glofish glow fish Theyre inexpensive, live for an extremely long time, grow slowly, absorb nitrate and generate oxygen. They are non-aggressive, easy to care for, live at the bottom of the tank and do best in groups of at least five individuals. If you do it will kill them. They need a temperature between 68-79F and a pH level between 6-7. While they will happily live off algae and dead plant matter in your tank, theres no surefire way to be certain they wont eat your plants as well. When youre ready to combine betta fish with other fish in a community tank, take the same precautions you would before adding any fish: Release your betta fish and then monitor their interactions with other fish. Rummy nose tetras look fantastic, and luckily, theyre also extremely peaceful. And as you can guess one of their favorite meals is other snails. They grow up to 0.8 in size, however, their quick speed makes it incredibly difficult for your betta to attack them. Pygmy Corydoras catfish are another great choice of tank mate. Ghost shrimp can grow up to 2 in length and live for a year. Theyre actually gentle giants. They will live happily in the tank your betta is already in as long as its densely planted with plenty of hiding spaces. But dont let their large size scare you off.
If you liked this article, make sure you check out the rest of the website! They need a pH between 6.5 8 and a temperature between 65-80F. fish
When it comes to accommodating these 2 species, several aspects need considering, such as: How much space your fish need depends on a variety of factors such as: That being said, tetras typically grow up to 1.5 inches and like to live in schools of at least 6 individuals. This is good if your tank is big enough, but in some cases, can get out of control. As weve already seen, males arent really up for socializing with other species too much. They need a temperature between 72-79F and a pH between 6.5-7.5. It also conditions tap water instantly, making it safe for your fish. Whatever you choose, just make sure that you have a backup plan in case things dont work. Ember Tetras are smaller than a lot of other tetras, but dont let that put you off. They like a tank with a pH level between 7.0 8.7 and a temperature between 72 78F. They prefer living in small groups of two or more, and like to explore their surroundings. If youre not sure where to begin then start with shrimp and snails then work your way up. Thats not to say that bettas and angelfish have never been successfully housed together in an aquarium, but this combination is not recommended. Similar to tetras, rasboras will do well sharing an aquarium with a betta fish. But as long as youre giving them enough space, then in a lot of cases, its going to work out just fine. By: Chewy EditorialUpdated: March 18, 2021, By: Chewy EditorialPublished: June 4, 2009, By: Ashley DavidsonUpdated: June 30, 2022, 400 Girl Dog Names for Your Pretty New Pup. If you plan on keeping tank mates with them in a 5-gallon tank then your choices are going to be a little bit limited. glofish tetras gallon If you plan on purchasing nerite snails then you should be aware that they come with a variety of patterns and colors. Males, in particular, can get violent towards one another and even other fish that display visible territorial behavior. Cherry shrimp are slightly smaller than ghost shrimp only growing to about 1.6 in length but they can live for up to 2 years. Neon tetras can live up to 5 years and grow up to 1.5 in length. betta Males are more colorful than females. And what better bottom dweller to choose than Otocinclus catfish? Theres no definitive answer to that, but I wouldnt advise trying it for several reasons. Find inspiration in this list of 400 cute, unique and creative cat names. petsmart A:Depending on the size of your aquarium, some of the best betta fish tank mates are: A:No, angelfish can not live with bettas. They need to live in temperatures between 76-82F and need a pH level between 5-7. If you want to keep Dwarf Rasboras with your betta just make sure youre giving them lots of hiding places. ), Prevent overfeeding, which can lead to the accumulation of decaying food on the substrate, Prevent overcrowding, which results in more fish waste affecting the waters chemistry, Vacuum the substrate occasionally to remove dead plant and animal matter and excess fish waste, Perform weekly water changes of up to 10-15%, depending on your tanks needs. Just remember, that because of their small size its vital you add a lot of plant life to your tank to ensure they dont get attacked by any other fish youre keeping with them. Not only will you learn tons more about all the fish already listed, but youll also learn about 35 more tank mates you can keep with your betta! Regarding frequency, younger fish tend to eat twice per day, while older ones only need 1 meal. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to In fact, theyre the opposite of everything that triggers a betta fish. Last on the list of betta tank mates for 5-gallon tanks is dwarf crayfish. If theyre kept alone theyll quickly become unhappy and stressed, which will result in a premature life. However, one thing to remember is that 10 gallons is the minimum. First things first, Glofish doesnt describe a first species but a fish category that comprises several species. Many novice aquarists forget or dont care about water changes and only perform them sparingly, which is less than ideal. Some animals you should avoid keeping with your betta are: Why do betta fish fight with other bettas? At 20 gallons you can begin to add a lot more tetras into your tank. When considering fish and other aquatic animals to put with bettas, you always want to make sure that your potential tank mates will thrive in the same water conditions and habitats as your betta fish does. All Rights Reserved. They are peaceful, calm, and dont care that much for territorial struggles, so they will get along with your female bettas nicely. They can live happily in tanks as small as 10 gallons. Bettas usually attack scales, gills and tails and will respond if bitten by aggressive fin nippers, such as angel fish or red tail sharks. And for the complete opposite reason of why your betta looks so amazing as well.
