If your account was created before September 8, 2021 and is set up to. For example, each time any URL is clicked, a new CLICK event is created, even if that URL has previously been clicked and generated such an event. How do I find the app ID for a HubSpot app? Search the docs for APIs, endpoints or guides. This function reapplies any analytics event handlers that are set up in the analytics settings for the HubSpot account. It can be used to get additional details on why a particular event caused the following event. When using a, 501 response code withRESULT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED - Returned when there are too many breakdowns in the response. 413 response code with RESULT_POINT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED - Returned when there are too many time data points. Alist of key-value pairs, with one key-value pair per property. The EventId which uniquely identifies the event which directly caused this event. this leads to all unknown visitors being associated with your placeholder contact. "currentState": "BLOG_EMAIL_PUBLISHED", To retrieve custom behavioral events, use the web analytics API. The associated email campaign was canceled. The number of emails still trying to reach a contact's inbox. These query parameters are used by the HubSpot tracking code to identify a visitor across domains by ensuring that the separate cookies for the separate domains are merged to a single tracked visitor. When you know a visitor's identity (e.g., email address), you can use theidentify function to set identities in the tracker. Through the API, events can be triggered using the event's internal name, which is assigned automatically when you create the event. The user agent responsible for the event, e.g. The message originated from a suspicious (or previously unknown) IP address. "blogRssSettings": { Cross-domain links are only needed when linking to a distinct domain (e.g., domain-one.com and domain-two.com) that is also being tracked for a single HubSpot account. Note: We are currently in the process of updating our APIs to improve consistency and completeness. The customer imported the subscriptions into their portal. The source of the subscription change. { "abSamplingDefault": null, "rssEmailAuthorLineTemplate": "By {{post.author}}, "processingStatus": "", A STATUSCHANGE event has the following additional properties: There is a 13th event type, which is unrelated to a specific email message. The recipient changed their email subscriptions in some way. This relationship is captured in a forward-reference in the property 'obsoletedBy'. Similarly, you should only identify a visitor with by ID when you dont know their email address. The domain is set automatically based on the URL of the page on load, and the path that is set using this function is always treated as relative to that detected domain.
You can then send the identity to HubSpot by making a separate trackPageView or trackCustomBehavioralEvent call. This function does not support any arguments. "authorName": "Hubspot System", This resets the bounce status of the recipient, potentially allowing them to receive emails from your portal. However, sometimes our delivery provider will decide to reject a message even after we have verified its eligibility. "createPage": false, https://api.hubapi.com/marketing-emails/v1/emails/with-statistics?hapikey=demo&limit=2 If your URL also contains parameters, these will need to be included in the path as well. Search the docs for APIs, endpoints or guides. For example, you can filter for emails created after December 31, 2018, by including&created__gt=1546318800000 in the request URL. The timestamp (in milliseconds since epoch) when this event was created. The existing contact will then be updated or created if no contact currently exists. See the track page view section below for an example. "primaryEmailCampaignId": 71086128, The message has been received by our delivery provider, which has indicated it will attempt to deliver the message to the recipient's email server. Search the docs for APIs, endpoints or guides. Please see the stats specific pages for a description of the email statistics fields. This would include reapplying anyclicked element eventsthat have been set up. UNBOUNCE events occur when a particular email address is either automatically or manually unbounced by HubSpot. The recipients email server has temporarily rejected message, and subsequent attempts will be made to deliver the message. How do I find the app ID for a HubSpot app?
The Marketing Email API refers to marketing emails.
