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aliette fungicide fertilizer True systemic action makes application of Aliette as the best prophylactic solution for downy mildew control in grape. startxref
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See label for complete details. %%EOF
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H\@=OQEnN'.'(qOND9Wtwv2a2kpc9\.rv4N>>SKl6&Oi^?$>6aly;vkpo[09o}8a. to prevent and control phytophthora active ingredient: Byter Crop Protection Pakistan, (Pvt.) Brand -CURZATE M 8Technical Name -Mancozeb 64.5 % + Cymoxanil 8 % WPChemical.. Phytophthora; Pythium; Downy Mildew; Fire Blight; and Bacterial Blight (Xanthomonas campestris) suppression. h1 04Dl\aW&`'MF[!!!!! %PDF-1.3
Rapid absorption ensures the rain fastness. Brand -TILTTechnical Name -Propiconazole 25 % ECChemical group -Broad Spectrum Systemic Fungic.. 4() Aliette is effective principally against Phycomycetes fungi of the Oomycete family, notably Phytophthora, Pythium, Bremia and Peronospora. 0000000842 00000 n
Brand -Indofil M-45Technical Name -Mancozeb 75% WPMolecular Formula -(C4H6MnN2S4) x ZnyChemica.. 0000003925 00000 n
Copyright 2010-2022 Kissan Ghar . BRAND -TAQATTECHNICAL NAME -HEXACONAZOLE 5 % + CAPTAN 70 % WPCHEMICAL GROUP -BROAD.. This may cause phytotoxicity, especially when mixed or used soon after application of Copper containing compounds. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. As a result of its complex mode of action, there have been no confirmed cases of fungal resistance development to Aliette under practical use conditions, despite the intensive use of this active ingredient since its introduction in 1978. It may also be used to suppress bacterial blight caused by pathovars of Xanthomonas campetris. Note: The product forms an acidic solution in spray tank. True up-and-down systemic activity for top-to-bottom plant protection, The systemic activity creates a complete barrier of protection while preventing wash-off, Systemic activity from foliar spray replaces drench application, Systemic fungicide that protects quality and yields for a better return on investment, Stimulates plant disease defense mechanisms, Multiple modes of action to control devastating vegetable diseases including downy mildew, Attacks pathogens at multiple growth stages, for better overall disease control, Inhibits spore production, thereby preventing transmission of disease to neighboring plants, Rate (per 100 gal. Aliette is a systemic fungicide effective against Oomcytes fungi like downy mildew diseases of grapes and damping off and Azhukal diseases of cardamom. \&~A XA sLP($!l T\:: P'2%a! Restricted Entry Level (REI).12 hours. 0000004040 00000 n
Recommended for use in integrated resistance management. Brand -AMISTARTechnical Name -23%Azoxystrobin SCChemical group -Broad Spectrum Fun.. SECONDARY NUTRIENT FERTILIZERS ( CMS ) (4), CONTAF PLUS - HEXACONAZOLE 5 % SC - 1 LITER, CONTAF - HEXACONAZOLE 5 % EC - 500 ML, TAQAT - Hexaconazole 5 % + Captan 70 % WP - 500 GM, INDOFIL M45 - MANCOZEB 75 % WP - 500 GM, BAVISTIN - Carbendazim 50 % WP - 500 GM, AMISTAR - Azoxystrobin 22.94 % WW - 500 ML, AMISTAR TOP - Azoxystrobin 18.2 % + Difenoconazole 11.11 % SC - 200 ML, TILT - Propiconazole 25 % EC - 1 LITER, TILT - Propiconazole 25 % EC - 100 ML, SECTIN - Fenamidone 10% + Mancozeb 50% w/w WG (60 WG) - 600 GM, FAST ROOT - Potassium Humate 98 % - 500 GM, CABRIO TOP - Metiram 55 % + Pyraclostrobin 5 % WG - 600 GM, CABRIO TOP - Metiram 55 % + Pyraclostrobin 5 % WG - 300 GM, MELODY DUO - Iprovalicarb 5.5% + Propineb 61.25% w/w WP (66.75 WP) - 400 GM, SYSTHANE - Myclobutanil 10 % WP - 100 GM, MERIVON - Fluxapyroxad 250 G/L + Pyraclostrobin 250 G/L - 80 ML, CURZATE M 8 - Mancozeb 64 .5 % + Cymoxanil 8 % - 600 GM, SECTIN - Fenamidone 10% + Mancozeb 50% w/w WG (60 WG) - 1 KG, CORAGEN - Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 % w/w - 600 ML, MERIVON - Fluxapyroxad 250 G/L + Pyraclostrobin 250 G/L - 250 ML, Downy Mildew Azhukal disease and damping off Fosetyl Al 80% WP. 43 0 obj
