Discriminating Fracture Patterns in Fractured Reservoirs by Pressure Transient Tests. Well testing. Accounts for variable rate history and applications. Outcomes of a well test, for instance flow rate data and gas oil ratio data, may support the well allocation process for an ongoing production phase, while other data about the reservoir capabilities will support reservoir management. Sign in to view your account details and order history. SPEBookstore or WorldCat, Towler, B.F. 2002. [1], Professionals working with reservoir modelling may get information about the rock permeability from core samples. The acquired data is analyzed to broaden the knowledge and increase the understanding of the hydrocarbon properties therein and characteristics of the underground reservoir where the hydrocarbons are trapped. Society of Petroleum Engineers. Well test analysis in tight gas reservoirs. Dallas: Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME. Pressure is recorded as a function of time. 2005. 1998. This is usually done with a drilling rig on-site, and the string through which the well is produced is manipulated by the drilling rig. Single-point tests typically involve a measurement or estimate of initial or average reservoir pressure and a flow rate and flowing bottomhole pressure measurement. Richardson, Tex: Henry L. Doherty Memorial Fund of AIME, Society of Petroleum Engineers. Information from well tests will supplement the amount of information with flow rate data, pressure data, and other, which is needed to build a rich reservoir model. This approach allows the incorporation of other modes of measurements such as spin-cuts (manual water cut readings) and dynamometer card based inferred rates. It emphasizes their applications to tested wells and reservoirs during the whole process of exploration and development under special geological and development conditions in oil and gas fields, taking reservoir research and performance analysis to a new level. SPE-49233-MS. http://dx.doi.org/10.2118/49233-MS. Buchwald, R.W. The test will also provide information about the state of the particular well used to collect data. A production test is just like a drawdown test, except that it is generally run for a longer period of time. Other sources of information to the model are well log data and seismic data, but such data are complementary only, and for example, seismic data is insufficient to interpret whether a structural trap has been sealed. The well is first produced at a constant rate till pressure is stabilized and then the well is For the performance testing of water wells, see, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "A New Horizon in Multiphase Flow Measurement", "Continuous well-flow estimates improve production allocation", "Enhanced production surveillance using probabilistic dynamic models", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Well_test_(oil_and_gas)&oldid=1007283590, Articles needing additional references from August 2020, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 17 February 2021, at 08:49. Well tests, if properly designed, can be used to estimate the following parameters: A Flow test is an operation on a well designed to demonstrate the existence of moveable petroleum in a reservoir by establishing flow to the surface and/or to provide an indication of the potential productivity of that reservoir. Since he graduated from Daqing Petroleum Institute in 1989, Yongxin Han has worked in RIPED and specialized in pressure transient analysis, production data analysis, and dynamic gas reservoir description. A well test is simply a period of time during which the production of the well is measured, either at the well head with portable well test equipment, or in a production facility. Dynamic Well Testing in Petroleum Exploration and Development, Second Edition, describes the process of obtaining information about a reservoir through examining and analyzing the pressure-transient response caused by a change in production rate. shut in. Presented at the SPE Reservoir Characterization and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 16-18 September. Open - Buy once, receive and download all available eBook formats, including PDF, EPUB, and Mobi (for Kindle). Xiaohua Liu, PhD, has 23 years of working experience in natural gas field development research and has been involved in some of Chinas major gas fields development programs and reservoir engineering. Zhuang HuiNong, a professor and senior engineer, graduated from Peking University in 1962. Immediately download your eBook while waiting for print delivery. To obtain individual well flow rates, it is common to use a smaller test separator. We would like to ask you for a moment of your time to fill in a short questionnaire, at the end of your visit. He has been devoting himself to dynamic performance analysis and well test for more than 40 years. Richardson, Texas: Society of Petroleum Engineers. He published over 40 papers in peer-reviewed journals, and two Chinese books. Senior Reservoir Engineer, Research Institue of Petroleum Exploration and Development, CNPC, China
A DST is used to obtain reservoir fluid samples, static bottomhole pressure measurements, indications of productivity and short-term flow and pressure buildup tests to estimate permeability and damage extent. Test objectives will change throughout the different phases of a reservoir or oil field, from the exploration phase of wildcat and appraisal wells, through the field development phase and finally through the production phase, which may also have variations from the initial period of production to improved recovery by the end of the field lifecycle time. You must log in to edit PetroWiki. This is an isolated and down-scaled processing system in parallel with the normal flows. In the absence of accurate, robust and low-cost multi-phase flow meters, large oil fields with thousands of wells continue to rely on well tests as the primary source of information for production surveillance. We cannot process tax exempt orders online. https://petrowiki.spe.org/w/index.php?title=Well_test&oldid=54181, Copyright 2012-2022, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Evaluating the well permeability and skin effect. SPEBookstore or WorldCat, Lee, J. SPE-134534-MS. http://dx.doi.org/10.2118/134534-MS. Hoda, M.F., and Whitson, C.H. Flow rate, water cut, GOR and other parameters for the test system can deviate from production separators. Privacy Policy