By default, HubSpot creates a set of properties for each event you create. Is there anything we could change to make this article helpful? You can use this function to automatically reapply click handlers when content on the page is updated, such as updating a section of content or displaying a modal window on the page. For more details about the page performance report, please see the articlelinked here. Copies the contents of the auto-save buffer into the live template. The recipient has beenquarantined due to suspicious form activity. property_name is the internal name of the event property youve created for the event, and property_value is the value to add to the property. The recipient previously unsubscribed from this subscription. Learn more about this ongoing project here. The tracking code API allows you to dynamically create events and track event data in HubSpot. the visitor was previously identified by ID and also has a form submission associated with their record. An ID referencing the HubSpot application that sent the email message. The number of contacts who received your email and unsubscribed. "emailTemplateMode": "DESIGN_MANAGER", The email address in the 'from' field failed validation. Copies the contents of the auto-save buffer into the live template. Prerequisites for Integrations Platform API, Get analytics data for HubSpot hosted content, Check for the existence of analytics data for an object type, Get a batch of contacts by user token (deprecated), Get the current contents of the auto-save buffer, Determine if the auto-save buffer differs from the live blog post, Validate the auto-save buffer version of the blog post, Copy the contents of the auto-save buffer into the live blog post, Check the status of a file access update task, Gets the current contents of the auto-save buffer, Determine if the auto-save buffer differs from the live layout, Determine if the auto-save buffer differs from the live page, Copy the contents of the auto-save buffer into the live page, Validate the auto-save buffer version of the page, Determine if the auto-save buffer differs from the live template. In addition to tracking page views, the HubSpot tracking code allows you to identify visitors, track events, and manually track page views without reloading the page. The best-guess of the type of bounce encountered. Is there anything we could change to make this article helpful? Prerequisites for Integrations Platform API, Get analytics data for HubSpot hosted content, Check for the existence of analytics data for an object type, Get a batch of contacts by user token (deprecated), Get the current contents of the auto-save buffer, Determine if the auto-save buffer differs from the live blog post, Validate the auto-save buffer version of the blog post, Copy the contents of the auto-save buffer into the live blog post, Check the status of a file access update task, Gets the current contents of the auto-save buffer, Determine if the auto-save buffer differs from the live layout, Determine if the auto-save buffer differs from the live page, Copy the contents of the auto-save buffer into the live page, Validate the auto-save buffer version of the page, Determine if the auto-save buffer differs from the live template. The recipient's mailbox was full and couldn't receive any messages. The email address of the person requesting the change on behalf of the recipient. The delivery provider will re-queue the message for later delivery, and we create a DEFERRED event. Starting November 30, 2022, API keys will be sunset as an authentication method. Thev3Emails Events API is currently under development. For instance, in the case where we generate both a SENT event and a subsequent DROPPED event, the SENT event is ultimately irrelevant, and is obsoleted by the DROPPED event. Thev3 Marketing Email API is currently under development. Once this happens, you'll need manual intervention by HubSpot to remove the flag. "isPublished": true, Event types, event categories, and their relationships are diagrammed below. If you would like to programmatically send emails, please refer to the single send API. This will usually provide additional details beyond. Accordingly, the SENT event will reference the DROPPED event via 'obsoletedBy'. Thelist of fields that support filtering, and the supportedfilter types for those fields are listed below.
This recipient address is a known spam trap, and should not receive emails. If an appropriate category couldn't be determined, this property is omitted. You can use events to track specific activities completed by visitors on your site. You do not need cross-domain link parameters when tracking visits between subdomains (e.g.,www.domain-one.com and blog.domain-one.com). If not applicable, this property is omitted. "abTestPercentage": 10, Access to data from the Analytics API will depend on the connected HubSpot account's permissions. Return theemails ordered by a particular field value. The number of contacts that soft bounced from the email over the total number of selected contacts. The actual stats that you may get are heavily dependent on the data requested. Tracking lawful basis of processing in HubSpot. The number of contacts that mark the email as spam over the total number of selected contacts. Certain events occur precisely because of some previous event, often for a different message. These represent the recipient's interaction with the message and its content, and each can occur multiple times. The set path will be treated as relative to the current domain being viewed. This may be because they previously hard bounced, unsubscribed, marked you as spam, or because they have not engaged with any of your recent emails. They are broadly grouped into categories: Submission, Delivery, User Engagement, and User Status. Your account went over its monthly limit for email sends. In the first case, the message could not be delivered to the recipient's email server for some non-fatal (usually transient reason, such as a spurious time-out. Ask in the community. "abHoursToWait": 1, Use this function to track aneventusing JavaScript and HubSpot's tracking code. Our delivery provider decided to drop the message. The data will only be passed when tracking a page view or an event (with either the. "leadFlowId": null, But you can also customize your tracking code to send data to the event's properties. The senders domain does not pass a DMARC check. This ID cannot be used to retrieve or update any records through any other HubSpot tools or APIs. Learn more about this ongoing project here.