aliette 80% wp 250 gr fosetyl aluminum 80% , aliettewas the first fungicide usingfosetylto prevent and control phytophthora active ingredient:fosetylpresent asaluminiumsalt 800g/kg, Get updates by subscribe our weekly newsletter. F,!^Ev]at xref
0000003609 00000 n
Apply Aliette prior to the onset of disease for deriving maximum benefits. 33 (unknown). <]>>
Botanical Insecticide Concentrates & Granules, Skip to the beginning of the images gallery, 2022 Do-it-Yourself Pest Control Inc. | All rights reserved. Tags: 0
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<. Brand - AMISTAR TOPTechnical Name - .. 0000001262 00000 n
Ltd. Tara Group, Pgpr ( Plant Growth-promoting Rhizobacteria ), Aliette 80% Wp 250gm Fungicide Fosetyl Aluminum 80% Bayer Alliet Eliet. 0000000016 00000 n
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Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC) Classification No. @V/;A!rC 0000004158 00000 n
fungicide avtar khandelwal
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To avoid undesirable copper phytotoxicity, do not apply Aliette WDG and copper-based compounds at less than 14-day intervals. Aliette WDG Fungicide may be used in Ornamentals, Bedding Plants, Roses, and Turf. P
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)..1.25,2.5,5.0 lbs, The use of spray adjuvants (e.g., stickers, spreaders, wetting agents) are not recommended with Aliette WDG Fungicide. Aluminum tris (O-ethyl phosphonate) - 80%. A systemic fungicide rapidly absorbed through the plant leaves or roots, with translocation both acropetally and basipetally. 0000014544 00000 n
Ltd. ICS Imperial Crop Sciences Pvt. aliette 80% wp 250 gr fosetyl aluminum 80% , fungicide, aliettewas the first fungicide usingfosetylto prevent and control phytophthora active ingredient:fosetylpresent asaluminiumsalt 800g/kg www.kissanghar.pk daraz.pk. Despite its extensive use since 1978, there is no report of resistance development in fungus.
Brand-MERIVON 500 G/L SC .. Aliette is a true systemic fungicide, which is rapidly absorbed by the plant root or leaves and is translocated in both upward and downward direction, particularly to the growing parts. Brand - ORACLEContent -Crab Extract - Ch.. rand -CORAGENTechnical Name - Chlorantra.. Aliette WDG Fungicide, with Aluminum tris 80%, is a two-way systemic fungicide against such diseases as downy mildew, Phytophthora, and other diseases. See label for complete details. 28 16
It may be used on a broad assortment of foliage and ornamental flowering plants. Brand- CABRIO TOP 60 % WGTechnical Name-M.. All Rights Reserved. Brand -FAST ROOT - Root Developer Composition - .. \\_~hh'a8,d)qNT'O?4A
If a buffering agent is used to lower the solution pH, allow released CO2gas to to escape before closing its spray tank (approximately 5 minutes). ]f>T
cu~E3uC7TJ% Downy Mildew Azhukal disease and damping off Fosetyl Al 80% WP, Grapes: Begin spraying as soon as grape crop reaches 3 to 5 leaf stage after pruning, Cardamom: Apply foliar spray at the incidence of disease, If a buffering agent is used to lower the solution pH, allow released CO. gas to to escape before closing its spray tank (approximately 5 minutes). nvoa`;+]C|$d/pl`flw`labhPa| m1_qtq Q,+}00@x*+ . trailer
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