Very capable and easy to use machine, especially when paired with a hydraulic ram like this one like I have done. I must admit I had my doubts about it as with anything from HF. Wonderful! My husband bought this for me for my birthday! The machine does need to be taken apart as far as you dare to clean it and lubricate! The press brake works nicely, but the shear and the roller are another story. This makes it much more manageable for us. You also might consider a good flange plier. I have bent 3-4in widths of 1/4in bronze with it. During the Harvey flood, mine was submerged for 2 weeks and I still havent gotten around to cleaning it:( If you do purchase one, be sure to use a 20% off coupon, get it from the local HF so you can inspect it. The shear makes straight cuts up to 30 in. I examined the display model and read the manual before my purchase. Thanks, Thanks! Ive never felt the need to use a roller or bead roller (though we have both in our shop) and a CNC plasma cutter has all but completely supplanted the 4ft+ air-powered shears we have. Remember sheet aluminum usually comes in 48" widths. Oversized item: cannot be shipped to Alaska or Hawaii. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Does anyone have experience with this bender, and if so, what do you think its limitations are? Three tools Ive come across are a press brake, a shear, and a slip roll. . I once used one of those $300 all-in-one shear/brake/roller and it barely lasted a year of VEX and FRC use before the cast housing cracked. I have bent, and sheared 1/8" cold rolled, but it ain't easy. Get 10% Off Your Entire Purchase When You Open a New Account, Get our best deals and latest news delivered straight to you. JavaScript is disabled. It works and its rather cheap for all the machines it combines, but Im sure there are other options that could work better. Also, glad to see you are venturing into sheet metal! Too bad you are not in Michigan I have a really nice stand with casters for mine. Shear makes straight cuts and bends up to 30 in. Thanks Art. Press brake makes bends to 90 in material up to 30 in. Unfortunately 22 gauge is a non starter for my old car projects, way too thin, gotta have at minimum 20 gauge. Harbor Freight has a 30" all-in-one model for $400. Grizzly is a little better on quality, but not the best. FAST shipping! Would we be smart to get one? And we can sell them for a fraction of the price because we cut out the middleman and pass the savings on to you. This was just checking the fit under the hood, but is not finished by any means! Ill be adding more onto to this blog as I get more acquainted with the tool. Here, Ive used every aspect of my setup, the slip roll made the curved pieces out of 22 gauge, and the flat panel was made of 20 gauge. A+A+A+A+A+. Our local sheet metal supplier gives us free cuts (if I remember right my story right), and will strip the material down for us into 1 x 4 strips, or smaller. Swag Offroad has a shop press brake kit you might want to check out (it may or may not meet your requirements - it does require welding). I have the slightly smaller version of this, without fingers, in my garage.
Thanks Wayne. Thanks! They still only cut 22-20 ga. mild steel. For any difficulty using this site with a screen reader or because of a disability, please contact us at 1-800-444-3353 or It will cut up to a 30 sheet of 20 gauge sheet metal once cleaned meticulously, greased and adjusted correctly. Definately a useable tool, and pretty cheap for all that weight. The basics are all there at a price and form I could not duplicate. I also found on line that you can download the instruction manual for a 52 in grizzly machine which is just like it only bigger and it has a much more detailed info than the one that came with it. Is it a useful tool in your experience? Set as advertised and worked well on test pieces. The rollers arent the easiest to adjust to produce the correct bend, and its not the greatest construction. Once again, I have no experience in sheet metal work aside from repairing/replacing flashing on my roof. I will replace some parts and hardware. We have invested millions of dollars in our own test labs and factories, so our tools will go toe-to-toe with the top professional brands. We guarantee this product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship 90 days from the date of purchase. In this instance it saved me another $50 over the regular advertised price and $130 off the regular price.
You can pick up used, 20-30 year old equipment thats much better quality than new HF stuff for the same price. Theres never no need to pay the full advertised price for most things as HF;).
Price and brand is more relevant to quality since the Chinese factories will meet the specified price point and make tradeoffs to meet schedule, demand, and specifications. Would we be smart to get one?