Bettas tend to be sedentary due to the weight of their fins and often prefer to be in their own tank, where they will spend a good deal of time sleeping and resting quietly, says Dr. Julius M. Tepper, DVM, a certified aquatic veterinarian and fellow at the World Aquatic Veterinary Medical Association in Stafford, England. On the other hand, female bettas are more interactive in a community tank, and can even be kept in groups called sororities. They are also shoaling fish and do best in groups of five to eight. Once your Otocinclus catfish have settled in your tank theyre not going to require much care at all to look after. They are fiery red in color and have slim, streamline bodies to swim fast. Lyretail mollies have long tails that can cause aggression in your betta. Ember tetras grow up to 0.8 in size and can live for 2-4 years. Also, you need to be careful when feeding African dwarf frogs. Both the females and males lack flowing fins and theyre also not as brightly colored. Normally people have a spare tank they can transfer their betta too if things go south. If you wanted to keep bronze corydoras catfish with your betta then you should be aware that they can live for up to 10 years and grow up to 2.5 in length. This will provide the fish with enough space to roam around freely and enjoy their environment. Remember to check out the Ultimate Betta Tank Mate Guide. And the best part is when you add ghost, shrimp not only are you going to have some great betta tank mates, but youre also going to have some great algae eaters as well! When it comes to bettas, either has only one male and 3-4 females or 4-5 females and no males at all. Fortunately, tetras make for a great option as tank companions, whether they are Glofish or not. Snails are some of the best tank mates for bettas. Theyre gentle, peaceful and tend to keep to themselves. While its unwise to add fish to the tank, you can still add snails and shrimp. They need a pH between 7-7.8 and a temperature between 68-82F. Looking for the perfect cat name for your new kitty? glofish They also require animal-sourced protein and fat to remain healthy. Theyre the best algae eaters, and theyre also the least likely to eat the other plants in your tank. Once again, theres no way to know until you add tank mates into your tank. While most rasboras can live in tanks that are 10 gallons in size, for chili rasboras to be happy theyre going to need a tank thats at least 15 gallons in length.
And the best part is, Amano shrimp cant breed in fresh water so you dont have to worry about your tank becoming overrun with shrimp once youve added them. The Kuhli maxes out around 4-5 inches in length and is a bottom-dwelling, eel-like fish that will mind its own business. Theyre peaceful nature also means they make great tank mates for bettas. In this article, youre going to find out the best betta tank mates for your tank. If you want more in-depth information about each of the fish on this list such as their diet, habitat and behavioral requirements, as well as how to breed them then check out the Ultimate Betta Tank Mate Guide. If you have snails in your tank that are breeding out of control then assassin snails are going to be a great tank mate. If you want more in-depth information about each of the fish on this list such as their diet, habitat and behavioral requirements, as well as how to breed them then check out the Ultimate Betta Tank Mate Guide. They like a pH between 6.5 8 and a temperature between 65-80F. They need temperatures between 72-82F and pH levels between 6.7-8.5. However, remember its still important not to overstock your tank and no matter what give your betta plenty of hiding spaces to reduce the chance of him being aggressive. 2 Do Betta Fish Need Tank Mates To Be Happy? Stressing the female part, since, as you know by now, male bettas are the cranky ones. Before you do plan on adding tanks mates for your betta you should always have a backup plan just in case.
You can also feed them live food such as bloodworms which will sink to the bottom for them to eat. When adding guppies to your tank of course caution is going to be advised. Theres this opinion regarding bettas that says they can do just fine on plant-based food alone. Lastly, they like temperatures between 72-78F and a pH between 7.0 7.8. And while they arent the most compatible circumstances, they can still be a great tank mate for bettas. Another extremely easy fish to keep, platies can be another great choice for your betta.
In most cases, your betta will leave Ramshorn snails alone and this is one of the reasons they make great tank mates. They need a pH between 7.0 8.0 and a temperature between 64-84F. You should also make sure that theyre in a tank which is big enough.
