So yes, I have harder questions and thoughtful questions, and our goal is to make people saying.
That perceived value is critically important, but you can't break the bank getting it.
Are you answered one of my questions just with that of can people under roughly fifty five years old still enjoy this game? Country singer Kate Watson was faced with that very situation. It's a fun piece of business, but it's that little tonality that's supposed to give you a wink and not offend anybody. Plus knowing that you don't want to be too hard. The candies are overly sweetmore, I found my way here because Belfountain was completely overrun and I had promised the kids ice cream and I had to find an alternative. Yet, much like Brians other games, Boom Again focuses on building up a social lubricant for players in other words, even if you dont know the answer, youre still having a fun time participating and interacting with your friends, family, or random strangers you like to play board games with. What's the Paprica or the that's going to say slantra, but I feel like that turns a lot of people off. It's like that canvas that you know when you played Tri of you pursue. We found out, you know, Gede, they read the rules we wrote but after, you know, the first two paragraphs, they got lost. So know I am and I loved you. Needs another rewrite. I've always looked never been able to sell that game. Put It in the game. I like that. And those elements were the keys. That got time on their hands, the retiring like crazy and nobody selling the many. That helps more people here the show. So I'd hear her negatives, but by filtering them we learned a lot. Sometimes it's ninety percent perspiration, sometimes it's ninety percent inspiration. They're tongue in cheek.
Brian Hirsch is the creator of more than Forty Board Games that have sold over fifty million copies. An example of a favorite question something I thought was clever at I'll give you two examples. One of my learnings was trivia is for a lot of people that's an sat test and if you and if you want to do that, you know there's trivial pursuit, there's hard trivial games. Your licensing it. So how does it go from idea in your head to physical game that we can play? What kind of car can be seen part at the curb just behind them, and this is when everybody can figure out. You'll enjoy it. I wanted to investigate trivial pursuit. Other Games we've done is joint ventures. It tested over the moon and the reactions told us so that's the way we went. I think the game needs to be simple. So I'm about to try to find examples and I'll use this one in my game taboo. That's as high as it can be. And another question I like to ask, because I say I like to put the onus of the work for this podcast on to you, is a question that you, as you were, asked more frequently and I really liked yours. It's a boom againcom boom again. She co-writes music with her father Jesse and dropped her latest single "Highway" earlier this year. You've kind of been touching on this throughout in terms of having the the social lubricant and not making trivia like to too difficult if it is a trivia based game. Marc Dubavoy is a Jewish guy from Mexico City, not particularly religious, speaks six languages, plays Flamenco Guitar, plays Jazz Piano, has a Ph d in nuclear physics. They they beat the hell out of me. We did not license it, we did it ourselves. So you know it is. It's an essay tale, like you're saying. The Best 10 Candy Stores in Milton, Ontario. So you got to really be selected and periodically put in that answer. What next? I really enjoyed the chance to share this stuff. Nobody's got any money. He says rose. The buzzer my the first Buzzer when I created the game, the first Buzzer was made from my garage door opener and and what we done covered very quickly, is people were using it to silence their children, to stop an argument with another player. What makes you feel good about the money you spent to have this play experience, and and and that's critical factor. Sure, social media might be the downfall of us all, but there's plenty of good out there, too. Actually, I'm here's a question from I believe this was in the news and they and the question is who was older, Elizabeth the second when she became queen or Freddie Mercury when he became queen? So I wasn't interested in doing that and I didn't feel equipped to do kids games. Put them both together and you've got some MAGIC. Get inspired by their stories to do your own cool thing, and here's your host, Joey held. But then came the work. So I you know, the cuman that that is necessary to board game success. A Gi could put in his backpack and take a deck of cards off to war and they remained, you know, card players. Only I could read a contract and I looked to said no, no, no, and in the end I want to say no to every company at least once. Okay, it it varies often. And suddenly I'm going off in a direction saying I think there's a I think there's an entertainment product, I think there's an opportunity. What can we do that people will find entertaining, will occupy them for a couple of hours on a on a Saturday night? I wouldn't, just because the retail environment is so changed now. Always had straighting to say yeah, and you look at that, going really, but a game, if it's simple enough, you look at it and you go I could have done that, okay, but you didn't. So I'm yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah, and you've