Anyone have any experience with the Grizzly 3-in-1 machines? Any comments on bead rollers in general, or the Eastwood and HF models in particular? Arter reading comments on welding web and other machine forums I followed their advise that you are buying a "kit". Follow me in Twitter: Classic Cars & Tools @Dne007, Gday maties! You must log in or register to reply here. If I were to be picking machines from scratch I would get a large CNC router table and the finger brake. This is an air nibbler also from HF which is another valuable sheet metal tool!! 18 gauge, dont even think about it. Don't get scammed by websites pretending to be Harbor Freight. Thank you for visiting Classic Cars and Tools, Harbor Freight~30 in. The tool does need maintenance, cleaning, re-adjusting from time to time and has a few quirks, but nothing which cant be overcame! I believe a second lever would help (I think the Northern tool model comes with two levers), but I never got around to ordering a second one. Theyre out of our budget this coming season, but possibly next year. View cart for details. , a couple of days searching the internet and here you are, ha ha. But this machine is very heavy, and upon packing, unpacking I should say, the machine really needs to be taken apart, cleaned thoroughly to remove the sticky whatever crap, adjusted using the instructions and using good common sense as well in adjusting it. Disclaimer: Im no sheet metal expert, this is just what Ive found over the years of general fabrication in FRC and FSAE. Thats what I need to know and Ill keep shopping. Am I correct in this? I made a stand for it out of some left over material. But it is very hard to be accurate .
Packaged item very well. Not to knock harbor freight too much, But anything with HF in the name will not handle the heavier gauge AL that most of us use. You also need a good flat piece of steel to align the blades whe you set them up. dne . I don't use mine much since we finished a car restoration project and have it for sale on craigslist now. For California consumers: more information about our privacy practices.
Though the longest possible bend has gotten smaller.
The advantage of a setup like this (vs a combo machine) is that broaching, pressing in bearings, etc are all now very easy to do. Something went wrong.
We have a finger brake in-house. this is the kind of tool in my shop which I used once to fabricate a transmission tunnel for my TR6, after that, it was used infrequently. Harbor Freight also has an economy model for a bit more. lol. Im wondering if anyone has any recommendations for what we should acquire as Im largely ignorant of whats out there. I'm mostly interested in the slip roll part. It broke the first day. For those that have a press brake in-house, what do you have and up to what length and thickness can you bend for 6061 Aluminum and/or 5052 Aluminum? It takes a while to get used to it. I guess I'll have to widen the middle hole a touch to get them to work, hope it doesn't compromise any strength. That is not what they are made for. for example, I found a quick pull on the handle it shears better than a slow pull. {"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}}. I've had one for quite a few years. I am not real good at taking pictures but I will do my best. Something about UN-Honorable-Freight and working with metal just don't compute. Copyright 1995-2022 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. The shear can work, but its awful hard to cut anything, and we were able to crack the bottom table cutting some sheet metal. And we can sell them for a fraction of the price because we cut out the middleman and pass the savings on to you. Is there anything you would have done differently? I am not sure because we rarely use sheet under an 1/8", but it should be noted that steel is slightly thicker than aluminum of the same gauge. Hope it all pans out. Look in industrial or government auctions - often times companies that go out of business or government agencies that have old stuff will auction them off, and you can pick up stuff for pennies on the dollar.
My assumption is that one can use it to add rigidity to thinner sheets of aluminum without adding weight. I just bought a HF 5907 unit for $349. With judicious care I believe it should do anything I can reasonable ask of it. I love this machine and has served me well in a short time allowing me to make things I could not have made! I would like to know more about the stand you built for this, maybe some dimensions?
