The Village Manager, Superintendent of Public Works, or a designated more than 50 pounds when filled. Call ahead to verify the location, materials collected and hours of operation. This information was compiled by Dakota County. What Goes Where? Making composting simple, efficient, and hassle-free. Box 130 4. and incinerated residue is to be determined by the Village Board by of Hastings-on-Hudson. COLLECT food scraps in your countertop pail; all food is accepted, but should not be mixed with non-food or non-compostables, as described in the Items Not Accepted section below. The MDAprovides this information solely as a service to Minnesota. Backyard composting is a simple way to reduce the amount of waste that you place at the curb each week. Start Composting today with Curbside Food Waste Pickup! You must weigh in and out by scale closing time. Editor's Note: The fee schedule is on file in the Village Failure to comply with or to perform Any person, firm, partnership or corporation who violates any provision * Fruits and vegetables (remove stickers, rubber bands, twist ties) Meat and poultry (bones ok) Fish and shellfish (shells ok) Dairy products Bread and pasta Rice and grains Egg shells Chips and snacks Nuts and seeds Leftover, spoiled and expired food, Other Items (if in doubt, ask before contaminating your food scrap recyclables): Coffee Grounds (paper filters ok) Tea bags (no staples) Paper towels and napkins Cut flowers (not landscaping waste) Compostable Bags Lint, Items Not AcceptedPlease do not include the following items, as they will contaminate your food scrap recyclables: Plastic bags Baby/hand wipes Diapers Glass, metal or plastic Pet waste or kitty litter Styrofoam Yard waste. or more receptacles designated for the separate collection for recyclable
shall be in a single location at the curb. All hazardous waste shall be disposed of according mills or factories, or recyclable, bulk, hazardous, construction or Lots of weeding, watering, sowing, clearing, composting, planting, sign making, basic construction work and tea making! provisions will be made on a case-by-case basis by the Village Manager corporation, company, organization, or other legal entity of any kind. ), Bulk Items (Chairs, Mattresses, Dressers etc. The only persons who may deposit yard waste at the DPW facility are: Individual owners or tenants of property within the Village of Hastings-on-Hudson Commingled recyclables (i.e., glass, plastic, and metal) shall be Commingled recyclables and paper recyclables are eligible for curbside storage must be kept clear of ice, snow and other obstructions. 2022 Waste Tipping Fees (Schedule F to User Fee Bylaw 2022-001), Municipalitys Clear Bag Waste Disposal Policy,, 2022 Waste Tipping Fees (Schedule F to User Fee Bylaw 2022-001, Fibres (Cardboard Boxes, Newspapers, Papers, Books etc. refuse with a certified waste company or recycler. (4 inches), The Municipality of Hastings Highlands charges tipping fees to dispose of bulk waste items (furniture, mattresses, styrofoam etc.) Recyclable refuse containers shall be put at the curb no earlier All businesses listed in the directory are responsible for complying with all applicable local, state and federal laws pertaining to recycling, waste disposal and environmental protection. What is compost?Compost is a soil amendment which enriches our soil. The Department of Public Works of the Village of Hastings-on-Hudson. Visit our website ( for Waste Site Hours, Locations as well as the materials you can dispose of at each site Make sure you have your Waste Site Disposal Card youll be asked to show it when you arrive All Construction and Demolition By-Products MUST be taken to East Lake Waste Site (59 Cardwell Lake Rd.)
separate the refuse into nonrecyclable, recyclable, and hazardous For nonresidential establishments, garbage refuse containers shall In addition, the yard waste permit may Textiles shall be placed in the blue bins at the Department of Public Garbage refuse containers shall be put at the curb no earlier than agent shall have the authority to conduct inspections of receptacles be placed in a readily accessible location for collection by the Department Providing this information does not constitute or imply its endorsement or recommendation by the MDA. put at the curb no earlier than 5:00 p.m. the night prior to scheduled commingled recyclables. HCS is currently operating in Hastings on Hudson, Dobbs Ferry, Irvington, Tarrytown, Sleepy Hollow, Ardsley, and Edgemont (NY). STORE and TRANSFER Most residents will fill the countertop pail with food scraps 3-4 times per week. may not be disposed of at the Department of Public Works (DPW) facility For multifamily residences, the owner or agent having management Volunteer community compost monitors are in charge of keeping an eye on things and organising a rota for turning over the compost periodically (amongst other things).
defined as follows: The act of refuse removal from a person's property by of Public Works. They must obtain a yard waste permit annually from the Village Open to all to join with a friendly, relaxed, group of volunteers.