"canSpamSettingsId": 1392522301, Avoid using a placeholder email for unknown visitors, as HubSpot will create a contact record with that placeholder email, and the visitor's usertoken cookie will be associated with that record. Copies the contents of the auto-save buffer into the live template. The number of contacts that did not receive your email due to graymail suppression. The sum of contacts that have unsubscribed, marked the email as spam, or have hardbounced. When drilling down into organic search (d1=organic), the second level drilldown (the d2 parameter) would be a specific keyword, allowing you to get the details for which search engine led to traffic for that specific keyword. This follow-on rejection results in a DROPPED event being created, in addition to the previously-created SENT event. If not applicable, this property is omitted. Tracking lawful basis of processing in HubSpot. The Email Events API is used to get information about events generated by marketing emails or email campaigns sent through a HubSpot account. The recipient's filters identified content in the body of the email as suspicious or spammy. "fromName": "HubSpot", "maxRssEntries": 49, Single-page applications should push a setPath call into _hsq before the tracking code loads to set the URL that gets tracked for the first page view. "publishDate": 1553518847423, "rssEmailCommentText": "Comment ", "allEmailCampaignIds": [ If everything goes smoothly, the delivery provider will dequeue the message and deliver it to the recipient's email server, generating a DELIVERED event. Get the statistics for all marketing emails. Learn more aboutthis changeand how tomigrate an API key integrationto use a private app instead. This backward-reference can be useful to get more information on the parent SENT event, or to manually find all events associated with a given message. "analyticsPageId": "5681632705", Tracked events can show up in contacts' timelines. Discover APIs, integration guides, and other documentation. "domain": "", Learn more about managing privacy consent banner cookies. For the latest stable version of the check out this page. (See the Knowledge Base articles linked above for data descriptions.). the visitor was previously identified by both ID and email. "emailBody": "{% content_attribute \"email_body\" %}{{ default_email_body }}{% end_content_attribute %}", These contacts were not sent your email. The recipient's email server couldn't or wouldn't accept the message, and no further attempts will be made to deliver the message. Any additional details will be included in. HubSpot migrated the subscriptions from a previous version of the product. After using this function to update the path, you'll need to call the trackPageView function to track the view of the current page. Discover APIs, integration guides, and other documentation. Note that this is a derived value, and may be modified at any time to improve the accuracy of classification. Thank you for your feedback, it means a lot to us. This function call stores the data in the tracker, but the data is not actually passed to HubSpot with this call. Each JSON subscription object is comprised of the properties: A HubSpot employee explicitly initiated the status change to block messages to the recipient. Get campaign IDs with recent activity for a portal, Get campaign data for a particular Campaign, Get event data for a campaign or recipient. "publishedAt": 1552679078112, "resolvedDomain": "developers.hubspot.com", "publishedById": 1230836, A boolean representing whether the event has been filtered out of reporting based on customer reports settings or not. "abVariation": false, For the full breakdown of the required plan for each feature, see the table below.
"portalId": 428357, As discussed previously, each email message has either a SENT or DROPPED event (or one of each) associated with it. Note that this is independent of subscription status flagging a message as spam does not simply unsubscribe the recipient from the list in question. Starting November 30, 2022, API keys will be sunset as an authentication method. "abSampleSizeDefault": null, Otherwise, we submit it to our delivery provider for further handling, triggering a SENT event. }, A non-delivery report (typically a bounce) was received. "limit": 2, This page has been updated for working with new custom behavioral events. Note: The example below does not include the stats object. The v3 Reporting API is currently under development.
The recipient used a list-unsubscribe header. "rssEmailBlogImageMaxWidth": 0, "categoryId": 2, The URL that gets tracked is based on one of the following: When using this function, keep in mind the following: If your site has a privacy consent banner you can use functions to check and manage cookies placed into the visitor's browser. For example, you can filter bycampaign by including &campaign=:campaign_idin the request URL. ", The HubSpot tracking code can be used across multiple sites with separate domains. They wont be sent to in the future. "contentTypeCategory": 2, The email server requires a longer history of email activity from the sender. Will automatically populate a set of default HubSpot event properties through the tracking code. Soft bounces occur when a contacts inbox has a temporary problem. This function can only update the path of the URL. The number of contacts received your email and marked it as spam. When looking for which values you can use for drilling down, it's a good idea to start with the total summary (using total for the :time_period) and looking at the breakdowns in that summary data. See below for the possible values. Further, all but one event type (UNBOUNCE) have the following properties: Events can be looked up in bulk via this endpoint using 'recipient', both 'appId' and 'campaignId', or any combination of the above properties. The receiving email server timed out and is no longer accepting email. "analyticsPageType": "email", For example, a DROPPED event will occur when there was a previous BOUNCE event for the same recipient. An event is uniquely identified by its EventId, which is comprised of the following properties: These properties can be used to look up a specific event via this endpoint. The raw message describing why the email message was dropped. If you try to assign two IDs to one email, only the first ID will be associated with the email address. The email address of the user who submitted the unbounce request. The specific delivery event types have the following properties: Once an email message reaches its recipient, there are four different event types that can occur: OPEN, CLICK, PRINT, and FORWARD.