[3] The separator divides the flow from the well into the streams of individual products which typically are oil, gas and water, but may include natural-gas condensate. Well Test Optimization and Automation. To check pressure equilibrium and thus homogeneity wells can be tested using wireline-conveyed tools, either in casing or open-hole. Flexible - Read on multiple operating systems and devices. Senior Reservoir Engineer, Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, CNPC, China, Dynamic Well Testing in Petroleum Exploration and Development, Authors: Huinong Zhuang, Yongxin Han, Hedong Sun, Xiaohua Liu, Sales tax will be calculated at check-out, Presents the latest research results of conventional and unconventional gas field dynamic well testing, Focuses on advances in gas field dynamic well testing, including well testing techniques, well test interpretation models and theoretical developments, Includes more than 100 case studies and 250 illustrationsmany in full colorthat aid in the retention of key concepts. This article is about the oil well test. This test has also been called daily test[2] and may have various other namings. This distinctive approach features extensive analysis and application of many pressure data plots acquired from well testing in China through advanced interpretation software that can be tailored to specific reservoir environments. If you decide to participate, a new browser tab will open so you can complete the survey after you have completed your visit to this website. Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 8(03): 248 - 254. Most well tests consist of changing the rate, and observing the change in pressure caused by this change in rate. Presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, USA, 3-5 October.
He holds a BS degree in Reservoir Engineering from Daqing Petroleum Institute of China, MS and PhD degree in Reservoir Engineering from China University of Geosciences (Beijing). He participated in the exploration and development of several large- and medium-scale gas fields in China and completed more than one thousand gas well intervals dynamic performance study over the past 28 years. Presented at the European Petroleum Conference, London, 25-27 October. We are grateful to our generous sponsors for their assistance in building and supporting PetroWiki. The overall objective is identifying the reservoir's capacity to produce hydrocarbons, such as oil, natural gas and condensate. 1977. SPEBookstore or WorldCat. Often, and especially at offshore fields, a number of wells produce to a common separator, and flows from several separators or facilities may be headed into a commingled flow in pipeline that transports oil or gas for sale (export). PublisherSociety of Petroleum EngineersSource SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Florence, Italy, 19-22 September. Cookie Settings, Terms and Conditions
Other flow tests, such as single-point tests and multi-point tests, are performed after the well has been cased. Another method[5] to obtain individual well flow rates takes the state observer approach, where the states to be estimated as the unknown flow rates from individual wells. To perform a well test successfully one must be able to measure the time, the rate, the pressure, and control the rate. The main objective in the exploration phase is to assess the size of a reservoir and state with a given certainty whether it has the properties for commercial exploitation and shall contribute to accounting for available reserves.[1]. This helps to allocate individual flow rate contributions, but the method has uncertainties. Hedong has over 18 years of reservoir engineering experience with a focus on well test analysis and production analysis. Effect of Scaleup and Aggregation on the Use of Well Tests To Identify Geological Properties. This test is designed to give large-scale reservoir property trends which can give improved estimates of directional permeability and reservoir storativity. SPEBookstore or WorldCat, Gochnour, J.R. and Slater, G.E. 1977. Easily read eBooks on smart phones, computers, or any eBook readers, including Kindle. WorldCat, Earlougher, R.C. Fundamental principles of reservoir engineering. Some flow tests, such as drill stem tests (DSTs), are performed in the open hole. Help with editing, Content of PetroWiki is intended for personal use only and to supplement, not replace, engineering judgment.
[4] This is generally taken into account by the allocation of products back to individual wells based on the field total, and by using data from the individual well tests. WorldCat, Earlougher, R.C. Pressure transient testing. More information. The total flow rate of all wells in total are measured, but the contributions of the individual wells are unknown. Estimating the average reservoir pressure, Confirming heterogeneities and boundaries. 1977.
Shut in the well till pressure reaches static level and then flowing the well at a constant rate ,q & measuring Pwf.
Data gathered during the test period includes volumetric flow rate and pressure observed in the selected well. Thanks in advance for your time. Senior Reservoir Engineer of the PetroChina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development (RIPED) and Deputy Director of the Department of Gas Field Development, China
exploratory well testing