importao e exportao da origem ao destino. Operaes do comrcio exterior em que as importaes/exportaes gozam de benefcios fiscais como iseno, suspenso parcial ou total de tributos incidentes. As with all investments there is risk and the past performance of a particular asset class does not guarantee any future performance. Only a coin like this could bring out the full glory of the original design. Very Satisfied Return customer. 2022-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PR-70 PCGS (AR, Black Diamo 2022-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PR-70 PCGS (FDI, Black Diam 2021-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo (w/Box & COA). Duis suscipit arcu vel rhoncus molestie eget placerat mauris. The coins were authorized by Congress with the American Buffalo Coin Commemorative Coin Act of 2000 (Public Law 106-375). Skip to the beginning of the images gallery, Wishlist is for registered customers. Estamos aqui para servir de forma objetiva em todos os modais e assessorar no que for necessrio para garantir o melhor desempenho dos negcios. Big, bold, beautiful, and full of life! And now, you can bring this stunning 2022 One-Ounce Gold Buffalo home to your collection in glorious Proof condition! 2022 American Buffalo One Ounce Gold Proof Coin PR70 1st Release, Skip to the beginning of the images gallery. So, dont delay. Bens de viajantes que esto ingressando ou saindo do pas. The Mints numismatic programs are self-sustaining and operate at no cost to taxpayers. uisque molestie cursus mi et congue consectetur adipiscing elit cras rutrum iaculis enim, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, non convallis felis mattis at. United States Gold Bureau (USGB) is a private distributor of Gold, Silver & Platinum coins from the U.S. Mint and is not affiliated with the U.S. Government. Easy to navigate web site. Coins with Ed Moy signature labels have made headlines due to their extreme popularity and premiums investors are willing to pay at auction. Qualquer pessoa ou empresa que pretenda realizar operaes de importao ou exportao sabe o quo complexo e burocrtico o. Please contact us for more information about the Ed Moy Signature Series Proof 70 coins available exclusively through the U.S. Gold Bureau. buffalo coin gold 2008 american four uncirculated proof coins sold
Have You Herd? The 2022 Gold Buffalo Proof Coins Are Here! Proof coins are struck multiple times on specially prepared planchets to provide a unique finish that appeals to collectors.
It is said that Fraser had to have someone distract the buffalo while he sneaked to a position beside it to draw. Cras rutrum iaculis enim, non convallis felis mattis at. 2017-W 1 oz PR Gold Buffalo PR-70 PCGS (FirstStrike, Clev 2017-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (ER), 2017-W 1 oz Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (Thomas J. Uram), 2017-W 1 oz Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (Mercanti). The case fits into a black outer sleeve bearing an embossed gold foil image of the coins reverse and is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity.
Makes the transaction easy. Etiam pulvinar metus neque, eget porttitor massa vulputate. 2022 DISCLAIMER: All content within is presented for informational purposes only, with no guarantee of accuracy. Easy to talk to customer service. Now in its 17th year of production, the Gold Buffalo continues to capture imaginations with its time-honored James Earle Fraser designs. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Since I have already ordered, the e-check option is great to get the lower price. The United States Mint will begin accepting orders for the 2022 American Buffalo One Ounce Gold Proof Coin on May 12 at noon EDT. In unusual times, the service and quality of our first order was pure quality. POR QUE CONTRATAR UM DESPACHANTE ADUANEIRO? These special edition coins also featured Fraser's beloved classic Native American and Buffalo design first seen on the 1913-1938 circulating nickel. And, due to both their high purity and numismatic value, Gold Buffalos experience consistently high demand from both investors and collectors. Nibh in dui sagittis donec non finibus. Always a good experience. O desembarao aduaneiro de exportao e importao a liberao de uma mercadoria pela alfndega para a entrada no pas (em caso de importao) ou sua sada (em caso de exportao). Very easy with the transactions. To complement this handsome design, the coin is encapsulated and placed in a black presentation case with the United States Mint seal on the lid. Love the US Treasures series. Hangar Business Park, Av. Duis suscipit arcu vel rhoncus molestie eget placerat mauris. We celebrate this 100-year milestone with an American Buffalo One Ounce Gold Reverse Proof Coin. The obverse portrays a profile representation of a Native American with the inscriptions LIBERTY and 2022. The reverse features an American Buffalo (also known as a bison) and the inscriptions UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, E PLURIBUS UNUM, IN GOD WE TRUST, $50, 1 OZ., and .9999 FINE GOLD.. Edmund C. Moy served as Special Assistant to President George W. Bush. 2019-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PR-70 PCGS (FS, Black Diamo 2019-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (Thomas J Uram), 2018-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo (w/Box & COA), 2018-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PR-70 PCGS (FDI, Cleveland), 2018-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PR-70 PCGS (FDI, Mercanti), 2018-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (ER, Mercanti), 2018-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (Thomas J. Uram), 2017-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo (w/Box & COA). The dies used in this process give the coins a mirrorlike appearance, in which the coin's device appears to be floating over the liquid of the field. Each coin contains 1 Troy oz of .9999 fine gold. CEP: 41500-300. This anniversary edition captures the beauty of coin design and the modernization of coin production over the last 100 years in one magnificent showpiece. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. All coins are graded in a perfect Proof 70 condition. The Ed Moy Signature Series is also available in Gold American Eagle and Silver American Eagle Proof 70 coins. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Looking for something even more unique? ngc er buffalo coin ms 2008 gold Specials & Notifications, Right in Your Inbox! Highlights for the U.S. Mint under his leadership include the 50 State Quarter program, Presidential $1 Coin, and the National Parks Quarter program. The Gold Buffalo coin is designed after James Earle Fraser's famous 1913 Type 1 Buffalo Nickel. Each and every coin was expertly crafted by the mint from hand-selected planchets, polished dies and multiple strikes to produce beautifully frosted details rising over mirror-like fields. All of the American Buffalo Gold coins feature a front-side (obverse) design created by James Earle Fraser and used on the original "Buffalo Nickel" issued in 1913. Each coin will also come with its original government packaging and Certificate of Authenticity. Atop a mound of dirt on the reverse (back) of the coin stands an American Bison, which commonly are referred to as buffalo. Learn how your comment data is processed. 2021-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PR-70 PCGS (FDI, Dannreuthe 2021-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PR-70 PCGS (FS), 2021-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (Thomas J. Uram), 2021-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PR-70 NGC (Bressett), 2021-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (FDI, Mercanti), 2021-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (First Day), 2020-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo (w/Box & COA).
For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Containing one ounce of .9999 fine 24-karat gold, these lustrous coins are among the worlds purest gold coins. Designed by James Earle Fraser, a student of the legendary sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens, the American Buffalo design was first featured on the Type I Buffalo (or Indian Head) nickel in 1913. What makes your pure 2022 One-Ounce Gold Buffalo coin even more spectacular is that it is struck to a shimmering Proof finish by the artisans at the U.S. 2021-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PR-70 PCGS (FDI, Black Diam 2021-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PR-70 PCGS (FDI). Para isso necessrio fazer o credenciamento nas submodalidades como pessoa jurdica (expressa, limitada ou ilimitada) ou pessoa fsica. 2020-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (Thomas Uram Labe 2020-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (FR, Mercanti), 2019-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo (w/Box & COA), 2019-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PR-70 PCGS (FS, Flag Label). Current pricing information is available here. Fast & Free Shipping On Orders Over $199! Etiam mattis eros eu ullamcorper volutpat. Consider a "Date Run Set," including one of each Gold Buffalo coin ever minted. Stay Informed of Our Special Offers. a modalidade de pagamento mais difundida no comrcio internacional, pois oferece maiores garantias, tanto para o exportador como para o importador, onde as negociaes so intermediadas por bancos. Apmex courteously accommodated me. This item will ship within 2 business days. To view a Proof 70 version of the 2001 American Buffalo Commemorative Silver Dollar. A VGL Comex atende de maneira dedicada as particularidades presentes na rea de comrcio exterior. gold buffalo proof uncirculated mintage coins Registered users receive faster checkout, enhanced order tracking options and special promotions. I have had a fantastic experience with APMEX so far and will continue to buy at least one package a check from here. The United States Gold Bureau, principals, and representatives do not guarantee to clients that they will realize a profit or guarantee that losses may not be incurred as a result of following its coin collecting recommendations, or upon liquidation of coins bought from the United States Gold Bureau. O Siscoserv um tema que ainda gera muitas dvidas na classe empresarial, apesar da norma ser de 2012. Sagittis donec non nibh in dui finibus. The Mint released the strikes for sale to the public on June 7, 2001. The reverse features the classic buffalo design modeled after Black Diamond, the bison living in New York City's Central Park Zoo in the early 1900s, as well as inscriptions of the weight, denomination and Gold content.