The trick to setting up the tank is to give them plenty of hiding places, especially caves. (Find out about 10 great rasboras you can add to your aquarium!). Once you get them, you can only keep and grow them as ornamental fish. If youre not sure its often a good idea to add tank mates you wont mind losing such as shrimp. Bettas are easy to care for and peaceful for the most part, but thats not always the case. By: Ashley DavidsonUpdated: July 13, 2022. If youre not quite ready for another fish or invertebrate, a Marimo moss ball is the perfect betta buddy. They like a temperature between 73 84F and a pH between 5-7. Just like other corys theyre also ideal tank mates for bettas because they dont have any of the features that trigger aggression in bettas. Last on the list is redtail sharks. However, neon tetras arent always peaceful. These dwarf frogs get along well with bettas because they interact very little, if at all. You should always be looking to place your fish in a tank as big as possible.
They need a temperature between 72-82F and a pH level between 6.8-7.5. petsmart tetra The only issue is that the bettas need to be predominantly females. A community tank combining tetras and bettas should have a school of 6 tetras and a group of 4-5 bettas. They may prefer a small betta tank setup of their own like the beautiful Fluval Spec V Aquarium Kit complete with three-stage filtration and LED lighting. Redtail sharks are territorial and may end up attacking other bottom dwellers in your tank. Once you have a tank thats 15 gallons or bigger, you can become even more flexible with the tank mates you want to keep with your betta. Theres a lot of information on the internet that says that you cant keep bettas with other fish. Rummy nose tetras can live for up to 5 years and grow to 2 in length. Not only will you learn tons more about all the fish already listed, but youll also learn about 35 MORE tank mates you can keep with your betta! Harlequin Rasboras are some of the best fish you can keep with your betta. So, lets assess their compatibility.
As well as this, theyre also going to need a mix of hiding places and open swimming space in their tank as well. And because of their peaceful personalities, they are unlikely to be aggressive to your betta. While most Mollies are fine, there are some that you should avoid. Nothing goes to waste with shrimp in a tank, and both of these varieties are fascinating to watch in the aquarium. Bettas And Rasboras - Perfect Tank Mates? Guppies also need a pH level between 6.8 7.8 and a temperature between 74-82F. You can also add a small heater and a water conditioner like Aqueon Betta Bowl Plus Water Conditioner, which is specially formulated to promote good health, vibrant color and natural slime coat protection. One thing to know about ember tetras is that they should be kept in groups. Theyre incredibly quick swimmers, so the chances of your betta getting close to them are slim. Theyre brown in color and often do best in groups of 3 or more. Remember, when youre picking a tank for bettas and their tank mates, you should choose length over height. Theyll also need pH levels between 7-8 and a temperature between 70-80F. You also need to make sure that the nitrate levels are low too.
Betta males dont get along with any fish, especially with other betta males. Browse our list of 500 male dog names for inspiration for your new puppy or dog. You may even be asking whether tank mates will make him happy. If your betta doesnt take well to fish that are swimming around the middle of the tank then you may do better with bottom dwellers. As well as this theyre going to need a temperature between 70-80F and a pH between 7.0-8.3. If youre not sure how to do this, its always a good idea to build up areas of plant life around the edges of your tank with the middle filled with open space.
thepetsupplyguy They are small, fast, and do well with more horizontal swimming space compared to vertical. glofish betta Just remember that whatever applies to Glofish bettas applies to Glofish tetras as well in terms of breeding and selling prohibitions. They require a similar habitat to bettas, and theyre also going to benefit from any food that you feed your betta too. Both tetras and bettas need clean waters and a stable environment. To stop this from happening, make sure youre keeping them in groups and not on their own. Last on the list of the best betta tank mates for 10-gallon tanks is Lambchop Rasboras! With five or more female bettas living together (in a tank size of 10 gallons or more), the aggression seems to be dispersed and they can coexist peacefully. Dont be worried about their name though. If you keep neon tetras in a big enough group and big enough tank then they should leave your betta alone. Best Live Food For Betta Fish (A Comprehensive List). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. On the other hand, Bettas hate fluctuations in water parameters, and ammonia, especially, can affect them severely over time. This is true for most tank fish, not all, because some dont mind dirty waters as much. If youve heard of Glofish before, you probably already know the essentials. However, if your tank is big enough a tank divider is also a great alternative. Contrary to what you might think, theyre actually bottom dwellers, so theyll spend most of their time out of your bettas way.
Ghost shrimp and red cherry shrimp are both good candidates for this role, and make great members of your aquarium cleanup crew. They are not brightly colored, but are still a beautiful and elegant addition to a community betta tank. Theres some speculation to whether Endlers livebearers and guppies are one species or two separate species because of how similar they are and the fact they are found in the exact same area of the world. That theyre too aggressive and if you did try, it would result in death and injury. Both tetras and bettas are omnivorous and require a varied diet to remain healthy over time. Just remember, like with all shrimp you should make sure theres plenty of hiding spaces for them.