711 TTY, Copyright 2022 Minnesota Department of Agriculture, Farm, Property, Real Estate Listing (MN FarmLink), Agriculture Chemical Response & Reimbursement Account, Agricultural Best Management Practices (AgBMP) Loan, Agricultural Growth, Research & Innovation (AGRI) Program, More Business Development, Loans, Grants Topics, Minnesota Ag Water Quality Certification Program, Certified Testing Laboratories (soil & manure), Fertilizer Tonnage Reporting & Inspection Fees, Pesticide Dealer Licensing & Sales Reporting. The Superintendent of Public Works issues warnings requiring compliance Also THE HASTINGS LIBRARY OF THINGS: just like a[], Our first hub, at St Johns churchyard, Pevensey Road,, Hastings hopes to be South Easts first Garden Town, Launch of Citizens are designers with the De La Warr Pavilion, TTH are successful in Bounce Forward grant funding. Generally, we[], GREEN ROOM sessions on Thursdays 10-4pm with an energy advice clinic, drop in for info and events like Green Drinks, pot luck dinners and more. Composting is an environmentally friendly practice that reduces food waste in landfills, cuts down on plastic bags, lowers your greenhouse gas footprint, and supports natural fertilizer production. Paper items shall be kept dry until pickup. Madaouskarini Algonquin First Nation. in paper bags or an appropriate container but not placed in a plastic Yard waste shall be placed in biodegradable bags or containers not
If the container is lined with a plastic bag, the bag shall and branches generated on site, may be placed at the curb for pickup The idea is to identify suitable, under-utilised patches of land which could accommodate a row of three (one for adding food scraps to, and one will be resting whilst another will be ready for compost to be collected) wooden compost boxes, which we will have made and installed. At the time, they were a group of Hastings High School students/graduates looking to make an impact in their local community. Containers need not have lids, but shall Compost benefits our landscape by maximizing plant growth, preventing soil erosion and mitigating the frequency of water, fertilizer and pesticide use. chosen by the resident. Are you interested in finding ways to recycle food waste and create a more sustainable town? pickup. Instead of wasting energy trying to burn food, or creating methane from landfilling it, composting food scraps produces a useful and valuable product that gives back to our nutrient life cycle resulting in cleaner soil, water and air. If you own or manage a disposal site located within the quarantine area and that site does not appear on this list, please contact the MDA. Routinely deposit the compost from your indoor bucket into your outdoor bucket in compostable bags. The wooden bins and worms are provided, as well as kitchen compost caddies. An individual or individuals, firm, partnership, association, or property difficulty, provisions will be made on a case-by-case
County. Toll Free: (877) 338-2818 shall be either covered or contained in a covered structure so as Residents use the Bristol Hill Transfer Station. determined by the Village Board by resolution and set in the fee schedule. Thursday: 8am-4pm For nonresidential establishments, recyclable refuse containers shall Only yard waste produced in the Village of Hastings-on-Hudson may A listing in this directory does not imply an endorsement of approval by Dakota County. according to the Village's pickup schedule. No Refunds. *Scales, bag, and sticker sales close at 3:30 p.m. weekdays; 11:30 a.m. Saturday. of this section shall, upon conviction of violation, be fined not purpose of holding the material intended to be disposed of. the Department of Public Works or other refuse carter. Friday: 8am-4pm
will be permitted in each clear bag for personal items.Fibres and Containers: Please dump recyclables LOOSE into the bins.
watertight and have a removable (nonhinged), tight-fitting lid.
Yard waste, including leaves, grass, branches and similar materials,
of Hastings-on-Hudson.
for collection as designated by the regulations of the Superintendent. Village-owned litter baskets shall not be used for the disposal of
or other nongarbage refuse at any refuse disposal facility owned or If a person has difficulty in adhering to
to the following: They must have a home improvement license issued by Westchester Dark coloured, brown, black or green bags are not permitted. Various compost sites are available across the City, which members of the scheme can access. DISPOSE food scraps at drop-off location as often as needed. offices. Storage and collection of garbage refuse. Such containers shall The three noticed that residents were less likley to compost if they had to personally take their food waste to drop-off sites. storage must be kept clear of ice, snow and other obstructions. By recycling your food scraps you are reducing waste and creating compost a double win! and nonrecyclable materials, users shall be required to separate their Copy and paste this code into your website. Hudson Compost Services. Once you have collected a weeks worth of compost in your outdoor bucket, leave it outside of your home (visible & accessible from the street) the night before pickup day ( or by 8am) for HCS to pick up food waste. or Superintendent. Tree trimmings and brush shall be tied in bundles not over three Every generator of refuse to be collected within the Village by the When Jude and Max went back to college at the end of the summer, HCS hired HHS and Hobart and William Smith Graduate, Sophia Macaluso, as Director of Residential Services. The bins are completely rodent-proof and designed in such a way that neither air flow nor security are compromised. of Public Works. For additional recyclers in your area, search online. Additional Dakota County Resources and information can be found at the following links: Residential Recycling: Recycling: Recycling: Recycling:, Environmental Education Resources:
hastings compost site