Grizzly makes a few sheet metal combo machines. He said he might have some old machines that he could donate. I was looking at this shear/break/roller on HF and reading the reviews and found this Lady that was good enough to post pictures. I have been considering buying one of these, I have read mixed reviews but you seem to like it. Quality stuff. It's just that simple! We have invested millions of dollars in our own test labs and factories, so our tools will go toe-to-toe with the top professional brands. This 3-in-1 roll machine also includes adjustable finger dies for pans and boxes of varying sizes making this unit essential for any metalworking shop. By this I mean I totally disassembled it removed all the cosmoline, remachined a few surfaces, retapped holes to a depth deep enough so I could tighten the fastener, spent hours removing burrs, adding chamfers so parts would fit together when sitting on a radius in a corner etc. Not good for high production, but the steel cutter and brake section has remained sturdy to date. As Ive progressed in life, Fun has a new meaning! These are used for short bends but also can be used to straighten wavy bends. Do you, or anyone, have any thing to share about bead rollers in general? See here.
You are using an out of date browser. My teams has this, and its been a bit of a pain. I will also make adjustments and even modifications to provide increased performance. Are they useful? Thinking about a used one of these. Lots of complaints that this machine cant handle 20 gauge steel in the widths needed for most projects. Notice the bends in the front piece along the firewall, that was done by the stretcher/shrinker, both are necessary! Get 10% Off Your Entire Purchase When You Open a New Account, Get our best deals and latest news delivered straight to you. Does anyone have any experience to share? This is the Harbor Freight 30 shear,press brake and slip roll.
A 30" shear wont work. I upgraded to full size brake and shear shortly after purchase, so I didn't use it a whole lot. A good supply of cardboard really comes in handy for making templates or giving an idea of how to go about fabricating something. Greg. Owner's Manual & Safety Instructions (PDF). For any difficulty using this site with a screen reader or because of a disability, please contact us at 1-800-444-3353 or Hi!
And now it workes fine on 20 gage steel or thinner material for a home shop. A+ seller. wide, Adjustable finger-dies for pans and boxes of varying sizes, Slip roll forms cylindrical pieces, cones and wire loops down to the diameter of the rolls. Look on eBay for some great deals - everything to get started for about $50-75. This versatile shear, press brake and roll machine lets your cut, form and roll all with one tool! Does anyone have any experience to share? I just got off the phone with a metal fabricator in Bakersfield, CA. The Grizzly 3-in-one models look identical to the HF model, but the price indicates a better quality. I have a 40" central machinery shear, brake, roll. Limitations apply.
Also, ask around at local machine shops and see if they have any older/mothballed equipment that they might donate to your team.
I removed all screws and ran a tap through each hole to remove casting material. A 30" shear wont work. They look pretty straightforward, but I have no experience. For California consumers: more information about our privacy practices. wide. It comes in a heavy wooden crate, so you need a prybar to remove the lid. As usual it will require a little TLC and adjustment to work. Congrats on your birthday. Eastwood has one for $150. All one has to do is loosen the screws and slide out the plates not wanted at the time, or all can be left in for a long Brake. Does anyone have any experience to share? dne . Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Thanks for the review. It's just that simple! Other than a pair of snips, a carbide blade on a table saw, and a small band saw, our team doesnt have any tools for working with sheet metal. You can mix them up for different width bends.
Torque1st - please keep notes and pictures on what you do and find on this machine. I buy enough tools etc from HF to make it worth my money ($20/yr) to join their Inside Track Club.
they only rate it for 20ga shearing. It can bend and roll thicker gauges up to 16. What a great present. I do plan to order another initiator arm for the other side to have equal distribution of cutting. Website is new and will be frequently updated. I hope this helps you, it has been a great tool so far, but you and I know may vary~ remember it traveled a long way to get here too! Then notice on the sides I have mounted the shrinker/stretcher from HF! If one should have any questions, please write, Ill be glad to help! The HF loader used a forklift to load it in my vehicle. Is my assumption correct?
I think many good people think its ready to go to work right out of the box, I assure you it is not!
This will be harder to find, but keep your eyes on the lookout for used heavier duty shears and brakes. A set of Cleco clamps go a long way to lining up rivet holes and keeping things square. Please bookmark and check every week for new blog posts and other updates. It is complete, except for 1 15" brake punch. This would help engage the cut evenly and more forcibly. Straight cuts in sheet metal (and cuts considerably more complex that shears can do) can be made with a tool like an air nibbler and a clamped straight-edge. The same goes for most of the multi-function sheet metal tools.
