Grant took off the tape and threw it into a nearby trashcan before feeding his pet goldfish Gus. As a result of his trauma due to the various events in his life, Spector became a very pessimistic and socially inept man, who always hesitated to communicate his emotions against the world because he always feared the worst out of people, as shown when he was unable to express his feelings of love towards even his own wife Layla. However, despite his lack of social skills, Grant appears to have a great deal of care for other people's well being. As the years went by, the relationship between Marc and his mother escalated to domestic abuse, both verbal and physical, which was only made worse when she resorted to substance abuse. He went to his job at the National Art Gallery and then asked his coworker, J.B. to watch out for anyone sketchy. The girl asked if it sucked for Grant to have been rejected himself, though Grant said it would not make sense since he was not dead. Confused, she continued to press on why he was using an accent and what was happening, before she found the Scarab. Billy Fitzgerald helped him back up and told him that he can't keep doing this. Alive Spector desperately attempted to fend off the intruders, but was losing and was pushed against the railing of the ship. This began a strained relationship between Spector and his mother, as she initially grew reclusive from Spector, blaming him for Randall's death, and later deluding herself into thinking Spector planned it out, which caused Wendy to become abusive over time. Rolling down the visor blocking Harrow's view, revealing himself to the shocked Harrow. He suddenly found himself back in Dr. Harrow's office, who informed Spector that he had not been injected with anything. Spector and Grant watched on, as the lost souls started boarding their ship. Grant ran into a side hall, where he threw down a shelf to distance himself from the creature, though the creature simply leaped over it. Male Spector immediately grabbed a gun off of one of Mogart's men, but gave it up after they had aimed guns at him and El-Faouly. They both hug each other, but they notice a sandstorm coming towards them and they run towards the gates. [5], Moon Knight fighting against Arthur Harrow, Harrow sends his newly-granted armies into Cairo, while his disciples evaluate the inhabitants and send the souls of the unworthy to Ammit to eat.
Grant reassured Spector that it was not his fault that Randall died, and the two hugged before they suddenly felt the boat stop.[1]. This made a confused Grant ask Layla who she thought he was, through which he discovered that Layla knew him by the name of "Marc." Grant was then met by Layla El-Faouly, who told him to hop onto her scooter bike. Grant ended his voicemail as he walked down the street, spotting his bus passing by, forcing Grant to give chase. While fleeing from the orderlies, Spector noticed the hallway turning sideways momentarily. However, Grant then saw that it was an elderly woman. Grant, caught aback by the situation, attempted to fix his jaw, which mysteriously healed nearly instantaneously. This impact of losing the superhuman powers had an effect on Grant, who fell to the ground and became unconscious. As he fought, he caught sight of Grant in one of the men's knives' reflection who told him not to kill them.
Mr. Knight readies himself to fight the jackal. Spector attempted to convince Grant to help him kill Taweret and steer the boat themselves, but Grant refused. Grant found himself wondering why he was on a random street and picked up his phone, thinking he had called his mother, and told "her" that he was lost "again" and that the cars were driving on the 'wrong side' of the road.[1].