When using a. Learn more aboutthis changeand how tomigrate an API key integrationto use a private app instead. "liveDomain": "developers.hubspot.com", These statistics are identical to what you can access in app under the details section of a particular email and will be returned under the statsobject in your json response. Note:This functionality is automatically triggered as part of thesetPathfunction, so you'll only need to use this function when updating the content without updating the tracked page URL. Note that this is a derived value, and may be modified at any time. You use the Analytics API to integrate HubSpot's reporting data with your CRM. "objects": [ Track the page view for the current page. The following additional properties are also available for all event types (including UNBOUNCE): The event reference properties -- 'sentBy', 'obsoletedBy', and 'causedBy' -- are discussed in detail later in this document.
Search the docs for APIs, endpoints or guides. hat are unique to your business, as well as events that may not be automatically captured by HubSpot or by an integration. See below for more information on event types. The recipient previously unsubscribed from all subscriptions from the account. "rssEmailClickThroughText": "Read more ", Use this endpoint to identify website visitors and contacts. The number of times contacts were sent your email, but they didnt receive it because either their address is invalid, your email hit their spam filter, or your email was marked as spam by other people. "absoluteUrl": "https://developers.hubspot.com/-temporary-slug-3eb57c6a-b2bf-442a-b255-faf44474f2ab", "emailType": "BLOG_EMAIL",
This function is automatically called when the tracking code is loaded on a page, but you can manually call this function to track subsequent views in a single page application. When using this function, keep the following in mind: function to set identities in the tracker. The number of contacts that hard bounced from the email over the total number of selected contacts. The message was sent to and received by our delivery provider, which has queued it for further handling. "authorAt": 1553518847566, "pastMabExperimentIds": [], "pageRedirected": false, By clicking on the subscription preferences link in the message, they can change their subscriptions, either subscribing or unsubscribing from various lists, triggering a STATUSCHANGE event. Use the. Whether this is provided, and what its value is, is determined by the recipient's email client. The number of contacts that can no longer recive emails from the portal over the total number of selected contacts. An ID attached to the message by HubSpot. See below for the possible values. They wont be sent to in the future. Please see, The number of records to return in the response. "customReplyTo": "", If delivery fails, no further attempts will be made to deliver the message, and we create a BOUNCE event. to gather data and power a machine learning model that determines the best time to send emails to different contact segments. The reason why the email message was dropped. "pageExpiryEnabled": false, "created": 1522850740250, "emailNote": "", Please note: if your account was created before September 8, 2021 and is set up to allow contact properties to be updated through the tracking code, you can also include other contact properties to be updated with this function. You can also use cross-domain query parameters in links that are dynamically added to the page after the tracking code is loaded. Example data when pulling total stats or stats broken down by specific criteria: Example data when pulling data for a specific time period (in this case, daily): . Can't find what you're looking for? For example, to pull analytics data for landing pages, the account would need access to create landing pages. The URL of the webpage that linked to the URL clicked. This function should be used by single-page applications to update the current page whenever a page is loaded. We make every effort to reject messages before passing them along to our delivery provider. The number of unique recipients who clicked on any link in your email, excluding the Unsubscribe and Subscription Preferences links. You can use the setPathandtrackPageViewfunctions to update and track the current page. The recipient's email server has accepted the message and the message has been successfully delivered to the recipient. "flexAreas": {}, The number of contacts that bounced from the email over the total number of selected contacts. Use a negative value to sort in descending order (e.g. The Analytics API is designed around the functionality of HubSpot's various reporting tools. If you exceed those limits, you'll receive one of the following errors: Below you can see examples of responses you'd receive from the Analytics API. There are three types of events that you can create in HubSpot: For each event type, HubSpot includes a set of standard properties that can capture certain metadata at the time of completion, including UTM parameters or device and operating system metadata. The status code returned from the recipient's email server. The event_id or internal name of the event that you created in HubSpot. The type of event.
"freezeDate": 1553518847225, If youve previously sent analytics data to HubSpot using the visitors ID only, you can later include both the ID and an email address to associate the data from that ID with a contact. When you use the tracking code API to identify a visitor by email address, the analytics system will tie that email to theusertoken, allowing HubSpot to update an existing contact record or create a new one. The number of contacts that were not sent your email. You can find an event's internal name either in HubSpot or by using the events API. "mailingListsIncluded": [ Learn more about this ongoing project here. View the above code for examples. "publishedUrl": "https://developers.hubspot.com/-temporary-slug-3eb57c6a-b2bf-442a-b255-faf44474f2ab", User engagement events all share the following properties: A JSON object representing the location where the event occurred. Since this function works alongside HubSpot's analytics tracking, any events triggered through the JavaScript API will automatically be associated with the visitor's hubspotutk cookie, so the event would automatically be tied to the contact associated with that usertoken.
your account was created before