probably heard the WHO's on first comedy routine. I want to have you thrilled that you got ten, angry, that you got seven, happy that you've got nine, annoyed that you got for I watch you on an emotional roller coaster. She pairs food and creativity to introduce more people to the wonderful world of cooking and photography, and she's having a blast doing it. I don't know. So it's it's really a mix between the two I like. Everyone's in different places and I've got four different people singing, singing badly, at the same time and everyone else is just laughing. Well, the next week I have the VP from Milton Bradley at my office and I'm showing them something totally different and I get interrupted by an assistant who says can you come out of here please, which I'm going you're interrupting this, and she says the guy from Parker brothers is on the phone. Would you ever release it independently? So, naturally, Annalisa was a great host for a show like Goodniks, which explores the journey and meaning of doing good in the world. There's a lot of singing group saying excellent that, but but there's also those the little sparks, the little things that disappeared somewhere back in your brain and that you forgot were there, and you sort of noodle around a going you know, I got a hunch it might be a volkswagon beetle, and I like it that it takes you back to a time before of before the Internet, being like Oh, I can just easily look that up real quick, like making you think about that and where you you wouldn't have the answer right away back correct when you were doing that. Isn't an issue. Is it an art what you're doing the kitchen? It's a closed society. And by the way, we don't like the price. I know I'm in trouble. What's the other example? He knew who went to push and went to not when to be pleasant with even though you were steaming, who was going to be valuable in the future, what mattered and what didn't. I don't want to be stupid, but I really don't care if I'm on a team of imbeciles. But you know, we learned history and I know it was General Patton and it and it was panzers and and it was snow. But keep in mind because this game is broken down differently, I have different favorite questions in different categories.
And we did that by having everyone play on teams. I could have made this, but the truth is you couldn't. I and I'll refer you to one game I was I have to drive home in the rain in Los Angeles through a canyon. Marie is a self-taught cook who's been featured in Bon Apetit, Food & Wine, and The Rachael Ray Show, among others. I we use that on our other podcast, parks and wrecked, for buzzing in on Trivia. Your friends and family love you, they're impressed. Oh my God. You are really engaged with people on an easy level and not just ask him, how are you holding up? If you do make it too hard, then it's not a fun game to play. That's battastic. Made his fortune as a venture capitalist is a wine connoisseur of such reputes. That's exactly what Marie Saba has done with her book Don't Worry Be Ha-PEA: 101 Deliciously Clever Food Puns. You know where they visit and after six weeks, forget six months, after six weeks, I know enough about your children. I love that he's my friend and not doesn't quite fit your most famous, but most interesting for sure. And and that was you know, it wasn't just me who didn't get it. Shes a social worker, professor at the University of Southern California, community organizer, and activist against human trafficking. As you know, every episode we end with a Corny joke. I came across a tomb stone and I said what is this, and it was a tombstone from the cemetery that had been desecrated by the Nazis where his father had been, had been buried, and the Hungarian government sent it to him as a gift. As always, you can send me a message Joey at good people, cool thingscom. I was never offended when a company said this doesn't fit our wish list right now. It's no longer tough to get in when you've already had success. If you were staring down a legend like Lionel Richie, how do you think you'd respond? We gave them the rights to produce just the board game. You know what?
I've had grains that I thought were okay that made it modestly. That stimulates me to think of the rest of it. If I said to you name ten pieces of silverware and you named them, you wouldn't care. There's and art to so much of what's required. He's got he's got photography across the world. In the case of taboo, we had built the game, we knew exactly what it was going to cost, we had the title, you know, we already grabbed the copyright in the trademark. I'll allow it. It speaks to being surprised that there's a depth to someone you never thought would be there, and that would be Marcel Marceau. If I ask you things, for the things we talked category, what was the name of the Jetson's dog and where did George Walk? We love giving people authentic OMG candy moments. So that's a that's a question you didn't get right, but you're not feeling bad because at the end you sort of slap your forehead and said of course, of course, yes, and now I need to go down to Jetson's rabbit hole. You've heard. Yeah, it was. Love sharing it with people. Trivial pursuit. How I have been starting as asking people for their elevator pitch, but I feel like you've got such an established history already that surely people have played at least some of your games.
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