Branch mint at West Point, New York. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Also of interest are the 2001 American Buffalo Commemorative Silver Dollars which were struck by the US Mint as one of two commemorative coins series issued that year. During his tenure as Director, the United States Mint struck over $1 billion in numismatic collectibles. The Ed Moy Signature Series of Gold American Buffalo Proof 70 coins will be highly sought after by investors and collectors and is exclusive to the U.S. Gold Bureau, meaning population for Proof 70 coins and Date Runs will be extremely low, adding to their investment potential. Bursting from this large 32.69 mm masterpiece, the images are even more dramatic struck in one ounce of pure 24-karat (99.99%) goldthe purest gold used to strike any U.S. coin! Easy, and website helped me through the process, items packaged well too. 2013-W 1 oz Reverse Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (Thomas J 2013-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (Mercanti). Great layout easy navigation I'll be back for more. I trust APMEX with my purchases and like to have the metals myself. This set contains all the Gold American Buffalo Proof coins minted since 2006, including the 2008 4-coin set. Good prices! Besides risking not being able to obtain this prize for your collection, waiting only means you wont be able to experience the breathtaking beauty of this coin. Despite having a maximum mintage of 500,000 coins, the silver dollars sold out in two weeks making it one of the few modern commemorative coins to do so. All News, Articles, Commentary and Opinions are contributed by the author(s), with or without compensation, who are solely responsible for the content, and do not represent CoinWeek Management. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Gold American Buffalo Proof 70 Value Chart, 2013 Gold American Buffalo Reverse Proof 70 Coin, 2001 American Buffalo Commemorative Silver Dollar, Beautiful and Affordable Gold American Buffalo. Designs depicted on this coin are based on the 1913 Type I Buffalo nickel by sculptor James Earle Fraser. Check out what other customers are saying. Arcu vel donec non nibh in dui sagittis finibus. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Quick and easy ordering process. Consistent and uncomplicated. Each coin is encapsulated and placed in a black presentation case with the United States Mint seal on the lid. Each year, the U.S. Mint produces circulating bullion versions of the coin, plus a limited number of "Proof" coins, known for their mirror-like finish and exceptional quality. Dont miss out on adding this beautiful and treasured addition to your collection! The obverse shows the well-known Indian Head design, created by combining images of three Native American chiefs: Iron Tail (Lakota), Two Moons (Cheyenne) and John Big Tree (Seneca). The design of the American Buffalo gold bullion coin is a modified version of James Earle Fraser's design for the Indian Head nickel (Type 1), issued in early 1913. 2017-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (FDI, Mercanti, B 2017-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (FDI, Moy), 2016-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo (w/Box & COA), 2016-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PR-70 PCGS, 2016-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (ER), 2016-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (Mercanti). The case fits into an outer sleeve and is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity. Anlises dos impostos incidentes com base na classificao fiscal da mercadoria. The collectible coin market is unregulated, highly speculative and involves risk. You guys are great. Many commonly refer to that coin as the "Indian Head Nickel" or the "Buffalo Nickel." After September 11, 2001, Mr. Moy helped with the transition to the new U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The animal depicted on the reverse is believed by most to be the bison named Black Diamond, who lived in the New York City Central Park Zoo during the 1910s. The one-ounce coin in this program is the first 24-karat gold Proof coin ever struck by the Mint and is the collector version of the official United States Mint American Buffalo One Ounce Gold Bullion Coin. Proof Gold Buffalos In 2006, the United States Mint introduced its first 1 oz .9999 fine Gold coin with the Gold Buffalo. Exportao ou importao da sua mercadoria de maneira segura e gil. Geralmente, este processo antecedido por uma consolidao em um ponto de origem, com o objetivo de otimizar custos de transportes de uma rota ou regio. Celebrate the centennial anniversary of one of the United States Mints most beloved designs the American Buffalo. Certified Gold Buffalo coins in perfect "Proof 70" condition are considered actual "museum quality." Since they are valued for their rarity, not their weight, they are not subject to the ups and downs of the commodities market, which has made their value more stable over time than gold bullion alone. Garantia de prazo e segurana para sua carga. took only seconds! No problems with previous transactions. Local Storage seems to be disabled in your browser.For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Local Storage in your browser. Copyright 2005 - 2017 Bitochon Technologies. In 2008 only, the U.S. Mint produced 4 sizes, including a $50 face value one-ounce coin, $25 one-half ounce coin, $10 one-quarter ounce coin and the $5 one-tenth ounce coin. Cargas que so diferenciadas por possurem dimenses e pesos especficos, onde muitas vezes no podem ser acondicionadas em contineres. Torre 4, Salas 102 e 103. Demand for these hand-signed coins is expected to outpace supply as investors and collectors realize the tremendous investment potential of these coins. The designs from Frasers 1913-1938 Buffalo Nickelthe now-iconic images of Native American and Black Diamond, the magnificent buffalo from New Yorks Central Park Zoowere impressive in 1913 and even more impressive today! All Rights Reserved. Have been satisfied for years with this company. Create an account with today. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 5 stars!!! Since 2006, the $50 Gold Buffalo has been Americas official pure gold bullion coin, trading on an equal footing with such juggernauts as Great Britains Gold Britannia and Canadas Gold Maple Leaf. User Agreement. The same design also was used on the 2001 Smithsonian commemorative coin. Straightforward checkout. is a brand of Asset Marketing Services, LLC (AMS). Otherwise, the buffalo would turn to face him and Fraser couldn't get the profile he wanted. Market Loss Policy |
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For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Duis suscipit rhoncus molestie eget placerat mauris.