Are they worth it for the money? Ill post more on those later;), NOTE: I used the 20% off online coupon to knock 20% off the 399.oo suggested price. The slip roll I thought Id never use, but I have found it to be greatly useful and one will see later in the pictures. Note: Specifications are approximate and subject to change. Fantastic kit, would recommend! So for 20-18 gauge aluminium this is useless? Oh, I forgot, but a pair of left and right handed metal cutters are necessary to have on hand! My assumption is that one can use it to add rigidity to thinner sheets of aluminum without adding weight. Thanks. Thankyou for sharing specification and capacity level related to shear press brake and slip roll. How does that translate to the much softer aluminum? An additional lift-gate charge may apply. Does anyone here have any experience with the 3-in-1, 30" shear, brake and slip roll from Harbor Freight?
It may not display this or other websites correctly. would do business with any day. Not the fault of the seller at all, totally on me. I feel its worth taking time to make it comfortable to work with and I do plan to keep on modifying the stand for additional storage for Allen wrenches and just other necessary things. Please enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.
thanks. Do you, or anyone, have any thing to share about bead rollers in general? Remember sheet aluminum usually comes in 48" widths. Thanks Art.
18-16 ga.?
Import or domestic, it doesnt matter. Im guessing that a shear, a press brake and a slip roller of a better quality would be good tools to have. I think for aluminum it should work fine. It looks like one could use thinner sheets of aluminum, and create the rigidity of a thicker sheet using this tool, but without the extra weight. Press brakes and shears are a rare item now that many fabricators have long-ago switched to large multi-ton hydraulic systems. Are you happy with the locations of the shrinker and stretcher? What thickness can it handle if theyre short little brackets (bend length ~2" maybe)? I set the shear clearance at about a .0005 clearance and that bar in the back with the bolt needs to be really tight for it to shear good. Yes it actully broke, If it is rated for 20 ga steel it will likely do 20ga aluminum in the softer grades not the hard stuff, I bought one 2 years ago. In the long run you asked? I know nothing much about working sheet metal other than the welding but Im getting one of these soon to customize a golf cart (I plan on turning it into a pickup truck for around the ranch and building it to look old time starting with a 38 Desoto grill. Capacity Shear, Press Brake, and Slip Roll, 76 Ford tractor 2600 tires and box blade, My Chevy Apache Truck Restoration (current project), 67 Mustang Unisteer power steering rack n pinion. We dont have a sheet metal brake in-house, but I would really like to have one so that we can bend more parts.
If the blade moves even a little bit, the shear turns into a shear/bend :ahh: would buy again.
was a lil skeptical at first cause they were not metal ,but they worked absolutely flawless and came out great , very good product. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Thinking about it we may try using the bead roller this pre-season to see how we like it.
I have a new tool to share with yall! to 16 in. these actually work! I think the stand you guys made is awesome, sturdy, wont crack. If you get a break, be sure it comes with different width blades. Typical US importers want the lowest cost possible, and thats when quality lacks. Am I correct in this? Again,their gage capacity's are a bit optimisticThink they're 1 1/2" rollers(too lazy to look). If you use it everyday and use it many hours, adjustments and greasing would be essential to its longevity. Grizzly makes a few sheet metal combo machines. Great seller., A finger brake offers some advantages over a press brake, including the ability to do more complex bends that a press-brake might require special tooling for and the ability to change bend radius without changing tooling. The Harbor Freight 20 ton shop press is about $160 on sale. Another tool Ive found is a bead roller. Ive had good luck, an occasional bad cut happens now and then. Primarily for lighter metals. Don't get scammed by websites pretending to be Harbor Freight. They are import machines as well but I have found that their quality is much better than HF. You need a very good shear. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Its covered in sticky goo which again indicates cleaning it meticulously for good operation.
sheet metal roller harbor freight