Confused, he saw two of the disciples staring at him through the window, and ran upon seeing him. Khonshu agreed with Spector's order and had to keep his end of the bargain by releasing Spector and Grant in exchange for losing their service to the former. Portrayed by On the bus, Grant was awoken by a man whose backpack he was resting his head on before awkwardly watching a woman read a newspaper, much to her annoyance.[6]. [5], After bringing Arthur Harrow to the Chamber of the Gods, Spector and Layla El-Faouly recite an old magic spell to confine Ammit inside Harrow's body. Scared, Grant attempted to assist his alter by turning the ship's wheel, briefly giving Spector some room. Spector eventually managed to get some form of control over the system after moving out of his family's house to become a US Marine as soon as he could. When he started acting strangely, Harrow had Billy Fitzgerald and Bobbi Kennedy come inside. When he arrived at the restaurant, she didn't show. Grant begins to transform into Moon Knight. Grant then noticed someone who was on the bus with walking into the Egyptian exhibit, leading Grant to follow the man, ignoring his boss, Donna Kraft. [1], In the wake of the sacrifice of Grant, Spector's scales had finally balanced against the Scales of Justice making him worthy to enter into the dimension of the Field of Reeds, a version of heaven after death. However, Spector entered a fugue state causing him to go AWOL, leading to him being discharged. He then left the storage unit, and saw the lights in the building hauntingly coming towards him. Harrow vainly tried to stop Lockley from killing him, but Lockley, with a smile, proceeded to mercilessly shoot Harrow multiple times, killing him and Ammit for good. Marc Spector He demanded to know where Arthur Harrow was, but the young punk didn't tell him and used his knife to commit suicide, much to Spector's shock. Before entering the cave, it started to rain; Randall expressed hesitation to go into the cave due to their mother warning them not to go when it was raining, but Spector ignored him. Harrow offered to call Grant's mother on the phone, while Grant tried to think of excuses to make him stop. Grant ran away terrified into another hallway only to be confronted face to face with Khonshu, who told him to hand over the bag. They proceeded to ignore them and walk forward. Lockley told Harrow that it was his turn to lose, pulling out a gun and aiming it at Harrow. Spector's emotions recalling his trauma caused Grant to start fronting. Briefly heartbroken by this, Grant continued by stating that the Ennead had nine gods rather than seven, though Donna became fed up by him, ordering him to just leave her be. As Grant recovered and used a nearby bus for support in getting back up, Spector urged him to let him take over. After his mother's death, the Grant alter resurfaced and relocated to London to become a museum worker, with Spector occasionally taking over the body to operate as Moon Knight. Harrow confronted them, and taunted Spector by speaking to El-Faouly. El-Faouly approached him and smiled that he was able to help them. Grant is fired from the National Art Gallery. Not knowing what had happened, he approached her, and she turned around to see him, dismissing what she had just done to save them. He then told Grant in a reflection that he would take control for now, before angrily smashing the mirror to get Grant to stop talking. While he worked, Grant was approached by Dylan, who inquired if Grant was still available for their steakhouse date tomorrow night at seven.
He told Grant that she was his wife and that if he did anything, he'd throw their body off a cliff. Exiting the apartment building, Grant stopped his voicemail message to briefly comment on an old man still selling his brushes and brooms in front of Grant's doorway. He was then approached by Layla El-Faouly, who was wearing the same clothes as him and appeared unstable. Attempting to help Spector, Grant rushed the soul, but he was inadvertently dragged off along with the soul. Grant suddenly found himself blacking out as Spector or Lockley took front, killing his attackers around him. Before they could continue, Arthur Harrow and his followers came inside. [1], Having a guilty conscience for what happened at the dig site, Spector met Abdallah El-Faouly's daughter, Layla El-Faouly, and tried to tell her what happened on the night her father was killed, but could never bring himself to do so.
As she furiously yelled at him in front of their other family, the upset Spector ran back upstairs. Spector was brought to Cairo, Egypt by Khonshu so that they could find the tomb of Ammit before Harrow could. Taweret then removed Spector and Grant's hearts and placed them on the Scales of Justice to judge if they were worthy of the Field of Reeds. Khonshu told him that despite being scattered all over the world, they would be able to attend the Council. Grant narrowly avoided another pair of guards in an alley, before finding himself entering a crowd of people assembling in a nearby square. Unfortunately, as they entered the cave, the rain only intensified, and further escalated into a heavy downpour. Grant confided with Crawley about his constant sleep problems, mentioning he would actively try to stay awake at night to circumvent them before tipping him a package of pralines in his hat. She tried to help, but the jackal attacked her. Grant explained that a metal hook would suck out all of the organs of a person inside a sarcophagus apart from their heart, saying that it was left there for judgment in the Underworld to see if it was worthy to pass through the Field of Reeds. However, over time due to his extreme guilt over his brother's death, the extreme childhood neglect and beatings he used to receive from his mother, Spector started to develop a fractured mind, resulting in him developing dissociative identity disorder. Grant freshened himself up, mentioning to his mother that he still woke up feeling like he got hit by a bus before leaving his apartment. However, he was suddenly hit by a car. Spector told him that wouldn't happen and Khonshu promised that he would protect him.