Product arrives in time!! These coins were instantly a huge success, providing competition for the Canadian Gold Maple Leafs. Na maioria das situaes, as pessoas jurdica e fsica precisam possuir habilitao para operar na exportao e importao junto Receita Federal. In his first year alone, over 16 billion coins were struck. All rights reserved. 2014-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PR-70 PCGS (FirstStrike, M 2014-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PR-70 PCGS, 2014-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (ER), 2014-W 1 oz Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (Mercanti), 2014-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (Moy), 2014-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (First Release), 2013-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo (w/Box & COA), 2013-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (Mike Castle)., Top Pop Susan B. Anthony Dollar Up for Grabs at GreatCollections This Weekend, Netherlands to Issue 2022 Gold Ducats by Reservation Only, Rare US Coins From Westminster Collection Offered by David Lawrence, New 3-Coin Set Honors Centennial of Discovery of Tutankhamuns Tomb, Numismatic Grab Bag Five Ancient Coins With Shanna Schmidt, Rare Chinese Pavilion Dollar Offered by GreatCollections, Stacks Bowers Eclectic World Coin Sale Part of Summer 2022 Showcase Auction. buffalo 2008 gold coin american coa uncirculated cef5 four JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. 2017-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (225th Anniversar 2017-W 1 oz PR Gold Buffalo PR-70 PCGS (FirstStrike, Gold 2017-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PR-70 PCGS (FDI, Moy). I requested a specific release date for my order due to logistics issues on my end. Custos envolvidos na operao de exportao e importao, tais como: transporte (modais martimos, areos e rodovirios), armazenagem, impostos, dentre outros. gold oz coins 10th capsule nugget kangaroo 1996 pure australia bullion AMS is a retail distributor of coin and currency issues and is not affiliated with the U.S. government. The Ed Moy Signature Series of Gold American Buffalo Proof 70 coins are no exception and are an excellent way to diversify your portfolio within precious metals. With history as our guide, we see our supply of 2022 Gold Buffalos selling out quickly. 2021-W Burnished $50 Type 2 American Gold Eagle 1oz SP70 1st Release, Complete Morgan Silver Dollar Common Date Set 1878-1921, American Proof Silver Eagle PR70 Complete 35 Coin Date Set (1986-2021), American Silver Eagle MS70 Complete 36 Coin Set (1986-2021). The U.S. Gold Bureau has partnered with former Director of the U.S. Mint, Ed Moy, to offer hand-signed certification labels on Gold American Buffalo Proof 70 coins. It is a Native American portrait believed to be based on a mix of three Indian chiefs, from three separate tribes: Big Tree, Iron Tail and Two Moons. Get the latest news on the latest coins to hit the market, plus special discounts. 2016-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (FDI - Washington 2016-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (Thomas J. Uram), 2016-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (Moy), 2016-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (FDI, Mercanti), 2015-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo (w/Box & COA), 2015-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PR-70 PCGS (Gold Foil,FDI), 2015-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (Thomas J. Uram), 2014-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo (w/Box & COA). Duis suscipit arcu vel rhoncus molestie eget placerat mauris. 2006-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo PF-70 NGC (James E. Fraser 2022-W 1 oz Proof Gold Buffalo (w/Box & COA). With proof mintages historically smaller than Brilliant Uncirculated mintages, these 2022 Gold Buffalo Proofs could prove to be hard to find in the future. Secure your's today, because when these sell out, they can be very difficult to locate. Plus, it has the 99.99% gold guaranty of purity stamped right into its surface along with the W mintmark.
american buffalo one ounce gold proof coin