Plan their next adventure

Plan their next adventure

Find and share great places for kids around the world.

Find and share great places for kids around the world.

Far far away, there is a new story waiting for your kids, let’s find it.

Now everybody can find you, let them know about the adventure they’ll have.

Add your Synagogue page with photos, Minyans, map, video, social feeds, blog, services and more amazing features.​

Keep your audience connected with KodeshPages, the Jewish Orthodox directory.

Great tools to help you connect your community.

Use the private messaging, and usage statistics features to connect your community. Whether you want to share your Yeshiva, Mikveh, Jewish center or other, KodeshPages gives you great tools to do that.

Help your community and guests find everything they need.

What is KodeshPages?

A new platform to add information about Orthodox Jewish places around the world,
and tell the best story of your community.

Don’t miss orthodox Jewish places and information wherever you go.

Share your Synagogue, Mikveh, Yeshiva, Jewish center and more.

Use KodeshPages to manage your community, and help your guests find what they need.

Make your synagogue page more interesting with photos, videos and a blog.


Explore posts from users that shares their stories.
An ancient Synagogue you've found? maybe a word of Torah?

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