Grant then regained his senses as he stood over the bodies of his attackers while the voice remarked that the idiot was back. This caused Grant to be confused and for Spector to jump to front, who tried to get El-Faouly to run before the Disciples of Ammit arrive, but she wouldn't leave until they talked. He then gave over his name tag and left the Gallery. Mid-2024 (resurrected by the Gates of Osiris) Grant awkwardly waved toward the guard, who returned the gesture. He later had a younger brother Randall. Spector and Layla El-Faouly approach the estate. As a result, Grant become far more confident and vocal, becoming strong enough to help Marc understand that his mother was wrong about him, and he should forgive himself for his mistake as a child. One day, during a family barbecue, Spector mocked Randall's drawing of a goldfish for having only one fin. Spector and Grant, joined by El-Faouly, continue to combat Harrow and his cult members, but fail, while Khonshu is defeated by Ammit. Arriving at the tomb, Spector was shot and killed by Harrow, after which he was transported to the Duat. Grant hit the jackal with an object, but the two were both knocked to the ground. He opened the blinds, and found himself staring at the Egyptian pyramids.[2]. As his head started to clear up, Spector mistook Harrow as the same Arthur Harrow who shot him.
While Elias Spector was building a shed, Spector urged his brother to explore a nearby cave before dinner, which they frequently visited in order to enact more scenes of Tomb Buster. Spector then engaged in a hand to hand combat with them, kicking away their weapons in the process. Initially, Spector refused to believe that he and Grant were dead. She sadly told them that she was rooting for them, but there was nothing she could do now. In response, he was shot in the chest twice by Harrow, and stumbled backwards into the water. Despite, struggling when realizing that his life was all a manifestation of Spector's fears and intense dissociative amnesia, Grant came to terms with himself as he realized that he and Spector came from the same trauma, the same brain. Grant, confused, asked if she was asking him out, much to Dylan's amusement, telling him she would see him later. Spector looked at the young punk, and was told by Khonshu that he would talk. Spector also informed El-Faouly that he no longer spoke to his parents, specifically his mother, although he did not tell her why. Khonshu uses this alter's unbridled loyalty to serve his "justice" on those he views as evil, as shown when he made Lockley kill Arthur Harrow, which he did without hesitation or remorse. Afterwards, only Spector and Yatzil were left in the Chamber. The two guards opened fire on Grant, prompting the voice to tell Grant to run. As his mother broke into the room, Spector pulled Grant away before he could see her beating him. He approached Layla El-Faouly and as she spoke about her father, complimented her that he would have been proud of her. He looked in the bag and found Spector's passport, another hand gun, and the Scarab of Ammit. He ran after them over rooftops until he caught up to them. Once Grant had noticed that the ship had stopped, Spector and Grant ran back to Taweret. After eating, Grant returned to his apartment, and ate the chocolates that he had bought for his date. Complying, Grant left the room, fumbling with a poster on the way out. El-Faouly told Spector that his fake alias would be Rufino Estrada and that they were back from the Maldives. Before long, Grant found himself in an open hallway, where the shadow of a monstrous creature on the wall could be seen closing in. Grant followed a child's voice to the hospital cafeteria, which was filled with the bodies of all the people Spector had killed as Moon Knight. He explains that he wants to use the scarab to find Ammit's tomb and resurrect her, so she can purge humanity of evil by wiping out everyone who has or will commit evil deeds. Spector, still saddened by Grant's death, refuses to accept peace in the Field of Reeds, and leaves to save Grant, despite Taweret's warning that he won't be able to return. She then told him what to do when the Council began. Taweret told the pair to travel through the Duat and reconcile their past before they reached the afterlife, or else they would be condemned to the sands of the Duat for all eternity. They were startled at this and began firing their guns. [5], Waking up in Grant's bed, Spector asked Steven if he was there. During their search for Ammit's tomb, Grant had complications with Spector, with the latter wanting to disappear after they would defeat Harrow.
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